Stella Dimoko Lecturer Denies Frustrating Final Year Student To Commit Suicide And Explains What Happened...


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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Lecturer Denies Frustrating Final Year Student To Commit Suicide And Explains What Happened...

Please read to the end to Understand properly

Amaechi Uneke Enyi, a Professor of English Grammar at the Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki,has denied victimising a student of the institution that allegedly committed suicide within the week.

Enyi had been accused in a viral video in social media by a lady who claimed to be mother of one Favour Ugwu, who took her life because the lecturer allegedly failed her in his course. In the video, the woman was cursing out “Dr. Enyi” and Ebonyi State University for being responsible for her daughter’s death.
She said
“Dr Enyi said he is the best, nobody can teach like him, he should come and carry my daughter who has committed suicide,” she was seen shouting in the video.
The Don however said that the death of the student was in no way connected to the course he teaches in the university or his person.

He told Daily Sun that he is aggrieved for being wrongly accused by the woman in the viral video.
He said: “It is unfortunate, it is quite unfortunate that the girl ended the way she ended. I was really shocked when I heard the news.
“It is not true that her death is related to academic issue, I don’t see how somebody who was not victimized, someone who failed an exam will decide to take her own life. So, the first question one should ask in this circumstance should be, was she victimized?
“Yes, I got to really know about this student in February, 2024 after we had uploaded our second semester results. And the results were already approved by the school because before we upload results so that students could have access to the result, the school management would have approved the results.
“So the mother called me one night, she said that I was witch-hunting her daughter, that how could her daughter have passed all other courses only to fail my course?
“And when I tried to explain to her the procedure of ascertaining such accusation, she refused listening then I had no choice than to disconnect the call.
“And I didn’t dwell further on it because the university has a process for handling such matters. According to the university rules, the examination does not belong to the lecturer, we had submitted the results, the student scripts, the questions and the marking scheme, so all these are the property of the university and they are all verifiable.
“So, if anyone feels aggrieved, the process of recalling the papers is there. And what such an aggrieved person needs to do is not to threaten my life, telling me that she is from Nsukka and that I will be dealt with.
“I tried telling the mother that she can write a petition against me, she can investigate and then the right process will be followed, a panel could be set up to investigate the allegations and accusations, but she did not listen.”

However, she eventually came to the school, met with the Head of Department who explained to her that her daughter was not victimised.
The HOD asked that her daughter re-registers the course in the second semester, promising that efforts would be made to ensure she passed the course.

Enyi said that the woman also visited the department and apologised to him over the manner she had taken the issue.
“However, she eventually did come to the university as she had threatened, but I did not even know that she came. I learnt that she was also advised to formally approach the department and the school management. Even the Head of the Department (HOD) who incidentally is also a woman too decided to informally assist her and look into the matter, and the HOD, retrieved her daughter’s script and it was discovered that the late student merely copied a few questions and never answered any of the questions.
“At that point, the HOD advised the mother to tell her daughter to re-register the course during the second semester, because the course is a second semester course and that after she (the student) may have registered the course, the department could then approach the lecturer to explore ways the student could be assisted to pass the course. And that was what the HOD advised the mother and that was the last time the HOD heard of the matter, because we are currently writing our first semester examinations so we have not even started the second semester when the deceased student was expected to re-register the course.

On the allegation that the student committed suicide, the lecturer urged that the suicide narrative should be properly investigated by students, security operatives and journalists.
“I call on the security people and you journalists to investigate deeper what may have led to her death. There are students who live with her where she lived and they would know her activities and what she had been doing in Abakaliki.
“It is obvious that the woman is bent on destroying me,” Enyi said.
 from the Sunnews Online..


  1. I stand with this man. Let them find out the real reason why she committed suicide.

    1. So you think you are speaking to daft people, right? Those of us that passed through Nigerian universities and their lectures can already see you lying through your teeth. Bring out all her original scripts covering your courses not the ones you and the university have rewritten and stamped her matriculation number. Mschewww

    2. Bent on destroying you by her daughter committing suicide is repositioning yourself as solely the victim oga, defend yourself, show empathy, explain well.

    3. School that I regretted going that someone committed suicide inside? My certificate never feed me for even a day so why the suicide? E even fit be education science she dey study

  2. Quite unfortunate. Don’t these schools have peer help, a tutoring department and other resources to help students who need help?

  3. They should go deeper and verify her activities in and out of the school.

  4. Académie success does not define your worth or value in the society. Learn a skill and empower yourself. Nigeria dont value this things but its an assets abroad.....

    1. True, but all societies are created upon competition. So students who are struggling will internalize it and psych issues. What is that phrase that is used so often in the society, and variations of it, “look at your mates”, “see your mates and look at you”, “while your mates are…you are” People are setup to constantly be in competition mode and some break under the pressure of it. Even within families, siblings, cousins and all sorts are pitted against each other in competition to see who will have the best life, most successful or whatever. Humans are unwilling to undo these toxic beliefs and practices as they claim competition drives innovation and success.

  5. If true, would he admit it?? They should look into her case. From what I heard, he had already told her she won't pass his course.

    1. Truth what? That the lecturer's job is to make sure he pass everybody to avoid any body who will commit suicide. There is something called school book or manual. If you are not meant to be in school? Just ho and learn work. Patapata you go change Oga 100 times unless you won. Commit suicide

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Arc. Adefila please can you stop being ignorant and insensitive. People have come online to accuse this man that he victimized them too.

      Are you living under a rock to know how lecturers go after female students. Instead of condemning what evil people do, you rather blame the victim. Very sad.

      May her soul rest in peace Amen

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. But her voice note stated otherwise. Some lecturers can frustrate someone unnecessarily....

  7. This is not the first time someone is commuting SUICIDE in EBSU because of Issues like this.

    An ANATOMY UNDERGRAD committed suicide some years ago cos of same issue

    I graduated from EBSU Years back but a female lecturer did not upload my result and I had a missing script, I met her and told her about this, She looked at me and said “ Why do I have makeup on my face(the makeup na Eyepencil and lipstick, nothing Else).

    She taunted me in front of the students she was teaching.

    I begged this Lady, she refused to do anything about it.

    I went to meet the HOD, A. N, this Man demanded Sex Outrightly for it.

    I gave in to him and my result came out immediately.

    EBSU Lecturer’s are so Mean Spirited and their Non Academic Staff are full of Bile.

    If you can’t communicate in their Abakaliki Language, you are on your Own.

    1. *Committing

    2. People from that state are generally known to be wicked and evil so I'm not surprised

    3. My my my! What is it about men and sex? So a man will just demand sex from a random person just to do what is right?

  8. This is really sad, God knows the truth.

  9. Suicide is not an option! Stay alive and fight the battles of life. Whoever dies, na im lose. Lecturer has defended himself, unfortunately the dead cannot defend herself. May her soul rest in peace.

  10. It's only if you didn't pass through Nigerian universities that you will believe this man.
    He can even decide to show the girl because her mom had the audacity to question him.
    My brother's ordeal is not even palatable because a girl that one lecturer wanted to date liked my brother and was always around him , and when the lecturer asked her why she didn't want to date him, she said my brother is her boyfriend and this man told my brother that for having the guts to drag a girl with him, he will not graduate but will leave the school in frustration, my dad even had to go and beg this man at a point but still nko....?
    Abeg, I don't want to remember that evil because ehnn...

    1. No one should have such power over anyone’s life. These school should be brought to order.

  11. If I did not attend a Nigerian university , I’d have believed him, you did what she said you did, evil man! Chop the body now

  12. Like say the lecturer gave her Otapiapia to drink, na she go first fail exam? Make the lecturer no do his work? People wey dey even spend 1 10yrs for university no accuse anybody. I beg make the woman shift jooor

    1. Stop being insensitive. Do you expect the man come out and say he is responsible. You guys talk as if you are not aware of how Lecturers treat students.

      Let them investigate and let the truth come out.

    2. stupid idiot....agbaya oshi....oni kure.....animal...that man frustrated that girl....i had a lecturer who gave me carry over from year 1 to 4th year in school because i refused to date was God that helped me....some of you are old just in age but your brains are retarded

  13. I purposely dated a cultist in unilag because of all this nonsense. Three lecturers were on my case that year I reported them to my bf . After visiting them I no fail any course till I graduate

  14. I believe the man

  15. According to the voice note released on WhatsApp...the lady is already doing extra year and she said something in the line that she has been failing this course since 100 level and it's this same course that will make her get an additional year.
    The same course...there is more to it than what Mr Lecturer have just said up here. I hope proper investigation is carried out and the real story comes out.
    May the soul of the deceased rest in peace.

    1. i carried over a course from first year to final year because of a stupid very possible....just unfortunate she could not handle the emotional stress. anyway they should investigate further too

  16. I saw a video of a crippled man (apologies if it's an offensive word) giving a motivational speech, I'm just going to explain it the way I remember the video, I might add or remove something from the story. According to him he grew up from a poor background and with his condition it was like he had nothing in life but he loved education and was determined to get it. He got admission into UNN and during one of the classes he asked a question and to answer his own question the lecturer in turn asked him a question.
    He asked him what he saw when he got into the school and the student described the buildings etc, the lecturer still asked him the same question when he realised the lecturer was referring to the beggars at the school gate, the wicked lecturer told him that that's where he belonged with his kind as no other person in the class was walking with the help of a stick. As at when the crippled man was giving his speech he had traveled to some nations to lecture, his life has turn around.

    Some Nigerian lecturers are evil they can drive one to suicide or crime. So. I don't believe this lecturers explanation at.

  17. I swear by my father's grave , if a useless lecturer do that to my child I will go spiritual for the person. Rest in peace young girl.

  18. Investigation should be done to ascertain the real cause of her death.

  19. Some of this lecturers are devil from the kingdom of hell.

  20. This is really sad. I feel there's more to this story, proper investigations should be made.
    But then again, suicide is never an option


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