Stella Dimoko Singer KCee Claps Back At Rumour Mongers. Says Bro E-money Is Not Into Fraudulent Biz


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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Singer KCee Claps Back At Rumour Mongers. Says Bro E-money Is Not Into Fraudulent Biz

Singer Kcee has insisted his brother, E-Money, is not into drugs or fraud.

In a recent interview with Punch, Kcee revealed how his family was evicted from their apartment in Ajegunle, because they could not afford the rent.

On rumours that his brother was into illegal businesses, the Limpopo crooner said they are from a Christian home and would never indulge in such act.

“My brother is not into drugs or anything illegal. We are from a Christian home and we are very careful with our lifestyle and what we do. Our only weakness is that we show off. We like the good life. My brother is a hard worker.

“For about 17 years, people have been saying that we do drugs or 419 but why have we never been caught? Why haven’t we made a mistake? Why hasn’t someone come to expose us? When we had issues with some of our team members that left recently, a lot of people were waiting to hear that we were into illegality but they did not say that.

“My brother is a hard worker who is into clearing and forwarding, oil business, real estate, etc. He started from the scratch. He used to be my manager when I was with Presh but he left to start his own business. It is just the grace of God.

“When I was playing football, I was doing very well. I started with football and the first time I travelled out of this country, it was through football. I never saw music coming and it was something I did by the side. My brother and I laugh whenever people make statement like that. He does not do anything negative. If not, people would have come out to expose it. I am sorry but no one can make us change our lifestyle because it is in our DNA,” he said.


  1. All wealth are not ill-gotten..Real estate is legal blood money!

    1. Kcee just pim your mouth. Your brother and Dilly are into the same kind of business, hard drugs

    2. 12.12....gbam!

    3. @ abie candy. Don't mind them, one good real estate investment can change ur life. Especially where the estates gets leased by better cimpany. That is a money spinner.

    4. Kcee you get time I swear, you're explaining yourself as if you don't know world people

  2. I just hope this is true,but is it because he has so much money that is why it has to be through fraud or drugs?

  3. Don't even know anything deep about them,most of them for that matter.
    Came on this blog and started reading about their lives,So I wouldn't know๐Ÿ™Œ

    LOL@ Their only weakness is showing off๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Show off is in your DNA? Na wa o

  5. Show off is in your DNA? Na wa o

  6. Could someone please explain, "Clearing and Forwarding"
    I may be interested

    1. Clearing and forwarding is barbing of hair lol, the way the clipper goes back nd forth

    2. You are a big fool. So you don't know what clearing and forwarding entails and you will be making so much noise on the blog. I wonder what you do with your internet apart from commenting on the blog. Educated illiterate

  7. OK kceee, you can stop shouting now.

  8. if I hear... abeg take several sits, you will say u guys are no longer into fraudulent act that will be the correct sentence, but u definitely started through illegal means.

  9. if I hear... abeg take several sits, you will say u guys are no longer into fraudulent act that will be the correct sentence, but u definitely started through illegal means.

  10. That is good for you and E money, more money to una pocket

  11. Well, you're innocent until proven guilty. And truly no one has come forth to say soemthing yet so who are we to condemn?
    That said, there are people with very legal money living large, so he has a valid point. The only thing is such people don't show off and Kcee them do. No be here we see that kidnapped man talking about paying $1m and Evans saying he knew he was joking when he got closer to Alaba boys and saw the money they were making? I have male friends who were landlords in their 20s before they got married sef. Imagine where they would be in their 40s ceteris paribus. By then soemone will rise up to say its blood money not knowing that these boys hit the streets at a young age.

    1. Queen, happy belated birthday in advance.

    2. Belated and advance in one sentence??? Nigerians please use the dictionary!

  12. Weakness is 'show off'? What a weakness! It's all good.

  13. The fear of Evansgate. All man must prove visible source of income now. Where is E-money's office?

    1. LMAO, so showing off in their DNA......oshisco.....grow up in Jesus name


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