Stella Dimoko Singer Oritsefemi's EX Nabila Denies Losing 21 Pregnancies And Confirms They Are Divorced


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Friday, May 17, 2024

Singer Oritsefemi's EX Nabila Denies Losing 21 Pregnancies And Confirms They Are Divorced

Singer Oritsefemi said in a recent viral interview that Nabila whom he was married to had miscarried 21 miscarriges......
Stella Dimoko Korkus reached out to Nabila to support her with some positive words and she immediately corrected the impression the interview had formed in SDK's mind...she said it is a lie and she never miscarried 21 times!

She said
''Stella how?  how is it possible that i miscarried 21 times and i am still normal?how is it possible that i lost 21 children? Why the lies?PLease anyone who listened to his interview should disregard the narrative because it s not true at all....
This is just a distraction, I am presently out of Nigeria working, so you can imagine the calls and encouraging words i have been getting, I was actually confused as to what was going on until it was made clear to me what he had said, this is a distraction but a funny one cos its all lies.....

Nabila you are both estranged, with this development , is there any possiblity of a settlement?

Stella, we are officially divorced...

-Really? When did the divorce come through?
On March 21, 2024 our divorce pulled through, I am officially divorced and officially single and i am happy and living my best life!

-Did your friends attack him?..Like 20 of them?
-I dont even have up to 20 friends and that never happened.....He is not the kind of person that anyone would attack and get away with it, so trust me that it never is a figment of his imagination .

Were you Nasty to his kids?
Never. We have a good relationship. We still spoke today when the Interview became viral, one of them called me and was upset that her father all said all what he said and i calmed her down....I was good to his kids and they will never forget me.

What really crashed your Marraige?
-Stella my marriage was a nightmare that i woke up from.. I dont believe in running down an ex so i will not banter words. God has blessed me and elevated me and i will not look back in regret. I am not angry and i am at peace .i found closure from all the horrible things that happened.

Any last words..?
Look before you leap cos that jump might land you in deep Sh#t and stain your white...Look well

Thank you for talking to me
-Thank you for reaching out Stella


  1. Roses🌹 🥀17 May 2024 at 16:43

    "I dont believe in running down an ex so i will not banter words. God has blessed me and elevated me and i will not look back in regret. I am not angry and i am at peace"

    Maturity no pass like this. All the best to you Nabila. Soar higher above the noise.

    1. She has her skeletons too so best she keeps shut. It’s obvious he talks too much.

  2. Nice one our one and only stella doing what you know how to do they said it's good to hear from both sides before judging any matter..

  3. That was a very classy response,Nabila. No point rolling in the mud with pigs. I wish you well in your future endeavour.

  4. All d best to u
    May God bless you with a better man

  5. I believe her. You can see the story of her life on her face, that woman has been through some things and looks like she is lucky to have survived. She is a survivor and has many stories to tell. I wish her all the best.

  6. It is well,in situations like this the problem is that you won't know who is lying.

    1. This! It's why I hardly take sides in these matters.

  7. Nabila, please ignore. Continue moving forward and elevating.

  8. Gsky i didn’t believe the 21x too i just didn’t comment for fear that trolls would call me insensitive. How long were they even married that she wud miscarry 21x? Was she taking in every month? Haba mana

  9. All the best to you Nablia

  10. Ngwanu look at nu?

    He was probably high on something during that interview, yeye man!


  11. Wishing her all the best. She really tried stayed married to that man

  12. Classy and mature response..I never believed all that the ex said, I know he will reply her soon and it will turn to GATE

  13. Was it juju at first or what ? Why would Nabila end up with oritse? It's like Portable and Temi otedola.

    1. Points to one thing.
      She's not any different.

      A classic chic can never be it some type of men, even if he is the richest in the world.

      Just like saying me should marry Tonto or Toke.. even if they'll pay one billion trillion,. Ko possible

    2. E even dey consider himself classy. Wonderful!!

    3. Classy not *classic
      Mr failed English

    4. It was so obvious it was doomed from day 1. He was never in her league

  14. How can she marry such a scumbag?except she sef na scumskirt

  15. Very matured interview, I didn't expect anything less. She's way out of his league and I wondered what was the attraction in the first place.

    I wish her all the best, very intelligent and hardworking woman

  16. I knew the fool was lying. Does Oritsefemi look responsible?

  17. Such mature responses. All the best to you, Nabila.

  18. Matured interview...

    God bless you with a.good man soon.

  19. Not his class. Not her class.

    The Bible book of Amos 3 v. 3 asks: "can two people walk together except they agreed".

    The class difference, if any, started after their separation.

    No where has the woman said she didn't know what came over her in agreeing to his marriage proposal.

    Class difference goes beyond money and social network/net worth.


  20. Claiming “PhD” but dating a tout! Marrying Oritsefemi is a testament that you are dealing with unresolved trauma. Better check into therapy and don’t insult yourself like that again.
    When you were kneeling down and collecting dollars and forming “good wife” what were you thinking? Una go wear wig and lashes and be acting posh. Yet falling hands of the sisterhood.
    That’s why useless men be on someone’s dm all the time. People like you make them think our degrees and looks are for dumbheads. Don’t get me started

    1. Which fake degrees? Degrees designed to keep you controlled, what you should be talking about is morality, mindset, beliefs and not looks or degrees. Good people should go for good let the bad mingle with themselves. desperation or excitement can make people do the unthinkable só I dont want to blame her

  21. This is a mature response. Well done Stella.

  22. How can you lie that someone had 21 miscarriages? Such a mean thing to say.


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