Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...


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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives...



Good Day Stella and God bless you for this wonderful
platform. Am an ardent reader and I comment as **** ....
Please I want advice from you and my fellow BV's.. 
I'm a lady of 28years got married recently to my longtime boyfriend and everything seemed perfect at first until I started noticing he sneaks to clubs anytime he's on night shift or out of Lagos .

At first when I asked what pushed him to the lifestyle he kept on giving me excuses that it was his friends that lured him into going and sometimes when we have misunderstanding he just goes there to clear his head. mind you I'm a good woman he himself admits to it, brought up in a godly home and he was my first, so after so many times of catching him he then changed the story to ''yes I love going to clubs hanging out with my friends''

 Stella I broke down after hearing this from him, he knows I'm a good woman and more on the reserved side and clubbing is a no no for me still he went ahead to wife me cos he confessed that he's been going before he got married to me  that he was just good at hiding it from me. The height of it was when I discovered recently that he's been sleeping with a girl and finally he admitted that they've been an item for weeks now cause they go to clubs together and one thing led to another and they ended up in a hotel.

 This hurts so much and I just can't stop the tears,our marriage is still less than two years and God just answered our prayers two months ago, still in my first trimester. Stella I'm broken how do I deal with this? has any blog visitor been in my shoes before? how did you move on. Though he's been begging for forgiveness, he's ready to renew our vows but how can I get past this heart break and stop future occurrence ?please I need sincere advice 
Please forgive my typos***sad

I am confused on what to say here cos the clubbing appeared to have broken your heart before you found out he was cheating.I personally do not see anything wrong with someone who goes to the club...The way the word 'club' has been re-defined in Nigeria makes it look like only prostitutes are found there...NOT TRUE.
As for the cheating apsect..Why are men never satisfied,married a virgin and still going outside to sleep with loose girls,na wah oh.
Please Bv's advise her on the cheating aspect.

Take it easy with your pregnancy and dont stress yourself cos the trimester you are in is very delicate...AND PLEASE IF YOU MUST SLEEP WITH HUBBY,ASK HIM TO PROTECT HIMSELF FOR NOW COS OF STD'S AND THE BABYS HEALTH!



Stella good day, God bless you for what you are doing. Where do I start from, please Edit my name and email. My name is Osas, am a graduate with no job yet but I do host event and do menial jobs sometimes. My story is about love for older women especially the married women with fine waist and body shape. 

I have slept with a lot of older women both, divorced, widowed, single and mostly married. Am just 34 and I enjoy dating older women and married women only.. Ladies my age don't get me attracted. I even impregnated 2 married women and one of them specifically told me she will keep the child and up till now am sleeping with another married woman, she refused to let me go saying am the best f*ck of her life. Though the most of the older women are rich and classy. The one I got pregnant begged me to because she and her husband don't have a child yet and she is 7months pregnant and she gave me 2million to keep my mouth shut.

 I enjoy what I do but sometimes I feel gulity when sleeping with all these married women. Am very good in bed and many women say I am handsome. Aunty stella, I just need advise on what am doing because I want to quit but can't stop. One day I will get married and I just imagine another man banging my wife.. Anyways curse me out but seriously am doing it for fun and the money.. Thank you and please use your red pen.

You are doing it for fun and for money?Karma has your address and its written down in capital letters.Please stop now darlng.stop stop!!!


  1. Replies
    1. U mk goin 2d club lok like a bad tyn. My hubby and I go as well. I'll advise u join him and dnt mk it look like it's bad cos dts y he doesn't tell u wn h goes. All d best.

    2. Pster 1: pple dnt change unless they choose 2. He enjoys clubbing. Go wt him smtimes or tell him 2 be careful wenever he's the time he's older naim go stop maam get urself busy and direct ur mind 2 other positive things...goodluck

    3. 2016 disappointment/karma. End time shocking chronicles.

    4. 1.
      It seems you are too uptight for ur hubby and that girl allows him to be a free spirit. Why is club a no no 4 u? This is what happens when u r too uptight, u end up with sm1 that pretends 2 be who they arnt just to pls u and now that they are married, he cant hold it anymore he hs 2 be himself. Its very wrong 4 ur partner to be hiding smtin as small as going clubbing.
      Btw, i just hope with all these ur hes my first, am a good woman (twice mentioned), hope u arnt the strictly missionary type, no oral etc else, he will continue to cheat nonstop. See, people shld just be themselves and the 1 that likes u just d way u r will find u. Afterall, sm1 asked stella to hook him up with a troublesome gal smtime bck, so all join.

      Your love for older women is totally ok, but doing married women, hmmmmm. My hand no dey.
      Is 2m worth ur own future hapiness? Like u already said u cant imagine sm1 else shagging ur wife, pls stop shagging married women. Also, my biggest issue with ur chronicle is the fact that a married woman is carrying ur child, that i dont know what to say to u.

    5. @narrative no 1. Your story is soooooo me! Everything including the timing of the pregnancy, from a good home, being your first. Are you sure you are not telling my story?

      I am now 7 years in marriage, I will be 8 this year. From your story, I guess your husband is a good guy, he's just fun loving, and under the influence of his friends.

      How did I handle mine? Firstly turn to God and pray about it. Tell God what you want. DO NOT NAG! Otherwise, it will make him unecessarilly defensive and will tell you to go to hell. Seek to know these friends of his, collect their numbers and buzz them occasionally, Try to bond with them. If they are married, both of you should visit them in their homes. Be a friend to their wives. Arrange getaways from time to time, always hang out with him. Don't allow pregnancy turn you to ugly duckly, always look smart and sexy, yes sexy even at home. Play romantic and erotic musics at home and give him lap dance, etc, just be his bitch at home. Always do things to get his attention

      On the clubbing, my dear you have to compromise o, let him go. Just make him promise he will not be naught and will always go with your consent. Make him tell you when he will come back and which club he's in each time he's going.

      These and many more I did and I won! In fact my husband marvels at how I handle his excesses. And he respects me for that. In fact he sometimes records what they do in the club and sends to me, and I just laugh.

      ....above all, is too short!

      If you want more advice, say it under my comment, and I will give Stella my number for you to call. It's well dear...

    6. Patty even in 2016?

      Poster 1: unfortunately ure getting 2 know ur man in marriage. Oh well! Wat can I say? Nothing cos Nigga ain't quitting anytime soon. Better get ur shorts ready n start clubbing.

      Poster 2: continue. When it's time 2 stop u nor go even read or seek advice. In short nobody go tell u na with ur leg touching ur head u go take run from d act.

    7. Poster dear u should learn to go to club with ur hubby.aint nothin wrong wit that.u will have fun and keep an eye on him.u have to like his likes my dear.learn to have fun and lure back ur hubby.

      Poster 2: u will come back in few years wit another chronicle how your wife sleeps wit other men

      The poor married man will be happy now that his wife is finally pregnant.
      Evil that men n women do..

    8. I pity those children born by all this married women sleeping with other men cos the whole curse will so much affect the destiny of those children. Y marry in the first place wen u can't be faithful to one man.

    9. The second poster just came to brag. Na U know mbok
      Poster 1 pls take heart okay? God will see U thru
      Michelleokonkwo : instagram

    10. What's wrong in going to club with your husband, been doing good girl their

    11. Poster 1, u'r probably a boring person, if u didn't see going to club as a big deal, y'all would probably go together and he wouldn't have that chance to pick up the chic... I have a married friend herself and hubby club like there's no tomorrow. Stop making clubbing sound bad Mrs "good woman". It's not only by morals,you have to be an allrounder? That's only when u are a good woman.

    12. To all the holy bvs that shout pretend to be a mermaid and marry as a virgin shey u can c dt it's not by being a virgin. Bottom line it's only GOD that can keep a marriage. Period

    13. @ Koko, don't tell me you too have been brainwashed into believing that cultural crap that innocent children are cursed. Story for the gods! That is just a scare tactic by insecure men to use to hold the women down. If that kind of thing gets children cursed, 80% to 90% of Nigerians in this generation would be damned, especially on account of their fathers and their escapades through the years. Also, what if for some of those women, their husbands are the ones who told them to go get pregnant by someone outside to save face and avoid embarrasment because they know they can't get their wives pregnant? A lot of things are happening in this country of ours, you can't take anything at face-value. You'll be shocked to know how many husbands are aware of this. Poster 2, you better stop the rubbish you're doing before you get yourself hurt. Think about it, if a rich man asks his wife to go get pregnant outside because he can't have kids. Once they get all the kids they want; have you not thought that they might try to get rid of you to avoid possible future blackmail or embarrassment? What about the jealous husbands etc? You're busy thinking of the fun and money instead of your life........ Just Me

  2. End time chronicle!

    *******LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS******


    1. Poster1, I don't knw what to tell you...

      Poster2, I just pity you,let it be @ the back of ur mind that karma knowns ur name, there's no hiding place for you, keep sleeping with married women up and down, untill what makes u stand up like a man die like smoother cocoyam leaves, change while u still gat time Mr fuckard.

    2. I know a boy in lekki whose speciality... All he does is eat!!!! I just pity d young man cos I heard his mother 2 fucks ard... Pity

    3. See this uncle gweggs calling himself young at 34. Mtchewww

    4. Poster 1, the cheating aspect is not even a problem to you like the clubbing. See the way u make clubbing look like murder.

      I rarely club. I've not been to a club up to 10times but bae goes like its going out of fashion. We video chat and chat from club sef.

      You sound like the type that will see doggy style as sin. If you don't know how to satisfy him, read books......learn everything. I bet you he won't go out looking for snake in the monkey shadow sex style.

      Loosen up dear, you're too uptight for him. Meeting you a virgin is not a ticket to being faithful.

    5. Poster 2,ybnl that's what you are. Typical benin lazy boy. As you no see bro/sis wey dey the abroad to rely on, you jeje dey do your own here. Oga, go for deliverance.

    6. Poster one,ur husband will cheat some more,dis is just d begining,bcos u married a virgin,u think he will be fucking only ur pussy forever? U are a dreamer. Dnt u know that men these days believe that one toto dey kill prick? In less than 2yrs,ur husband is already messing around? What do men want?

    7. Lmao!! @ Cinderella

  3. Replies
    1. Madam, go and ask Remi Tinubu how she managed to retain her post in church while being married to a man like Tinubu - Muslim for that matter.
      Why are you killing yourself over your man going to club? Better stop all these your reservation and wear the bumshorts and follow him out. As u no gree commot he found someone else. If you're godly and he's not, you can't force him to be. Yes you are a good woman, and that's why he married you because it's easier hide such things from a good woman that a girl who's been on the streets.
      My advice- better calm down and take it easy with your pregnancy.

      As for that your husband sef ehn.... Anyway, make I no just pray for am cos u go turn back come cuss me. But there's nothing wrong in him trying to make you hang out with him if that's what he likes. Did he have to go and carry a stranger? He's just a disgrace

    2. Poster 2- you don't sound like you need advice. Kontunu!

  4. What is wrong with going to the club?

    1. **And the married women said I am handsome** bwahahahahaha hahahahahahhaah, kikikikikikikikiki.

      Joke of 2016!

    2. Satan is a master counterfeiter. In other words, Satan presents something that appears on the surface to be attractive. The lure of clubbing is that it is very enjoyable, fun, and exciting. What we don’t see are the consequences because Satan keeps the sensual attraction at the forefront of our minds. Sex, alcohol, and drugs—all found in most nightclubs—are very destructive, both physically and spiritually. God has a place for sex where it is the most enjoyable—in monogamous marriage, where there are no STD’s, HIV, guilt, aloneness—and those who don’t believe God in this are short-changing themselves.

      God desires for us to be righteous and holy because He created us to be that way. The benefits of living the life that God intended far exceed the petty, short-lived thrills that this world offers. Many who are or used to be in the nightclub lifestyle say the same thing—there is no joy, there is no fulfillment; there is only emptiness. Only God can fulfill our needs and give us the joy and happiness we all seek. Clubbing offers nothing more than a very cheap imitation. There is no lasting joy to be found in nightclubs, only temptation to sin.
      Such places are most especially not for Christians. Aside from the obvious temptations, there is the issue of our Christian witness in the world. When unbelievers see a professing Christian engaging in a sinful lifestyle, Christ is maligned and demeaned. We are to let our lights shine before men so they see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16). It’s hard to see how the light of our new life in Christ can shine in a nightclub. Even if the Christian is not indulging in the sinful activities, the witness he or she presents to the watching world by just being there is destructive.

    3. Nothing but why oga no pick wife from the club? Probably one he has slept with after clubbing

    4. The love for money.....

      Narr 2, PLEASE STOP IT!
      This is a new year, 2016! for how long will u continue in this attitude of yours? Sleeping with people's wife?
      Make a new year resolution that you need to stop this attitude of yours, hand it over to God in prayer, if possible, go on few days fasting, God needs to see your sincerity first, He is safety and just to forgive me.

      Cos in human eyes, it is a curse.
      Quote me anywhere.

      Get yourself busy. At 34, your prime purpose in life shouldn't be banging people's wife, but rather get yourself engaged in something.

      It is your type that will get married one day and transfer curses on the innocent wife. she will be running around looking for child, not knowing the so called husband sold his sperm to the devil for money.

      Get a job, learn a handwork, start up a business, it could be starting up a barbing saloon where daily income comes in.

      Leave people's wife ALONE! Karma is a bitch, when she strikes, she doesn't look at faces.

      Frequently ask God for forgiveness.
      Always plead for his mercy ALWAYS.

      A word is enough for the wise!

      Narr 1, We all know what your husband did was practically wrong. But first, I guess you seems to be an introvert. Someone who is well reserved. I guess your husband has probably seen other women with their husband going to hangouts, he might be longing for that, but seeing you as the homely type, he couldn't bring up that.

      Learn to go out often with your husband. Hangouts, parties, even clubbing. Yes there is nothing wrong in going clubbing. Nowadays, I see more of married men going clubbing with their wifes. The women do dress sexy, depending what the man wants. Some with or without heels. It's fun trust me.

      Wen you see the sincerity in his eyes, that he's a changed person, forgive him, he should go for test, Hiv, Std's . Forgive him. Don't think about it.

      As a wife, go out with him when he's going out, be willing and ready to hang out with him, even with his single and married friends.
      Look hot, he will want to ask u out next time, cos he will be proud of you. Spark up your marriage, with or without pregnancy.

      All the best.

      Pardon my typing errors, I dey hospital bed.

  5. Narr2 is a Gigolo 101
    Hungry rat sleeping with older women for money.

    1. According to you yesterday


      so why are you blasting the guy??

      Isn't he allowed to be a man whore again? ?

      Please pick a side and stop been biased

    2. @chi exotic if u hv ur way,u wil do same.u might b more hungry dan de rat u call him

    3. Lol@hungry rat. Dude just a sperm donor abeg take it easy.

    4. Hehehehe. But girls do it and call it runs na. Free the guy mbok. What is good for d gander is also good for the goose.

  6. Poster 2, as you lay your bed so you shall lay on it. You will surely reap all that you have sown

  7. poster 2..... Karma is a bitch!....
    pls visit my Blog AdeneGift's Blog

  8. @Poster 1, if you can't beat then, you better join them, I think the only solution is to start going to club with your hubby or you continue praying that God should change him to your taste.

    @Poster 2, continue doing it, maybe you're destined to have one child, now you've sold it for #2m, continue, the Lord is your strength. I had the new Ooni has only one child he born when he was still in school @ age 19. Moreover karma is a bitch, gone are the days when karma walks with legs before it catches up, but nowadays, karma now use jet.

    *Larry was here*

    1. Thank you oh! Madam enter those bumshorts and follow him out. And no, you must not drink alcohol

    2. how does the Ooni's one child relate to 2nd post? what if it was a personal decision? chill please

    3. Poster 1 I know a couple that clubs steady. Friday night the wife is ready with her bum short. When she was 8months pregnant(I will never advice that), she still went clubbing. Just maintain your good girl persona for others, but when it comes to your husband, be his nutty, nasty bitch in everything. Be spontaneous not boring, keep him guessing about your next move!
      Healthy pregnancy to you.

    4. Poster 1 I know a couple that clubs steady. Friday night the wife is ready with her bum short. When she was 8months pregnant(I will never advice that), she still went clubbing. Just maintain your good girl persona for others, but when it comes to your husband, be his nutty, nasty bitch in everything. Be spontaneous not boring, keep him guessing about your next move!
      Healthy pregnancy to you.

    5. It means if he had messed around with the child that time, maybe he would have been childless now.

  9. Poster1.forgive him and concentrate on ur baby.
    Poster2:u are good in bed By? Continue

  10. Poster 1. Forgive him
    Poster2. Stop, ask for help from God

  11. 1st poster is miss gemini and her cockroach horseband

    1. See me laughing

      World people

      Why go @Anon to say this

      You are evil


    2. SDK, Club is not bad but why hide it from the girl b4 they tied the knot?

      Marriage is a journey of two people with same compass and ultimately same destination.
      Right now, they are on separate routes coz the wife doesn't like it while he seems to be addicted to it.
      Plus the environment of clubbing leads to temptation so this means the husband will keep cheating as she won't go with him.
      You can't force him to stop and it's not fair to force her to strt going. year chronicles.

  12. Poster 1 just try n take it easy cos of ur pregnancy, some men re dogs oh chie! Just few barely two years n ur dick is wandering. Hmmm if he truly wants to change pls forgive him

    Poster 2 try and change before u get served.

  13. Poster 2 you are digging your grave, why married women?
    Retrace your steps now.

  14. Post 1, please tell yur hubby to use CD, u can't tie him down, and try go 2 club with him too, habah married people go to club nahhhh

    Pos 2, u b male ashewo! Na heavy gigolo u be, u sold yur child for 2mil gush u just cheap

    1. I see your comment
      You support runs girls
      Why are you now bashing the guy??
      Isn't he allowed to be a runs boy??

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Dere we go again...I jst hope u ld say the same thing if a married man complains of his wife going to club...what is a married man doing in a club without his wife. whether u like it or not, things like dat serve as invitation to marital wahala. Look at the outcome now, if he had impregnated d lady, ppl wld have sed its her fault bcos she ddnt follow him to club.
      Well, poster 1, I guess dts d kind of world we found ourselves in, dnt settle for it if its not ur way of life, insist dat he stops it stand ur ground, and u shld also make him enjoy spending time with you, so he ld prefer you to the club...shikena!

      Poster 2...we v heard, so wat do u want us to say, u knw its bad yet u v refused to stop, now u r sending chronicle, how is dis even a chronicle?
      Mind yaself and gerrarahere!

      Memo to Stella...
      Abeg help us tell posters of past and future chronicles to pls feed us back so we ld knw how they eventually solved d problem and whether we helped dem or not...*muah* 😚

  15. Replies
    1. Poster2, continue piling curses ob youtself. Sleeping with another man's wife has repercussions, go and ask. Repent please.

  16. Poster 1, shebi when I come and say 95% of men cheat, ur fellow members of married bvs will come and eat me raw. Just ignore him abeg, face ur pregnancy. Be a good wife and pray he at least uses condom.

    Poster 2, no words for u, o jare.

    1. 99% are cheaters

      Am pregnant now
      4 months pregnant
      I cannot feel anything like sex.
      I tried to make love to my husband but no feelings
      For 2 months now no sex or sex with out comin. I don't have the strength to wait for him to com
      I don't know what to do.
      Please I need help

    2. No mind them. That's how a few of them gathered to call me a hoe on the prostitute deportation post.
      Men are dogs oh! Some of you underestimate the men you marry. If you know some of the things they do you will weep. See how poster 1 is confused now as she never hexperedit.
      As for me, a cheating husband can't sent me to an early grave. I ain't shedding no tear. I won't even snoop to see or know. Just let me face my career and make my money. If not Na there wahala go dey.

      When these same randy penises go and import foreign babes una go being write petition. Like say the girls tie rope for their neck. Mscheeew!

    3. 99% are cheaters

      Am pregnant now
      4 months pregnant
      I cannot feel anything like sex.
      I tried to make love to my husband but no feelings
      For 2 months now no sex or sex with out comin. I don't have the strength to wait for him to com
      I don't know what to do.
      Please I need help

    4. 99% are cheaters not 95%. Many women just choose to believe that their men will neve cheat. Women lying to themselves. There's no greater lie than the lie you tell yourself

  17. It is hard to get over heartbreak but with time you will heal. My innocent looking hubby also cheated on me with a lady who isn't even as beautiful as I am. We have a very peaceful and loving home which makes me wonder what men really want. You need to pray about it because deadly diseases are everywhere and it would definitely affect you if he continues like this.

    1. Sorry madam. Nigerian men aren't to be decoded. Please stop trying to figure out what they want. Not worth it at all

    2. Best way to live with Nigerian men is to turn a blind eye to a lot of things. And don't snoop and end up giving yourself heart ache

  18. Poster 2, why dont you slow down to a halt. You already have two kids, whether you acknowledge it or not. Try dating girls around your age and you will see you will like it more.
    As for poster 1, there is really nothing with going to clubs. Some people use it to unwind. Its only when it turns to a habit that there is cause for concern. In your case it is already one and a girl is involved. Hehe I guess the firl style of dancing and grinding got to your husband and he went for her. Seems he wants a good girl as a wife and likes the wild ones outside. Your kinda husband cant do without his friends. And I hope you are not boring in bed. That said, dont worry your pretty head over him. One day, make you dress sef tell am sey you wan follow am enter club. Let's see how it goes.

  19. Poster two, shege jagwa! Them go fuck ur wife left right n centre if u don't stop...hahahahahaa...

  20. P1, this men ain't loyal samsam. You just have to forgive him and keep on praying for him. P2, Sleeping with a married woman comes with a curse. Give your life to Christ and ask for forgiveness, stop the act and move on.

  21. @1, u are a good woman bla bla bla, so u expert ur hubby to be a dullard like u, abeg free d guy, a man has a right to club, just bcos he's married to you does not mean his social life should change over night, why don't you change ur life style to suit his since u love him too much, start clubbing for peace to reign or he will continue to fuck any girl he meets at d club.
    @2, u are a lost soul, desperate lazy fool, if u were working in an oil company where d salary is very fat, I don't think u will get carried away over d money u get from fucking married women, u are a Benin guy from ur name so am not surprised u turned out this way, ur wife must be fucked by other men cos karma I a bitch, don't know why Benin boys and girls are useless, ashawo tribe.

    1. All of you that go about supporting runs girls and can't support runs boys why double standard??

      If you want to be against something don't be biased. .

      Tomorrow if it's stated that a girl bought a house and the fact that she has no source of income, if people come for them you say is it their pussy

      Now is it your dixk

    2. God punnish ur mother. Wagbeo, uriokhio.

    3. Awww i wish I could suck your pussy for this sweet comment

    4. No. 1: why didn't the guy let her know he was a clubber so she'll decide whether to marry him or not. Do you think it's everybody that can stand the thick smoke in clubs. Yes clubs are for loose girls looking for men to pick them up.
      You just call oil company like all those illiterates in my village.
      Maybe he's Benin but did you see the part he asked Stella to hide his name???

    5. Hahahaha @ashawo tribe

    6. Hahahhah...same thought very useless tribe

    7. You are funny. Didn't you read that he hid that behaviour from her. I laugh in vernacular. That you think he would stop cheating if she follow him to the club. You might want to advice her on how pregnant and nursing mothers can club. Nothing against clubbing just that your advice is warped

    8. @angelray4sdk u just entered my black book!!! Awah la le eh!!!!

    9. @Anon 16:10- He won't have let her know because she is a good woman who is godly and rigid. And he wanted to wife her. So she can be at home and he can be on the streets whenever he likes. Simple

    10. It's your tribe that's useless. Idiot!

    11. ANGELRAY God purnish you and your generation for that statement against the Benin tribe. Its you and your generation that is and will be useless. Bitter and complex soul. If you dont have any significant contribution please get off this blog. Jobless unexposed and uneducated local champion. May bad luck be your continious portion for your hate statement against the Benin tribe.i pity your life Bastard. I dare you to state your tribe. Demon from the pit of hell.

  22. Jesus fix their issues!
    I swear u need deliverance.

  23. Na mi and sterra diokomu wan start our on cuss out now stella ready for me oo na to tear bra n pant forever....u beta beg me now.

  24. Na mi and sterra diokomu wan start our on cuss out now stella ready for me oo na to tear bra n pant forever....u beta beg me now.

  25. @ poster one; please understand that there is nothing wrong in clubbing..what matters actually is what you do when you go clubbing?? And your problem should be the lady or women your husband sleep with whenever he clubs;and not the fact that he clubs..cos clubbing is the easiest way of relieving someone of stress..

    My Advice;why not go clubbing with him and you two can then party together as husband and wife? At least once in A while? Dont you think he is going with other women to club simply because he knows that you would definitely say No if he is to ask you to come party with him..why not surprise him and tell him one day "honey,can we club together this weekend"..

    Is an advice tho and you can choose to ignore or look into it.. #Goodluck

    @poster two;i just dey laugh you here sha!!

    You actually need God and A conscience!!


    1. Isn't it the same thing you were elbowing for in singles and mingles??

      Except for the fact yours didn't include married or divorced

      But rich, owns a house blah blah blah

    2. Why didn't he pock a wife from the club???

  26. mumu @poster one!

    you think been a virgin can keep a man? ode oshi...

    you mumus should keep keeping ur virginity for oloribiruku oloshi werepe men una hear?

    smtcheeeewwwww nonsense

    1. Lol. Tell them?
      Poster, he married you a virgin yet still cheated? You see why you people should stop keeping your virginity for a man?
      If you wanna be chaste, do it strictly for God and yourself.
      If you think virginity guarantees a happy marriage, okay o. Congrats!

    2. Anybody who keeps virginity because of a man is deceiving herself. You keep yourself because God said so. Kapish.
      If every woman keeps themselves until they are married, men will start respecting them womenfolks again.

    3. No honey. Virginity don't keep their philandering dicks at home.

    4. So it is better to sleep with everyone, because virginity does not keep a man. Please pray tell, does being a sexually active individual keep the man at home? Isn't it better to hold it than to be disappointed by the same men you have given your cookies too. Na wa o! Some people just crave unnecessary drama and heartache.

  27. Babe; you don't need to break down because hubby clubs, since you can't really change him, then change yourself to suit him. There's nothing wrong in clubbing, depends on the motive. Tell him you are cool with the clubbing and he should carry you along too. I've seen married couples in clubs, some with the wives being heavy,and I do admire them. Clubbing isn't as bad as you think... Follow your hubby if he wants to, I bet you'll notice it will strengthen the bond between you two, and also keep all the Karashikas at bay. You both should enjoy your youthful lives.
    Bros; you no need advice, you just come brag for here. We don hear you. Continue... Small small boys dey wait for your wife for front.

    1. I dey see them too. Married women. And if you near their husband just prepare for early grave. Cos them go fight you down. It's probably their way of keeping hoes at bay and it does work.

  28. All these newbie in marriage having heartbreaks on unecessary issues...
    Poster 1,lookatew,you think you are reserved because you don't go to club...mind you,getting married as a virgin does not guarantee a good marriage...since you are a good girl,why did your husband cheat on you?....
    There is more to marriage than all these your bullshit talk...FYI,I go to club with my husband or even alone with friends and dude is not complaining...
    My advise,you can't tell a full grown man what to do with his life just because he got married to your own life and ignore him...
    If he continue cheating,get your own boyfriend shikena afterall,what is good for the goose is good for the gander....

    Poster 2,
    Wow there is nothing wrong with you...I would have loved to have a taste of you but you are old...I like them quite young like below 25...
    So many young guys are in your shoes mehn...stop bothering yourself and enjoy it while it last...

    1. thank you ooooo my Queen, well said!

    2. LMAO...Weyrey. you just killed me with Poster2.

    3. My husband had been giving me sleepless tear filled night with his numerous escapades.i was in constant pain and heartache because I was a confirmed snooper. Until I met this elderly man about 60years. He is everything you need in a man. Listening ears, matured advice, loving and very romantic, we have done everything that can be done except him putting it inside me. I love him scarra for now. I don't even care if hubby fucks all the girls on my street. Just yesterday night he wanted to make love to me I became so irritated. He was sucking nipple, no feelings, pressing it nko nothing. I was still as dry as Sahara desert. I just form tiredness. I've been on with sugar daddy for a year now. Members of BV wetin I dey do dey wrong

    4. Lmao I too love u this woman

    5. Pple like u can't do nothing na just to Dey rant

    6. Lord....u ehn. This is 2016. U dont want to change? Lmao

    7. Exactly she should club with her husband. She's there forming good wife cos she dsnt club. I haven't stepped into a club in years but if I marry and my husband wants to club with me y won't I go with him?!

    8. Anonymous 16:50, pls stop that thing u are about to do. Be bold, take a bold step and talk with ur hubby abt his cheating ways. Wear sexy dress whenever u are together, above all PRAY HARD. Most things don't happen without Fervent prayer cos the Devil doesn't love to see a happy marriage.
      It takes Extra-ordinary sense of discipline, self control and being genuinely born again for a Man not to cheat.
      On ur baba 60, Women attach emotions to their side guy when cheating or about to cheat, but men doesn't attach any emotions to their side chick, all u see is 99% fake. That Baba 60 is just looking for a jackpot to hit by taking advantage of ur weaknesses and working on ur emotion. U need to stop taking counsel from men who want ur something.

      U shd ask urself, where is my self pride, where is my self control? Then u must also stop taking his call, chatting, sms etc. This is 2016, ur marriage must be restored to how God wants it.

  29. Poster 1 going to club is bad eh kwa? im guessing doing doggy style is probably a i dont blame my friend that left his gf of several years to marry another because his ex saw clubbing as a sin. sorry o. its #forbetterforworse.

    poster 2 make sure you also marry a woman with a fine waist so that the boy that would be straffing her would enjoy what you are enjoying now.

  30. Poster 2, what exactly do you want us to tell you? If we tell you to stop, you'll say you are only doing it for the money. If we ask you not to stop, it will look as if we are wicked. I pray that God removes the very large rock in your skull and replaces it with a good brain. A jamming of a good brain in your skull is all you need this year.

    The dog that'll get missing will not hear the hunter's whistle.

  31. Stella, do you know what it means to come to your blog to read and write comments after a stressful day at work and you don't deem it fit to post? Mind you, na Yankee time I dey use. A beg my input is important, don't frustrate me this 2016! If I don't comment all the time doesn't mean I don't read all the time, I introduced darling husband too na.

  32. Hmmmmmm
    P1.dis is a delicate issue dat needs to be handled with opinion,i think u need to step up to ur husband expectation.y not go with him to d club at least for once,at least u can see,study and undastand a little bit of dat world and maybe spice up ur marriage a little.
    P2.ur case is like d proverbial fly who luved d corpse so much and followed it into d grave.i won't tell u to stop. Continue u hear,becos karma has ur address already

  33. P1, just take care of yourself o. Don't allow ur husband to raise ur bp. P2, welcome. We have seen your advert. Kontunu.

  34. 2. Maybe you'll stop when you are taught a lesson that'll help change your life.

    If your cane is in Ibadan, somehow you will find yourself in Ibadan and they'll flog you.

  35. I when married Lady complain and have headache because of their husband

    Married women....You have a lot to.enjoy aside mourning and.grieving over.your husband's wahala

    Kai.....Get a good girl to massage your back now

    The time wen.we still dey world...Na.married women be.our own Maga......You satisfy them...they give you money.... That business was so lucrative.. Still is though

    Thank God for holy spirit

    The money wen u go get....e better pass a lady wen dey brotel or wen dey sleep with a man


  36. Poster 2,see ur life gigolo @34.there is no hope 4 u,lazy runs u go use feed ur wife. I know all your money will go wardrobe. I'm sad for you, cause at ur age u still do these u are insane. I'm very sure that lady did not give u money, u just said it so you don't sound like a cheap hoe that u are.

  37. 1. Forgive him and start on a new clean slate, this is 2016. Sorry and stop thinking too much cos your health is important.

    2. Bros you don reach to marry o. Stop it! Ever heard of thunderbolt before? Hnmmm. This is 2016, amend your ways.

    1. Leave poster 2.

      He go soon somersault, no be swear oh.

  38. P1 :stop crying stupidly you are the enemy of yourself da guy don beg u n u still crying like a fool , if u like use ur hand chase ur husband away .Single mom bell dey ring for your u born ur man wey u wan chain am for neck??e pass say e marry u?? A taya for dis naija babes attitude always wanna dominate .u better accept his appology n face that Senate president wey u dey cari for ur belle.OSHISCO IRANU


  39. Sorry for asking but what is one?

  40. Poster 1,go on your knees in prayer.
    Poster 2,repent b4 you contract hiv.

  41. Poster 1 notin wrong in clubin jst chill but d cheatin aspect u av to beg him to use condom if he must cheat.poster 2 my dear u donot kno d consequence of bangin somones wife.u don't av much tym on earth unless u stop

  42. Lol @ Karma uses jet. Funny you.

  43. Poster 1, why are you making club out to be it's soddom and Gommora. Yes a married man shldnt be going to clubs daily but him going out once in a while with his friends even so bad. If he was clubbing before you guys got married especially if he's still young you shldnt spect him to change his life style completely. Some men go to club every Friday with dere friends. My dear dere is nothin much you can do about it. The way you are handling this situation even pushed him out. If you were not pregnant why not go with him 1nce or twice. Because you are married doesn't mean you can't have fun. My dear you have to accept it, but tell him he can only go once in a while, you can't tell him never to go. Eventually he will outgrow it, because clubbing after a certain age won't be appealing to him again. But for now he's young. Don't let him see you as a old mama, go out with him once in a while to a bar maybe. Have some chapman and shawarma, don't be an old woman at 28. And don't let your husband start looking for what is not lost outside. Poster 2, I have no advice for you. Keep impregnating married women. One day when you go and sleep with a Yoruba woman that magun has been put on her and you slum and die, in ur next life time you won't look at married women.

  44. Enjoy your self. But remember you too go marry o!

  45. Poster 1,there is nothing wrong in going to club,if your hubby apologies to you forgive him,but for the cheating it's a no,those men aren't faithful,its in their dna to cheat.
    Pls don't allow thinking take toll on you,remember you are pregnant.
    After you put to bed,wear your trousers and follow to that club @least you guys can have fun 2getherr.
    I hope you are not deeper life.

    Poster 2,carry on.

  46. Poster 1: your story shows your husband is the social type, clubbing with your husband is not a sin, he'll even show you off to his friends. But you could have go to bar owith him if clubs are too noisy for you. Be more social,
    Poster 2: repent and get married, may God forgive you

  47. You sound boring nne. Hope you are not boring that your husband always wants to go out to clubs to enjoy himself. There is nothing in clubbing. Na so you go dey do good woman wey no de go out paent go wear you finish. Follow am go the club. Go shake body. Abi you de do sey as you are pregnant no movement again. Then your husband will knack all knackables. Sorry no de hard them say when they have already done the deed. Open your eyes and adjust yourself.

  48. Poster 1, learn to like what your hubby likes... Maybe u shuld follow him to club one day just to observe, am sure it will make your husband happy and since he's apologizing then u shuld forgive him cos of your present condition, you definitely don't need to be stressed out right now ...
    Poster 2, you are a male prostitute and I don't knw what they call that but you definitely need Jesus in your life... If u are really sincere abt wanting to change then it starts with accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior...

  49. @ poster1, am a good woman, yet ur husband is still cheating on you? Men loves to marry "good girls" n fuck d wild ones,xo is up to u. Drop daht good girl shit! Go awt with ur husband to club, hangova with him, spice up ur relationship, dress sexy for him, is ur sex life boring? Haba! All diz married women fix ur self first,b4 u complain of ur cheating husband.

  50. @ poster1, am a good woman, yet ur husband is still cheating on you? Men loves to marry "good girls" n fuck d wild ones,xo is up to u. Drop daht good girl shit! Go awt with ur husband to club, hangova with him, spice up ur relationship, dress sexy for him, is ur sex life boring? Haba! All diz married women fix ur self first,b4 u complain of ur cheating husband.

  51. Poster 2 you are sick.. are you advertising yourself to sdk bv's or what? You should have asked stella to include your email ode... you aint remorse with the way you wrote ds chronicle and am sure you will still continue with this act after seeking advices here

    Poster1 I beg you in the name of God, make yourself strong so as not to affect your baby. May God restore your home..Its well with you dear

  52. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    That nigga na baddoo.....

  53. Poster 1 pls concentrate on your health for now, ignore DH and his flirting attitude, just pretend he doesnt exist, he will definitely come back to his senses. Do not end up givivig urself high BP. Poster 2 i put it to u dat u are a GiGOLO. Wepu aka enwe n'ofe tupu o hoo aka mmadu.

  54. Poster 1 pls take care of yourself and unborn child... Stressing yourself over a man is a no no...
    Poster 2 The older the better jare!

  55. The mumu is 34 years and he used "just" to qualify it.

    1. Imagine d idiot. I'm sure we wants to fuck Stella too. Stella shine ur eyes o na advert d guy dey do 4 himself. Ewu, he even d talk d money wey him collect wen we know women no dey gv money unless they are paying for pizza. Loool

  56. N1, is a very very local Nigerian woman. See your mouth like my husband goes to club! What is wrong with going to club??!! Very classy guys and girls go to clubs, married or single. OLODO! Who told you marriage is a prison??!! Fuck off!

  57. It will be very difficult to convince me that karma has any one's address, tell me how a married woman with children sleep's around with any man that can spend on her, buy her a car,pay for her shop,up to the bed she just bought for her new house a man paid for it,the next contract she will execute,she will sleep with the man,in fact everything about her life she has slept with some one's husband for it. the list is endless,goes about posting lies on Instragram,ladies be careful with whom u make friends with especially if she's introduced to u by ur husband. If Karma does not visit U this year then (ms P) Adonbiliv it,Stella do a post on karma.

  58. poster 2 is that my younger brother?u know yourself anyway I doubt ,He claims is his job (banking)the race to meet up with deposit .please repent,I heard karma has the address of only those with conscience. I need a wife for this my brother oo .

    STELLA the advice should include that of club since from her story, they are interconnected. Was it not in the club that she met the girl she took to a hotel? Don't people get drunk in the club and doesn't drinking reduce their ability to resist the temptation to illicit sex? Supposing there is a "strip tease" associated with the clubbing like in most Nigerian club, how is he not going to have sex when it is on offer? The bible tells us to "flee every appearance of evil" and clubbing is one of such. Why doesn't the husband go to prayer vigils if he must be a night creeper.
    Lady, if your husband is serious about a "change", he should begin a fast; serious daily fast at least. You are already fasting seeing that you don't eat many meals you like being in the first stages of pregnancy. He should get a Bible and begin to read it; especially the New Testament and join you to go for STI checks. Once you see that he is remorseful, you will get over it.

    POSTER 2:
    If you truly want to stop, and seeing that you "can't", then ask Jesus to help you, to save you from this slavery and pathway to eternal hell. Then begin to discipline your flesh through fasting and filling your mind with the word of God. You have to change your number so that those cheap "married, fellow whores" do not get across to you again. But know that the fact that another man is fathering your son will haunt you as long as you are alive.

  60. See, when u don't learn to loosen up and start telling your man that clubbing is a no no. He will sneak to do it. Like Stella said there is nothing wrong with clubbing. Loosen up and be more open minded. Ask him to take you along and don't me judgemental . That's the only way he will stop sleeping around .

  61. Please what does 'fine waist' mean. I hear it a lot.

  62. P1- Its quite unfortunate that DH was able to hide his true social life during courtship, being an introvert i can imagine how tough this is to you. Marriage being for better / worse, i advise u work out a meeting point with DH , may be club with him occasionally, with time you will learn to adjust. The real ish now is he is cheating and if i may ask, pls how did u find out, did you snoop on him? When Stella says that ignorance is bliss una no go hear. He has apologized, so i advise you forgive and move on, i know its not easy especially from ladies like you who feel they are too good to deserve cheating partners. To sooth your nerves dear, DH didn't cheat because of any fault of yours, see how you can gradually draw him close to God as that is the only antidote to cheating .... do not nag ooo, as that will drive him further to the arms of these beautiful girls all over the place. TO MY FELLOW GUYS --- Pls if u are not smart enough to keep ur philandering discreet .. STOP ... Enough of this heart breaks. BIKONU!

    P2- Is this how you want to live your life? living off old pussies for survival... what a shame young man. Go to church and get delivered from ' Anty gwe gwe's pussy spirit' because na yabuife agbaro aka. STOP killing your tomorrow because of petty gains ... like the N2m sperm donation. I see GOD soaking the cane he will flog u with in kerosene if u don't repent sharp sharp.

  63. The problem with poster1 is that she sees going to club as a sin. Well, all I have to say is.try and spice up ur life, he sees you as dulling him.......

  64. Poster 1: everyone is saying go clubbing with him but I differ as I understand how you feel since it is a no no for you but rather than let it bother you take your mind of it as you can change him n pray he stops since you don't like it as long as the cheating part doesn't continue.
    Poster 2: I wouldn't judge you but try n stop before it's too late. As for your child it's easy to say you took 2M to shut up but one day you will look for the child. In your case you can make new year resolution that you won't do it this year n give ur life to Christ n ask God to help you to stop.

  65. poster 2..Anything wey dey sweet still dey pains alots.
    see as you dey sale your luck

  66. poster 2..Anything wey dey sweet still dey pains alots.
    see as you dey sale your luck..
    poster one,,,,
    hopes that your husband is not living in bondage in your hands?
    how can a man sneak out to go club without telling his wife and here
    you are calling ur self a good wife?

  67. P1 pls get over it! Crying won't change anything! Refocus ur attention on ur budding baby forget men. Na their style! If nor be say na sin to misbehave many women for don change style! Won't advice that just free ur mind and assimilate it. Clubbing when it gets too much is tiring! Talk with him! But u will discover more about him in the course of ur marriage and clubbing is d least lol! Men for u.

    P2. Hmmmmmm

  68. Jesus Fix it...

    Poster 1: pray and pray

    Poster. 2: pray and pray

    STELLA the advice should include that of club since from her story, they are interconnected. Was it not in the club that she met the girl she took to a hotel? Don't people get drunk in the club and doesn't drinking reduce their ability to resist the temptation to illicit sex? Supposing there is a "strip tease" associated with the clubbing like in most Nigerian club, how is he not going to have sex when it is on offer? The bible tells us to "flee every appearance of evil" and clubbing is one of such. Why doesn't the husband go to prayer vigils if he must be a night creeper.
    Lady, if your husband is serious about a "change", he should begin a fast; serious daily fast at least. You are already fasting seeing that you don't eat many meals you like being in the first stages of pregnancy. He should get a Bible and begin to read it; especially the New Testament and join you to go for STI checks. Once you see that he is remorseful, you will get over it.

    POSTER 2:
    If you truly want to stop, and seeing that you "can't", then ask Jesus to help you, to save you from this slavery and pathway to eternal hell. Then begin to discipline your flesh through fasting and filling your mind with the word of God. You have to change your number so that those cheap "married, fellow whores" do not get across to you again. But know that the fact that another man is fathering your son will haunt you as long as you are alive.

  70. P1 it ain't easy. There are 2 things involved,1. you divorce him, ya village people start saying "they said it/they knew it" 2. You forgive him and unfortunately he doesn't change, you get yourself into MUCH heartbreak. My sister plz just pray seriously for your family.

    P2. No amount of advice will change you if you ain't determined to change. It's a psychological thing that only you yourself by the grace of God can get yourself out.

    Infact, the both of you should Invite God into your matters.

  71. Poster 1. U did not give ur husband 360 degrees and being a virgin na missionary u go sabi. My friend start learning and buy films to improve after u have forgiven him. Next time be extrovert and follow him to club so u go see different women and men there.

    Poster 2 very soon magun go hold u very well.ANUFIA. u go soon die. CONTINUE.

  72. Men will always cheat and sleep around as long as there are women who are willing to sleep with men they are not married to. Men can only cheat with who who disobey God in the first place.

    Majority of chronicles centres around cheating and it will never stop as long as sex is treated like a cheap trivial activity.

    You can't mock the one who created sex and placed the rules to safeguard it.

    Any lady who has ever slept with a man that's not her husband is a bigger cheat cos she has cheated on God. Same goes for the men as well. There's nothing repentance cannot take care of.

  73. Hit the club with him,I am reserved too but most times you need to free yourself and also consider the feelings of others around us. Poster 2 I see u love what u do Kwantinu!!

  74. Poster 1 so cos ur husband is going to the club u wanna kee urslf, what is wrong in goin to the club? u better join him or ******. The only tin wrong that he did wz sleepin wit anoda girl. If u followed him he wldnt hv cheated, so madam take a chill pill and take care of urslf and ur baby.

  75. Osa ashewo Benin man.gigolo oshi kobo kobo

  76. Poster 1: there is nothing wrong with clubbing my dear, except it's d raz type of club ur hubby visit aside dat it's cool so therefore it's either u tag along or jst keep enduring while u use protection till eternity. Jst saying

    Poster 2: ur own get as he be oo
    U doing it for d fun of it bah since u enjoy so much why do u wanna stop? Abeggi carry go oh wait wat were u expecting an advise? Dis is 2016 no time abeg

  77. Poster one stay there and be forming good woman. The girl is good never got anyone anywhere I assure you. I've learnt that myself too. If your husband likes clubbing go with him. Dress sexy. You're in your first trimester so you can still hang with him. It will make u guys stronger even. Just tell him it's not something you guys will be doing all the time. If he dsnt want you to club with him then know he's up to something cos men take their wives clubbing.

    Poster two I have nothing to tell you. Karma will catch up with you soon

  78. Poster2, u don`t need delieverance,i wud have say go for one.But u need self determination.Just get a job, an idle man is a devil workshop.

    Poster1, May God heals ur pain.

  79. poster 1 why are u so negative about night clubs. Try and change ur stance about it and join ur DH in his groove, u marriage would be better. If nt DH, will be getting his groove on with other interesting, fun filled bitches, while ur fold ur hands at home ranting, nagging and growing old.

    Poster 2, what do u want us to do for u, keep up ur hustle and forget about karma for now, it doesn't always knock at everyone's door.

  80. Poster 1: So basically, you are pregnant with his child and your husband is cheating on you? First of all, I must say that going clubbing is not a sin. I go clubbing without my boyfriend all the time and afterwards I go home to him. There's nothing wrong with it. HOWEVER, your husband has shown you he is not trustworthy at all. I know people get horny after the club but he should bring his horniness home to you. That's why you're his wife. I hate that stupid excuse "all men cheat"....would your husband be okay with You sleeping with random men? Girl. Just get your emotions together because this is the beginning of hell for you. You are married to an irresponsible man. It's too early in your marriage for cheating. Brace yourself. If you decide to forgive him and give your marriage another shot( I personally wouldn't but you're pregnant so you need a man around), when you put to bed, start going clubbing with him. But now that you're pregnant, nobody has any business in the club...he should be home, rubbing your feet. People stop making excuses for Nigerian men. Any man that cheats is going to hell fire. Does no one care about their vows anymore? What about the woman? Is she not a person? Why should another selfish being be exposing her to all sorts? Especially now that she is pregnant?

  81. @35 you ain't thinking of settling down no serious woman in your life?? Something is wrong someehere! Oga pray o and cabash

  82. Poster 1....sorry your husband had to cheat. I feel club or no club,he would have still done what he did.
    Marriage is alot of hard work. In my opinion, i think its wrong for a spouse to try to change the other. It's selfish and kind of pointless especially a change like the one i presume you will soon embark on.
    Trying to unwind sometimes isn't such a bad thing, let him. Try to get to the
    root cause of his act. Bring God in. It is well. Safe delivery.

  83. Ma advice to d guy crazy ova older ladies;please try to read a novel by michael basiden ;the maintenance'd find some answers there.

  84. Poster 2 change your ways, poster 1 nothing bad in clubbing, forgive your husband. Take things easy, wish you safe delivery

  85. Poster 2 change your ways, poster 1 nothing bad in clubbing, forgive your husband. Take things easy, wish you safe delivery

  86. Hello poster 2 watever you feel condemned you repeat. Just look for lady igo fast seven days. Meditate on the word. The spirit of lust is stubborn. The love you seek is in the Lord. When temptation rises ask God and meditate on the word. No amount of insult will solve your problem- that's abuse in another form


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