Stella Dimoko Woman Says Agbara Police Inserted Hot Iron Into Her Tohtoh!


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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Woman Says Agbara Police Inserted Hot Iron Into Her Tohtoh!

This was first reported in October 2012 but people are still commenting on the video crying out for justice for this woman old enough to be a grandmother.....i am seeing this video for the first time today and i am shocked,I also checked online and i didnt see any follow up report indicating the people who did this to her were punished.This is shocking and i hope this woman is Okay?

Please lets make this go viral so that the People who did this will be called out...Its AGBARA POLICE STATION


  1. O mind Gosh!!!!.....this is horrible....this is too bad Ooooooo !...

    1. Oh no! That policeman should be brought to justice!!

    2. Scared ov watching.May justice prevail

  2. Another case of man's inhumanity to man. Even in the western world we see cases of people who have been punished for crimes they didn't commit cuz they were forced to speak under duress. Though not tortured physically but with threats nd all. See d story of Arturo Gatti. Then imagine hot iron stuck into one's vijayjay all in d name of cracking a case of which this is someone that has not been found guilty by a jury. My judgment: This excuse for a policeman should be dismissed from the force nd handed over to the government for severe penalty. After torturing her has the man been found, has the case been solved? NO! As for me this woman is just suffering cuz she has no money. If na rich woman truly kill her husband we will just not hear a word about this especially if d so called police have had their throat blocked by money. "I rise"

    Wifey xxxx

  3. Words cannot express, Nigeria is a cesspit. Pls can someone set up a way that we can donate to help this woman. May God help her

  4. This animals in black will not sieze to amaze me.

  5. Shey Na Diz world we dey where man is so unkind to Tuface voice
    Hmmmm this is so sad I hope the perpetrators are brought to book justice must prevail.

  6. I am appalled, disappointed and disgusted. This must not be allowed to go on. One day, it could be your turn or mine, hopefully not though. Let's each and everyone of us stand up for this woman. I ve used my bbm, twitter, facebook and nairaland to broadcast this, let's all do our part. This is a shame especially if we the women keep quiet on this

  7. you are quite crude stella do you think you are in ughelli what is tohtoh???

  8. What? That's wicked,He should be locked up biko,Visit Angel Maryjane David Blog.

  9. O my gosh! The police are wicked! This is really bad.

  10. Aunty Stel,pls tell etisalat to nak me MB so dat i can watch this fideo.

  11. OOOO my God, this is wickedness from highest order im can only cry im out of speech for now

  12. The policeman smelt the rod and discovered that there was no vaginal smell and decided to do it himself.
    1. This man is a sadistic pervert.
    2. He should be jailed for human right law infringement and lastly,
    3. A ring boiler should be placed on his dick with some water on it.

    Madam Queen I stand with you. She should have asked for donations.

    Madam PEj here is a job for your prestigious office.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is so wicked,how a human being God created will have such mind....God in mercy and grace we hope on because this world is turning more beastly by the day.
    But the woman said earlier that the man left her because she couldn't bear children for him,how come she is also saying that her children has stopped going to school and all that?
    Well,i cant say.May God have mercy in his people

  15. Those police officers are wicked i wish it was stella! ASUU STRIKE STILL ON OOOO MAKE UNA TALK NOW

  16. What a pity! No matter what these police officers have no excuse for what they did to this woman, nor what most of them do to the masses, bribery, brutality, et al...

    The bottom line here from my perspective is that this woman became a victim right from the moment she decided to become one of the deceased man's many wives. The whole thing could have been a set up as 'payback.' There's the possibility she was the favourite and the other jealous ones decided to get her for that. Whatever the case may be, I hope the culprits are dealt with and I hope she heals and leads a productive life.

    Take a cue from this ladies. If you are single for whatever reasons, widowed, single parent, husband left etc, if you do have a house of your own and can manage to get by, don't punish yourself and your children by wanting to be a 'wife' by force. There are usually downside consequences, be it the children being abused or all of you. It's better to have your "kicks" without getting too involved, as in making yourself accountable to a man with other women, it's dangerous.

  17. @ Anonymous No 17, This you just typed you WISHED it was Stella? Seriously? How can you wish this on anyone? even your enemies don't deserves this type of brutality. Maybe we should ALL wish this on you too! what is your take on that? Be careful what you wish on other people, because it might come back to you.

  18. @ anon 16: she had kids before marrying her current husband. #deduce reasoning#

    @ anon 17: may hot shit worry you on the day of your American visa.

  19. I cnt see any video ere o sterra..

  20. Hmmmm..Very deep and sad! So the police man that did this to this has no mother, sisters and daughters? To think that this police man was born by a woman! Nigerian police is still the worst in the world to me. May the police man that did this run mad, Amen!

  21. this is gross! hw can anyone do dis? God i cant belive am still sheddin tears.. dat police man is a beast nd he will meet his waterloo.. everytin in naija is jus failed.. dis can never happun in the states..


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