Stella Dimoko Late Ronke Shonde Died From Blow To The Head + Husband Remanded In Custody.


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Friday, May 20, 2016

Late Ronke Shonde Died From Blow To The Head + Husband Remanded In Custody.

The police have revealed the cause of death of Ronke Shonde as a heavy blow to the head by husband Lekan Shonde.

The charge sheet presented in court today Friday, May 20,2016  read that the action possibly happened around 8:30 pm on Thursday, May 5, 2016,  ......

Charge no:D/30/
Com. Of Police vs Shonde Olalekan ‘M’ Age 51.
''That you, Shonde Olalekan ‘M’ on the 5th of May,2016 at about 2030 hrs,at 3, Tiemo Str, Egbeda, Lagos, in the Lagos Magisterial District, did kill one Ronke Shonde ‘F’,age 37 years,by giving her fist blow to the head and thereby committed an offence, punishable under section 221 of the criminal Law of Lagos state of Nigeria,2011''.

It was  declared by the Magistrate that Shonde  committed a capital offence in line with Administration of Criminal Justice Law, Second 246(1) of Lagos state.
The Magistrate, Mrs Oluyemisi Adelaja, ordered after his plea, that he should be remanded at the Ikoyi Prisons for 30 days, pending an advice from the state’s Director of Public Prosecutions. 

The case was adjourned till June 24,2016 for mention.  


  1. They should just get this case over and done with

    1. This man have the heart to blow the woman who has his kids na wa ooh....

    2. 51? The man sef don old. But at his age, he should have known better than smacking his wife around.

      Poor darling, may she rip.

    3. Stipulate Jungle justice nauuu. Impatient lot. Is the police not swift enough? Do you know how many cases that has been pending for 20yrs and you re here complaining.
      All the Nigerians that were killed abroad years ago,have they prosecuted all the killers.
      Let the law take its course, the authorities have done quite well within a short period of time.

    4. Bia , cakes by Luligrace he is not old like that. What has age got to do with common sense. He let his emotions take over his soul... He needs to pay for his sins

    5. Where is that useless Mister whatever defending him yesterday! I really pity your wife, not only are you a cheat, from the looks of things you are also a wife beater Tueh!

    6. They should just kill thus Yoruba demon already

      Man at 50 plus and no sense

      Make this case no delay like @Titi Arowolo case at all


    7. This sums it up. I pity the kids.
      RIP to Shonde.

  2. Thot they said it was respiratory issues?

    Na wa

    1. So respiratory issues will just fall from the sky? Nothing will trigger something that will trigger it?
      In this case, it is first of all a heavy blow to the head which caused her to have seizures and the seisures caused respiratory failure which is the final thing that caused her death.
      Just like RT Accident can cause cuts that will lead to blood loss that will lead to shock that will lead to heart failure. Stop triggering conspiracy theories when there are non. Nothing in life is straight forward.

    2. Didn't you read the full autopsy to see where they said what and what could have triggered the respiratory issue??

    3. Ode

      It's a blow to the head that triggers the respiraty seizure

      How you take pass comprehension for school

    4. Ode

      It's a blow to the head that triggers the respiraty seizure

      How you take pass comprehension for school

    5. So sad....becos of stupity he lost all he has, wife, kids, peace & happiness becos of anger & foolishness. What can prayer do for him now? So so so sad
      I'm sure he didn't mean to kill her but he allowed d devil rent a duplex in his life

    6. We never saw an official autopsy report stating respiratory issues it was obviously propaganda by the murderers family and friends.

  3. To be frank I have not read this story from inception, pls can someone summarize it for moi? 😢😧

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi ( Stellz Cousin )

    1. Man cheat.....
      Woman went to Abj with bus and cheated for days...
      Couple hv 2 kids....
      Man loves his wife, and spoke to her relations about his fears
      Woman came frm Abj talkn to boss on fone, telln him how he's sweet n good in bed..... That her pussy is sore from plenty fuck.
      Man hears it all hiding at one corner...
      Arguments started.....
      Man says wife always say no to fuck....... Yet open toto for boss.
      Man must have snapped.. But said she fell somehow n died..
      Man ran away, locking dead woman n kids inside..
      Yeye police couldnt find him..... Then he pitied them n surrendered.
      Autopsy says woman was not strangled by man.
      Man was happy abit.... SDKs were sad.
      Woman is dead due to toto sharing.
      Man must walk free..... Or highest 2weeks in kirikiri
      I trust naija.

    2. Thank you for asking.

      It was a sunny day in the year 1843. AmaLekan just impregnated his third village girlfriend and was planning his escape to the town of omolagus so the brothers of the girl won't cut him with matchete.

      He successfully escaped. One rainy day while walking the street of omolagus, he sighted a slim Beautiful damsel walking the road, he was awed by her beauty and offered her his umbrella, from then he knew he has found his wife. For she was well behaved and finer than all the girls in mkpiEkiti.

      During their wedding, AmaLekan noticed that all the young men could not take their eyes off her. AmaLekan became so jealous and watched her closely to the extent that during the exchange of vows, he made sure it was his name she said out.

      AmaLekan quickly took his wife home and did what he is known to do best, impregnated her so she can become fat, so nobody will stare at her but alas it was not so for she blossomed during pregnancy that AmaLekan became fearful. AmaLekan feared that one day someone will take her from him for he knew he was a fuck boy. He didn't exactly know what a fuck boy was in 1843 but he knew he was a no good because everyone in mkpiEkiti told him that. Then the beating started. At first, it was a mistake, he only beat her because she came home late from omoAlaba market. But when he saw how the marks on her face made her less pretty, he beat her more so she belong to him forever. At first, she did, then she did not.

      One morning, while the dews of the harmattan covered the cloud, she carried her loads and left AmaLekan. AmaLekan cried and cried, oh how foolish he is. How could he beat such an angel. He decided to follow a bus to Kiniwhatsupu village to beg her people. AmaLekan rolled on the floor, cried his eyes out until he could barely see. He told them how he took a bus where the conductor shouted "change change " to the village. The people were so happy that AmaLekan has changed. Then brought the wife out.

      Alas it was not so for during the travel to omolagus, AmaLekan noticed how the conductor smiled at the wife while giving her change. AmaLekan made up his mind to hold the wife tighter. He came home and put his seed in her.

      One cold morning in 1846, AmaLekan saw the wife talking to omophony. AmaLekan got angry and started screaming "why can't you be mine and mine alone ". He gave her a blow,then pushed her from the bamboo case while the children watched. Then he looked back and she was still so beautiful, then he walked up to where she fell and strangled her while the children cried papa papa.

      AmaLekan was happy, she is now mine. So he closed the door of the Hut and returned to MkpiEkiti village.

      The rains stopped falling, there was drought everywhere. An atrocity has been committed. AmaLekan has killed his wife, the village priest fished him out. Now he is at the evil forest.

      Do not be like AmaLekan
      You is smart
      You is sharp
      You is kind
      You is not a killer.


    3. You write beautifully Mystery

    4. Anonymous you are a bloody fucking bastard and may you die a violent death......did u not read he has been abusing her for the past 9 years of marriage? Stupid man that keeps accusing his wife of cheating without any evidence of cheating.......why did u say the story like the wife is guilty? Lekan is a pathological liar and it's obvious she never had any affair.....may he rot in jail where he belongs

    5. So many jobless people on this blog! Fix it lord.

    6. Anonymous 19:50 you cracked me Nice summary

    7. Wow! Xoxo u kinda gat me! Nice 👏👏

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi ( Stellz Cousin )

    8. Nwa amaka's side boo21 May 2016 at 02:22

      Fuck shit King Xoxo!

    9. HAHAHA @ Xoxo... the new blog crush

    10. Lol am really cracked up here. Very funny summary

  4. kuins Cakes n more, abuja.08077010809.20 May 2016 at 18:24

    Oh my God, see what a split second of anger caused? Rest in peace Ronke.

  5. Domestic abusers and their supporters will come out now to comment that she punched herself in the head to kill herself.

    1. Abi now....someone like @Bitchpliz Bro ODE


  6. Justice should take it's place. And I sincerely pray that the judge presiding over d case is not currpt.

    1. Man way them go sentence one time,the case is really annoying me.

  7. Y are they complicating issues.
    Yesterday, they said a different thing n 2day this

  8. The husband is 51 years? Now i get the insecurity.
    He is definitely going down.

    1. @51, he couldn't mature and calm down. Na wa

    2. Yes, my brother was always saying he looks too old for the lady.

  9. Whirlwind and co,next time learn to leave people to do their job.
    What is your profession again?

    1. Exactly. Ndi ile ncha. Always yarning dust

    2. Kikiki, I knew I will find you here wife beater AKA quack doctor.
      Anyway,your friend is done for, as in dead meat, he will beg for death!!

    3. The only literate on dis blog welcome ooo. Upon all ur tutorials,I Neva saw where u stated it her death cld b caused by a blow to head from d autopsy report. Thank u na/sir.

  10. I'm sure this man's intention was not to kill his wife,it wasn't premeditated.

    He wanted to pounce as usual.
    "Let me give her the beating of her life,after all I'm stronger and bigger"

    Forgetting that just a little hit at the wrong place can take a life. Well,you have killed her finally.

    This is a murder trial,not an infidelity case... a cheating spouse does not deserve death. And cheating in this case is even alleged.

    I don't want to know what this woman did,you took her life Oga.

    If this is how God treats sinners for every lie we tell,Earth will be empty.

    My heart goes out to your kids.

    1. @Iphie D, precisely my buttercup! Anger can turn a situation from bad to worse within seconds. It may or may not have been premeditated. My line of thought is this, it could be just as you suspected. The usual physical abuse when south resulting in her death or in a fit of rage he actually intended to kill her because he felt emasculated by her. One of the worst things a woman can do to a man, especially one who already has insecurity issues, is to make him feel less than a man either through her words or her actions. Once their ego gets trampled upon, they go full throttle into animalistic mode. 

      It's possible that in the heat of the moment, all his impulses were geared towards killing her. You know, that temporary insanity caused by rage. It's only after the act, he realises what he just did and he starts regretting their actions.‎

      Whichever way you look at it, premeditated or not, this is a disaster of hurricane proportions. A young mother lost her life, her children lost their mum and, perhaps, their dad, a man lost his entire family and will have to live with the consequences till the court decides his fate. An aged mother who is yet to get over the grief of losing a son, just lost her daughter in the most horrific way, displayed for all to see and comment on. I can't think of the right adjectives to qualify the gravity of this unfortunate incident.

  11. Useless man...he must die as well, he's very wicked and insecured

  12. He would surely go to prison for a long time

  13. Very good, u had d mind to give your own wife, such a blow, na this kind men, nor dey bold talk to he mates outside, mtewwwwww.

  14. Hmmmm! Finally has d doctor come back from his travel? Autopsy is finally out.

  15. OMG!
    A blow to the head? What was he thinking?
    Don't he no dat woman are very weak physically. Their power is only for mouth.

  16. They had better follow this case through.

  17. May be the man never settle the bribe finish.
    Trust me,by tomorrow now we go hear sey the man is innocent.
    Fooling them papa sey the woman died of respiratory issue.

  18. Y dis man no just commit suicide @51 plus 20 years in prison that's wasted life.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Why raining blows on a woman. Unless you want to kill someone.

    What happened to the good old Koboko to the back and bum bum ?

    At least, no one in history has died for it. Instead people usually turn a new leaf

  21. Chaiiiii I can imagine the kind of blow he gave his wife. Probably he's been blowing her before causing little little brain damage small small, till this was d final blow.
    Feeling like Mayweather, but he can't blow his fellow man. It is always dangerous marrying this men that have past expiry date in d mkt without marriage, or divorcee. There is a reason why they remain single up till that old age. That is how one divorcee on 2times was applying on dis blog for women. Do you know d reason the 2wives left him, or perhaps he left them.
    I fear all dis over 40s and 50s for young girls to marry, especially those abroad.
    One contacted me for single and mingle, just got out from a divorce. Mba, I don't want. Let me look for tear rubber guy with no baggage. I can't shout. I'm the Ada in my family Mbok.

  22. Please can someone tell me when the next TTC women prayer and fasting will start??cos i will like to participate. Thank u.

    1. Go to the post of the first one and use it on your own.

  23. 51 the man don old. How old is your own father. They talk as if getting old is a sin. Hope you don't pray to God every night for old age or to see another day.

    1. Of course it growing old isn't a sin, but being irresponsible with it is where the sin lies.

      Hope your porous brain now undrrstands, mr/miss anonymous@

  24. I only pity the children
    How will they end up their life
    Mother killed by father
    Father in jail
    What a miserable life
    Oh jeeezzz

  25. Na wa oh all this men please fear them

  26. Visiting blogs.(Vistobloggers)

  27. R.I.P. Ronke. May the good lord protect your kids. It is well with them. Amen

  28. Why the sudden alteration??
    Thought they concluded on her not being murdered?Nawa!!
    When are we gon be done with this unending ineptness!!shrugs

  29. Wooooow...I don't believe nigerians are dis ignorant, autopsy report only gives cause of death and not d action which the cause took for crying out loud evry thing we have read since d autopsy was released are still on track,as one brilliant BVN commented earlier on it is left for d prosecutors to establish what lead to the respiratory seizure which in conclusion is d blow to d head

  30. A blow to the head? That's must be a lie from the prosecution. It's him against the state so it's their job. Everybody attests that he's a good man. She probably tripped and fell down the staircase while he must have stormed out in anger. Case of the century! But at the end of the day, it'll be difficult to get a conviction. He'll walk away a free man. Wait a minute. Why is Stella and all the ashawos of this blog against this man when he hasn't been proven guilty?..

  31. We read the husbands text messages. He was cheating on his wife and had a child with another woman and his wife was ready to leave him.

    He was very desperate and was begging people to talk to her but she had had enough and was determined to leave.

    She was not cheating on him, these are just lies fabricated by the husband. He was the one that claimed she was cheating on him and there is no proof of her cheating at all.

    She is dead and she cannot defend herself. The proof of what was really happening were in those text messages.

    Anything else the husband says is an assassination of his wife's character because the dead cannot talk.

    1. Una don come again! Too many sides to this story abeg. Try finding out the reason behind her sack and her alleged lover's at the publishing firm.

    2. Aunty/uncle willie willie : shebi if you are called on by the police or coirt u can defend the fact that she had a lover? Because for you to say it with so much confidence, seems like you have first hand information.
      people need to be careful how they talk especially when they don't really know the truth.
      I really wish I could spill all I know but for the privacy of the family. If I work for an organization where I am not happy and one of my learned bosses who has spent many years in the industry wants to leave and get his own place and tries to poach me with a promise of better pay, why wont i leave? Am i in control of my other colleagues that choose to do same? And if I am good friends with Kayode and he leaves to join the other company as well, all the better.
      Now do you understand why Learn Africa publishing issued a statement saying that they had both resigned 2 days apart? Learn Africa didnt need to tell anyone about the resignation of other staff because the public is not asking questions about those ones. And the public did not ask why.
      when u know where they both moved to and why she had to travel,, you will never say anything negative about Ronke again.
      To think that someone actually mentioned to her to be careful about travelling because her husband could react negatively since he was known to suspect her every move and also beat her at every opportunity.

    3. Anon07:56 wow!!!! U for tell some of dese tit bits since...oooooo!!!!! Lord help us so dt ppl won't bear false witness against us oooo.

  32. XOXO mystery you write well. I enjoyed ur write up.
    Pls stay away from drama, do more of dis. God bless

    1. Fuck outta ere and stop praising urself. Write rubbish my ass.

  33. This doesn't add up.. A blow in the head or she tripped and fell

  34. Older men always feel insecure.

    The law must take its full course
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