Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Monday, February 19, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Please Bvs, if your boyfriend, who lives abroad visits home for a family purpose and of which, he promised to take you along during the preparation for the visit. Finally, he's home and has fulfilled the purpose of the visit and you both live in different cities in the country. Who's to initiate the meeting first between you too? I need answers please.

I dont understand this Chronicle properly but if your boyfriend is home visitng the country you live in, he should visit you after he is done with what he came for or with proper arrangement , have you waiting for him in the state he planned to visit and if a serious relationship, follow you to your state to see any elder available and make his intentions known.....
No pressure though...
If you wannainitiate the visit, its not a bad idea, if you want him to visit first, then tell him and discuss it over and dont let it cause any stress..
I hope you know him well? Make dem no go use you do ritual oh


  1. Normally na man go visit woman, but if your guy suggests that you visit, why don't you go, so far as you trust him, and also be on alert. Their is no manual for a healthy relationship out there, just do the right thing and don't wait for him to always be the one to initiate things first. You are an adult

    1. Poster, let go and let flow. Do not let yourself be perceived as desperate, or you could be used and dumped, unless your man is very serious, but from your post, your man doesn't seem to be emitting 'I am sure vibes' just yet. Why don't you calm down and wait and see? If you decide to go see him, if you can, don't go alone and book a good hotel or better still stay with people you know. We live in perilous times, so you need to be careful. Keep the communication lines open. Also discuss with trusted family members and/or friends, so they are in the know of crucial info like your whereabouts and activities.

  2. What sort of relationship are you both into?
    No chemistry at all.


  3. This your relationship narrative is gbas-gbosistic. You could have worded it clearly to make more sense.

    I'm more of a traditionalist myself, so I'll say your man(?) should actually initiate the first meeting. Men take charge. I want to be be believe you didn't toast yourself for him, so he should actively reach out to you and initiate visible contact. But then again, there might be a number of things he may want to clear up wherever he is.

    Since you say you guys don't stay in the same city, then I wouldn't read too much into the situation at the moment. Use this opportunity to gauge the pedestal on which he places you.

  4. It's me that'll initiate it dear. Something common sense will solve, you'll rush and send chronicle asking annoying questions. Mtchewww

    Shooter Gyal

    1. Who dey ask questions no dey lost

  5. All this overseas people that would be posting their commitment. Poster let the guy come and visit you, let him initiate it and please just relax no pressure.

  6. I am surprised at this your question because both of you should have discussed the whole visit extensively by now, even before his arrival.
    He may have for instance requested for you to wait for him at the airport so as to welcome him at the arrival.
    Have you guys not been speaking on phone or anything since his arrival?
    Are you sure you are in a "real relationship"; because this your write-up doesn't give the vibe of a real relationship at all.
    Please be very careful as it looks like this person is not serious with you.

    1. He has even rounded up with his purpose of coming and she is still left in the dark when both of you should be eager to see each other for the first time.
      Hmmm I don’t believe in initiating first visit as a lady. To me oh he should have proceeded to visit her then make arrangements for her to follow him to his family function or make proper arrangements for you if he wants you to visit his location but if non of these have happened hmmm

  7. poster anyone can initiate the visit, if you both are close you can playfully ask him about it. Don't stay there and be waiting for him.

  8. It's best you discuss this with him.Communication is very important in a relationship.

  9. Abroad relationship used to be somehow, I had one abroad boyfriend but communication was poor when I finally met him in the abroad chemistry became equal to 0. The thing scatter eventually, if its meant to be you will not stress yourself over it.

  10. Plenty ungiven information =plenty unanswered questions.

    It appears, you are not romantic boyfriend and girlfriend yet even by telephony.

    If you both are, the visit by either of you should have been discussed.

    If you both are not, you can raise the topic now he is done with what he claims brought him home. An experienced man doesn't judge a woman by what happened before marriage. It is what value a woman puts in her marriage that evokes respect from her husband. So you making the call on the visit doesn't cheapen you as women think.

  11. If he can’t carve out time to come see you, then forget about it. Too much kidnapping going on for you to take up long travel.

  12. This kind of relationship that's already like this might have K-leg o. I hope not sha

  13. He is in town, but hasn't visited you yet, and not even talked about it. It seems you are dating yourself, you better borrow sense.

  14. It feels like this relationship is one-sided. Else, you shouldn't even be asking this question in the first place.

    Poster, make sure to find out that you are in an actual relationship with this guy and you ain't dating yourself.

  15. He should be the one to initiate the visit in my opinion. Except he invites you to where he is, don't go anywhere

  16. Don't initiate anything. If he needs you, he will make the move. He made the preparations without involving you as against your earlier agreement so this time just seat back and watch him, don't force it if it doesn't flow naturally from his end. MAYBE with time he will come back to his senses .

  17. My question is, Did he eventually carry you along for the event? If the answer is no, please wait for him to communicate. I smell deception here.

  18. The fact that you have to ask this question is a red flag
    The only thing that could excuse him not clarifying timing of his visit to you by now, is if he’s in town for a funeral
    All things are forgiveable when someone loses a loved one

  19. If he was eager to see you, this Chronicle would never even exist.
    I hope you are able to tell yourself some hard truths because it appears you are dating yourself.


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