Stella Dimoko Woman Confesses To Being Impregnated By Husband's Teen Son After 19 Years Of Trying To Get Pregnant


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Sunday, December 05, 2021

Woman Confesses To Being Impregnated By Husband's Teen Son After 19 Years Of Trying To Get Pregnant

This story is a must read!!!


Mrs Justina Agbumi, a housewife in Nasarawa State, has narrated how she got pregnant for her husband’s biological son.

The woman, who blamed the incident on a frosty relationship with her husband, said things fell apart in her marriage after she was unable to conceive.
In a chat with The Nation Newspaper, Agbumi said being childless for 19 years, she was curious to establish whether she was indeed barren.

She said she decided to put her fertility to test with the young man that was staying with them, not knowing he was the biological son of her husband.
Agbumi said her husband, who is now late, had brought in the young man and introduced him to her as one of his relatives from the village.

She said the relationship with her husband, which was once the envy of many, became laced with frustration because she was unable to conceive.
“It got to a point that I asked myself if I was still living with the same man I married. He suddenly became a beast, calling me barren, harlot and useless, just because I couldn’t take in.

“He was my best friend before we got married. We were ready to have children as quickly as possible so we could move on.
“But after five years and more, there was nothing. I didn’t take in, so I became worried.

“We went for several tests but we were told I had no problem but my husband had low sperm count and he needed to regulate his diet, which we did, but nothing changed.

“Because he is the only son, his mother had already become hostile to me, visiting regularly from the village while my husband also joined her in frustrating me.  Before then, I visited places my faith would ordinarily not permit to, because all I wanted was a child. Yet nothing came out of it.
“That was how I started living alone. I cried daily but that didn’t bring any succour.

“One day, I got an idea and decided to test my fertility with another man. I realised that would be adultery of the highest order, but I also felt it would be lesser sin if it was with my husband’s relation who was staying with us. I drew the young man closer and made him my best friend since my husband had stopped making love to me for close to seven months.

“Luring Godwin to start sleeping with me was a difficult decision but I was also considering my age.
“I had never cheated on my husband before, but I had reached the limit of my endurance and the circumstances around me was not in my favour.
“I concluded that I would test my fertility through Godwin. I had seen Godwin’s crotch during house cleaning, so I realised that his manhood was big enough to give me satisfaction, though he was only about 17 years old.

“I started admiring him anytime my husband went to work. I would summon courage and make advances to him, drawing him closer to me with petty items.
“In no time, he succumbed and we started having s#x, though he was not too perfect because he had not been into it.

“But I was teaching him. I also warned him never to reveal it and threatened to kill him if he opened up to anybody. We progressed in that direction, especially during my ovulation period. In no distant time, he was able to impregnate me. I missed my period three months after.

“I was very happy that the plan to test my fertility worked and that what my husband could not do for years, Godwin did within a short time.
“One fortunate thing was that Godwin himself did not know that he was responsible for it. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t know that Godwin was actually the biological son of my husband. The entire family hid it from me so that I would not victimise him.”

A twist had occurred in the matter when Godwin secured admission into the College of Education, Akwanga, and was travelling to commence registration when he had an accident that claimed his life.

“He died before I was delivered of a baby boy.”


  1. Wicked woman! You've been admiring the boys penis? Wetin big prick go cause woman eh.
    She went about the whole thing the wrong way.

    1. If she's wicked,then her hubby is the devil himself.

      Remember she never knew he was her stepson.

      All i see here is a desperate woman who went about things the wrong way.
      She should've left the useless man and met someone better.

    2. My sister, the thing tire me ooo. How can she be sizing a teenager's penis? It's a pity he died.

    3. Shantelle even if she didn't know he's her step son, she knows he is family! Isn't that enough to keep her away? She should have played her away match outside.
      Also, she preyed on a child, he was just 17 for Christ's sake, is that not sexual exploitatuon/molestation/abuse?
      Her story leaves a very sour taste in my mouth.

    4. Honestly, she's mean. She molested that boy all because she was desperate to have a child. What happened to walking away from the marriage?

    5. Chike my Gee, the right word for her is rapist. Having sex with a minor, whether consented or not is statutory rape

    6. Everyone is here condemning the woman. You never know where the shoe pinches until you're the one wearing it.
      At least the son now has a replacement as he died in an accident. The man was the reason for the infertility yet made the woman miserable.
      Please anyone can air their own opinion without insulting mine.
      This is my own opinion. I'm entitled to one without judgement. T for thanks.

    7. 13:06, Your opinion is not needed. If you can support this, then you can rape a minor. So why didn't she leave the marriage instead of committing such abominable act? Nonsense

    8. Anon 13:06, I bet if it was a man that slept with a 17 yr old girl ,you would have called him a paedophile. But you are here giving excuses for the woman. You must be a paedophile like her.

    9. @anon 13.06. So she couldn't get a divorce but she could commit adultery and rape a minor?.
      If her husband was evil then she must be the devil. No one is condoning what her husband did but the marriage wasn't a do or die, she could have walked away. We really need to teach women to be independent

    10. Chike I never disputed that she's one,that's why I said if she's wicked,the man is also the devil,no one is a saint btwn the both of them. You know you're the problem,still you join forces with your mom to torment the woman for years,why?
      Its 'funny' how you only have words for the woman,but none for the man when it was his secrecy and evil nature that led to this nonsense. Yes,he pushed her to desperation,but she still be mumu,she should've dumped her so called horseband like a piece of shit that he is.
      I'm not one to comment with sentiments,I trash all sides.
      Btw how was she married for 19yrs if the said boy was 17?

    11. Dainty relatives are accepted in some cultures. I've seen it in movies but i'll also try to read up on it.
      They prefer a relative of the said horseband if he's suffering from azoospermia. They believe that way the child is of their own blood not an outsider(what they term bastard). But it is done with the consent of their partner not the woman taking such decisions on her own.
      Talking about relatives,you do know in some cultures first cousins are allowed to marry,but where I come from its an abomination.

      In this woman's case I do not know her culture and I do not care either,all I know is that an evil family has reaped from their deceit and wickedness in plenitude. EOD.

      I'm out of this post.

  2. He was 17! Such evil woman.

    1. Eiyah... May we not find ourselves in desperate situations.

      God abeg. I can't even judge the woman.

    2. The thing is, both the man and the woman are evil. I'm quite sure that the poor innocent boy died as a result of the abomination of sleeping with his father's wife. She could have tried her fertility status with someone else.

    3. Abeg she's wrong
      If a man slept with his 17year old help because he was desperate for a child would we say the same thing.

      She took advantage of him and should be locked up.
      I don't know how sleeping with a relative is better than sleeping with someone outside.

      Well na she sabi

    4. Please this woman slept with a minor. For that reason alone, I will forever blame her. If it was a man, we wouldn't have any excuse for him

  3. It might be abomination for a son to sleep with father's wife that was why he died in accident . I don't blame the woman, if you be in her shoes (ttc) you will go extra miles to be a mother.

    Purpose gal

    1. I blame her. If I were in her shoes, my husband's relative will NEVER been an option for me to consider.

    2. Go and sleep with your husband's brother then rubbish

    3. Her husband was used maybe incase DNA test is conducted

    4. Don't justify evil. The blessings of God makes rich and adds no sorrow.
      There are million of women out there who are ttc but aren't doing stupendous and abominable stuff.

    5. By grooming and having sex with a 17 year old?

  4. Useless woman. If you wanted to test your fertility why did you not divorce your husband and go test it outside? Them tie your destiny for the marriage? See how you have put confusion in the family.

  5. Husband, father of her child both dead.
    The man knew he had the problem yet he kept calling her unprintable names.
    The woman messed up by sleeping with that boy. She could have left the marriage and found someone else to impregnate her.
    When that child grows up, what will she tell him?

    1. Very shamelesess disgusting asswipe. I doubt she'll live long on earth

    2. They're both wicked and at fault. Their wickedness and foolishness even cost the life of an innocent boy.

    3. Slutty,.
      It's her words against a dead man who can't defend himself

  6. What have I just read!

    When she was told her husband had low sperm count she should have moved out and re marry than this abominable act 😳😳😳abi na wetin cause the Godwin death be that?

    1. Na she kill am..
      A wife that can cheat can kill.. I know say woke people go come argue this but those weh know know..

      Na man go enter house catch him wife cheating come run commot for house go hide to save him life so she no go kill am to protect her secret.. we don see am well well.. something like this even happened in Edo state last month..

    2. DANTE YOU CLAIM TO BE LIVING IN ABUJA BUT KNOWS EVERYTHING THAT HAPPEN IN EDO STATE. I schooled in Edo state and adultery is not common there as you've been trying to paint of recent,the women will die if they do stop lying

  7. She has been abusing the boy sexually

  8. Haba woman. That was a minor you molested. That is so wrong.

    Nonetheless, it's not easy for a couple especially the woman looking to conceive. It's a difficult and hard road.

    May God bless come through for people waiting for His blessings.

    1. It is truly not easy but this woman should have left that that Man. He has a low sperm count but is calling her barren and a harlot. Frustrations of a man who knows he is the problem but will try to make it look like her fault. That boy was 17!!! Imagine if it was a female. I feel same anger. Yes she was desperate but that does not mean all her sense will fly through the window.

      May God come through for all those waiting.

  9. All I see here is a desperate woman looking for all means to conceive

  10. From the story, the husband is dead so also the stepson that inpregnanted the wicked woman, it is a taboo for a son to sleep with his father's wife in some families, who knows that might be the cause of the accident which led to his death.

    Madam, as patience and faithful as you have been to your husband, you should have left the marriage so you'll be able to test your fertility with any man of your choice instead of sleeping with an underage, you're an abuser.

  11. All these one weh this one just dey talk nah long story, the husband isn't alive to defend himself, it might be her that killed him through poison to cover her secret which maybe he found out..

    There no difference between what she did and what male rapist do to underage females, taking advantage of their innocence and naivety while threatening them with death if they reveal it to anyone..

    The same way those step dad get tempted with with their step daughter's breast and ass is the same way she was tempted with the boy preek, make she forgot story.

    There was a period I was with my married cousin for about over a month many years back, actually I used him as an excuse to leave home, then travelled to Enugu to do waka waka.. only I and him knew my movement.. my popsi called after like 2 weeks asking me to return home cos he isn't comfortable with me staying with my cousin wife all alone in the house, not that he doesn't trust me but just to avoid wahala.. I was mad at my pops that he would even think of that, even reported him to his wife sef Lol.. now I know better.. though what he didn't know them was that I wasn't even in Lagos

    1. @Waka waka,are u a male brostitute? na only them dey waka without aim

  12. Never allow your circumstances to make you hurt others.
    How can you be wicked to a small boy like that... #evilwoman.

  13. This story eh... Na wah

    Looking at it from another angle, the woman's desperation made her so this.

    For those saying that she could have divorced her husband and moved on to someone else, we are not in her shoes and don't know her peculiar circumstances.

    Oh well, the damage has been done. It is what it is

  14. I am speechless. why keeping so much secret in marriage ?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Getting the right thing the wrong way. Maybe it's because the boy impregnated her father's wife that killed him. Even though they hide his real indentity to her step mom. He knows that woman is his step mum

  17. The entire family "succeeded in deceiving her"
    She "succeeded in deceiving them"
    The devil succeeded in deceiving her; that adultery with
    "husband's relation" is a smaller sin?
    But then, the adulterer and deceiver had gone ahead to judgment before her
    She like others on earth still has a chance to repent.
    God is merciful.

  18. 17yrs old duh...woman u should be in jail...u didn't see any adult male with big D

  19. The confession would have been good if both the father and son were alive to forgive her.
    At least she is remorseful knowing that what she did was wrong.

  20. What I see is a desperate woman, she should have remarried when her husband could not get her pregnant. But the her husband is the definition of wickedness.

  21. Irrespective of whatever the woman might have gone through in the hands her husband, doesn't justify what this woman did,she just defiled a minor and that is wickedness.

  22. This woman is heartless for molesting the stepson ah ah, I'm sure the poor boy died because of this abomination...
    Na wah..

  23. Eleyi gidi gan o! The husband was wrong, but the woman was wronger πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ. Oyibo Wu agbara

  24. Kai what desperation can push some people into. Why choose the poor innocent boy to test her fertility..why? I'm sure her actions caused the death of both the man and his son.

  25. The woman committed a taboo which is to be condemned by normal people. She stayed in that marriage in order to destroy that family and all she is saying now is story that will never touch the heart. Shame on her.

  26. She should have left the marriage since the man was the one with fertility issues and he was giving her hell. Devil incarnate

  27. Madam I can't even imagine what you went through and the desperation but you should have tested your fertility outside

  28. My only annoyance in this story is she going for a 17-year-old boy!!!!!!

  29. There is no excuse for grooming and sleeping with a minor. It don't care what she went through, she had no right to do what she did to a 17 year old

  30. Which kind wickedness be this again? Yes the man was wrong by not telling you he had low sperm count but woman your evil dey learn work from where witches dey! He had a big preeq and you lured a minor to start sleeping with you to rest your fertility! Evil minded people everywhere πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„.

  31. Alu ooo. Madam you committed an abomination with a 17year old which led to his death, You re already cursed. I pity the innocent litte child. tufiakwa

  32. Rip to the man.. so you went for a 17yr old living with you???

  33. I nor blame the woman sha!

  34. I open my mouth, I no fit close am. Na wa!

  35. Anybody that see's no wrong in this act is a phedophine if it was a female feminists would have condemned and condemned. The truth is Boys are abused everyday but they cannot talk if they do people will say "didn't you like it? there are no man ministry or affairs. May God help us and deal with those who finds this funny.

  36. Married couples need to start testing for reproductive compatibility before they get married. Yes, there are some couples who will never be able to conceive together because of their chemistry being incompatible, but they will easily conceive with others no problem. Perhaps if science can find a way to test for reproductive compatibility prior to marriage and make the testing free all these tragic stories will stop.

    If your spouse and their family members are calling you all manner of names and ill-treating you because you have not conceived please file for a divorce. Nobody should have to suffer emotional and mental even physical abuse in any marriage because they have not reproduced. Don't get so desperate you get to the point of going to Babalawo, doing criminal and immoral things just to appease earth ppl who don't even have the power over their own bodies to stop themselves from dying before they are ready. Don't stay in Babylon and lose you mind, a justifiable divorce is better than the tarnish of unnecessary sin.


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