Stella Dimoko Senator Dino Melaye Calls For The Abolition Of State Of Origin In Official Documents.


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Monday, February 20, 2017

Senator Dino Melaye Calls For The Abolition Of State Of Origin In Official Documents.

The Senator representing Kogi West Senatorial district in the Nigerian Senate, Dino Melaye has called for the abolishing of the clause and question which normally requires Nigerians to disclose their state of origin in official documents. 

He said that as Nigerians, it is illegal to ask such question as that often leads to discrimination in public service, university admission and in the allocation of contracts and other public services in Nigeria. He disclosed that he has sponsored a bill in the senate to this affect and asked his colleagues and Nigerians to support its passing.

Senator Melaye who was a guest speaker at the annual Silverbird Man of the Year Award which held at Eko Hotel, Lagos on Sunday night, 19th February 2017 said that the right question to ask is State of residence as that is more appropriate for economic planning.

He called on Nigerians particularly young people to be brave and courageous at all times and to speak truth to power as that is the best way Nigeria can surmount the myriad of challenges it currently faces.

Comcluding, Senator Melaye charged those in authority to always obey the rule of law and observe the universal principle of separation of powers to justify the confidence the electorates have reposed on them.

.Written By Uche Nworah


  1. It's good.. But if Dem remove am... Names go still show were person come from



  2. He hz a point but names may still differentiate

  3. Yes I support this. One nigeria they say.. Hmmph

  4. If i hear. As if that will help in anyway. Mr dino say something meaningful

    1. It will go a long way to stop discrimination especially in admission into higher institution of learning.

  5. For the first time, I agree with DINO MELAYE

  6. For once, I agree with this man

  7. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Thank you man...

  8. The idea behind state of origin is for demographic information. For population counting, allocation of resources and general governance. It is only twisted minds like Dino Melaye that would find a reason to use that information to discriminate against anyone. Even here in the US state of origin is collected as part of demographic information when applying for college, jobs etc infact if you try to go to university in another state you pay Out State Tuition until you have resided in that state for more than a year. There are many other ways to foster unity than to remove this information from each individual, if if is removed, the already big problem of lack of records will be increased in Nigeria. This is a backward step not a forward step.

    1. I am sure you meant state of residence not state of origin baba , I am reading the 11th line of your comment and you just stated that you must reside in that place for more than a year,is that not contradictory ,demographics can still be done by state of residence that's even more important self.

    2. I am sure you meant state of residence not state of origin baba , I am reading the 11th line of your comment and you just stated that you must reside in that place for more than a year,is that not contradictory ,demographics can still be done by state of residence that's even more important self.

  9. Anon 11:06, you are making sense without making sense of what you typed. in the end what matters is state of residence!!! if you ask that person form new York schooling in Atlanta 2yrs after, they will tell you they are from---- but originally from ---. that the point here, where you reside and have resided for over 1yrs or whatever period of time supersedes you place of origin!!! it affects you immediate life more than any other!!!

    In Naija, we have people in government who dont care about their state of origin because they dont live there and as such don't understand the issues the residents face. this State of origin matter has been an issue for me for ages and my friends will attest to it!q i hate it, its bad for Naija and should be abolished!!! An Igbo Man that has lived in lagos all his life is as good as any yoruba man. I am in support wholly

  10. Born & breed in onitsha, originally from Imo state but don't knw anything abt Imo but virtually knw every nook and cranny of anambra & 98% of my friends are Anambra. 100% of my behaviour & attitude pure anambra as in original nwanyi nnewi sef. Though have moved to lag 2012 but my parents & siblings still stay in anambra in fact if am travelling for Xmas now definitely is anambra. So I support dis.

  11. My parents are born & breed in onitsha too


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