Stella Dimoko Serial Stalker Elliot Fogel Jailed For The THIRD Time After Harassing Anti-stalking Campaigner For More Than 12 Years


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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Serial Stalker Elliot Fogel Jailed For The THIRD Time After Harassing Anti-stalking Campaigner For More Than 12 Years

A former television producer who obsessively stalked a woman for more than 12 years has been jailed for a third time.
Elliot Fogel, 40, has now been prosecuted five times for harassing Claire Waxman and received three jail sentences, as well as a suspended sentence and a community order.

The former freelance producer for Sky Sports was found guilty of breaching the order by issuing a libel claim against Ms Waxman.

Fogel, of Stanway Gardens, Edgware, was today sentenced to three years and six months imprisonment following Monday's verdict at Harrow Crown Court.
He was also convicted on Monday of a second count of breaking the order by storing information about her.
His victim, 38-year-old Ms Waxman, has become a prominent anti-stalking campaigner and now runs the Voice 4 Victimscampaign.
She described the outcome of the case was "important" because it means the abuse of the courts by stalkers is being recognised.
She said: "My family and I have had to endure 12 years of persistent stalking and we just wish that Fogel would desist so that we can lead a normal life.
"Today’s verdict and sentence is important for all stalking victims, as it shows them that the pattern of stalking is finally being recognised and understood and taken seriously.
"It also gives a message to stalkers that they do not have an absolute right to access the civil courts to bring malicious and vexatious complaints against their victims."

Fogel was pursuing a libel case against Ms Waxman as a means of harassing her, police said. He claimed Ms Waxman had defamed him in interviews.
Prosecutor Rufus D'Cruz told the court that Fogel’s case was "a dishonest and devious means to continue a campaign of harassment by manipulating the civil court process and bringing a bogus and baseless action to cause Ms Waxman and her family distress and alarm".
He previously brought two other civil actions against Ms Waxman, but is now barred from issuing legal proceedings against her under the conditions of his restraining order, without the permission of a judge.
DC Daniel Candler said: "I am very pleased with the verdict of the jury who were able to see though Elliot Fogel's cynical attempts to subvert the civil judicial system in order to continue his 12-year campaign of harassment against Mrs Waxman.
"We all hope though that this will finally mark the end of his offending."

Culled from

Thank God we dont have stalkers like this in Nigeria oooh...ah ah!


  1. Who tell you that one stella?
    Wait till comments roll in.
    You go soon read narratives.
    I had a stalker but mehnn na long story.
    No energy to begin type

  2. Dia is o. Some men can be a psycho atimes.

  3. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    He should forever remain in jail....

  4. You say?
    Stalkers exist in Nigeria. Sick ones
    They stalk you on facebook, Instagram
    And send stupid messages on Facebook using fake accounts.
    And they tell everybody who cares to listen trash about you too

  5. I've got about 6 guys stalking me like hell, sometimes I pray for blindness to visit them in their various locations. That sh*t isn't funny. #Stalkingbehavior

  6. stalkers are in nigeria aswell

  7. Stalkers are very dangerous oo. Thank God dem no dey Naija like in America and Co

  8. can someone please recommend a marriage counselor. a christain preferably in calabar. i need help ASAP

  9. Stella who says we dont have stalkers in Nigeria? That the police will send you home and tell you to count yourself " lucky " a man is toasting you doesn't mean stalkers don't exist. What of those will toast you and bath you with acid because you don't agree?

    I had a stalker, waited by my office, would scream in public and declare his love for me, I had to report to SSS thankfully I had inner connections and he was detained and threatened before he left me alone.

    My colleague was also stalked by a woman who went as far as claiming she was pregnant for him while he just gave her a ride one day.

    She would go to his wife harrass his wife, call him and beg that he make love to her, then she came to our office claimed she was pregnant and wanted part of his salary. My boss insisted on pregnancy test because he said her actions were not normal turns out she wasn't pregnant and confessed to the police that she was in love with him from the day he gave her a ride and knew in her heart he would be her husband, very sick woman

  10. Nawa o..

    If you start out as the other one, you'll never be the only one.......

  11. Who has time to stalk you in Nigeria when they haven't put food on their table

  12. If I hear that we don't. Kai i used to have one eh! I can never forget him. I would leave him on the phone and he would be on the phone for 2hrs straight. I would check to see my phone and he is still there saying none sense. I wonder how he got money cos it never was a problem. The moron would send me credit sef. This was 4/5yrs ago and I am convinced by now he is comparable to me fogey.

  13. Their business, jeez this herbal tea works like fire.back to the toilet OK bye

  14. Hello fellow SDK blog readers, pls I wish to send in a story to Stella, but I don't know the email address to send it to. Pls help with d address pls. Thanks


    2. Oh!!! God bless u dearie. I appreciate

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. It is obvious he's in love with her that's y he's stalking her.
    It's a financial solution for da unemployed, u can click on it and get started.

  17. Y'all are confusing stalkers with your ignorant mugu's... here we are talking bout someone who just randomly out of the blue starts trolling and stalking everything that you do. Not some overly sensitive person that u shine green light for when you need something the discard like garbage when your done! Everything Nigerian girls will want to relate with!... I am glad her stalker is behind bars, what a terrifying experience.

  18. There are stalkers here in naija too ooo

  19. There are some crazy ones in Naija too.


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