Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...




Recently, my aunt sent me a video of a lady who talked about how she committed an abortion against the warning of God's Spirit, after she was raped. While under anesthesia on the operating table, she found herself in hell. 

Her description was too gruesome to recount here. The testimony is so compelling as this lady burst into tears many times. I could not ignore her passion and sincerity. She said that God gave her "another chance." 

Please, I have done abortions before and I know that it is wrong, how do I repent from it and get this tormenting guilt away? 

Hmmm....Half of the ladies that will come and crucify you here have also aborted.....Just ask God to forgive and he will and stop going back when you hear anyone's testimony about same...



I'm so sad Stella.

I'm a month pregnant and I really want this baby, but I'm also scared of keeping it because i already have 2 boys that are autistic. 

I really need a neurotypical child. How can i be sure this baby wont have autism too??? I'm so sad and scared at the same time. Life has not been fair to me...I'll rather abort than end up with another kid with autism.

Please dont abort ooooh..Maybe this one will be different and sent to you as a consolation.
Is there no way they can check to see if the baby is abnormal in the stomach? Activate your faith and trust God!

Wait how come you have two kids with same thing? Is Autism hereditary or what? I am shocked


  1. @Posternumber1,you just ask for forgiveness from God and stop feeling guilty unnecessarily

    @Posternumber2,i pray that God be kind to you o

    1. Poster 2, please visit st Leo’s catholic hospital on Toyin street (if you reside in Lagos). They will draw samples from the baby/fœtus and carry out the test. I was referred there when I was pregnant. God’s healing hands and grace upon you and the little one.

    2. The lady under anesthesia must have been given ketamine. I had that for my first abortion. I refused it for subsequent surgeries. I had heavy sedation with pain relief instead.

  2. God says that though your sin be red like crimson,He will make it as white as snow....your sins I will remember more.

    He cannot lie. It's the Devil that's reminding you of it. God has forgiven you and has forgotten like He promised He eill
    I don't have time to judge anyone
    Do you think anyone will come out here to tell you they aborted when it's not something to brag about.

  3. Poster 1, ask God for forgiveness. You also need to make peace with yourself too.

  4. Don’t worry dear, you will be fine. That child will wipe your tears. God has seen all your pains, this one will help you take care of the others. The others will also recover ok. Oya begin to dance!

  5. Poster 1: It is between you and God..Don't allow other people's stories put fear into you...The bible says All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...He who is free is free indeed...Ask God for forgiveness, forgive yourself and then you can sponsor any little kid in your neighbour or provide refreshment for the children in your church no matter how little to form part of restitution...Free your mind and sin no more!!

    Poster 2: Please the 3rd time could be the charm! I know it's tough honestly and I can only imagine...But believe with faith that your child will come out fine, don't harbour fear in your heart. You are in for a surprise my dear..Ehugs to you

  6. Poster1 privately ask God to forgive you and seek him One on one. Everyone is redeemable if we confess our sins and ask God to forgive us poster 2 just keep the baby and pray. Nothing is difficult for God to do be optimistic and never give up. It is well with you

  7. No matter what the pro-choice team says, there can be no way to justify abortion. Please avoid it if you can. It takes a deadened conscience to see nothing wrong with abortion.

    Poster 1, God forgives sins, truly repent and ask His forgiveness.

    Poster 2, pls don’t abort, and if it turns out contrary to your wish, consider adopting instead, please.

    1. It takes a deadened conscience to see nothing wrong with abortion 👌
      A girl that has no name, take note.

    2. You talking about deadened conscience then telling someone to put their child up for adoption because the child is born autistic? Do you know what some of those institutions are like? Do you know the overmedicalizing, the urine stench you can smell before you even open the doors, the abuse and horrid lives some of these children live in these institutions? You think autistic children are at the top of the adoption list and ppl are running out in droves to adopt them. Pray and pray without ceasing that you have good health and strength all your days mentally and physically so you don't get tossed in one of those places and truly learn what hell on earth really is.

      That woman actually knows, she has two autistic children, she know what it takes out of her to care for them 24/7. She knows how the future may look for her children. She knows the culture she lives in and what their chances of survival may be if anything happens to her and she is not there to care for them. Do not rebuke her and talk about deadened conscience for thinking about terminating her pregnancy.

    3. Anon 21:20, you must have misunderstood me. I meant she should adopt a child, not give her child up for adoption.

  8. Poster 1, it is highly unlikely that anyone would be put under general anesthesia for an abortion. So, I do not believe that testimony. However, if you are born again, then you past is history, you have been made new. Sometimes we continue to punish ourselves long after God has already forgiven us. Sometimes we believe that we do not deserve happiness because of the guilt of past missteps made in life so we continue to punish and imprison ourselves locked in the past. Life has to be lived going forward, forget what you have done in the past, learn from it, grow from it, BUT live your life looking forward and moving forward.

    Poster 2, you have a right to be worried. But outside of chromosomal abnormalities there is no test to detect autism in the womb. You should have done genetic compatibility testing between you and your spouse. Because of your history it is important that you stick to a very healthy diet and exercise lightly during pregnancy. Also you may want to do reduced potency immunization or find a pediatrician that stretches out the time between immunizations for a child. There are many pediatricians practicing this way at present, as there is a known correlation between immunizations and autism. Be an advocate for you and your unborn child and seek out a pediatrician who will be helpful and empathetic towards your needs.

    1. A hundred likes for your comment. I was going to type the same too. Research has shown that there is a correlation between autism spectrum and infant boys who were vaccinated on time. Delayed vaccination is strongly advised for infant boys.

      Please conduct your own research on it too.

    2. Vaccination do not cause autism. The research that postulated that finding was fraudulent. Several studies affirms this. I am currently doing a masters in Autism studies.

    3. Anon.. Thank you for your enlightenment, very valid.

  9. Autism spectrum disorders is about 90% due to genetic factors...meaning it is highly hereditary... this pregnancy may just be the 10% have faith @poster 2

  10. Go to a teaching hospital and talk to experts please

  11. @poster 2 even kids with autism still do well, especially if it's mild

  12. Poster 2, pls make sure you come back and share ur testimony with us because by the grace of God, this baby will be ‘normal’ (for lack of a better word to use)

  13. narrative 2, please don't abort the child, present your case before God on the NSPPD FIRE ALTAR, he will surely come through for you in Jesus name Amen.

  14. They’ll tell you all sorts but won’t be there for you I know someone that has 4.

  15. Poster No2. God bless you plenty. The advice I will give you is this....START TAKING PRO-BIOTICS AS DAILY SUPPLIMENTS. NEVER JOKE WITH IT!. My first son is also autistic, after years of research and all...when I got pregnant with my second son...I started using probiotics EVERYDAY. It helps to reset the good bacteria in your guts which leads to a healthy brain. Do your research, this is no lie or ko brained.. autism and what we eat into our guts are very much correlated. Please start now. My second son is very healthy, don't lose hope.

    1. @anonymous 16.59, you're sooooo right. I wonder why the most advice given to poster 2 here is just pray pray pray and have faith....we Nigerians really need to wake be only us dey pray to God..God has given us the answers through intensive research...only if we can just actually 'do the do'. Poster 2, please heed this advise....probiotics is one of your best chance of having an healthy baby. What you eat always affects our brain...Take probiotics everyday Biko.

  16. Poster 1. Ask yourself this question. If you get pregnant again today. Will you keep or abort it despite this your conscience.
    That way you will know if you are trully repentant and sorry for your past misdeed.

  17. Poster one since you know what you did, go to God Almighty in prayers and tell Him to show you mercy and also promise Him which I know it is sometimes difficult except the Holy Spirit helps you to overcome temptations. Find a good bible believing church and root yourself there by being committed to walking and working with God.

    Poster two turn your tears to tears of joy and continue in praises and let God Almighty do what He has in store for you. It is well

  18. Poster 2, tell your husband to release your male children.

  19. @poster 2, request for amniocentesis then decide what's best for you.atleast you would know fully what you are signing up for

    1. Thanks. That was what l was about to type.
      Amniocentesis, will pick any signs of abnormalities. Good luck, poster.
      Also place that baby on the NSPPD Alter.

    2. Thanks. That was what l was about to type.
      Amniocentesis, will pick any signs of abnormalities. Good luck, poster.
      Also place that baby on the NSPPD Alter.

    3. I have read of cases where amniocentesis was done and defects were found but upon birth, there was none. What if that person had aborted based on that?

  20. Dear poster 2, bring this matter to the alter of fire 7am Nigerian time tomorrow. On YouTube pastor Jerry eze. Or just type Nsppd. Good thing tomorrow is healing and deliverance prayers.

  21. Mourning is fasting
    St. Matthew 9:15 Jesus answered, "How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.

    Just like you would not eat if you lost those babies. God's Grace

  22. I heard from a reputable doctor on national television that one of the cause of autism is as a result of giving your child frolic acid after 3months in the womb. That once you have given a child frolic acid till 3 months you should stop because the brain has already developed and doesn't need it anymore

    1. Actually folate is much much better and women are encouraged to use prenatal vitamin that includes folate. Folic acid is the synthetic version which the body does not really absorb hence baby’s not getting enough to his brain. I was paying additional $40 after my health insurance paid 80% for a good prenatal vitamin that includes folate. So yea it’s important to eat healthy during pregnancy and like other anon said, take pre and probiotics!

  23. Poster #2, for your 2 kids to have autism, seems like there’s most likely a genetic component. If they did not get tested please have them tested as well as you and your husband. You may be able to get a diagnosis that will aid amniocentesis and help you make a decision as to whether or not to keep the infant.
    As a pediatrician I empathize with you.

  24. Probably you and your husband have in your bloodlines, this third child is your consolation from God.

  25. Poster 1. Please ask God for forgiveness and also forgive yourself. I had 4 abortions as a young adult, and the very first one happened during my youth service. Three extra abortions later as a working class lady, I said enough was enough. Today, I am married with two adorable kids. So put all of those abortions in the past, make peace with God and yourself and move on. Love and Light


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