Stella Dimoko Natural Hair Rocks! - Tips To Care For Yours...


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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Natural Hair Rocks! - Tips To Care For Yours...

 Natural hair is in vogue now, as a lot of us are embracing the fact that curly hair can Rock. It's okay to join the trend, but there are considerations to be made. 

photo culled from omonis website.

Firstly, going natural is not easy. It requires a lot of time and patience. But the reward is a beautiful thick mane. Secondly, it requires money to maintain and a lot of creativity, because there are days when you won't know what to do with the hair. Lol.

So,there are two ways to go natural. You either transition by discontinuing the use of relaxer and letting your relaxed ends grow out before you cut them off. Or, you do the big chop. However, if you're hair is really limp and damaged with no hairline, it's advisable to do the big chop. You must also note that short fro will look better with a fuller hairline, so you might want to work on that before the big chop. 

Now, products. Because African hair can be very dry and is really curly, you need to base your hair care routine on sulfate-free products. 

Sulfates are good for removing product build-up on the hair, but not suitable for everyday use. So, get a shampoo and conditioner that doesn't contain sulfates. An affordable brand is cantu. Shea moisture is also good but more expensive because of the ethical nature of the company that produces it. Our dark and lovely have a curly hair range and so does cream of nature, but you may want to check if they are sulfate free. Most of the products in the market are for relaxed and texturised hair so you need to read description. Sulfate free brands usually have 'sulfate free' written on them. 

Next, you get a leave in conditioner. To keep your hair soft and make it easy to comb during the day. And a hair moisturizer. 

You also need oils: olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, Jamaican black castor oil, almond oil.... Are all oils that are good for sealing moisture on your hair. 
Never forget your Shea butter (ori) and natural cocoa butter (not processed one).Never mistake oils or Shea butter for moisturizers.  They aren't heavy enough to moisturize but they can seal in moisture gotten from moisturizers. So u apply the, afterwards. 

Your weekly routine should include:
1. Wash once a week with your shampoo. Then follow up with your conditioner .

2. Co-wash once a week. Co-washing is washing with conditioner. You don't need a shampoo after wards.

3. Do a deep conditioning treatment AT LEAST once a week. You can use the regular hair mayonnaise for this. Just add egg yolk to the portion you want to use on your hair, to increase the protein content. 

4. You can add a deep moisture treatment (once a week) to your routine. Especially if you have very dry and stubborn hair.

Now, these deep treatments work better with heat. So it's advisable to cover your hair in a shower cap when your sitting idly at home for a couple of hours (or even over night) to let your body heat 'werk' them on. If you have a bonnet dryer at home, better for you. Just get it on for 30-45 minutes. 

Your daily routine should include
1. Water. Yes sprinkle water on your hair before you comb or style. Water quenches our thirst and so does it quench the thirst of our hair. 

2. Leave in conditioner. This keeps the hair soft

3. Hair moisturize, especially if your hair is very dry. 

4. Oil of your choice. If you can mix more than one oil in a spray bottle and spray on your hair, that's even better. You get all the goodness of the various oils at once .

5. Silk scarf, pillowcase and/or hair bonnet. This is to retain moisture while you sleep. 

1. Don't expect magic. Imagine your hair is a new born baby's hair that's just starting to grow. You wont see a baby girl with waist length locks. So give your hair time to grow. 

2. Expect shrinkage. Shrinkage Na bastard. It makes you feel like, you're not making progress. But if you stretch your hair and do a length check, you will see that it's actually growing. Some people are lucky not to experience as much shrinkage as others.
3. Never comb your hair when it's dry. Please wet your hair with water from a spray bottle. Combing dry hair can cause breakage.

As for hair supplements, biotin is the doctors recommended supplement for hair growth and maintenance. It really helps your natural healthy hair grow well. There are others that claim to work magic. Please be careful about them, especially if you're TTC. Check with your doctor before you use. 

There are also DIY hair treatments that can work wonders for your hair I.e. Stuff you can mix on your own from your kitchen cabinet. Be free to look them up online and follow instructions. Some people swear by palm oil, others by banana. Lol. But Egg yolk and mayonnaise, mixed with avocado pear and coconut oil works as a great protein/moisturizing deep conditioner all in one. Just learn to understand your hair and do what agrees with it. 

These tips aren't exclusive to curly Afro hair only. Even if you have relaxed hair, please feel free to indulge. All hair textures are beautiful and should be well maintained. 

Hope I've not forgotten anything? 

Remain fabulous. 


Chikito a.k.a The professional runs girl 


  1. Replies
    1. Team relaxed and healthy.
      I love ❤ hair talk

    2. OMG. This is very helpful and it came just right on time for me. I just decided to go all natural with my hair abt a mnth ago and I hav been wandering how to maintain it. Thanks Chikito!

    3. OMG. This is very helpful and it came just right on time for me. I just decided to go all natural with my hair abt a mnth ago and I hav been wondering how to maintain it. Thanks Chikito!

    4. I'm with you Amanda - team relaxed and very healthy!

  2. Deep conditioning once a week ke? I think once a month is okay o. Hair not plant.

    1. No Doppel. It's once a week 😊 Some people recommend u do it twice sef.

  3. I can't keep natural hair, I have to relax it

    *Larry was here*

  4. I want natural hair... I have considered transitioning but my hair is too soft and curly. While I was trying to transition, I found out my hair, after plaiting it, gets rough quickly... Plus, I'm not sure my hair texture would permit me to achieve the afro which I really love.
    For the big chop, I have a big head... I don't want to look monstrous..*LOL*

    1. Wow! I can imagine the texture you have. Like Jose Fulani type? OMG!! You would get an Afro but it won't be the usual 4C. How about you do some conditioning treatment to strengthen it? Loads of proteins. U see, conditioning goes either ways, to strengthen or soften but because most of our hair is soft we always think conditioning is for softening only. There's this carrot treatment deep conditioner that makes hair more resistant (can't remember the name) but I think it's produced by blue magic range. It orangish like hair mayonnaise. Check it out

  5. Replies
    1. As a child in nursery/primary school I had the longest,thickest,and wildest kinky hair,my teacher once invited my mom over to remind her of the 'no attachment' rule even after I had told her the hair was all mine;all my mom did was wash my hair with toilet soap while giving me a bath and apply bergamot or apple hair cream afterwards...ds hair thing if uve got it uve gotit,simple...I've still got beautiful relaxed hair,very healthy too

  6. Low cut is just hungrying me this days.

  7. See the neck and eyes of a 38 year old lady. Kwakwakwa old mama youngie

  8. I leanrt
    Am on natural @ the moment

  9. Not for me but for team natural people.

    My GOD is too faithful to fail.

  10. for all natural products to have an healthy and lustrous hair... Add up now

  11. Team natural all the way.. tessbaby we rocking it.. my money don finish for cantu product but it's so worth it... I love my hair..

  12. Good for all naturaloatas,can't try it.Way too expensive to maintain and my front hair is too full and would look untidy if not relaxed.

  13. Wow... God bless u chikito for this write up... I learnt a lot

  14. That thing na work... Especially 4c hair type, thx to d natural hair BBM channel I'm following.. whew! It's Much werk werk werk werk werk werk.....

    1. It is, initially especially as we grew up neglecting our hair and just relaxing and combing. But you will love it with time and get used to it. If you have daughters please start teaching them how so by the time they are teens they would have lovely African hair, relaxed or not

  15. Chikito, nice one dear. Abeg I wnt to do natural dreads oo.. who knws how I cn go about it.. Tips!!!

    1. You have to grow out your curls to at least 3 inches then have a dreads stylist lock it for you and chop off relaxed ends. You keep locking as undergrowth emerges. Good luck!!

  16. This lady right here, I wld shag to smithereens! I luv her cuz she a freak in the sheets! 😍😚

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi ( Stellz Cousin )

  17. Omoni's hair has extensions in it. All of it isnt hers.

    1. So you noticed? Kamsikwa ma anyam onaghorim.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Nice one as usual, Chiki.

    Meanwhile, I used the threading method to partially stretch my hair yesterday and took it down today.

    Though it wasn't fully dry,so didn't maximally stretch,all I can say is, 'I loveeeeee my hairrrrr!'


    My gravity defying kinks. And I used to think my hair was limited to nape length.

    Oh, I don't bother spending money on shampoos. I spend enough on other hair products, mbok.

    I just use black soap, Dudu Osun, precisely.

    Oh, one can also use homemade ingredients for DCing.

    I DC'ed on Sunday using raw aloe vera, mayonnaise and olive oil. Covered with plastic bags and a shower cap, for one hour and washed off.
    (I switch up the ingredients, depending on what's in the kitchen at the time, but oil must always be included.)

    This was done on freshly washed hair though. You don't need to break a bank, to be able to maintain your God given hair.

    And oh, want to retain length quickly? Protective and low manipulation hairstyles are the answer.

    I retain a lot of length, from twists. They are my go-to protective style.

    I throw on a hat or a wig on days when I feel like changing up my style.

    You can play with your hair in its natural form too. There are lots and lots of chic ways to rock that fro.

    *drops mic*


    1. I've used that black soap before. I don't know why I stopped. Maybe I should resume.

      I did threading and carried it for 2weeks. All eyes were on me but I was happy with the outcome.

    2. I use black soap too and it works for me,thanks chikito for the tips I learnt more.dalu

    3. You ar in the spirit dear.

      I can't remember the last time I bought shampoo, I have been using dude she for months. And yea I lov it.

      Chikito you do well jare but I must add that washing with shampoo every week will reap off your natural hair oil.

      I wash with shampoo once in a month then Co wash every week.

  19. Thanks for sharing. It's baffling how times and fashion can change so fast that people start to make fashion statements that were hitherto termed ancient, archaic, outdated and so on. Weren't some of us including me making jest of some very religious folks who were on their natural hair awhile ago? I guess the issue with these people is because they don't invest in their hair and raise it to an enviable standard like the new generation of 'team natural' hair carriers. Abeg me sef I don port to team natural, if I can't handle it I port back to relaxing sharply no time.

    1. Hahah! You're right I've often thought of that. Thats why the bible says it's all vanity! Make we no dey carry matter do head oooh

  20. I just started using cantu products, so far, I like them.

    I do my DC with mayo,egg yolk,avocado,banana and coconut or olive oil.

    Natural hair matter no easy oooo.

    Nice one chikito.

  21. Thanks but no thanks. I can't imagine not re touching my hair. U want make headache kill me? No oh. I tried this stunt one time and I almost remove my skull in the name of combing, so I give up. I re touch my hair 3 times a year and I think that's ok for me besides I love relax edges.

    1. I use to think like you.

      Nothing like headache my dear

    2. As 4 relaxed edges edge control is there to help.

  22. Taar who has this kind of time, I choose relaxing any day

  23. Thanks jare, can someone please suggest a good hair moisturizer for natural hair? Thanks in advance.

    1. Water!!!

      Get a spray bottle and mix 80% water + 20% oils of your choice.

    2. You can also add it a leave in conditioner ( cantu brand is OK but I switch mine with Shea moisture hair smoothie.

    3. Shea moisture replenishing conditioner. Works as a leave in and/or wash off. Two in one

  24. No to me too because my hair already looking natural with the whole relaxer I have been applying.

    1. Why don't you chop it off and start over again. You hair is probably weak from chemicals hence the coarse growth

  25. Trying it out but will port back to relaxing if the hair and I do not agree

  26. Its not easyooo. I tried it once but i get stubborn hair. Will try again. Nice one chikito. Try nd remove that professional runs girl joor... Lolz

    Shines teeth


  27. I don't have the time for natural hair, I'll stick with my relaxed hair jare

  28. The thing about natural hair is that you have to have a lot of PATIENCE and know what works for you. Do your research. There are basic rules to follow but the truth is you can't follow all. Just understand your hair and experiment a little with products and oils. Soon enough you'll find what works best for you. I'm currently on a TWA and I'm loving it.My natural hair is so full and more relaxer burns! 😪😀☺😊 Nice tips Chikito.

  29. Don't forget your Prepoo ladies.

    I usually Prepoo every 4-6weeks.

    Prepoo =massage warm oil( 2-3 types) on you hair edges and scalp., wear shower cap over 45 mins / over night.

    Prepoo is done to replenish your lost oil and to strengthen your hair stands. It's one of the necessary caution I take before I do any protective style.

  30. Team Natural all the way
    Pls I need handmade coconut oil i'm tired of the factory made ones

  31. I'm rocking my natural hair and enjoying it like orgasm. NATURAL HAIR TI TAKE OVER. What a LIBERATION from all the weaves and wigs. I feel so healthy and energetic. Breeze just dey pass through my scalp, fiam fiam me that exhilarating feeling. Le Bou is just feeling free to run his fingers thro my 'fro massaging my scalp is he performs with his third leg...ecstasy.

    Bottom line is, try going natural. It won't make you less of a modern girl. Infact it is trending. More so, it brings out that divine beauty & innocence. You'll be surprised how attracted your man will be. You'll be surprised how men will be on your case if you are single.

  32. I just did the big chop two weeks ago & I'm loving it cos i bathe under the shower without using a cap.Chikito,what can I start with(products et el).thank you for the post

    1. Hi Mrs. Just follow the guidelines above. Your hair is still coming up so it's better you develop the habit now.
      For styling twa, wet with the water (or leave in conditioner) in a spray bottle, then use your moisturiser and then your oils (any oil of your choice or a cocktail in a spray bottle). Then brush your edges well. Your good to go.
      Please start taking biotin now. One a day. It will nourish and prepare your hair shaft for future growth.

  33. Thanks Chikito

  34. Natural hair is the bump. I will soon post my pics.

  35. Is this the same bv as Chikito aka Final Say?

  36. Eat healthy and drink more water if you want a beautiful black natural hair (you have to start from within). Also make do with some protective styles to retain length. #team natural


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