Stella Dimoko Shocking Photos Of Substance Abuse


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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Shocking Photos Of Substance Abuse

This Is Really Sad!

''Dear Stella Attached are pictures of what my younger brother and his friends was taking this afternoon. A friend saw them and had to snap and send to me because I am in another state

One of the friends has been rushed to the hospital due to that intake. Just need BV's to pray for him because if anything bad should happen to him then my younger bro is in trouble
My question is, can one be so happy to the extent of buying over 30 syrup of codine all because they want to enjoy their lives.''.

This is really sad and shocking..Look at the amount of drugs that can be bought off the counter without prescription!!!


  1. I wont pray for him. He is a fool. No parental control over them again.

    May God help our youth who have become a tool for the devil. Idle mind does bad things.

    May God cover our youth with the blood of Jesus so that agents of darkness will not use them for experiment. It is a pity.

    They should be reported straight to the Authority

    1. Amen!!!! They should be reported immediately, this is just too much.

    2. Addiction is not a sin. Help is all your needs.
      And to the judge judys saying they won't pray or wish the brother well... Pls precious saints,Hope you will all us in heaven with you.
      Anyone who had time watch drugs Inc on National Geographic channel 181 every night by 8.50pm... You will understand substance abuse and drug addiction better.

    3. Yori yori, haba. Our prayers are still needed to save his life. Remember, He is a God of second chance.

      Poster, the evil we see these days. May God guard n protect us

    4. These guys should fear God now
      How will a person function after consuming all of these
      The thought alone is cringing

    5. Pls bvs what is the use of codine ordinarily. Pls I need to be enlighten and what will the codine do to this guys as they seems to be abusing the drug.

    6. Oh boy see codeine and phenergan. There is serious wahala. Rotten Youth.

    7. When pharmacists will be dragging title and role with medical doctors ,why will they ask for prescription? It is even those doctors that are not doing their job well.

    8. Do you think they listen to their parents again, this starts from the kind of association you allow your kids to have. I can see that friends now have great influence than someone's parent and the earlier parents and guardians start taking actions about it the better for them.

    9. @anonymous...u pipl will jst open ur mouth nd spit rubbish,whc pharm is draggin titles with doc...u nid to really b enlightend,wu title help? Beta go nd sit tight if u are one of dose dat thinks bein a doc qualifies u for evrytin.u beta use r kidney(in efe's voice).in countries wie prescription drugs are sold,we av more of drug abuse cases has to show u dat its d mind...its nw worse in nig cos youths av nothing meaningful to do doc frend went for an interview,over 500 doc came for interview and just 20 would be chosen.if this can be happening,think abt wat would be apenin on oda areas...we all nid to wake up..our youths nids to get somtin meaningful doin..dont waste away.

    10. Stella and poster. Thank you for this post o. People are unaware of this and other forms of substance abuse in our society. As they heard Lil Wayne was always on codeine, na so ee turn "in thing". I gasto belong mentality. We would also do well not to judge. Peer pressure is a dangerous thing, and rven those with strong will can fall victim. Its normal. These type of things should be taken seriously by the government and an awareness programme conducted especially for University students. They are adults but not necessarily mature. A brutal campaign like the one in the UK on "drink driving" and "using the phone while driving" and the devastating effect on victims should be used. Brutal shocking stories of what would happen to you if you do this. The health sector is just not doing enough on these issues and mental issues. Na wa . Sorry for epistle. I know a personal case and its a sad one, hence the post touch my nerve today.

  2. Oh Sweet baby Jesus!!!
    What??? This is waayy too much
    Haba! God save this generation

    1. Have never seen anything like this. This is sad. From here they graduate to taking harder drugs because they are never satisfied.

      May God help him to make the right decision.

  3. Pray for the waste of sperms? Not me though!😐😑

    1. Why werrin @Ibk! Loolz! You ma take ya eyes see wetin I see 👆👆👆. Meaning they intentionally want to damage their systems abi kee themselves join. I no pity these kain people abeg. Mscheeeew

  4. What is happening to our youths, they think they are enjoying, they are only destroying their lives.

  5. Replies
    1. Yahoo boys do this the most

    2. God bless you ibukun! Your brother is a yahoo boy...start reorientation from there because they tell themselves rubbish that when they are high they can "scope" maga very well. Start from the root,codeine is just a branch,as well as tramadol and weed.

  6. This is really sad. I think the government need to start clamping down on pharmacies and stop them from selling without prescription. I know drug addicts usually find a way round it but it may be a bit difficult and discourage others. The economic situation is not helping matters as a lot of our youths are genuinely frustrated due to lack of employment. This government should do something pls.
    Poster I pray your brother get the help he need to get over this situation.

    1. Not just pharmacies my dear...
      These junkies buys frm road side aboki's, those ones have all kind of drugs to make them get high.
      Its well with them.

    2. @Lacey love the government can't do that because they haven't given everyone free access to good healthcare. In the U.K. You have NHS that every citizen and resident has access to. So if you feel you're ill, you have free access to a doctor and then you can get prescription or not. But in Nigeria, self-med has helped us a lot of times. You need malaria drugs, just go and buy one pack and take jejely, or cough syrup. Because seeing a good doctor will just make you spend money for what you can already guess. It's after we self-medicate and still feel symptoms that we now go to the hospital.
      Only those who work in companies with HMOs have access to doctors without stress. If govt clamp down on over the counter drugs without a reliable public health plan I tell you people will die. Self med is bad, yes. In a functional system it is. In Nigeria it's a saving grace for many.

    3. It has nothing to do with govt, they are irresponsible pple. Even in countries whr these drugs are strictly on prescription, thr r more drug addicts there.

    4. Those pharmacists won't agree cos they see it that you are putting doctors before them by asking them to "take orders". Sentiments and complex problems is what will kill us in this country.

  7. U Bro needs to be jailed

  8. highness

    me i don high me I don jogodo


  9. They are even diluting everything inside dispenser bottle, they will just fix the bottle back into the dispenser & drink is well with your brother

    1. If u see them when they get wasted ehn...u will cry for motherhood

    2. Ibukunoluwa I am suspecting you gurl, the way you know much of yahoo boys dealing is questionable. Hope it was in the past😀


  10. Chemist are always happy to sell these drugs and they believe it helps the business. Some even stockpile this cough syrup more than other drugs. And so many youths are addicted to this drugs. Its just painful to see whats killing this generation and the rate at which drugs and alcoholic substances are taken is alarming. Codiene is more like a beverage now

    1. U knw this, my friend sells 30 pieces in a day.

  11. 😈i think u should in form ur parent immediately CU's this is not funny o,wow what kind of friends does he has?God pls take control👎

    1. Good thing you're married, nobody wants to live with a girl that types with her nipples.

    2. Anonymous 9:20,re u mad?what's u business if am married or not.u monitor me,u die,Abu na u pay my school fees,don't even start with me on this blog.

    3. I just have to comment with a big LMAO. Chai sdk bevees una get mouth.

  12. The guys are junkies already, God save us, children of nowadays. No wonder bible said in proverb 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Upbringing matters! Take it or leave it.
    Krix signing out via iPhone 7+

    1. True! I need to see d way I handle my siblings. They date not try to go contrary to my warnings. Yet we r best friends. My parents did their part while I took it up from them as we were in dsame school. Once I notice a friend around any of dem that I do not trust, d friendship is over.

  13. Jesus christ! What is this?

  14. 🤣 Pardon me.
    I don't mean to be insensitive. Truth is your brother and his friends are show offs. They are not bad like that.
    Even those who have been consuming it for long know better than to abuse it in this manner.
    Don't worry, his friend will be fine.

    1. My dear I have seen worse

      Some guys in my area take all these and even smoke a poly bag of skunk on top

  15. Slow motion thinking...!!! Very very very very bad..!! I pray that e recovers fast..!! Things experienced when in university. I belong syndrome!!! God's blessings over us all

  16. It will cost Nigeria nothing to make sure these things are not available over the counter, but just as nothing ever works! This is scary and the thought of how many more of our 'family' is exposed to this is more nerve-wracking.


  17. Finding it hard to process this.


    It's well with your brother. Hope his friend get better soon. Ahhhh.

  18. That's the trend for awon boys them. Drug abuse😢😢😢😢😢😢

  19. Tell your parents to organise a deliverance section for him. The prayer starts from within. God take control.

  20. When you think you are now a big guy that no body can tell you to sit and you sit wishing you quick recovery Amen

  21. Pray for him?
    For what exactly?
    Bia, kpachara anya gi ooo

  22. My friend go and sort your family problems and quit bombarding us with this nonsense. You want BVs to pray for your brother because na same mama born us? Biko SDK don't be posting this self seeking pity rubbish on here

  23. Wow This is so sad!!! I only know Lil Wayne and his late friend, J status were regular abusers of this..Its a street drink called PURPLE DRANK, No wonder when lil wayne wan rap he must cough one kin annoying cough..Your brother needs help unless one day he will not wake up from sleep. If you know the effects of codeine, you will take immediate action with your brother. Imagine mixture of cough syrup, sprite or cool aid..

  24. Jesu Christi! This is too much! And people keep asking why liver and kidney failure is on d increase...@Poster pls inform your parents ASAP

  25. This drugs should be ban already, may help and forgive your brother

  26. Come to the north and see drug abuse. This is child's play.

    1. Exactly!!! Lots of kids there have been to rehab, especially in Kano.

  27. Yahoo boys take that a lot,even oloshos.
    Codeine is now 2k,no thanks to the abusers.
    I don't know the benefit of drugging yourself to sleep.

  28. I will pray for him cos we all need a second chance in life.

  29. Is codeine not a cough syrup?

  30. This doesn't have to do with the medical sector or the govt.It starts with the smallest unit of the society called FAMILY. Training a child also means constant follow up on that child to ensure the proper upbringing of our children.Consistency is the key.

  31. This is serious waste, God help our youths

  32. @SDK blog drama queen,

    Hi five to you dearie!
    Well done!

  33. This is too much na haba.....still can't understand why youth of this days fail to do somthing meaningful with their lives...

    This generation oh God!!! Wetin eyes nor go can someone just sit down to damage their lives...the Govt can do just little...suicide journey na all this boys dey embark on....ijeoma oh...

    My prayer goes to them oh.


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