Stella Dimoko Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 1136


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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 1136

These are just pictures but they tell stories that will either Educate,Entertain or Motivate you...


  1. That whale is scary
    Awww sorry mike tyson did you later punch the bully
    PAnt of life, naso some women paent be o

  2. Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was on a mission for Al Qaeda when he attempted to detonate a device on Christmas Day in 2009.

    The bomb failed to detonate aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253, from Amsterdam to Detroit, because it was "degraded" but it still caused a fire that burned his groin.

    The head of the US Transportation Security Administration revealed the bomb failed to explode because of how long Abdulmutallab had been wearing his underwear.

    John Pistole told a security forum: "The bomber had the device with him for over two weeks."

    Asked whether the bomb had become "damp", Mr Pistole replied: "Let's say it was degraded."

    Abdulmutallab, 23, was sentenced to life without parole in 2012 after pleading guilty to all charges on the second day of his trial the previous October.

    He said the bomb, plastic explosives sewn into his underwear, was a "blessed weapon" to avenge poorly treated Muslims around the world.

    As the plane approached Detroit, Abdulmutallab went to the lavatory for about 20 minutes.

    The underwear that Abdulmutallab tried to detonate [GETTY]


    After returning to his seat, near the fuel tanks and wing, he complained that he had an upset stomach and was seen pulling a blanket over himself.

    About 20 minutes before the plane landed, on its final descent, he secretly ignited a small explosive device consisting of a mix of plastic explosive powder and acid.

    He injected liquid acid from a syringe into the packet of plastic explosive sewn to his underwear to cause a chemical reaction.

    While there was a small explosion and fire, the device failed to detonate properly.

    Passengers heard popping noises resembling firecrackers, smelled burning and saw the suspect's pants, leg and the wall of the plane on fire.

    Dozens of the 300 passengers on board pounced on Abdulmutallab and bundled him to the front of the aircraft where he was held until it landed minutes later.

    Months before the attack, Abdulmutallab travelled to Yemen to see Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric and leading Al Qaeda figure, according to the US.

    He told investigators his mission was approved after a three-day visit with his mentor.

    Al-Awlaki and the bombmaker were killed in a US drone strike in Yemen in 2011, just days before Abdulmutallab's trial.

    At the time, President Barack Obama publicly blamed al-Awlaki for the notorious plot.

    Had the attempt succeeded, it would have surpassed American Airlines Flight 191 as the deadliest air disaster on American soil.

  3. So umar is a dirty boy?

  4. Baddest man ever
    Iron Mike

    Fact 2 na "Fabu"


  5. That was an engineer trained in Uk that wore that thrash
    The wale story na fairy tale

  6. Dirty boy,@fact 1
    Mike Tyson... I like u...

  7. Now I know that dirty underwear has advantage. thank God

  8. Has the pant @ fact 1 been washed now before it was displayed here


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