Stella Dimoko Monday In House News.


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Monday, August 08, 2016

Monday In House News.

How una dey?As soon as I post this,I will............*Never mind*






Competent Tailors and joiners who are willing to work with fashion designers on our network and are resident in the following area s in Lagos are needed.

a, Ketu
b, Ojodu berger
c, ogba
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This was sent in Yesterday Sunday actually.

Hi Stella. Please permit me to share my testimony this beautiful day.
I got married @age 33. By then I was already a 'gweg' according to your 'bvns' standard And no, I am not ugly. 

I am naturally beautiful with a pointed nose(not your kind of nose oooo). Lol but I was unlucky in relationships. I dated two of my christian brothers who were only interested in tasting my cookies without any commitment.

(i belong to a denomination that forbids inter denominational marriage). 

I had to cut them off painfully. The day i nearly fainted was the day a neighbour invited me to her engagement party. That my neighbour has this kind of eyes they call(half past eyes) That day, i cried and asked God how i offended him to the extent that even people with half past eyes are getting married and i was still there. 

Anyway, one faithfully day, Oluwa picked my calls. I met a guy who valued me for keep and we had a brief courtship and got married. I took in almost immediately but had a miscarriage. I didn't take in again. We tried and tried no way.I was worried because age isn't on my side and my hubby is an only son. 

The tension no be here. As if that wasn't enough, I was struck with a strange ailment that almost took my life if not that God is always God. The illness kept me in the hospital bed for almost a month. God still kept me. After being discharged, I was still placed on drugs for the next 10 months.

 There was a day my friend came to visit me and was asking for the direction to my house. I described it for her and told her to give the woman that was selling provision in front of my house her phone so that I can speak with the woman because I wasn't at home then. I spoke with the woman and begged her to allow my friend wait for me in her shop as I was on my way coming back and she accepted. Unknowing to her that I was yet to cut the phone, I overheard her asking my friend, 'shebi the woman you are looking for never born'?  I cut the phone and wondered why that question from my neighbour even after talking with her on the phone! 

Or is there no other adjective to qualify me except that child stuff? 

Anyway,  at His appointed time, I took in. The pregnancy came when I got tired and decided to leave it for God. I went to the altar and prayed, started a prayer session with my pastor and in the course of the prayer, I was advised to go back to the hospital. I went to a different hospital and after some tests, they discovered what was affecting my fertility and placed me on drugs. I took in while undergoing the treatment. I had a successful pregnancy and today I have a bouncing baby boy who is growing faster that I imagined. Praise be to God.

I am sharing this testimony to encourage others passing through such stage that delay is not denial. God's time is the best. Yesterday, I went to the altar and prayed again asking for another baby. O yes oo! 

As a gweg, time no dey again. I need them sharp sharp. God will bless every waiting womb on SDK Blog in Jesus name. Amen. 

'I am a fruitful vine'... you had to include my nose size in your testimony huh?most ladies have my kind of nose during the day time they use make up to uplift it..IF YOU SEE HEM FOR HOUSE WITHOUT MAKE UP

Happy for you.God will answer your prayers and bless yor next baby with my nose..AMEN.



Stella am back again with not much of a good news.....
I hope you all remember me i am the woman Mr A" was threatening to show my hubby the video he had of me and him having sex.

I read all your advice and I thank everyone for their advice ,indeed sdkb is truly a family affair.

I did not hear anything from Mr A for some days until Tuesday evening, when I saw his call , my heart was just beating hard! 

I summoned up the courage to pick up the call , he said I should be prepared he wants to have sex with me when he is in town on Thursday, I said I had wanted to tell him my hubby has gone spiritual on me since when he came back from prison he started suspecting me that something is truly wrong with me, this ape of a man now said he has a (boka) herbalist that he normally consult that he will get back to me. 

Stella since this beast of a man slept with me am looking malnourished, I can't eat ,i am not myself, my husband is the only family I have now, I have been orphaned since 17 and just like  that this man wants to ruin my life .

I already knew for sure I couldn't tell my hubby , I went back and read again all the comment of my chronicles then I brace up for this man, I went out I looked for " black feathers of fowl, white and then egg and chalk" .

Everyone's knows if my hubby goes to mosque around 6-30pm he doesn't come out until around 9,this man says he is coming to my matrimonial home again to sleep with me and says its just sharp sharp! 

Stella I wanted more than just to kill this man as the "queen of this blog says) he said he will give my children money to buy something before they come back he is through.( already I knew this is a do or die affair).

This man came on Friday evening when my hubby was in the mosque gave my kids five hundred to buy bobo,  I had already drew chalk and charcoal on my face and on the egg, I tied the feathers on the  egg with black and red rope, he said I don't have to remove my wrapper I should just raise it up that he just want to come, I  asked him to remove his trouser, he now did , immediately I started screaming and I held his manhood, he was confused and he started begging me to keep quiet ,my good neighbour came in and called her husband They started praying for me thinking i am hypnotised and immediately they called my husband from the mosque , he was shocked! 

Mr A said he just wanted to check on my husband and my neighbour slapped him that he met him trying to wear his trouser, I now pretended as if i am back to my senses, I told them I just saw him in my house and he now asked my kids to buy bobo, I told him it was already late but he said its not far and immediately my kids went out I saw him with all these fetish items , and I don't know what happened again .

My hubby was shaking and he was begging my hubby to please forgive him that i am lying,Stella i am shocked ! 

No mention of video nothing!

He now ran away, my hubby left home and I did not see him again until yesterday evening , he asked me to leave, I was begging him, he said I should jejely go. I was crying and my kids were also crying , he said he just wants to stop seeing me for sometime.He clearly knows I have no where to go,but I left Stella with the only cloth on my body and my 1 year old daughter.

I  spent the night with a former neighbour, I don't know where to go and its unfortunate I learnt  the hard way , i am broken right now .please pray for me please, Muslim bvs should help me with prayers that I can recite around 3am.

People say money is the root of all evil but I say poverty is the root of all evil.

This is how this foolish man ruined my life, see how i am looking this morning Stella ,photo for your eyes only.

Wow,you are so pretty but the sad look in your eyes is shocking!
What do we do?how do we go from here?You slept with this man to free your man from jail and now the tables have turned,hmmmm!
Can someone please post the link of her Narrative so that others who havent read can read.
Lets keep our fingers crossed dear!



My friend, 
I’ve been debating on if I should send this post in or not, considering the toxic comments that come from BVs, but what the hell, it’s my opinion right? And my experience. 
I've been following WNBs religiously and I have to say,  it's been intriguing hearing especially from females, their versions of their wedding night.  
So here is what I have to say about it, by the way, I’m a man so it’s my male 2 cents. 
Maybe posters conjure up what they fantasise or cull from books or porn clips, maybe they are just adept writers…or maybe not. 
However, I feel I’m living proof that that kind or level of excitement and sex is possible and real, from my experience. Let me describe the love making my Woman and I had this weekend…its almost always like this.

She came around for weekend. I took her out for dinner in this beautiful place she had been wanting to visit for a while now, it was nice and she appreciated it. We eventually headed home and after taking our baths we ended up in bed for what we had both been thinking about all evening. 

 What we usually have is love making enshrouded in some serious mind blowing f***ing, her reaction, mine also…something else. We started with foreplay, not like we timed it but say, it was about 10-15 say 20mins of foreplay- 

I kissed her all over, the curve of her back, soft bites, kisses around her navel, inner thighs, ear lobes, her neck amidst sweet talk, while gradually made my way down. She knew what I was going to do next and even before my mouth got there, she’s already so w** and pushing my head down and inside.

 The way she wriggled her waist and head, while I used my tongue to work, was next to none and as a guy, if you haven’t seen a woman clinging on to dear life while begging you to continue, curling her toes with that lost-in-pleasure expression on her face, the the big O in multiples that follow while struggling to muffle her screams of ecstasy, you haven’t started work. When she quietened down she pulled me up and into her and my own journey started…or do I say, continued cos I enjoyed every bit of going down on her. It’s was all harder and faster and faster, and when I was about getting to my Cloud 9, she had to cover my mouth with kisses cos the way the excitement touched my brain and resets my system…chai! It’s not describable in pure words.

We went at it, a few more times that night in different positions before we surrendered to sweet cuddled sleep….. 
In the morning, I woke her up with soft kisses, she gave me my morning special….and the look of satisfaction on her, that morning glow, made me feel like a chairman, for real.

The s3x was that GOOD! 
So here is what I had to do/learn over time: 
• I had to learn to pay attention, not just to her needs but every inch of her body. When we are working on each other, I pay attention to her responses and I have NEVER gone in without foreplay which sometimes is preceded by flirting all day and being all sweet and nice to her during the day. Never rushing even when I tot I would die from the suspense also. 
• It is perfect when you are in love and in a relationship or in a marriage. 
• Having a good job and a place of your own provides some form of social security and safety zone for her, a comfy place where she can feel relaxed. It’s psychological, mature and emotional. 
• And yes, it pays to woo a woman properly, treat her well and with respect, before and after. 
So that’s it for me. That’s how it happened and happens for me. Yes, possibly, the level of erotica described may not be the same as posters of the WNB but damn, I know what  they talking about and say confidently that yes, that level of “collecting” is very do-able. Credit also to their level of literal expression.  And if you have felt this way or collected this way, you must be doing something(s) right *winks*. 

I’m not saying that some commentators are having bad sex or have never felt it that way, but just that one shouldn’t be in a hurry to shut down someone’s account of an experience because it doesn’t feel or work that way for you.

 I haven’t always been awesome in bed, but I got better with time and age. Everything can be worked on, with tolerance, humility and love. 
Like I inter-alia said, this is just my 2 cents. 



Hi Stella,
Hope u had a great weekend! I was one of the attendees on Saturday for war room,we really had a great time,the movie,refreshment,interaction was awesome. May God continue to bless you Ngozi for taking out time impacting people's lives,God will reward u abundantly. Thank you Stella for using your platform for a great course,God bless you. 

BV Deola 

I wonder what this war room is about and how it helps....I hear you only need to watch it when the chips are down....


Hello Stella,
I want to train one Bv on organic skincare free of charge as my own little way of giving back in this month of August.  More than 35 topics in the outline. 
If this training will benefit you in anyway, please send me a message on whatsapp:08054153798.


Good day Stella,
Trust all is well with you and yours. I wouldn't fail to thank you for want you are doing and how your blog has helped me over the years. God bless you ma'am.
Please I am here on behalf of my eldest sister who is trying to find love.

 She is everything one would ask for in a sister, she is pretty, she is one of the nicest persons I know, I am not saying that because she is my sister but people who have met her can attest to that.

My sister is a happy person, full of life and never a dull moment around her, I can count the number of times I haven't seen a smile on her face. She is kind hearted, has the fear of God and can cook. She works and has a daughter who as sweet as her mother.

Some people would say if she is all this why doesn't she have a man, I have come to realise that this world is a very tricky place, most good people end up with the worst kind of men and vice-versa.

It doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying to find that one who would compliment us, that's why I am doing this for her.
Please God fearing, hardworking, intelligent, exposed, handsome and caring men residing either in Nigeria or diaspora, between the ages of 40 to 60 years can contact her through the following email


I will be doing a post for those looking for jobs and those having jobs to offer in this week.No day fixed yet but i am looking at Thursday/Friday...I am busy with buying school books and stuff cos the holidays will be over soon.

Lets see how it goes.




  1. Replies
    1. IHN always a beauty to behold. S/M for guys alone 600 comments and more, didn't know we had them plenty on here
      Lemme go make my pick.

    2. Fellow BVs Kindly follow @trendy_hairhaven on instagram. Tanx8 August 2016 at 14:24

      Today's story tough oo

    3. So I read here daily abt how virtually almost all men are "headmaster/givers"dt wen I go out,I look at men with 1kind eye.
      I stand to say here that hubby is d greatest wen it comes to " head giving"
      They guy can give u head till that moment n he rakes it all in but he suddenly stopped wen he was CALLED and ordained.

      Since his ordination,he said no more heading.I just de manage since. So ystrd,we went out wen we got back,we decided to get busy(had been a while since we "got busy" due to some things like 1mnth) kids were at grand mums n there was enough time

      He was sooooooo horny n caressing my whole body.I started pushing his head there but he kept in begging n saying"honey pls no now,u knw I can't" then I was like just try,j UST try na was it d holy spirit dt told u? Just try D's 1more time let's see how it goes .if d holy spirit doesn't want u to do it again,he will show u signs(mind u,he was hard as rock and almost crying)I didn't give in to penetration n he was literarily begging. I share convinced him n he dived into my horney pot.
      Chaiii see enjoyment.I now introduced 360 and we had lots of fun.We continued from where we stopped this morning

      So my pple I de ask,hope I hv not done anything bad o????
      And yes I didn't type anonymously

    4. IHN filled with stories that touches
      I'm inspired

    5. That WAR ROOM I missed it


    6. There is one Miss Kay trying to steal my name here, please find a new name, I've been on this blog for long. Miss Kay is taken o!!!...

    7. D'Ehis you mean 69? Which one is 360 again?
      Anyway it's your marital right dey collect am dey go

    8. @the testimony, God be praised forever.
      @Muslim Poster, what happened again naw? Could it be that your husband didn't buy your story/drama?
      @Sex man,goan marry mbok,so you can send of your WNB
      @Stella,you no post my house hunt oh

    9. Pls decoders,get in here,who owns the shoprite located at Adeniran Ogunsanya mall,Surulere. God bless u as u decode it for me.

    10. Lol u he been asking for the owner of that shop rite abi one guy Don tell u say he is the owner??

  2. Bring down your gloryyyyyyyyyy!
    Any yansh opening for the gurls???

    1. Em jay em jay.u knw where I can get ok short gowns.first grade.reply me biko

    2. Chronicle lady sorry ohh.
      Something tells me your hubby will call you back, just give him time, why are some men evil, as gurls many reach?

    3. Stella u and these ur chairs..

    4. You are a fool and a green snake. How come all the anonymous on XP's case always come to reply your comments? Xp I swear this emjay is the same anonymous trolling you. She and her friends. Who else do you think she is calling on to bring drama if not you? Think woman think. Be sharing emails with this coward.

    5. Anon 14:52 your head dey there. All she does is switch sides and type in anonymous, her group will say in anonymous mode again that Xp is the one replying when she doesn't chat during the day at all. Emjay you are busted

    6. Emjay, you don see the drama wey you ask for?

    7. Emjay, you don see the drama wey you ask for?

    8. Hahahahahaha @anon14:52 you are the coward my dear, why are you hiding, what are you even saying, Ntorrrrrrrrrrrr, oya axe yourself, you can't come when send Xp shout out, una gho vex, even call una generattion lesbo, when I say I want yansh opening drama, una gho still cry foul, if you get sense you suppose know am indirectly calling on Xp the enviable queen to open people like you ynash, kwakwakwawkawkawa.

    9. Anonymous on xp case replying emjay, where? Why do you idiots like hitting two heads, where did they reply her, ain't her friends xp friends too, just shut that smelling hole you call mouth.

  3. Monday in house news is here.
    snm that took place on saturday how far my people, hope no collecting yet?
    oluwa will bless everyone in the house.

    1. Madam I must comment. Snm was just yesterday been Sunday.

  4. Replies
    1. Stella,I'm very mad at u for not postin my snm comment.atleast I stated my motive,I stated that I needed just a hook up.a friend with benefits n u refused to post I not far better than the married men n others who lie to ladies to bed them?u've deprived atleast a lady of joy n so much fun n that's not fair

    2. Anon 14:22,but I saw the "FWB" post na. Abi una plenty wey dey find fuckmates?

    3. Anon 14:22,but I saw the "FWB" post na. Abi una plenty wey dey find fuckmates?

  5. All I did yesterday was check the numbers pasted on SnM on true caller.
    If u hear ur name, answer present ma!

    Micheal shittu
    Chisom step
    Mandy Chris
    Ifeanyi Ifeanyi
    Kelvin Ogun
    Flyer distributor
    Alinco noni
    Kester omoregie

    That's all for now
    *Shines teeth

    1. U are very stupid. You know that right?

    2. You are stupid for doing this. If they wanted their names out here, they would have written it. Why write names when it's not a call out or something. You guys think. Everything is a joke abi. Grow up!!!

    3. I saw one *Sdk Bbm Pin

      I pity ladies that'll add him up. Special bbm for SDK ladies

    4. Hahahahaha...Nne u get time ooo

    5. Daz vry childish.Joblessness @ its peak.

    6. Could this be joblessness? Smh

    7. Continues
      Friday Nsude
      Ndukwe Agwu

    8. Anayo mmaduabum
      Tobee Tochukwu
      Ikenna Umunnaji...

    9. lol @flyer distributor,babe u no get wrk ok

    10. This Anon don crase oh😁😂
      Flyer distributor😀
      That SDK guy registered his sim as SDK abi how? Too ashamed or what?

  6. Life is very funny... I read the SnM post yesterday and I was irritated at a point. why y'll guys sounding like u r doing us a favour by putting up your contacts? Abeg make una shift. We r d ones doing u a favour by adding u up. Some put up their life history and CV like they are going on one ultimate search. One said I need someone who is neat and clean...duh!!!!! Another said he Dosent want someone that has had abortion and another said he has a love child so we must be willing to accept that child.... the most annoying was d guy dat said nobody should add him up and start asking for pictures.... like dude r u for real??? Abi u guys are the first and last species to ask for pictures like ur life depends on it.Nyways only ONE guy caught my attention and I would add him soon.
    I knew that post wouldn't go far like far bt kudos to those who participated. Wish you guys love Nd friendship.

    1. Madam you too are wrong. No one is doing anyone a favor. Relationship isn't mortal combat... you people should be wise!!!

    2. Dem no force you to add em nah.
      Guess you must be alabodo wife.😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😅😅😅

    3. I saw so many yansh opened

    4. Then delete any man that makes u feel like he is doing u a favour

    5. My sister,the one that carefully spaced his dos and don't got me cracking.

      I won't add him,if he was the last Man standing,i will rather add Martin aboy.

    6. They were stating what they wanted. It's a free world mami

    7. Don't mind d hediots men

    8. Did they force you to add them??? They stated what they wanted!

    9. That one that said he's 28 and wants someone above 28,you sure you don't want a sugar mummy?

    10. That one that said he's 28 and wants someone above 28,you sure you don't want a sugar mummy?

  7. Na so we go dey dey Stella, okay am going to take a seat to read. No shoki? Angels of shoki bless ur girl ohhh with airtel.

  8. God do answer prayers, *tears of joy*😢💃

    What God has done for me shall be permanent in Jesus name... (Amen)

  9. IHN don land today wey be monday.

  10. So this is my experience with yesterday's singles mingle. Really wish I could use my ID to do this but then the person will be like 'oh, so dis is so so and so person' and believe me, I'd like to remain coded till my very last day on this blog.

    So I added this guy up (mind u, I'm not single, far from it, believe what u may though. I was looking to probably compare, have more options and stuff like dat). So back to my story. I was chatting with this guy, good thing he writes good English (terrible grammar puts me off, like immediately). To cut d long story short, told him my battery was low and would have to talk to him in the morning and hopefully by then he would have used his pic as dp.

    He told me he could send his pic to me if I wanted that he doesn't have to use it as dp. Red flag! Right? Replied that I'd rather have him use it as dp as he will leave me wondering why he doesn't want to use his own pic as dp or something. (nna, person gas dey skeptical). He lolled and asked if I was a detective ni.

    Anyways, I went to bed, and as I woke up dis morning, went to wish guyman good morning (really didn't wanna be the hi, kk, kinda friend), nne, I'd been ruptured. Like wtf!!!!

    Just cos I asked that u use ur pic as dp. Are u wanted by the police? Are u married? Cos u definitely hiding something.

    Anyways, good riddance to bad rubbish. Let me stick to the devil I know abeg.

    1. Kikikikikiii this ur story cracked me up bad,one said he wants a friend only n nothing more so I added only for him to say it's a massage he wants'sex'i just got bored n formed sleep n luckily he got d message n raptured himself, Hehehehehe do people just get up n fuck strangers on a whim?

    2. Good thing he deleted himself.....imagine!

    3. Babe,i am a lady, but honestly,i hate to use my pix on my DP,,,i have no interest in seeing faces of the people I chat with honestly.

      I want a dude who can keep conversation going smoothly.

      In the days of mid night call I had a friend I chatted with (I met him via hints magazine hook up)form 2007-2010,he was in abuja and I was in owerri.

      Even when I gained admission into university of abuja,i never had interest to meet him,we talked like we knew each other.

      I never met nor saw his face...I didn't even ask for his Facebook id.

      I get irritated when people start with " show me year pix"

      If the dude isn't for real,putting his pix as DP isn't a proof,most people gave two phones, ge can dedicate one to sdk.

      I am not don't think it's my reason for not being a fan of using pix as dp.

      Mrs korks post my comment.

    4. d guy na scam abeg,maybe na kuturu sef

    5. *raptured pls. Na autocorrect. No vex

    6. When you know you have got the devil,why must you participate,obviously you are not contended with the devil you know.You still want to cut shows and enjoy both ways.

    7. Another 14:29,why are you surprised? Some men can fuck mad women not to talk of sane Strangers.

  11. Continuation...
    3. Meanwhile, on the curriculum aspect, a university student is trained to be a manager (graduate trainee, management trainee etc) after graduation, but Polytechnic students are trained to be Technologist, Senior supervisors graduate trainee(if Favour is ur name).
    In other words, in those days the belief was that, in Engineering fields for example , Bsc holders are trained on how to use people to do the job and they will send the report to the Top managers while HND holders are trained to do the job with the team as leaders and OND and NCE holders do the job as field technicians.

    But recently in the field (labour market) even OND holders are bosses over BSc holders and the job is going on well cos Performance in the field is not about degree, it's more of experience, determination and other attributes.

    Production Companies like those in Food and Beverages sector, industrial contracting companies, Power servicing companies and most European companies in Nigeria have thrown degree qualifications aside, they now use achievements and experience to employ and promote people, not qualifications. But entry level in Management Positions in most companies today are still exclusive to a minimum of BSC 2ND CLASS UPPER... No wonder we all wanted to get admission to and/or graduate with 1.1 or at least 2.1 in a highly recognised Federal University.

    To stop this dichotomy, it has to start from enacting a law by both Senate and reps houses to start both HND and BSc grads in same level and give them equal opportunity and privilege to grow in any and every organisation. But it has to start from The Federal and state Civil Service, cos that is where the discrimination began. If it becomes a law, Multinationals and SMEs will follow suit cos they are always law abiding and they'll not like to enter black books of the public and govt.

    Shocking thing now is, OND sell faster than HND and BSC nowadays because there are more junior staff or technicians in companies than supervisors and managers. U can have 20 operational staff (NCE, OND, HND holders) with 2 supervisors (BSc or HND) and just 1 manager with Msc, BSc, or HND (oga's relative).
    So Many Multinationals Now prefers Masters Degree as entry level qualification for Managerial position. They may advertise it as added advantage or preferably, it's just an English language to filter applicants without Masters.

    BV Oscar Moses aka Osmoses.

    1. I'm a HND graduate with a very good job. I have worked in 3differrnt departments already with super raises. Meanwhile I was employed with my HND certificate. This is Nigeria where certificates are just pieces of papers.

  12. Cool. Expedient IHN. Happy new week BVs.. Tho no shoki. *sobs*

  13. Lady that the husbands friend was sleeping with. Read your atory and was shocked people were telling you to confess to him. I like what you did. It's better your husband thinks he jazzed you. He will come round don't worry. Just keep telling him it was jazz lol

  14. Fellow BVs Kindly follow @trendy_hairhaven on instagram. Tanx8 August 2016 at 14:06

    In house news is here

  15. Happy New week bvs.

    Success to all minglers.

    Portable darling, wassup. Queen n boss kedu ije. Em Jay kee kwanu? Nwaamaka howdy....

    Dewy droppy Amma call u at close of work, jbaby where are you hiding?

    Sdk Lagos party..... Let's count down.

    1. Blogrity booya,
      SDK Lagos parri? Where is the party at???

    2. How do I join your weight loss. I am currently size 12

    3. You did not ask after me blogbrity.

    4. When is it happening nne biko kwam!

    5. Hi baby Hw are u doing? OK boo waiting

    6. Mother c. I'm watching you with side eyes. Saw your snAps on Snap.C. Continue eating junks ooooo

      Pay ursula, I just de oooo

  16. thank God for that great testimony, God is still God, no matter what age you will still marry your own man. Never you give up on God.

  17. Hello IHN, may this new week hold goodies for all of us!

  18. I sincerely love ihn this days.

  19. Ewa wo oun toluwa se fun, ewa wo oun toluwa se fun. Eyi lo mu mi dupe oooo, ope nla💃💃💃

    Thank you Jehova 🙏 you turned my Test to Testimony and my confusion into clarity. I can't thank you enough Baba God..I got my breakthrough today, Halleluyah 👐👐 08*08

    I'm coming back to share my testimony fully😀

    1. May ur testimony be permanent in Jesus name

    2. Ire gbogbo wa'
      atewa lowo loruko jesu.
      Ire naa yio ba o kale.(Amin)

    3. Awww! I love testimonies,
      thank God your life darling.
      Your testimony will be permanent in Jesus name, Amen.

    4. Abeg do as soon as possible cuz we gat itchy itchy earz

    5. Congrats Ashton for whatever it is. I pray God answers me as well. I'm so careful not to tap because I'm no palm wine tapper. #shinesteeth

    6. Congrats! More blessings abound

  20. see me see wahala this monday morning oooh. my enemies wan kill me fa. so i bought this new fine black shoe, unto say today is monday na and i want to look smart and beautiful so my market go sell wella lols *side eyes at lee boo* i decide to rock my new shoes oooh only for me to reach the office and miss my step and fall. if una see the kind epic fall wey i fall ehn. i fall yakata for ground all my legs hang for up, if no be say i wear trouser na so our security guards for see my fresh fine toto for free ooh.

    father i commit my week into your hands, no evil eyes shall see me *starts speaking in tongues*

    1. Lol. You no wear pata go office?

    2. Lmaoo!! Hope u didn't fall like that meme up there !!

    3. Hahahaahahahaahhaha
      Steffy I imagined this fall of urs and I could almost picture the fall but not you in a trouser but in a white short skirt.

    4. Lol. Everything abt u na so so toto. Repent my sis. Haba!

  21. Pls permit me to ask there was no video no nothing and ur husband sent u packing why? What does he know u did? Babe, don't let this husband of urs play a fast one on u as long as he knows nothing.Ehen, u were hypnotised is he blind? Don't beg him oo don't beg him just find a way ( God might use this situation to uplift u) to take care of ur kids outside his house.Struggle, u must find small businesses doing(forget shame) and let God bless ur hustle in due time.

    Stella when u watch war room and u r facing challenges the movie will fix the problems for u, is that no what it is again?

  22. Welcome IHN
    Shantelle where are thou?

  23. No showing why na

  24. In the name of giving us ur opinion on WNB ..u ended up stylishly giving us an insight into your sexual prowess.. Well-done o.

  25. Chiaaa, I pity the lady who was chased out if get matrimonial home oh.

    Sister,the Lord is your strength.

    If u are in facebook,i will like you to join " females in nigeria" aka Fin ,u may find help.

    If mrs korks belongs to the group, she can add you.

    I wish you told your hubby the truth , how u freed him from jail.

    It's really a Man"s world I swear,if na Man cheat,the woman will be quick to forgive.

  26. So I called for the waitress job of Friday IHN and the man on the call asked me to send my pictures. Not one ooo but like four different postures, me I no send ooo. When does employing of waitresses started with sending of pix. A picture sent can never be returned, what does he want to use our pics for? If he wants to see my looks, he should invite me for an interview. Instead of asking me to send cv na pictures he request for. Abi na prostitutes him dey find? Mctheeeeeeeeew...
    Abeg Sdk do employment post jare. Let me try my luck, I just pray all these Forever living products and GnLD people don't infiltrate the post and start inviting us for their talks(interview).

  27. Pls if u sell ok first grade gown in Lagos.holla @ me 08026568318.size 8

  28. Mrs korks,, the poster should post the link to her story,i am sure,she has it.

    Today's IHN is kinda DRY

  29. Mrs korks....

    Where is your former best friend "Ada Biafra "?????

    1. She's busy on Facebook. Kikikiki

  30. Guys pls post ur early experience so far from SnM pls....
    As for WNB, only pple wey never jam better fucker fit doubt those stories..just like a girl can say squirting is a myth until she jams a guy who runs a trailer on her n she shoots fluid 3ft.

    1. Hahhahha squirting is for real. Mind u dnt forget a guy who makes u squirt. #notallgirlssquirt

    2. I'm still waiting for that special man that will make me squirt.

  31. Welcome inhouse news,any drama to keep us entertained?God bless our hustle

  32. Seen #idropmygoldenpen#

  33. madam don't worry all will be well, for now every where is hot but am sure soon something good will come your way, never you give up.

  34. Chairman, i hail o. IHN short and and sweet. That muslim lady, may God be with you. But seriously Na this film u for act on the very first day he came. May God punish that stupid man. I don't blame your hubby though, his pride is hurt.

  35. Bv Domina, you no want give me the shoes again ni? I sent you a text on Sat, no reply, I called you no pick. You don raise my hopes as you pick me for the giveaway ooo. I don dey dream about the shoes as I no kuku get better shoes before. Lols. Esther.

  36. All the married men on Singles and mingles looking for single girls to decieve and sleep with, may God punish you all...

  37. Hahahahahaha!

    'I hear you only need to watch it when the chips are down.'

    Well, the chips were up, when I saw it some months ago o. Lmao!

    It's just a normal movie, that has lessons one can learn from it. Nothing more.

    It won't change an abysmally foolish person.


    1. Exactly! I enjoyed it the day I watched it and yeah! The chips weren't down @ Stellosky lol.
      Just that I'd don't like the way it ended abruptly

  38. Bv with testimony, I enjoyed reading your story. Stella's nose is a monument to the goddess of noses because that nose is so big,it can even smell the future,so I say Amen to her prayer for your second pikin. Kisses Stella, na joke I dey o.

  39. Poster u jst carried out ur plan without a backup plan. Wat were u expecting, u shud hv saved enof incase somtin like this happens, oh well. Good luck to u.
    Poster with the out of this world sex life congrats my brother i hope u wife this lady, u seem to be crazy abt her. Bt one question, the way u described ur love making, do u ever consider fucking another lady?
    Stella, it ws on sdk i first heard war room, n i wasnt unimpressed. Really it is a must watch, for both singles n married.

  40. Stella we need SnM for women trapped in a loveless marriage that are not comfortable with divorce

    1. Abeg abeg
      If you're in a loveless marriage better leave.
      No one has time for that.

  41. IHN small and interesting.
    Easy to read & digest.

  42. Hellooooooo....LOL @ people with my kind of nose. Stellz sef.

    Congratulations bv who had a baby. Going with the stereotype on this blog tho: a gwegs? smh!

    Oga, thank you for sending in your own version of porn. You could've easily told us what you learnt without giving us the details of your porn! *tongueout*

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm @woman married to a Muslim man. I smell a huge rat! May God help you.

    Have a good day people. Ndi nkem howdy? XP......XOXO......Kiss kiss

    1. And you will also come and famz. Wish you know what xoxo says about you.

    2. These bvs are mostly bitter people what does XOXO say about Nmasinachi?. Lies upon lies out of envy. Nma don't let them intimidate you, stick to your lovely life and bv friends, they are professionals like you.

  43. I hv a suggestion, why dont we also use this forum for feedbacks on chronicles, atleast we gt to knw how the advises we read here helps or not.

  44. eeeeeermm i don forget wetin i been wan write sef. i dey come back make i chop this meat pie first.

  45. No giveaway today... The likes of white berry might not comment today

    1. Swag La fresh, Emjay, Mother Confessor, Ideato/Ilaje blood, Blogbrity please dear White Berry and other bvs don't be angry, all you need do is watch them closely, these are a bunch of crooks. If Lafresh did attend an RCCG convention, she will not be mocking White berry under 24 hrs.

      Redeemers know how to hold down the anointing. Swag La Perish you did not go to Convention. Without shame should be the name of this Group on SDK blog. Tueh

  46. Stella and testimony lady abeg I don't want to laugh here lol thank God for you and I tape into ur blessings madam. Yeah will love the job post.

    1. Blogbrity and Ideato shame on you 2. Stop mocking someone begging for top up cards. You girls are without shame


  48. bros that send in that long dictionary abi is long gist, if the lady you both are cohabiting is not your wife please stop sending your gist, you can only send in your gist if your woman happens to be your wife. If she is not your wife and you both keep on cohabiting, keep the gist in your pocket.

  49. What a day.

    Madam may God heal your heart. Am sure your husband will come back to his senses.

    Default smile i had you in mind when my brother's wife called me early saturday morning that she is pregnant after obeying the word of God from my Bishop. He told her to work for God and she obeyed when we had a programe in May titled glory to glory. He told her God has compassion on her and she will be surprised if only she obeyed the voice of God. Anytime he sees her, he will lay his hand on her stomach on two occasion. She said she did not know why but something told her to go and do a test because she was feeling somehow and the result came positive. WHY SHE OBEYED THE VOICE OF GOD TO START WORKING FOR GOD by being in the Media Department.

    When she told me i just remembered you and i had to tap the same anointing from my Bishop to you. Please if you are doing something in the church, please hold it dearly, therein lies your breakthrough. You are blessed and you will carry your babies in Jesus name AMEN.

    I wanted to ask when i saw about 90% of persons says they are bored. What is happening, is it the vuhari economy affecting people or what. I dont understand ooo. May God give you all something beautiful to make your life SWEET.

    THE 650 comments i saw and read, is it that we have so many men on this blog but are hiding. Na only Kevin and James and Starry i know, who are the others.

  50. Yesterdays SnM clearly shows that guys are very picky and suffer inferiority complex.. that dude dat said any banker shld be ready to resign hasnt met pple who really work in the big professional service firms, dem no dey rest. So she will quit bcos u cant stand to see her excel in her career.. shame

    1. A very big shame. I just saw d comment, and shook my head. I work in a big firm. And I've been there for over 4yrs. I have cars, houses, and other properties. So, I can't give all those things up cos of one 'man' and yes, u can call me gwegs, I don't care. I wanted to add him and play with his feelings but, I just cancelled the idea. When you're single and Rich, that's d great life mehn. and besides I'm just 29.

  51. IHN don Land...

    I miss many BV ie chizoba (for her poisonous acid cancerous mouth) , Mama nnuku(for her funny adventures as a single Fun loving chicj), general"s wife (for her Dramatic ways if boasting), juicyjay(i hope I spelt right....i miss how he/she signed out with " Stella you must enjoy me")

    I miss. Toto pushy eater....for his nonsense name.

    Finally,mrs korks,how about that Guy,i can't remember his name, he used to give out matte lipsticks,he later became highly suicidal.....after he bought fake Mac lipsticks.

    How is he,,,i hope he is fine now....

  52. Latest promixing training,organic materials,all your 100% skin care products BBM 2B97FEAA Whatsapp 081608453608 August 2016 at 14:41

    Nice ihNs,so sorry dear for ur predicaments we would put u in prayerS so ur hubby can tak u back.

  53. Chronicles feedback, am sorry for your current state now love, to think I was grinning with smiles reading ur post until I read the last paragraph. I pray your husband forgives you and come back to you, it's just so unfortunate u can't open the closet for him.

  54. "Inter-alia" nice new(to me) legal word... love your description and yh, right, some of us never get to that level of orgasmic pleasure. Though we enjoy s3x in our own way. I can never beef a woman who reaches orgasm. Doesn't make sense.

  55. Barbie Michael or whatever you call your name, u are a retarded scum, u were just littering all the SnM comment last night like wtf. The guys put up who they are and their specifications u were replying everyone's post. Are u such an uncouth lousy talkative that's probably why u don't have a man in ur life cos u're a very forward person. Damn it girl u've got to work on ur attitude. U were just yearning balderdash on everyone's comment. U really need to change so u don't end up a nonentity

    1. Dear annonymous unfortunately for your dusty destiny, I am happily married... ewu gambia

    2. Loool, but you're pained o, are you the 23years old boy that wants a no string strictly benefit relationship?? Please go and read your Ugo c ugo series, so you can afford a lady when the time is right

    3. *yearning?? What is that word doing up there in your sentence?? You see what I am saying? Olodo

  56. Thank God it is Monday. Who is bringing us drama today.
    Side eyes at newbies.

  57. It hasn't been easy for me, please I need a sum of twenty six thousand to complete my tuition fee, kind hearted bv should please help me

  58. So I took my time to read the S&M post yesterday & I shook my head.
    Imagine hungry thieves looking for money from women; with their terrible grammar & high expectations when they have nothing to offer but their dirty dicks & body odour.
    One was even looking for "fruitful & fertile"...Oga wait o, how do you want to ascertain the state of a woman's fertility? Or she should come and tell you how many abortions she's done in the past? Idiot!
    The other one wrote bodycount-0...
    Too many jokers on this forum. See wetin lack of boyfriend don cause.
    One even Said baby mama abi single motherhood is a taboo. Huh? I'm sure the idiot is a product of baby mamarism. Mind you, I'm not in Support of the latest trend of ladies aspiring to be babymamas in order to fork out allowances monthly from baby daddy, but what the hell mehn?

    One mumu Said she must be obedient. Imagine the unamikot? Why don't you go an mingle with a bingo so you can mould her to your spec? Ode!
    Broke dirty things looking for who will buy them recharge cards after they have finished flashing the destiny out of your battery. Mscheeew. All they know how to do is offer you egg-less noodles in their crappy room apartments with torn mattresses.

    1. OUCH! !!
      Quickie have vex

    2. @ Quicksilver; excuse me!!! I know some people actually made unrealistic demands, but then again, there is someone for everyone.
      It's the same way we have our. "Tall, dark, handsome, rich, God-fearing, good in bed, and not stingy" specification. Deal with it. If you no see any one wey want your kind of person, walk away abeg.

    3. Damn!!!
      Thank you! I was just smh yesterday, guys be real pls, someone said he wants a Virgin and he doesn't believe in sex before marriage, so how would you confirm her virginity? I can jejely add you deceive you well and you will now find out on our wedding day, then I will give you a story about how I might have torn my hymen during sport or something sebi you now divorce me?
      On the Baby mama issue, I respect that it is the man's choice, but having a baby outside wedlock doesn't mean one was loose or something, it means you had sex and was not wise enough to protect yourself and you got pregnant and made a decision to keep that child rather than abort, this is why some ladies will hide their kids or tell their hubby the kid is their sibling and marry. Una well done, I would have mingled for the first time yesterday but the hypocrisy was nauseating . let me heal in peace.

  59. The person with no dp is James

  60. The lady with the husband issue thank God u did not tell your husband u can imagine what would ve happened. But don't worry he will come back for you. But I just pray the man won't call him and begin to tell him how he has been helping you. Let's keep our fingers crossed and belive God to fix it.

  61. Does anyone else watch moment of truth? That show is wild. I couldn't get on that show if a dozen wild horses pulled me. Yesterday's show was so lit. This woman confessed to not only having romantic feelings for her husband's friend,but that she had slept with another man on their matrimonial bed while her husband was at work,and she was saying all this in front of her husband and mother in law o,her husband cried,but she won 200hundred thousand dollars sha.I wonder if that marriage would break up cus her husband seemed like such a good and trusting man.

    1. It will not break anything. But I know that programme to get better bad luck in Naija.

  62. why have girls lost their self esteem? I saw comments like 'I wld hv added u but am 34' ' I wld hv added u but am fat' 'I wld hv added u but am a single mum' I wld hv added u but my mum is a single mum' men are not worth it,especially those useless ego filled men with their unrealistic criterias on d SnM. Left to me alone,I can never add any man there. I believe in myself, I met my man one on one,am on d big side,am size 14,but I love myself so much,I cnt loose my self-esteem,for what? Dats why men kip taking u ladies for granted. And one anonymous idiot commented under my comment that fine girls don't talk like me,'am on d big size' was an obvious mistake,take a look at ur qwerty bottons dummy,its obvious that 'z' was in place of 'd'. Ozuo!

    1. Lol @15:09, don't I just love you, ladies buy yourselves some esteem biko, small small 100level when dey manage do legbuke join claiming I own my 'businessess' lord have mercy.

  63. why have girls lost their self esteem? I saw comments like 'I wld hv added u but am 34' ' I wld hv added u but am fat' 'I wld hv added u but am a single mum' I wld hv added u but my mum is a single mum' men are not worth it,especially those useless ego filled men with their unrealistic criterias on d SnM. Left to me alone,I can never add any man there. I believe in myself, I met my man one on one,am on d big side,am size 14,but I love myself so much,I cnt loose my self-esteem,for what? Dats why men kip taking u ladies for granted. And one anonymous idiot commented under my comment that fine girls don't talk like me,'am on d big size' was an obvious mistake,take a look at ur qwerty bottons dummy,its obvious that 'z' was in place of 'd'. Ozuo!

  64. Na wa ohh.

    I read S&M from yesterday just now.. OMO see C.Vs

    Why are there too many broke ass chewing boys on this blog. After all the mouth dem dey make, see their requirements for a lady.

  65. Ihn is here... Short and terse.
    Have a splendid week all

  66. Yea,the war room meeting was the bomb,we had so much fun,met new people,the refreshment,and the talk by Ngozi's brother,was the icing on the cake.
    God almighty will bless you so much,you'd ask why you(Ngozi).
    IHN Rocks!

  67. The lady whose husband asked to leave the house please stay prayerful and God will see you through. It is well with you in Jesus name.

  68. The lady whose husband asked to leave the house please stay prayerful and God will see you through. It is well with you in Jesus name.

  69. James, you sef wan mingle but no marriage.

    God bless the givers.

    Madam Kaduna Poster, I pray God gives your husband the strength, wisdom, forgiving heart to forgive and accept you. Not easy o.

    Sex boy poster, you better stop kidnapping that girl and go pay her bride price. When you try all positions, which one una go try during honeymoon? Alika!

    Nice week all

  70. PALMOIL FROM THE EAST call or whatsapp:080728219378 August 2016 at 16:36

    Abegii,with the kind of requirements I saw on yesterdays SnM,fear grip me no be small. Advice for young men whether you are broke or searching for wife material (kente,aso-oke,ankara)biko,permit me to say you guys were not realistic. #wife notslave#.
    N.B:for those that said she must know how to cook,pls remind her to stop by for their palm oil to make the soup sweeter...#on a lighter note.

  71. Anon 14:52 God bless you.

  72. Pls what is the link to that woman's chronicle? The one whose husband chased away.

  73. Good Afternoon BVNS
    I woke up on the petty and dramatic side of my bed today and i am so ready to throw shades here and there.

    Let me give you a small history lesson before i proceed to Scandals of SDK BVNs.

    The subject of our history lesson is Tgw and why she is called every bad names in the dictionary???

    Once upon a time, one legal migrant in Germany named 'Stella' started a blog. We were one big happy family. Everything was going on smoothly. We had one beautiful BVN with the moniker 'Genny baby'. She was beautiful, young, married, and was morally upright in all her comment. She represented everything sweet, beautiful and serene. I admired her and i thought every sensible young person should but little did i know that some people who claimed to be her friends secretly abhorred her.

    Oh well, one fine sunny afternoon, our dear so-called innocent Generals wife started a rumor about 'Genny Baby' and her family out of envy. She was subtly posting things that insinuated that 'Genny baby' is not what she represent on this blog. Bloglord also jumped in and expanded the rumor. Both of them were commenting and giggling about it,BVNS became curious and like play, like play, they mentioned my one and only Genny baby. Bloglord apologized for that but Tgw never did. That was when the realization of who Tgw is dawned on me and i called them out for all the 'fuckery' they represent.

    Although Genny baby said we should let it go, i just let it go. I miss her. She was the only BVN that could tell me 'sit down' and i would sit my ass down...*wipes tears*

    She is so sweet and innocent unlike you two-faced pretentious sluts like Lafresh and Ideato Blood.

    I don't care if the Generals wife donates all her clothes to charity, she will always remain that slimy, corny, wicked, 'smile on her face and bite her at the back' woman who started an untrue rumor about her friend out of envy.

    History lesson over.

    Moving on to Scandals of SDKBVN.
    LovemeJeje wants to join these series by fire but the thing is, she is so boring. She is the type of woman, when you are having sex with her, you must sleep off. She is boring and empty. Where do i classify her? At least we know NwaAmaka has split personality, Chy Ada Jesus likes to laugh at every comment, Mrs Romas likes to whip up all types of food in her kitchen, Ronalda writes half interesting, half boring epistles, Iphie Dearie is a follow-follow clown, BonaPARTE is the brain of SDK, Miss Ess is just well behaved, Oluyomi is always crying, Emjay is a 'virgin', Elena is an 'i too know' doctor who never answers medical questions when it is needed on doctors forum.

    Lovemejeje...where do you belong? You are neither hot, cold or warm. My series is not for people like you, i like drama but not the one that can put me to sleep. You hear? Bye bye boring slut.

    Kelvin Edo boy indicated his interest to join #ScandalsofSDKBVNs by insulting his elders first. He made quite an entrance. It was hilarious reading Roller-Coaster drag him with her uncoordinated manner of typing, they will make an awesome match. At least, he is an upgrade from the canoeman she is following from River Niger to River Benue. The only snag is , Whorex Chic has no 'bwest' to press but she can always put oranges in there, i am sure Kelvin cannot tell the difference. The wedlock of Dumb and Dumber.


  74. Does anyone have "Bayo Trinidad" on their contact? I'm tripping already. Leave him girls.

  75. Does anyone have "Bayo Trinidad" on their contact? I'm tripping already. Leave him girls.

  76. Testimony poster
    That lady that you described that did engagement, that kain eye (half past eyes) na oloju awo Ibadan bi eni wo Oyo, that is what Yorubas call it.

  77. May your testimony remain permanent
    I don't know why Nigerian women make life unbearable for fellow women who don't get married or have children on time. Its so unfair, we are supposed to have each other's back at all times.

  78. Lols at the wedding night chronicles observer

  79. Thank God for your testimony, He that put the first one will add more, don't worry others are on their way coming your testimony will be permanent.

  80. Austin k you're the one that's a scum bag. Stop deceiving women when you know you're not ready you're out to have fun. Short ugly looking man. You keep attacking Barbie when you've slept with almost every lady. Idiot

    1. Anon17:40 you're bae, but don't worry, just leave the mumu, he's lucky I didn't even see his comment,would have E-slapped his four corner Head, a friend of mine from this blog encountered him, I'm shocked why she even looked at him, because from the picture she showed me, he's the replica of a praying mantis

  81. I laughed so hard reading the in house memes
    Very hilarious. Btw, German Juice's grammar is better than that of some bvs that I have been seeing here lately, topping the list are these two: Whiteberry and Rolex chick. Whiteberry is leading.

  82. The woman whose hubby has asked for space should be thankful she has gotten her hubby's friend off her back. Yes, you have nowhere to go but what if peradventure your hubby was 'dead' and his family chased you out, wouldn't you have looked for a way to cater for your children and yourself? Good, you didn't even take all the children save your one year old daughter. Come up with a plan and stop mopping. Also, stop begging your hubby, makes you look guilty.

  83. Aon 17:40 it is loveme jeje that owns it. be asking questions again. you asked last week, you did not get the answer, you are still asking again.

    So you dont know it is foreigners (south africa) that owns the place. or you want us to tell you it is tinubu that owns it

  84. So tghw u R that bad? eyaaah! lmao. I like u like in fact I love u like that that,who curs about them say them say .

  85. Xoxo i belong to the body of Christ. Seems my laughing at the meme got to you. So you had to do composition of essays as if you are still writing waec. Sorry for you. I am boring ok, i am this ok i am that ok but just know I AM HAPPY BEING MYSELF.


  86. @ blogbrity NNE I wear, imagine say na those days wey I dey go office pantless na so I for take do free kundus advert ooh. Welcome back honey.


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