Stella Dimoko Labour Room Drama With A Dramatic Twist...


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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Labour Room Drama With A Dramatic Twist...

Oh my goodness!!!

Hi Stella and BVs, I have been looking forward to writing in on my recent experience in the labour room. I wrote in for my first baby,this is for my second who I gave birth to weeks ago.

In August 2021,I discovered I was expecting after a missed period. I had mixed feelings after using the PT strip. 

The pregnancy journey was smooth, with no morning sickness asides the nauseous feeling and metallic taste in the tongue. I decided I was going to take my time before I registered for the antenatal classes as I was a little experienced from my first.

In January I registered with the hospital I had my first baby in, though it was under renovation and husbandman wasn't forthcoming in us finding a second option, I silently prayed I won't give birth there.

 Meanwhile, hubby was giving me so much emotional stress with this pregnancy following his cheating lifestyle. The day I found out I was pregnant, his side chic sent him a message that she was pregnant and he should stop avoiding her. I was heartbroken. 

Given all these, I told him I was considering going back to my parents house to birth my baby but he said I was being unsubmissive for considering it.

I was so stressed with this pregnancy particularly during the December celebrations as I worked myself to the bones cooking without any form of support from his family as we were staying with them.

In March, he hit me. Slapping me severally and lied that I beat him to my parents and my father ordered him to let me come back home so he could see me. Hubby said that will be the end of the marriage if I stepped out but I didn't listen to him and travelled with my boy at 7months .

I started antenatal classes in a Government hospital at my parents' state of residence and all my vitals were taken and monitored. I enjoyed unconditional pampering and love from my family especially my Mom, that woman is an Angel.

Fast forward to ending of April, I was sent for my last scan, it showed late May as my EDD, so I was expectant that this time I wouldn't have need for a C-section like my first as my BP was monitored religiously and I felt fantastically ok.

On 10th May being my normal antenatal day, the doctor noted my BP was high at 160/100 and told me to go pack my bags in preparation for a C-section in the next two days as I was already 38weeks plus gone. I called my mom, told her. She calmed me down and told me that whatever God willed was what would happen.

We checked in the next day,11th,after all the necessary registrations I was admitted. I was shaved and given my hospital gown and cap. My mom slept at the hospital with me and at about 8pm I stopped eating.

12th morning, I had already bathed and was waiting to be wheeled to the theater,a nurse came in checked my BP and temperature, baby's heartbeat too.

 The catheter was inserted and I wore my gown and cap,soon hours passed I wasn't been wheeled out yet,I asked the nurse what the problem was she said I wasn't properly booked so it's delaying everything and I should pray I would still be operated on.

 Hmmm, I was getting anxious and worried because I did all I was supposed to do to the best of my knowledge. I prayed silently to God to take control. My parents were already panicking. They put a call across to family friend who is a nurse in the same hospital and God used her to organise a team that were ready to operate on me.

By past 12noon,I was wheeled to the theatre. The spinal injections were administered(this was painful). I was apprehensive of the surgery proper because when I had my first baby, the anesthesia didn't set in early so I felt when my stomach was sliced open.

So I voiced out my fears to that anesthesia nurse and she assured me I wouldn't feel the pain. True to her words, soon I was numb from waist down but I was aware of my surroundings. The nurses kept engaging me in conversations so that I wouldn't sleep off as my eyes were drowsy.

 In 15 minutes, my princess was brought out weighing 3kg,she was shown to me to identify her sex, then cleaned up and taken to the ward.

I was stitched back up and wheeled to the recovery room then rigor mortis set in.

 I shook like I was going to have a seizure, there was a little panic as my BP shot up to 210/160,no pulse. 

My sister with me was frantic!

 Some injections were administered in my lap and I was wheeled to the ward, soon I began to feel warm and the rigors stopped. I was so scared I would die.

The recovery was ,faster than when I had my first baby. By the next day I was able to stand and sit and by the 2nd day,I started taking pap and by evening, pepper soup.

 My mom cleaned me up every morning and cleaned the baby too, infact I can't quantify her care to me. The plaster covering the incision site was removed and the doctor noted the site was clean and told my mom how she would be dressing the site every day.

We were discharged after 5days and we are home now, growing in good health.

 Husband man and his family haven't called since the day I left their house till this very moment. Heard he is threatening fire and brimstone that he wasn't told I had put to bed but at this point, I am eternally grateful for the family support system I have. I couldn't have done it without God and them by my side.

*Wow, so many angles to this your Labour room drama.... So does this mean the end of your Marriage? Has the side chic put to bed too?

Your narrative made me remember when i went under the knife also, I felt the knife slicing and i felt when the baby was pulled out...No pain but horrible feeling...

Congrat on your new baby, please focus on your health, that your BP ish is scary.


  1. Congratulations mama baby, May God bless you. Men can stain women white! If e go confess now e go say na the side chic seduce am or she use juju for am…..I am talking from experience. Enjoy the love of your family and open your yansh for fan o jare !

  2. Congratulations poster. Thank God for your life.

    1. Congrats Poster. You came back alive from the battlefield. Please do take good care of yourself and your children; you and your children are all you've got right now so, please don't allow anybody to take away your peace of mind.

      @Stella, when they brought my son out, I felt like my heart was being brought out haha. My BP shot up and he was very big.

    2. It's my first time reading this post.
      You are one brave woman! Someone like me will spontaneously consider an abortion after seeing that side chick's text and he beating me up. I would never make a 2nd baby with that monster!
      Way forward, please find financial independence from your parents so you don't over stay your welcome and honour even though I know parental love should be unconditional. A business or a job.
      Good luck.

  3. Aww. Congrats on your new baby. God bless your Mama for being there for you. For now, focus on your health, and your baby.

    1. Thank God for her family. Having a good family is wonderful support.

  4. Congrats. I know you will go back to your husband. Goodluck.... Deep within me, I wish you stayed with your parents till he actually comes and begs your parents. Infact if it's my child, you are going nowhere with my grandkids...I will spoil you rotten.

    1. me too i won't bother myself coz she will eventually go back and get pregnant again.

      congratulations on your new baby

    2. I am still very much with my parents. I have no intentions of going back. His supposed reactions,I heard from sources. My father is livid and doesn't even want me to go back but for them to come collect their bride price. Thanks for the wishes

  5. Congrats my dear.
    May this baby bring open doors to you in Jesus name.
    I pray for peace like a river. I pray for joy. I pray for strength.

    I don’t know what would happen with your marriage but God has got you.
    Remember that.

    1. Amen. Thanks so much,I appreciate this.

    2. You’re welcome

      Mma Nwachukwu

  6. Thank God for your life and i thank God for your parents. May God take control of all concerns you. Amen.

  7. Congratulations dear. God bless your little one 🥰😍

  8. Congrats poster,thank God for sparing your life he hasnt finished with you yet.
    that your horseband eh,so he did not contribute a kobo ,stingy wicked man

  9. Interesting read but rigor Mortis occur after death.

    1. Yeah I was surprised to read that to. Mortis means death. Rigor mortis is stiffening of the muscles and joint after death

    2. Ok.noted. just that it was what the nurses were calling it. Thanks

    3. They call it rigor. No need to add the mortis

  10. God bless you and your family
    I love how you have a nice word about each of them
    I pray your joy is endless

  11. Congratulations poster God continue to bless you and your family. Having a strong support system is key, may God direct you and your family.
    God bless your mom, she reminds me of my mom such a sweet woman too.

  12. My anxiety when I see someone having preeclampsia/PIH for the second time🤦 hey God! Help me o
    Congratulations poster

  13. Beautiful read. Congratulations dear. I’m glad you put you and your baby first. Some men can be irresponsible but do all you can to not let it get to you. This stage is stressful enough. May God send more angels your way to make load lighter
    Love and hugs.

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne. I really appreciate this

  14. Congratulations on your bundle of Joy. God bless your family for supporting you. Your Mom is an angel

    1. She sure is. Thanks so much

  15. Congratulations, take good care of your and the kids

    Thank God for family support

  16. All glory to God. Congrats, relax and have the best treat jaree. I pray he comes begging and may God give your parents the wisdom to handle him positively. Amen.

  17. Congratulations to you poster,

  18. Beautiful write up, I pray God comes through for you and your children

  19. Congratulations to you. Your narrative is so calm. This baby will bring open doors for you.

  20. Congratulations dearie! God will take care of you and your kids. Surely.

  21. Congrats my dear sister..Some men are just....hmmm.Im glad u had ur C section and doing well.That was how my neigbour that year died of preeclampsia when she went to "massage" her waist so that baby will turn,so she can give birth vaginally,after being adviced to have a CS bcos of BP.
    Pls start now to think of a business plan or things to keep u financially stable,for the sake of ur kids and ur longterm plans.Hes not a good person and doesnt deserve ur presence in his home,most women go back to abusive marriages bcos of financial support.

  22. God is your strength, congratulations on your new born baby

  23. Congrats dear poster.
    Just concentrate on yourself and your little princess and don't bother yourself abt your hubby. I'm glad you have a good support system,God bless them.

  24. Thank God for safe delivery. Men are funny o.looking for submission while cheating. Chai

  25. Congratulations poster, God's got you

  26. Congratulations poster, God has sorted you out. Some men are just crazy.. don't fret he will still come begging.

  27. Congratulations, thank God for your family members. God bless your mom

  28. Thank God for you. You have to be very careful because someone that was hitting you can also kill you. Find something doing & concentrate on your kids & yourself at the moment because if you go back your father may not support you again.

  29. Congratulations and kisses to your baby.

    Please know the meaning of words before usage...If rigor mortise did happen to won't send in this chronicle.. I mean rigor mortise...
    Rigor mortis is a chemical change resulting in a stiffening of the body's muscles following death, resulting from changes in the myofribrils of the muscle tissues.

  30. Geez, I felt like I was reading the story of my life while reading your story. We have similar experiences. Be grateful to God everyday for your family and take care of your newborn. As for your husband, Fvck him.


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