Stella Dimoko Everyone Has A Story....And A Testimony!


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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Everyone Has A Story....And A Testimony!

Are you sitting presently in a place of doubt and asking........

Wll,he is giving Miracles and my dear Testimonies abound!!!!
Read the following and let your Faith and hope be renewed if you lost it!


Good day to ou Stella of life. You are an amazing person, don't ever second guess your worth. 

Please send to the blog so that people can learn.

Yesterday, my mother boarded a bus from Lagos with Agofure transport services straight to Port Harcourt. So she was supposed to enter the bus that goes to Eleme which is close to my house but she the one going to waterline. People here who are familiar with PH and it's traffic will understand me.

 To cut long story short, they got to Agbaro in Delta state where Agofure has a filling station so that the driver can refill his fuel tank. The driver saw another of Agofure's driver going to Port Harcourt, his route usually is Eleme so the driver of the bus my mum entered pleaded with the other driver to carry some of his passengers who were going to Eleme since it was his route. My dear this driver vehemently refused oh.. According to my m

um they begged this guy ehn but he turned them down because she has plenty load. Na so my mama driver dem vex come say make he dey go, say he go kuku drop mumsie dem for Eleme. Painfully but God willing, the driver sped off without carrying my mum dem. Some body shout halleluyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Lo and behold, when my mum dem reached Ughelli, that vehicle don get accident, they said it tumbled and sommersaulted 4 good freaking times and they've all been rushed to Warri for treatment as they were in critical condition. My fellow BVS, abeg make una accept life as una see am oh, every disappointment is a blessing oh.. nor dey bite finger dey regret wetin don pass oh cos baba God nai dey guide our steps. Una take care ......



Good day.. I want to share this testimony on your blog and to encourage other Bvs never to give up on God in all things.. I sent you a mail few months back concerning my fears on whether I have Pcos or not because of my inability to conceive.. Well Today my fears have become my strength.. 

God has turned my inability to ability to conceive.. And I am happy to say I am expecting my bundle of Joy.. Bvs in everything please hold on to God although it may seem as if it would never happen but eventually it shall surely come to pass.. Thank you very much.. More testimonies in Jesus name.


A 24-year old boy looking out through a train's window shouted, Dad, look, "the trees are going behind; they are moving very fast" his Dad simply stared at him with so much joy and smiled! A young couple seated nearby looked at the 24-year old and thought to themselves, he's so grown up but so childish, he must have a mental disorder for his father not to be bothered. 

Suddenly the young man exclaimed again; Dad, look, "the clouds are running with us" the couple could not resist and said to the old man, why don't you take your son to a good doctor may be a psychiatrist? The old man smiled and said I just did. We are just coming from a doctor but not a psychiatrist ; we are just coming from the hospital. My son was blind from birth. He just got his sight today for the very first time, his behavior may seem stupid to you, it's more than a miracle to me. 

The young couple just sat down there, lost for words with a mixture of tears and shame in their eyes..
Everybody on earth has a story; don't judge people so fast or jump into conclusion about their private affairs; you don't know where they are coming from or what they have to deal with.

The truth behind their story might surprise you. Take it easy with others, even if you have a perfect life. Let us keep working towards the good of all.
This story inspired me and I have shared it with you you may have read it before but I'm just seeing it for the first time so there may be millions like me too who haven't come across this message 

If you have a Testimony or you want to share someone else' testimony,please go ahead!


  1. Replies
    1. I was defrauded of about 2 million naira early this year by a 419 that goes by the name of Comfort Kehinde Fadipe. She purchased my company goods directly from me and gave me cheques. Unknown to me she was a fraud. I was actually going to deposit for a house that I wanted to buy because my husband was not doing so well at that time. I paid for the goods when the cheque bounced with the money I wanted to deposit for the house in order for me to at least save my job. As God will have it a few months down my husband got a big time job, I got a huge sum of money from my in laws to begin a business and I still have my beautiful job. I only have God to thank. He removed my name from the list of shame to Grace. I wanted to buy a house on loan. I would have been looking for money to pay monthly. Now that's history.

      Blog visitors, Please watch out for a fair woman called Comfort Kehinde Fadipe. She's a scam. Herself and her family members. She will buy goods from you and pay you severally. Once she discovers that she have gotten your trust she will then buy good from you and run. The case got to Panti. Trust Nigeria police. Gist for another day. She as defrauded a lot of distributors. She operates majorly on the island and Abuja. I got to know when she defrauded me and it usually runs into millions. I just give God the praise.

  2. God has been faithful, he is In the business of doing good. I can't thank him enough and I am testifying next week in church.

  3. May all your testimonies be permanent ijn amen

  4. I got lots of's gonna be chronicles of hope

  5. Stella ur boo less blog visitors are waiting for your S and M oooo.... guys watch out so u dnt add oloshos oooo,

  6. The fact that I am alive is in itself a testimony.

    -Thankful for the gift of life
    -Thankful for family
    -Thankful for friends
    -Thankful for miracles that on their way
    -Thankful for absolutley everything.
    Even those things I sometimes take for granted.

    Thank You Lord.

  7. Great Testimonies... Glory to God!

    1. Thank God for life and family.
      For bringing these kids safely back to Lagos after a five- week vacation in the East. Even though they had been in a near fatal accident on two occasions during the holidays, you rescued them. What can I say, Omeifeukwu we will worship you forever.

      School resumes tomorrow, I am done this midnight from 'sorting things out', God onto your hands I commit them. I cannot be everywhere.

  8. I want to thank God for healing me.I hv been having ds terrible discharge dt always made me so worried about how safe my reproductive organs.After taking d drugs dt was recommended by a kind bv's doctor friend, I feel so brand new.I can now remove my panties n they're still solo clean.This testimony may look so not serious but it really is a big deal for me. As I can't testify this in church I might as well still thank God here.

    1. Please, what's the name of the drug? I really need it..Waiting

    2. Dear anonymous. What kind of drugs were prescribed for you?

  9. Thanking God for the lives of my family members, my brother that is a graduate, my father's promotion, my job and apartment, my husband (amazing human being). Above all thankfull for the priviledge of knowing God. Thank you Lord

  10. Thankful we are still alive, it could only be God.

  11. Today I reached a height nobody in my family has ever reached,nobody has ever counted millions in my family,i have been in business for 8yrs,and I get jobs only in thousands I cld get a 999k job it wil never reach 1million and evrytime seal a million naira deal for some reason it doesn't get thru and this has happened more than 50times,i knew I had to do somtin was wrong,i needed God to take me higher and iv been praying and fasting about it.On the 1st of May I had gone to meet a client that was to giv me 2million naira job I had prayed cos I know the trend of events that unfold anytime I'm abt to seal deals in millions,ungetin there the man changed his mind and gave me job of 800k,i was chattered on my way back I rem a frend of mine invited me to her church for a program so cos my heart was really heavy I decided to go and talk to God.May God bless the man God used for me,in the cause of the service the pastor said "God told me now that thr are some of you here that needs a change of level and if u believe I am sent of God u will see his wonders,If you knw that all wht u live on is ur salary,if month does not end u can't meet ur needs,and u want a change of level,you wil giv God ur whole month salary,If you know that thrs aheight you want to get to financially u will giv God wht wil provoke him take u to that level,and If I be a prophet of God,let testimonies follow this act"when I heard this I knew It was my time of change,I struggled in my heart those words moved me and so I did I cheque of 1million cos that was the dimension on blessings I want,that night I had aa dream,I saw som1 in a white apparel he took me to a place and I saw I hole full of papers and I saw a very hefty man in front of the hole,he was more like a guard,and the man in white told the hefty man that he shld allow me remove my picture,and he just moved aside and he said 'oya look for ur I saw pictures of all my siblings,cousins,evry1 I knew,when I removed my picture I begged the man to allow me remove that of my siblings he said NO that when they do what needed to be done like what I did that they that will get them here to remove theirs,i asked myslf 'what did I do'?that was when I woke up I knew wht I did was the 1m I gave God.i knew my case has been sorted spiritually I jst needed it to manifest physically frm that time till august 23 nothing happened,God is not a magician it takes patient to walk with God.i kept prayin and claiming my blessing august 24th for the first time in 8yrs I got a 2million naira job,and today I got a 7million naira job.Trully God spoke to that man of God and I sure will go back and give more,and soooooooooooo happy I broke the jinx it wasn't easy giving d seed but I have the last laugh.praise the lord'

    1. You again?
      If a testimony post comes up by december, you will post this particular gist. Thank God for you sha

    2. Hahaha. @ Quicksilver. All na testimony

  12. My life, today, everyday is a testimony. Teach me how NOT to worry Lord, but to trust ENTIRELY in you. This too will end in praise and I'll testify once more of your goodness to us.

    1. I love ur write up cos same applies to me. Teach me not to worry Lord but to trust ENTIRELY in you.

      God has always cancel my doubts. Even when there seems to be no way, things eventually fall into places, ALL GLORY to HIS name!

  13. still waiting for my story to turn testimony oohh...will share it with all of you that dont like going to church.

  14. The first testimony is the best happy for ur mum, sometimes in life it seems like somethings(tragedy) are premeditated, guess the accident was bound to happen that's why the driver rejected the other passengers, in other to save more lives or reduced the fatality of the premeditated accident. I have come to the conclusion that nature has it own course

  15. The first testimony is the best happy for ur mum, sometimes in life it seems like somethings(tragedy) are premeditated, guess the accident was bound to happen that's why the driver rejected the other passengers, in other to save more lives or reduced the fatality of the premeditated accident. I have come to the conclusion that nature has it own course

  16. The first testimony is the best happy for ur mum, sometimes in life it seems like somethings(tragedy) are premeditated, guess the accident was bound to happen that's why the driver rejected the other passengers, in other to save more lives or reduced the fatality of the premeditated accident. I have come to the conclusion that nature has it own course

  17. ....I'm inspired! Thank you all for sharing

  18. All testifiers may your testimonies be permanent IJN.

  19. God is good. (No! Not the transport line)
    God is really good.

    An awesome God HE is at all times

  20. God is good. (No! Not the transport line)
    God is really good.

    An awesome God HE is at all times

  21. I remembered a month back, I was desolate.....not happy about where my life it seemed like everything was at a standstill.
    I was complaining bitterly and getting migraines from so much worry. Then a friend updated his DP and PM.....a pic of another classmate nd friend....and wrote RIP.
    I was shocked...I had to go to bed right away cos I stopped functioning.
    Then it came to me....."Maris, u still have a chance.....u still have hope...cos u are still alive"
    From that day, that particular thing I was thinking of that night, I tossed it out of my mind....I didn't complain anymore. Someone whose life was just starting, died in her early twenties.......I am alive...all hope isn't lost......ADIEU dear friend

  22. Had an awesome service today. Happy sunday SDKers make una go church o.

  23. God has been awesome to me. Granting me favors upon favors.
    May his name be praised forever!


  24. first and foremost I want to testify and give thanks to God for his loving kindness, amazing grace, deliverances, protections, direction, mercy and goodness upon my me (Stanley ) and my family and to my academy interest ...... Baba Jahovah thank you... I love you..

  25. God is ever faithful to those that call upon him.
    Nothing ever escapes God's eye.
    I have learnt to trust God whole heartedly,he leads and I follow.
    Things may not align in the manner in which I seek,but it definitely would happen.
    God always does what he says he'll do.

    So I just relax,keep my feet up, work hard, pray hard,and allow God have his way..

    When we make plans,God laughs.

  26. My testimony still dey bake for oven. I shall testify with shoki soon. Watch out for it.

    1. Oh! Lord you have been so good you are so good to me, oh! Lord you are excellent in my life everyday.......

      Thank you Jesus!!!

  27. Last year February , I was depressed, suicidal and on the balcony of my 14 floor apartment , ready to finish it all but my baby woke up looking for me. Now I thank God for everything
    Love you Stella from Toronto

  28. I want to thank God for saving my mummy yesterday from an accident at Agbor.

  29. It can only be God! If my whole body were to be filled with mouth it won't be enough to thank this GOD. #Gratefulhrt

  30. Am trusting God dt a good job n good future dh will show up bfr d end of d year! Amen

  31. God be Praised. patiently waiting for single n mingle post

  32. I give God the glory.
    I never know that I will be a man of money.

  33. God is still writing my testimony, gone through the first test of losing my job and he provided me with a joyful testimony by giving me another one just at the nick of time.

    The other ones are on the way, I would testify again once they happen . In fact, the life I'm living is a testimony yet to happen cos I'm going through the test but I totally trust in Him!

    God never fails! Woo-hoo!

  34. Stella, I listened to d full interview wt Alex n I fell helplessly in love wt u. I've always admired ur impeccable style of writing, n told everybody that cares to listen dt ur are d bomb. There's always some new to learn from ur blog.
    Ur answers to all d questions asked by Alex n callers were satisfactory.
    Before d interview, I thought ur power lies solely on writing but was shocked at ur command n use of English, ur confidence, ur diction was on point, Infact I got a bit angry when Alex was interjecting d flow.
    I'm a lady same age bracket as u, but I doff my hat at ur ;
    Strong will
    Above all, for respecting d privacy of ur beautiful angels from ur blog.
    U too much babe, after u na u.

  35. When the Lord turned again the captivity of zion, we were like then that dream....ps126:1..
    when the Lord remembers you, nobody, not even the strongest of all can stop your testimony...

    The Lord is still on my page, my mouth is filled with laughter and joy, I don't even know where to start from but beloved be encouraged in the lord(ps 27:14) ..
    May the Lord never allow your waiting time to be in waste in Jesus name, I am a living testimony...

  36. Oh my God the first testimony got me thinking that most times when we are faced with disappointments we don't really know what God has saved us from. Our God is indeed and almighty and all knowing God.

  37. My testimony is on safe delivery,last year I gave birth to a baby boy and lost him after two weeks,I almost lost my memory cos of d incident.But God's faithfully has kept me till today and now I hav delivered a beautiful bouncing baby girl,may God's name b praised.

  38. Seeing the breaking of anoda day is indeed a testimony may ur name be testimony on the way

  39. Where do I start from... God I thank u oooo. I didn't sleep lst night ooo I I vomited throughout! God please heal me cos I need to look beautiful. I don't even have single strength...#whyNow

  40. Praissssseeeee God Somebody

    God Almighty has blessed me with a job,after years of suffering,hunting..

    I have less than 4k in my Account,but just last week,my God remembered so so happy. I will be starting on Monday.

    For those believing God for a Job,May He do it for you aswell.Amen

  41. May your testimonies be permanent ijn. For those of us believing and hoping for one... its here already by His Grace.

  42. God has been faithful to me and my family. We are alive, hale and hearthy.

  43. Thank God for both of you. But eh...four times? biko who was counting?

  44. God saved me and my family from the hands of armed robbers last week. They were unable to enter despite their efforts. They went away after we began to shout for help
    police are cowards. my dad called them and all the police idiot could say was ehen? infact na long story. i thank God for our lives.

    make una use style visit my blog

  45. Stella and SDK bvs I have a testimony! God saved me and gave me a second chance. I was pregnant and in my 2nd trimester; I have never bled, spot or sick and I went for ante natal and I was told they couldn't hear the heart beat of my baby and sent me for ultra sound instead of 18weeks what they saw is 15weeks meaning my baby died since 3weeks and I was still feeling the baby's movement oh; though they said it is usually reflex . I cried, screamed, I couldn't believe it and is even 2weeks to my white wedding. I was induced and delivered my baby. Is a testimony for me cos not everyone survives such situation. I feel sad, blamed myself but God knows the best. I believe his plans for me is of good and not of evil. I know, he said we should go into the world and be fruitful, and his plans for me is of good and not of evil; I believe He shall give me double. So shall it be in Jesus name. Chi Austin

    1. Hello Chi...I am here 2 encourage u..a friend of mine went tru dis same thing...last year but 2 d glory of God...she is a mum 2day. ..God is still God and I know...d same God who did it for my friend would also do urs....Amen!

  46. To the bv mother. Thank God for your mum's life.

  47. To the bv mother. Thank God for your mum's life.

  48. Thank You Lord your faithfulness

  49. God am so grateful for all dat u hav done for me! Am so happy God has never left my side even whn am unfaithful to him he is faithful always. Hmmmmm where will I start frm? Tru d help of God nd dis blog am able to live d rubbish relationship dat almost made me a shadow of myself! Without looking back or crying overnite like I always do, again am plus one dis month and a graduate dis same month too duo @ 27 no bf since I left d formal one, but am happy I have peace nd my God is so preparing my joy and garnish with goodnews all round, I have no fear for NYSC cox I no it is settled. Praise God.

  50. God am so grateful for all dat u hav done for me! Am so happy God has never left my side even whn am unfaithful to him he is faithful always. Hmmmmm where will I start frm? Tru d help of God nd dis blog am able to live d rubbish relationship dat almost made me a shadow of myself! Without looking back or crying overnite like I always do, again am plus one dis month and a graduate dis same month too duo @ 27 no bf since I left d formal one, but am happy I have peace nd my God is so preparing my joy and garnish with goodnews all round, I have no fear for NYSC cox I no it is settled. Praise God.

  51. I have a big testimony,tnk God for keeping me alive even wen d enemy tried to take their life not mine.I am gr8ful lord .Pls 4giv me all my sins & use me as ur tool.Tnk u 4 prayers answered.

  52. I have a big testimony,tnk God for keeping me alive even wen d enemy tried to take their life not mine.I am gr8ful lord .Pls 4giv me all my sins & use me as ur tool.Tnk u 4 prayers answered.

  53. I'm grateful for all
    Things I don't have
    Things I can't afford
    Things I have too

    I'm entirely grateful
    For the life I have
    The life I'm living
    The life of my lov'uns

    I'm grateful always
    For sleeping n waking
    For eating and pooing
    For inhaling n exhaling

    Can't be thankful enough!!! for my Being! I'm grateful to u alone lord.

  54. My whole life is a testimony o!
    I am NOT ashamed to speak of the goodness and mercies that has enveloped me and my immediate family these past years.

    @ Stella, will send my story soonest

  55. I have a testimony.
    On Easter Monday 2010, I was going back to school cos I have quiz dat Monday morning. I left home on Sunday sha. Everyone thought that av already reached jos cos I called my elder sister to tell her that I was in jos already.
    On dat fateful Monday, when I got to the park (nyanya) to board a bus, I noticed that they were working on the Tyre of the bus that was loading at the moment. One voice said to me " chy wait for the next one" I replied my inner voice " but u know I have quiz by ten this morning ". I went to my then boyfriend's that brought me to the park to ask for his opinion he said I should go that am being unnecessarily scared.
    I boarded the bus paid and my ticket was issued to me. Before u know it the driver came and met me and said that I should pls allow another guy to sit by my side that the guy is also a student but his not having complete fee. I argued but later allowed the guy to sit by the window. The vehicle left the park . We branched a filling station and bought fuel. Then the journey from Abuja to jos started properly. I prayed. Then the guy and I started catching up. My fellow bvs, can imagine that we did not drive for fifteen mins when we all hear a very thunderous bust from the car. No body could even ask when we all started shouting Jesus! Jesus!. I said to myself " chiamaka, u will not die. U will not die because Jesus just resurrected from death; therefore death is not for u this year". I made that silent prayer with full conviction. The next thing I know, a woman was holding me and saying ur safe now. I was shivering, shouting, crying and trying to run away from the woman. I asked her madam what happened she said ur vehicle tyre busted and the driver lost control. The bus somersaulted 4 time . She told me that when I came out I started running so she had to catch me so that I will not run into another moving vehicle. My dear I cannot even remember leaving the bus not to talk of running. Before u know it Nema, road safety and the rest were already taking the critically injured ones to the hospital. 4 people confirmed dead at the spot. The guy that I accepted to sit by my side broke his waist. The girl behind me died. The girl by the other window could not remember anything. I came out unhurt. People where even asking the woman if I was in the vehicle.
    I still want to use this opportunity to say Jesus thank u for preserving me. God did not look at my sin but rather preserved me. Till today my family av not asked me why I was going back to school on a moday while I already told them that I was I school on Sunday. Praise the lord.

    1. Wow! God is wonderful. Thank u Lord for d life of Ur daughter.

    2. Hmmmm attention seeker, abeg where ur range sport madam ceo.u think say we don 4get.lie kpensh u.

    3. May God be praised. I thank God for you. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He never fails.

    4. May God be praised. I thank God for you. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He never fails.

    5. Thank God for your life but change your fornicating ways......he saved u yes but continue to live in sin and u will miss heaven.....stop cursing and insulting people, God cannot be mocked.....we cannot be calling God and then keep living in sin

  56. God bless us all. May every Testimony remain permanent in our life, those seeking for theirs receive it in Jesus Name Amen.

  57. My testimony is my life,that am able to see today and my family is well

  58. Wow..
    I thank the Lord for you all..
    The last story, very inspiring..lesson learnt

  59. I'm hoping on God for a miracle. The devil is a liar!

    Fancy a fascinating fascinator? Click my moniker for more info!

  60. I thank God for His Mercy upon my life, my family & my loved ones, indeed God has been faithful! Read the song below & be blessed
    He loves me, I can not say why
    He loves me, I can not say whyyyyyyyyy
    On Calvary tree, He suffered for me,
    He loves me, I can not say why

    DEBBY(Grateful Heart)

  61. Thank God 4 d Bvs Mum, congratulations preggy lady... I thank God greatly for good health and the privilege of being alive. To God be all the glory.

  62. Lady SDK, keep up the good work. Very inspiring and uplifting.

    God is good and gracious to a fault.

  63. Poster 1,i follow u thank God o!madam i bless God for u too,u shall hold ur testimony IJN.i will testify soon,m sure of dat

  64. God is still in the business of doing good. That l am alive today is a testimony.
    Lord, I am extremely grateful.

  65. My entire life is a testimony. I may not have all I wish for at de moment but I know dat God is working for me behind de scene. He saw me through school, posted me to a good place to serve and saw me through my service year. I am entirely grateful. I am sure He will give me a very good job as soon as I finish. I will surely come back to testify. Amen.

  66. Encouraging words.

    Posters 1&2 may your testimonies be permanent. Testimony breeds testimonies, may you always have something to testify.

    Poster 3: food for thought! Thank you.

  67. I once shared my story on dis blog, they way Bvs insult me eh. Even dat stupid General wife sef, but I manage to settle wit my hubby to comeback to my matrimonial home, I even have another baby thinking he's change is permanent , my dear Bvs I'm back to square 1. The maltreatment, mockery and threats are my food n water in dis house. Stop judging ppl Base on there stories when ur not the ones in d shoes.

    1. Marriage is not by force, get out before you die early for nothing....

  68. Thank God for ur mum's life P1, all glory to His name. Believe it or not I gained a whole lot from ur testimony. Every disappointment might just be an appointment in disguise. God bless u real good for sharing, long life to ur family hon.
    P2-Congratulations! To every woman out there waiting on God for the fruit of the womb, just hold on and be strong. It's only a test which will pass very soon.
    P3-Thank u so much for that piece, it is really inspiring and motivating. Do not jump into conclusions no matter what. Thanks a bunch

  69. I was miraculously healed of Renal failure. I haven't done dialysis since 2010. Also while in hospital Dec 2009, i had a cardiac arrest and was technically dead but God restored my life. Halleluya!

    Do you Agree? Couples that sext have better sex

  70. My whole life has been a testimony. I would have been dead a long time ago, but because I serve a living God, he keeps protecting and seeing me through. This past week has been one of open doors and divine favours where I least expected them. I experienced explosive happiness that my heart couldn't contain. If only we know the power of prayers, we would be on our knees every moment we can.

    Thank God for the lives of the posters.

  71. I was miraculously healed of Renal failure. I haven't done dialysis since 2010. Also while in hospital Dec 2009, i had a cardiac arrest and was technically dead but God restored my life. Halleluya!

    Do you Agree? Couples that sext have better sex

  72. I'm thanking God in advance; I won't pay for house rent again by 2016 because I'm going to be in my Husband's house Amen . This year 2015 will end in praise and series of good testimonies Amen ! Will surely testify in this blog that on this day 13th September , 2015 that I wrote this with faith on Stella 's Blog. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers Amen

  73. God is ever faithful, may hi name be praied!!

  74. God saved from death through accident in August 15th 2001 .
    I was driving to abuja from kaduna, I have never liked the use of seat belt, but on this day something in my mind just said put on your seat belt and in less than 20 minutes I was trying to dodge a pot hole when my car lost control and somersault ed twice but to the glory of God Almighty and to the shame of the devil I came out of the pit unscrached . To God be all the Glory.

  75. I have a testimony God answered my prayer of 1yr ago. I paid for an exam 1yr ago but couldn't write the exam and I applied for a refund early this year but didn't get the money until this week..thank you Jesus.

  76. Stella take note I will be giving my testimony on this blog by His grace. Hoping on something wonderful to happen

  77. Our God answers prayers, lost my job and i prayed to God to give me another better job in three weeks,i mean 3 weeks. On the third week i received calls and did three bank interviews and My God gave me a better job, just because i had faith and i gave him three weeks,most importantly i'm a tither.I don't joke with my tithes.God is faithful,give ur life to Christ,he'll never fail you, i mean never.


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