Stella Dimoko Buhari Pays N1.6BN To 638 YouWin Awardees


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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Buhari Pays N1.6BN To 638 YouWin Awardees

The federal government has paid N1.6 billion to 638 awardees of the Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (YouWin) programme, an initiative of the past government.

There have been fears about the government of President Muhammadu Buhari scrapping the programme, with series of protests over the delay in grants.
But Na’inna Dambatta, director of information at the ministry of information, said the money was paid in June.

He said under the programme which took off in 2011, a total of 18, 000 young entrepreneurs were trained in management and business skills for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Dambatta said 3, 900 of the trainees, including 1, 200 women, were each given non-repayable take-off grants ranging from N1 million to a maximum of N10 million for businesses of their choice.

“The third edition of the programme, which is still running with 1,500 beneficiaries has received the sum of N11.2 billion in funding,” he said in a statement.
“So far, grants totaling N7.4 billion have been disbursed to the awardees.”
Kemi Adeosun, minister of finance, said the current administration was set to restructure the programme in line with its “change” agenda.

Adeosun said the restructuring would ensure efficiency, transparency and accountability in investing the capital grants given to the beneficiaries.
She added that all the commitments made by the federal government under the YouWIN programme would be fully met.

She said every beneficiary would be duly verified, using tools like bank verification number (BVN), before disbursements.

The minister said the federal government would begin consultations with the beneficiaries and other stakeholders of the programme to inject new ideas for its sustainability.

According to the statement, the ministry of finance, which has been running the programme from inception, will hold the consultation on July 22 in Abuja.
Winners of the third edition of the programme, earlier this month, stormed the headquarters of the ministry to protest the delay in the payment of their grants.

The Cable


  1. Great news...sai Buhari!!!

    1. Glad Baba continued this good initiative of GEJ
      To create wealth for the people, government needs to empower creative and entrepreneurial minds to succeed.

  2. I hope they will give them the money before we start hearing another story. This country you cannot trust anyone before someone will put his cousin or brother's name there.

  3. See me beaming!

    I'm so happy.
    Continuity especially with wonderful ideas like this has been lacking partially in Nigerian politics.

    YouWin is one of the projects from the last administration I love so much.

    Good one Presido.

    1. APC & lies is just like bread & butter. The govt has not paid the Youwin3 awardees ooooo! I know so many Youwin3 awardees who are bn owed their 2nd & 3rd tranches. These guys are truly doing well in their various businesses but I don't know why the present govt refused to pay up their merrited state-up grants but decide to tell lies to the world. Pls, Buhari & Adeosun should pay & encourage these guys in their brave efforts to curb unemployment to the bearest minimum in this country. Any furhter delay to settle these young & vibrant entreprenuers will be a regarded as sabotage to the Nigerian Youths.

    2. Learn not to trust this govt. They just paid 100 out of 1500 and they are claiming to have your energy

    3. And you want us to believe the words of an anonymous? You need meds

  4. how about nddc scholars abroad when will they be paid?

  5. Misplaced priorities.
    When most parts of the country cannot boast of 4 hrs electricity everyday. SMH.
    Senile things

    1. Complainant...

    2. Your stupidity is legendary as your ignorance is sophisticated. You'll choose 4hrs of light over employment?

    3. Artitude and anon, seem u are new. James is the village fool. We just jump and pass his comments. We don't read or reply.

    4. Lmao! ARTtude! Don't kill me. I tell you.
      James is the most stupid in the history of stupid people.

    5. Lol. Great award for James. The biggest fool on sdk

  6. good news indeed. Please can the prestige scholarship scheme for first class students come back?

  7. Long Live the Republic of Nigeria.

  8. Good news
    I'm glad they paid out
    You win was one of the best innovative of the last administration. Because it helped a lot of people kick start their small business

  9. Nice step. There is no need throwing out good policies introduced by former government, some policies will still be beneficial to our unemployed youths. Government should expand such grant to more people.

  10. Nah lie ooooooo @Stella. I am an awarded and not all 680 awardees have been paid. In fact, it's just a little fraction of the 680 cleared for now out of 1,500 that has been paid. They even started payment because the awardees staged a protest at the Federal Ministry of Finance recently. Not all 680 have been paid. Now , I smell a rat-why is this story of all 680 of 1500 going viral?

  11. I can give you evidence @Stella of the Government not paying all 680 as they are claiming. Maybe only 5% of these 680 were even paid.

  12. Nah lie ooooooo @Stella. I am an awarded and not all 680 awardees have been paid. In fact, it's just a little fraction of the 680 cleared for now out of 1,500 that has been paid. They even started payment because the awardees staged a protest at the Federal Ministry of Finance recently. Not all 680 have been paid. Now , I smell a rat-why is this story of all 680 of 1500 going viral?

  13. Well the news is false. Less than 50 awardees have been paid so far. And u claim to have paid 638. Please tell Nigerians the truth.

  14. The news is false. Less than 50 awardees were paid and you claim to have paid for 638. Tell Nigerians the truth, they deserve to know.

  15. Why will this leader be lying like this? Out of 1500 entrepreneurs they sparsely paid about 100 after much pressure and they are claiming to have paid all. Watch out for the next protest.....

  16. Mrs. Kemi Adeosun and FMF has not paid the 638 #YouWiN3awardees o. That info is fake

  17. APC & lies is just like bread & butter. The govt has not paid the Youwin3 awardees ooooo! I know so many Youwin3 awardees who are bn owed their 2nd & 3rd tranches. These guys are truly doing well in their various businesses but I don't know why the present govt refused to pay up their merrited state-up grants but decide to tell lies to the world. Pls, Buhari & Adeosun should pay & encourage these guys in their brave efforts to curb unemployment to the bearest minimum in this country. Any furhter delay to settle these young & vibrant entreprenuers will be a regarded as sabotage to the Nigerian Youths.

  18. I'm not really surprised about dis govt since the only thing they are good at is lies and propaganda but it saddens me how people just broadcast such lies and propaganda without investigaing to know the truth, especially when it cencerns serious issue that affects the future of the country. Well, posterity will judge, one day your children will ask why did you help to soil their future!

  19. But james has a point in what he said. Most of the awardees will need electricity to power their businesses and when electricity is not available many of the businesses will fail, this will give a bad name to the programme. I think government should also be making a serious effort towards restoring, increasing and sustaining our power generation, distribution and availability.


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