Stella Dimoko Gunman Kills Self After Killing 2 Journalists On Air


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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gunman Kills Self After Killing 2 Journalists On Air

After he shot two journalists on a live TV broadcast and before he shot himself, Bryce Williams sent a message: "I've been a human powder keg for a while....just waiting to go BOOM."

Those were the words the gunman wrote in a chilling fax to ABC News, according to the network. The document purportedly from the Virginia shooter came after he gunned down WDBJ-TV journalists Alison  Parker and Adam Ward, spurring a manhunt that ended when he turned a gun on himself as troopers closed in.

The shooter who was a former reporter for the Roanoke station is dead, but the investigation into Wednesday's attack is ongoing. Authorities say the fax to ABC, the gunman's other attempts to reach out to the media and his social media posts just after opening fire could be key pieces of evidence as they try to pinpoint what led to the deadly shooting.

Franklin County Sheriff Bill Overton said authorities weren't sure about the gunman's motive, but are looking at his past employment at WDBJ as well other evidence, including the fax he allegedly sent to ABC News in New York.
"Many of you have gotten a lot of the correspondence, emails that had been sent out. It's obvious that ... this gentleman was disturbed in some way of the way things had transpired," and that "at some point in his life, things spiralled out of control," Overton said.


what a pity!


  1. Replies
    1. Drugs

      Stay off it


    2. Racism led to the murders. He was constantly harassed and discriminated against. He snapped.

  2. The mentality of these oyibo people, may God forgive them and reset their brains.

    RIP to the dead. saw the beautiful post the fiance of the lady wrote to her. God comfort them.

    God comfort the family of the killer. The man was pushed to the wall because of racial words.

  3. America needs to do something real quick about their gun control laws

  4. Ehya....danger in every line of profession.

  5. Hordes of crazy people in the world! 90% of them in America. Hian

    RIP to the death except the shooter. Tueh

  6. I watched this on tv and had this cold chill!
    This was after seeing the news about a school boy in Virginia that carried a loaded gun to school.
    Last week was the gun man in a train wrestled down by US armies on vacay.

    These days kids are being brainwashed on social media to join terrorist groups.
    Things are happening,evil things!!!

  7. There is so much heartbreaking news about lunatics possessing armed weapons and using it recklessly in the US... goodness! something needs to be done!!!

    She was just 24 and him, 27... what a waste! And for what -- to show your grievances???


  8. It hurts terribly to see such a young lady die while she was doing her job.I watched the video,she was interviewing a lady when the demonic man shot her.Her scream made me feel real sad.Whenever I remember the way she was screaming 'Oh my God, Oh my God',my heart break.It's too painful.

    1. Did u see d horror look on d face of d lady reading d news live inn d d studio when d lunatic fired d shots?..very sad

  9. our words are sharp and can make or mar a person, be careful in your utterances and actions. #No hating keep hating

  10. You know, they may say black people are a terrible set of people but the truth is,a black man doesn't just walk into the street or church as the case may be and start killing people for no just cause. Black people don't kill one another, unless "your fuck up is being tidied ".....most of these white dudes are crazy, honestly.

  11. I've been really sad since I watched the video of the murder yesterday. 2 lives wasted just like that? Just too sad. He should die a thousand times.

  12. I've been really sad since I watched the video of the murder yesterday. 2 lives wasted just like that? Just too sad. He should die a thousand times.

  13. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    He is sux a psycho!!,
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  14. And he boomed! Sick and depressed people everywhere

  15. Psycho patients every where. God will not allow us to encounter any of them

  16. So pitiful, it's not funny at all.


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