Stella Dimoko Meet the Nigerian Man ‘King of Satan’ Married to 57 Women, Youngest is 15 years old


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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Meet the Nigerian Man ‘King of Satan’ Married to 57 Women, Youngest is 15 years old


Chief Simon Odo alias Onuwa, a herbalist, is based in Aji village, Enugu-Ezike, Igboeze North Local Government Area, Enugu State. In this exclusive interview with Daily Trust Last Sunday, Onuwa, who boasts of 150 grand children, says he will not count the number of his children until he stops procreating. His youngest wife is 15 years old. Excerpts:

How do you describe yourself?
My name is Simon Odo alias Onuwa in Aji, Enugu-Ezike. My nickname is King of Satan. If you go to my cars, you will see the inscription: King of Satan.

Why do you answer King of Satan as your nickname name?
King of Satan means that I am a traditionalist. I’m not a Christian anymore. I was baptised as a Christian in 1956. And I was a mass server between 1959 and 1960 and the evil and wicked people who didn’t want me to live, poisoned me with ukwaranta (whooping cough) which I suffered for five years. Thereafter, somebody kept poison for me and I marched on it. Consequently, my right thigh (he pulls his trousers for the reporter to see the deep scar on his lap) got lacerated for five years and I was taken to another place for medicine. 

So I decided to embrace the traditional way of life and I survived the sickness.
When the enemy wanted to terminate my life, I was still single. So I survived the king of Satan. What I don’t do is bad medicine. I don’t go near human blood at all. That’s why I married 57 wives. My grandchildren are 150 in number.

Did you say 150?
Yes, I said 150.

Did you pay bride prices before you married your 57 wives?
Ok. I’m coming. (He enters the inner room and reappears with a book containing names of his wives and children). You know our community has taboos, if you go into fornication or adultery in our place, your children will be condemned or you may go mad. Here are the names of my children and my wives. The names of my wives covered two pages of the notebook – Igbo women are there, Yoruba women are there, Awka in Anambra, every tribe is there.

Now, coming to your question, I paid the bride price on the head of all my wives as tradition demands. Above that, there are some of my in-laws, I bought cars for and also built comfortable houses for them. Some of my mothers- in-law I built a bungalow for. The wife that is next to my junior wife, I dashed her mother Peugeot 406 car. I spend as from N300,000 upward whenever I’m going to marry.

I don’t marry from big (rich) families. I marry from the poorest families so that I can help them. If I want to marry a woman and she tells me that she is from a well-to-do family, I won’t marry her again. I suffered a lot in this life. As you hear the story of Job in the Bible, I suffered like Job. This snuff I am taking now, I started taking it in the year 1960 when I was in Standard Three. The cough poison which the evil people inflicted me made me to drop out of school at Standard Three. I hope you know that Standard Three is not Elementary Three? Whatever I’m telling you is the truth because you came all the way from Enugu, which is a very far distance, to come and interview me and so I will not like to tell you lies.

People say that your wives live like sisters from the same mother. What’s the secret?
It’s not just that they live like sisters from the same womb but they eat from the same plate. They cook in the same pot. My wives don’t fight, they don’t quarrel. If any of them fights, I sack her without wasting time. And when I sack the person, I wouldn’t go asking for the things I spent on her head as bride price.

Has any woman left you under such circumstance?
If I sack my wife, I remarry. About seven have misbehaved and I sacked them. But if the wife I sacked should repent and beg for forgiveness, I remarry her.

How do you fend for a large family of over one hundred members?
Whatever question you want to ask me, don’t shy away from such question, and I’ll answer you. Don’t ask me indirect question. The way I take care of my large family is simple. Thankfully, those I saved their souls, helped to solve their numerous spiritual problems, usually come to do thanksgiving here. And they help me a lot.

If you look round the compound, you will see vehicles parked inside which they dashed me after I had solved their problems. It is my destiny to help people. And it’s God that solves their problems, using me as an intermediary.

How many children do you have?
I don’t know the exact number of my children. I don’t want to count them until I stop procreation.

Are all of them going to school or do you train them in other skills?
All of them go to school. I encourage them to go to school, except if they don’t have the brain for that. Yet, you must have a skill in my family. If you don’t have a skill, that means you don’t want to be useful and I will chase you out of my family. Of course, nobody steals here. You can’t be in my house and decide to steal. Stealing is forbidden in my family. That’s why no matter the size of my family, you can’t see any member of this family stealing. If anybody from this family steals, the person knows the punishment I will give him or her-I will kill the person.

Do any of your children want to become herbalist?
None of them is showing such interest. They are not showing interest in my kind of occupation. All I need to do is to bless them so that God will help them in whatever they do. But I emphasise to them, never steal anybody’s thing. If you steal, I will denounce you as my child.

Isn’t it surprising that none of your many children, either male or female, is showing interest in what you are doing?
In the first place, I did not learn this occupation. It’s my God’s gift to me. Many of my children are pastors in The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Church. Many of my children are Christians. But I used to tell them that whatever anybody is doing, don’t allow abomination to come into it. Don’t use it to perpetrate injustice or falsehood or impunity.

Who are your patronisers?
Those I help are many. When politicians who are aspiring to positions come to me for help, I usually pray for them. But I must emphasise to them that if God helps them to get to the positions, they must govern well and they should not misbehave with the public offices entrusted in their care. But where the person gets into office and begins to misbehave, I am not to blame, I only prayed for him, I am not God who gives position, I‘m not God who controls the affairs of men.

How many bags of rice are consumed daily or weekly or monthly in your house?
Truly speaking, some of my wives are well to do, they are established and they are helping to carter for the family. But when I want to go an extra mile, I provide them with bags of rice two times or three times in a week. I am living with the young ones, I’m almost 70 years. I trained the old ones who, in turn, help to train their younger ones. Most people outside there don’t know the trick: they think I am the only person catering for the entire large family.

When you were in your 40s, for instance, how did you feed them, especially in providing source of protein to the family?
I killed three, four, five cows every month to provide meat which is a good source of protein for the family every month. If you are in doubt, I can take you to the place I kept the skull of the cows I have killed over the years, so that you see them.

Any of your sons a polygamist like you?
No, I don’t want to encourage them to marry more than one wife. They must all marry one wife each because there is no land to occupy more people. I built 15 different storey buildings to accommodate members of my large family. As my child, if you grow up, you go out and build your own house and thank God.

You married over 50 wives…?
(Cuts in) I married over 57 wives.

How old are you this year?
I was born in the year 1947, almost 68 years now.

And you decided to produce a whole community…don’t you think you are causing population problems for the country?
No. The truth is that my father was the only son of his parents, Papa bu ofu nwa. And he vowed that in his next coming (reincarnation), he was going to have large family full of his many children. And what he wished came to pass or don’t you know there’s power in the tongue, in the spoken words?

Do you have regret marrying many wives?
No. There is no regret.

Assuming any of your sons should marry more than one wife, how would you view such act?
If any of my sons marries more than one wife, contrary to my instruction, he should go and buy his own land and build his own house elsewhere. But as for staying in my compound with more than one wife, it won’t work.

How old is your oldest wife?
My oldest wife was 56 years old before she died.

What about the youngest? How old is she and how do you manage to…?
(Cuts in) Are you talking of the last one? She is 15 years. Should I call her for you so that you see her? (He goes out to call the youngest wife, Chidinmma. After this reporter has photographed her, he asked her to leave) Very good of you to have asked that question-the way I used to behave when I was young is the way I behave now. I know where you are going to. I know the question you want to ask. The vigour I used to have when I was young is still in me now. I don’t have female friends! I don’t have concubines. I don’t go after other men’s wives. I face my wives only.

How do you feel marrying 15 year-old- girl who is young enough to be your grandchild?
I am as healthy as I was when I was young because I don’t bother myself with troubles of this world. I am not an enemy of progress. I don’t envy anybody. I don’t begrudge anyone. I try to go about my own way and mind my business. Sometimes I drive myself to Lagos. What I’m doing is just a gift from God. If you come here in the next 10 years, I will still remain youthful as I’m today.

What is the secret of your youthful look?
I don’t eat the kind of food you people eat these days. I eat the type our fathers ate. I eat our natural food. I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t smoke.

You have never taken alcohol since you were born?
I stopped drinking alcohol in 1998. I used to drink a lot.

Why did you stop drinking?
Alcohol destroys man’s sperm. I am careful about my life and that’s why I am alive today. I don’t eat a lot. Sometimes, I eat once or twice in a day. One of the causes of sudden deaths these days is: somebody will eat one chicken, drink a bottle of big stout, or Gulder, Star and palm wine. Such eating and drinking habit can kill early. But if you can avoid too much consumption of all these stuffs and live the way God has created you, hardly can you have health problems.

Do you go to hospital?
I do go to hospital. I go to see the doctor for check-up because I have many wives. I don’t joke with my health.

People say you use juju to control all your wives so that they will be obedient to you. Is it true?
No. There is nothing like using medicine or juju to control them. A woman is like a dog that bites. Is there any juju you can use to control a dog that bites? Tell me the name of such medicine, please, if you know of any. It is just the gift and wisdom God gave that I use in controlling them. I don’t use charms or juju to control them.

One of your young wives, Ndidi, gave birth to a set of twins. Has God blessed you with twins before?
I have been blessed with sets of twins, from different wives, almost six times. Should I call the latest set of twins and their mother, Ndidi, so that you see them? Ndidi Agada gave birth to twins – Ebele Odo and Ngozi Odo on October 19, 2014.

What will you tell young men who want to marry?
I have always told my sons never to marry more than one wife because if you marry more than one wife, how to feed them may become a big problem. I will not live in the world forever. If your father is a man who has a limited company, it doesn’t imply that the son must have few accomplices.

What lesson would you like your children or other people to learn from you?
Whatever you enjoy doing develop it and use it to help people. If your gift is to trade, you face trading, if your gift is in public service, you face it and use it to help people. If your gift is to be a pastor, then you face it and spread the word of God. Some of my children have money but when you are rich, you try and help your fellow men. Some of my children are abroad. Normally, when you go to some large families, you will likely see some deformed people – imbecile, insane people, deaf and dumb and things like that. But in my own case, God has blessed my family in such a manner that such deformity does not exist in my large family..

How do villagers see you?
They love me essentially because I’m not a liar. I don’t offend people. I stay here and people visit me. My vehicles, at times, may stay here up to six months without me driving any. I recall when one Reverend Father and Reverend Sister visited me and asked me why is it that I’m answering King of Satan regardless of the fact that I’m doing good by helping people?

I explained it from the Bible. They said, please, Onuwa, leave us to rest and discuss the reason for which we are here. But I insisted they must listen to me. If anybody is answering King of God, let him answer but as for me, I will answer King of Satan. How many people did I dash cars? How many people did I dash motorcycles? I bought 96 machines which I dashed out to people and 10 vehicles which I gave out to help people. Have you seen anybody I gave motorcycle got involved in an accident with it? Or have you seen anyone I gave a vehicle and he got involved in an accident with it? The priest was nodding his head.

What advice do you have for the government and those in leadership positions?
If you are a governor, govern well. Do not use your position to suppress people, especially the innocent, poor people because if any leader decides to oppress the poor, whenever such leader leaves this planet, others will oppress his own children. People in leadership positions should not encourage nepotism.
I told the vigilante people in our community that if you arrest any of my children who is doing evil, just deal with him, don’t say because he is the son of a prominent person, Onuwa, you can let him go while you punish an innocent poor person who didn’t commit any offence. Don’t use your high position to snatch somebody’s wife or land or shed innocent blood so that God’s anger will not come upon you because there is something called the law of karma which still exists.


*Mouth hanging open!*


  1. this one dey use touch and follow ring take get woman

    1. Eeeh!
      Ebele and Ngozi Odo were born on my birthday.
      I have twin birthday mates, Yeey!

      Na you biko!

    2. I know him.. he married more than 100 wives

    3. crazy HORNY wife5 August 2015 at 22:54

      Old man,u r sick! U need to a non-satan slap to reset that thing u call brain. How dare u say ur strong dts why u married a 15yr old girl. Am sure she wishes u dead,WTF. As for her parents,ur worse than this thing called king of Satan by giving out ur daughter. Infact I wish I didn't see this.

    4. The first day I read this man's gist I was just picturing how his compound would be. I thought Fela was the king of polygamy. Be like say this old man na champion.

  2. That is how igbo people are, stanic people. Thank God they have now confirmed that they are king of satan, satan and children of satan. Please they should carry their satanic self out of Nigeria so that we can have peace before they begin to infect the rest of Nigeria with their satanic behavior. No wonder money maker talks and behaves the way it does, its all making sense now. He is the child of satan.

    1. Painment!!!! Buhahahahaha

    2. Nkita dowaaa gi ónu there! Idiot!

    3. Whatever it is you smoking should be made available over the counter. #stupidityeverywhere #Enuguezikeandproud

    4. Lol @anon 15:05,Illiteracy is a disease. What exactly do you mean by stanic?
      At this man is better the Yoruba "leader" that his own son accused him of doing the unthinkable with his wife.

    5. Please remind me how this is related to all Igbo people??
      May your brain be opened, Amen!

    6. You are a big fool.

    7. You must be from edo to call igbos satanic. You de find partner. Taata gbafuo from here!! Edo people, no offense mbok

    8. God punish you and your soul. Animal

    9. Anon 16 05 , you will see what will happen to u before the year ends, november precisely, watch for this comment you made

    10. May thunder fire that your useless mouth. Merde. Fils de pute.

    11. Big fool! That's what you are

    12. We don't blame this faceless fool...

    13. Its d ppl that answered d anon that r silly. Does this persob deserve a response?

    14. U are very sick for deviating from d topical. U re a foolish tribal bigot.

    15. Pls he's not tribalistic,hes illiterate bcos he didn't read where the man said that he has wives from all the tribes,so what is yoruba wife doing in his compound? This goes to show that he is the bigger person d way I'm not tribalistic,just had to make something clear for that reader.

  3. That's madness anyway it's good to save all those cargoes,at least if one man marry 50 women would rdcuce single ladies.

  4. Replies
    1. LOL. Kpele

      So he said @ some point that he prays 4 them( politicians) and if God answers....which god abeg? That bit confused me

    2. Hmmm, dats how ppl go to native doctors nd becomes their wife. God help us

  5. U call urself king of Satan and u keep calling God name like say d Satan dey pursue U...... My God the king of all kings ur name will forever be praise.......

    To long to read... I stop half way.

  6. Enugu-Ezike?
    Lmaooooooo. Those days in ESUT ( Enugu Campus), if you offend someone and he:she says " I ll visit Enugu-Ezike over this matter", the best advice is for you to go down on your knees begging.

  7. His youngest wife's name is Chidinma? Oh Lawd!!!

  8. 15 yes old bride* Yoruba wife* 😁😁😁😁

    1. Sisi eko hates...., please change your dp. It is tasteless.Why should anyone care whether a nonentity like sisi eko like him or not?
      By the way, all this yoruba people claiming the don't like igbos are the greatest admires of the igbos.
      Eg ,sometime ago, FFK wrote some articles condemning igbos but today he is madly in love with an Igbo woman. I wonder what happened to all the oduduwa girls.

    2. Tasteless how? Have you noticed that sisi eko friends on this blog are igbos? From ezenwanyi to iphie dearie and did you also notice how she brushed the queen and boss, and also how adaorah came to her defence ? Sisi eko bashed ndi Igbo on etcetera and obasanjo post and she also laughed with those who had bitter things to Say about us.
      Sisi eko is a spineless fool and did you notice how she's licking iphie dearie ass?

    3. Iz obvious u av no job!!!
      U did otomokpo, u comment dey
      answr urself,Kikikikiki. i said it dat ul soon
      Commit suicide.see as no one anwr u
      U r frustrated we can tell.D person wen born
      U na hin I pity!! Dis blog don finish u! If I spk
      4 SiSi hw e concyn ur useless fada? I'm igbo n nvr seen her make hate comment u jus wan pick
      on her cos she finish una! Liar beggars lik u!!!
      Kip changing name na kontinu!!!
      Na abaghị uru ewu bastard!!!!!


  9. He is sick. Don't bother yourselves...

  10. Abia!!
    I cover my eyes I used in reading this with the blood of jesus.

    1. Ahahahahahahh

    2. Hahahhah, guys I can't fit laugh jarrrree!!!!!

  11. Replies
    1. Wow *mouth hanging open* if he's really as nice as written then noting bad. He's really the king of Satan cos Satan tried him several times with different ailment but he overcame.

    2. La!!!
      You say IF 'he's really as nice as written then nothing bad" in your words.
      How about being the self-proclaimed king of satan? Doesn't that say it all? Forget his feeble attempt @ painting himself in a good light.
      Just read the underlying mesaage.shikena.

    3. La fresh, I get your perspective. I guess it means I conquered evil. He is doing good. He is for honest living. Only he is a chronic abi serial polygamist

  12. Hmmmm...... Stella....Enugu Exile people r very strng and bad..ooh xpeclly Aji...... In fact al part of Enugu Ezike.....dey do juju competition dia.... Them dey jaz pass Yoruba people sef. Dat place is a no go area... The worst part of Enugu and East.

    1. Lol @jazz pass yoruba. Now that's exaggeration. Yorubas are still the no 1 when I come to juju and charms.

  13. Eeh! 56 and 150 grand children. King of Satan O weytin person no go see for dis life! His answering king of satan how come he doesn't touch human blood abi no be satan/ witch dey suck person blood! Hmm am not surprise Sha oo na Enugu Ezike dats their occupation dere..... But some girls sha , na charm him use on me to marry dis man?

  14. Hahahaha...
    I have heard about this man before but I didn't believe them...
    I think I will pay him a visit and see things for my self...
    Enugu Ezike is the worst place to get married to...

    1. @queen biko don't go oooo

    2. Yes oooo.
      Der juju dey too much
      When u marry Enugu ezike man & u still keep boyfriends, u will run mad
      U must tel ur hubby whenever u give ur family,,friends money..
      Enugu Ezike pple I hail ooo

    3. Wife NO. 58 alert!

      Congratulations in advance dearie

  15. Waitin fr bigots money maker,eka sorrow,love me jeje and cohorts to spew der rubbish now.dis is ur uncle,fada,cousin..... come out of ur hidin place and coment u hipocrites

    1. Anon 16:35, abegi hold your peace.
      This is still better than the yoruba "leader" that his own son accused him of doing the unthinkable with his wife.

  16. Some Nsuka people can be diabolic sha. This man is a pedophile and uses money to deceive these innocent girls and their family. Poverty is a disease.

    1. uses money abi he has laced their eyes and brains with authentic juju!

  17. See his face.
    Mean face.
    His life his biz
    Congratulations to him

  18. 'Is there any juju that you'll use to control a dog that bites '?......hehehe

    Well, at least, he's a straightforward person.

    All the alcohol guzzling male creatures in the house, hope you have heard.....'Alcohol kills a man's sperm'.....kikikikiki. Before you destroy everything and start blaming your

    King of Satan,bettee be born again, before death comes calling o.


  19. What's youthful in this man?

  20. Stella I follow you open mouth oooo! Speechless

  21. Hahahhaha...stellz,this man is well dreaded in Enugu state ooo... He is a strong juju man. I remember one time someone stole a huge amt frm a room in my lodge at beach junction unn so dem pack all man begin go onuwa place ooo. Before we even reach there,one yeye boy confess. He is really d king of Satan.

    1. Hehehe

      Wahala dey.


    2. Lol, he for not confess naw. Make him body tell am.

    3. Aunty gwezz, u go unn??? Chai, I know beach junction well well. Na their we dey go buy fuel and meat from behind flat dat yr.


    4. Aunty gwegzzz...U be real UNN chic.
      ...."All man"...Some slangs dey particular to UNN students.
      Chai I miss UNN, good old dayz...meanwhile where be beach lodge? Nothing like dat for my time...Nna mehn otela for guyz o.

    5. Yes ooo...I am an alumni of the university of nigeria,nsukka. Graduated 2007.

  22. Lol Odinma
    You want to be king solomon, keep it up

  23. As shocking as it sounds(Asides d name he bears)I like dis Paapa! Hahahahahaha

    1. This is serious, like his person for his good nature but this can't be ordinary. Haba na last wife 15.... No nah this is so wrong... Short of words

  24. Stella I follow open mouth o. Infact am drooling

  25. Odikwa egwu oooo.
    Enugu Ezike pple I hail oooo.
    Dalu ooooo

  26. Huh???
    I doubt if i'll get over this shock today.


  27. 50 wives?
    The youngest 15?
    King of Satan?
    Congratulations sir.

  28. Oh! So, this man's story has gotten here. Hmmm. The day my friend from enugu-ezike told me about him, I was marveled. He even pointed out his compound to me. The man is very strong.

  29. What do you expect from a herbalist abi juju man. He must have used charm to hold them.

    EkaJoy Bebe, I don use torch light find you tire for the party pics. Oya identify yasef#widegrin

  30. Do u expect him to brag about his evil deeds after all even devil does not call himself evil.

  31. If he has Sex with them wives let's say one per day,means two months go reach before d first wife he started with gets her turn. Which also says something,them wives ain't sexually active. Unless he does 5 in a day, men even @ that, Odikwa strong man.

  32. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    This dude is such an interesting fellow and this is the best interview i have read for a long tym no doubt...

  33. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    This dude is such an interesting fellow and this is the best interview i have read for a long tym no doubt...

  34. What an interesting interview. Sir, I pray to God to bring you back to HIM. He sounded like a very honest and honorable man. Yes he might have many wives, and a large family. I feel he is a good man. I won't judge him at all. Like I said, I enjoyed reading this.

    1. Looks like you're the smartest person on this blog so far! Nigerians are so judgmental! They'd rather he's a fake pastor than show them his real color! Ride on baba, I hope you turn back to God soon! Please do.

    2. Cookie lion kor, cookie tiger ni.
      Must you use one of the names in Empire?
      Low self esteem tinz....

    3. Oloriburuku with big self esteem! Why he dey pain you nah!

    4. Hmmmm u may be right. Same way Fela was condemned for smoking, womanising.. etc.. yet he was kind hearted, as many who were close to him testified.

    5. Anon 7.44 aka copycopy , you leave the name?, you could change it to ewu since name dey hungry u, eleribu.

  35. Arrant nonsense! Didn't bother to read, can't waste precious moments of my life reading stuff that will reduce my iq


  37. What an interesting interview. Sir, I pray to God to bring you back to HIM. He sounded like a very honest and honorable man. Yes he might have many wives, and a large family. I feel he is a good man. I won't judge him at all. Like I said, I enjoyed reading this.

  38. Can he fuck well, cos dats the only reason I can give for the large amount of women that agreed for him, cos clearly he doesn't look rich!

    1. U can like to taste d banana and let us know lol ;)

  39. Can he fuck well, cos dats the only reason I can give for the large amount of women that agreed for him, cos clearly he doesn't look rich!

  40. I like the man


  41. Onye ara, shi na o ma ihe o na eme, mana ihe na eme ya, bu nke o na amaghi! = A mad man, said he knows what he is doing, but what is wrong with him, is still a mystery to him!". Lol!

    "O wughi kwanu iyi ara wu uka, kama, o wu njenje di na ya! = Running mad is not a problem, rather, the problem is the wandering involved!".
    Ilu Ndi Igbo, 19...Kiridim.

    1. Lol

      Igbo kwenu!








  42. How can he marry a girl of 15yrs is not proper. If he is helping pple as he said he would have taken her as his own daughter sent her to school. Ewu na agbaro oha





    1. What about your father?

    2. Anon 18:21,Lol @what about your father?
      The gal must be a yoruba. For them, charity begins abroad. Lmao

  44. i don't understand how one person can marry 57 women. Umu nwanyi iri ise na-asato. Odiegwu ooo

    1. Umu nwanyi iri ise na-asato bu 58 not 57..
      Asato is 8.

  45. The most annoying part is the way he repeatedly mentions God's name. You can't have two masters. It's either God almighty or satan.

  46. Omg!!! This man is a devil 50 what?

    u sure going to hell

    You married a 15 years old girl and you said is not juju


  47. "A woman is like a dog that bites"
    This man no nice ooo!See the imagery he pictured.

  48. Wow! Wow! Wow!
    He's even from my state... Chimo!!
    What can I say?
    Whatever makes anyone happy jor...
    If he says he didn't hypnotize all his wives, then who am I to judge...

    But sometimes, people like this man are more human than some of our so called Christians...
    They'll never hurt you intentionally until you look for their trouble...
    He sounds like a good man in my opinion..

    1. I totally agree with you, Bunny.

      Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, as sleeping in a garage doesn't make you a car.


  49. Phew!

    Long but it's was a good read. This man sef....

  50. An interesting ma worth meeting in person. Stella, can u arrange a meeting???

  51. Picks SDK's lower jaw, slam it wit d upper lip, *kpam! Chai! No na small tin o! Only one man!

  52. Goodman, hehehehe where are all the igbo's abusing yerima? They have lots of things they cover up and come out and cuss pipu, poverty maker yaayaa? Dan iska.

  53. And no one saw anything wrong with him marrying a 15 years old girl?…*deep sigh*

  54. You see Enugu Ezike and Ede Oballa? Fear them.

  55. Stupid man
    He look sick self

  56. And how is he even sure he really fathered all those children? How can one man satisfy all those women?..SMH..

  57. wtf....This is Crazie...He sounds nice...Hes most def gon forget most of his children names...

  58. He is a juju man, wonderful, i thought it was only Yoruba people that practice juju according to monkey maker. monkey maker you no go talk on this matter? una no fit talk or condemn now eh. hahahaha una see una life.

    1. Anon 21:11,why are you people spineless?Why can't you people use your blog ID?
      By the way,man's own is nothing compared to the world class yoruba juju and charms.

    2. Juju Na juju abeg! You sef no dey do juju ni? Talk true.... Arrogant murafuka!

  59. Wow! I like the man joor! Plain and straightforword going by his response and attitude towards life! As long as he doesn't shed 'blood' and thrives to be upright then I will chose him above some of Christains who are pure evil. Biko I like this paapa scatter and may God continue to bless him.

  60. I found him very interesting.
    Practicing the ways of our forefathers.

  61. Anon 22:12 returned to sender and all you hold dear in life, you will see what will happen to you right from when you made your comment.

    1. So you dey fear? Idiot spewing rubbish! Kitikpa gbakpo gi anya gi abuo there!

  62. That should tell you monkey maker that Yoruba's are not tribalistic. Na blog id dey pain you now. Why does everything pain you, whether people use blog id or not what has that got to do with you. In this life we all have choices and options, maybe people choose not to have blog id, how is that a crime against humanity now. Can you see that you are absolutely jobless with nothing better to do with your life? you're just an irritating animal.

  63. deviating from what topic, ask mumu maker he is the expert in deviating from topics. You idiots keep quiet at his bigotry and when people defend themselves against his hateful comments, you all come out and start vomiting and claiming innocence. You can dish it out but you can't take it, idiot cowards.

  64. FFK will better that girls life and that of her entire family because that is how Yoruba tribe is, They don't look at race or tribe, if they love someone, they will marry the person and treat them well and take care of their family and everyone knows this, unlike you hateful, tribalistic Igbo bigots that have no spine. All you do is demand and take, take, take and not willing to contribute any meaningful thing to better other peoples lives, selfish animals.

  65. The man sounds good. 150 too small sef, some Alh here get more than that and have forgotten their kids' names. He still acknowledges God.

    Unnecessary questions they're asking him.

  66. So many Anons on this post. So you guys are the ones that will send in birthday pics n SOS that 'we' that have IDs should kindly wish you happy b'days, make una fear God.


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