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Thursday, July 04, 2019

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Good  day..............

I type in tears... Oh if tears is all it takes.... 

I will be 34years by July ... (burst tears) education half ways, never have I had a good relationship..i quit s#x 3 years ago. No job....

I have prayed oh oh.. Fast oh..only this year alone my days of fasting is more of the days without fasting. Started up something with my friend, even before her, hers is paying already. Mine not yet... (breaks down) kedu ihe mere chukwu.. I don't sleep at night again.. I have prayed to an extent I will only be begging for God's Mercy all through the night in tears. 

Of a Truth my Dreams is a different world.. Both masturbation,lesbian,s#x...with mostly familiar faces. (sometimes I will pray for hours only to close my eyes and boom s#x occurs) most times I did fight oh, conquer yet it will still repeat again.. (God please have Mercy on me). 

I am 5.9,beautiful..nice shape... But never will I get an admirer if not...boys way younger than me.. The last straw that destroys the camel back Was 4 Wednesday ago, I was coming back from mid-week, talking on phone and a very young boy said he wanted talking to me and he BOLDLY asked me out.

 I asked him how old are you? He said 20 years.. I replied I am 38 years.. He has the guts to tell me it doesn't matter.. Bikonu gini ka mu na onye 20 years ga - ako? This occurred after crying and praying all through in the church, I did raise my head from pews.... I just came home And resumed cry... 

You will apply for a job,when it is time to resume it will was so bad I have to beg an Ex whom messed with my heart to employ me seems it was an option, if you see the way he treated me.. But I endured till I saved money to purchase my phone. I attempted GUS for consecutive 4 years.. After impressing everyone including the white man.. Yet I no go enter jungle...

 I have never ever been favoured. NEVER.. I have attended deliverance eh, the last person slap my head sotei head hot me for UWAM EH. I am always hiding in doors Now, cry, pray ,work cry, (I work indoors with my phone)(not yahoo oooh) I am creative imaginary writer.. WHAT A LIFE!!!. 

Now I called my big brother who is a traditionalist.. Him and his wife said if I can raise 20k that they will take me where my problems will be solved.. They said it might be UCHU (meaning nothing Good will ever happen to me).this idea is not my thing but I need solution. I so believe in God ehh.. IKE AGWUGO GO M..
Concluded committing suicide on my Birthday.. So I will rest, God will rest... Whatever that is it will rest too.. Oh how I wish God will answer my prayers.. God I promise to give back to societies.. a philanthropist, an advocate of the poor and a giver.. Then It never happened.. Please pray God to be merciful to my soul. Amen
(Anonymous BV from Abuja)

*Ah this is serious oh but there is nothing that GOD cannot do my dear!!!
Dont give up!!!
I dont know what your dreams mean and how they are tied to what you are currently going through...I hope you get something in the comment section to help you...Please stay strong and stop crying....


  1. Please don't go the suicide route I beg you. Be strong, God has not forgotten you.

    1. I might sound a bit judgemental but, bear with me. I was just thinking when i read your post. You might have to look deep within yourself and ask God for mercy about something you must have done. I know our God is a merciful God. When I think of some things we must have done in our teenage years and early 20's, i do have to ask God to forgive. I dont exclude myself. Sometimes, we do things and think, oh its forgotten. Some commit abortions and other crimes against innocent souls, and expect to have it easy in life. My dear, those crimes come back, to bite you in the ass. It takes constant prayers and Gods mercy to believe you are forgiven. Some boys raped and still rape girls, some girls threw their babies into pit toilet, trash cans, dump sites; where ants feast on the babies and all that, and expect to get the best of life, void of pain and troubles? We all must pay, for our sins. If you are exempt from the above group, keep praying God never sleeps. If you are not, keep praying, the peace of God will still come to you. Stay blessed

    2. Don't you know bad happen to the Good one's.You talk like Pharisees that blamed people for being blind, lepromotous,deaf etc. Remember job never did a thing but was inflicted with sickness,poverty and death. So poster don't mind all this said above, just socialize more,dress beautifully yet decent .Your testimony is near.I experienced more bad and was giving arms more than ate but with some much temptation but God to be praised because everything about me now is testimony.

    3. Those dreams. Dear poster, there is something from the bloodline that is bringing judgement. Is there a practice or tradition your family was involved in that you have broken?

      There is an entry point giving access to all these occurrences.
      Prayer is a process, a sequence. I wish you were in ph, I don't know how to write it all. You could have attended faith clinic @the hilltop.

    4. I still don’t know how heartless people find it easy to blame people who are hurting, I don’t get it. Is it not this same Nigeria? 16:11, have you not been reading the news this past week? Instead of telling poster she must have done something to to someone to deserve all this, is it not more plausible that something was done to her that she’s been suppressing and it’s now manifesting in different areas of her life? Anon, I hope you’re very proud of heartless yourself. Poster, please talk to someone about your hurt, preferably a female because a lot of men in Nigeria are now known to further victimize victims. What’s is happening to you might have nothing to do with spirits or what your brother thinks. Sometimes, our healing and freedom starts when we unburden our hearts. That alone would lift the permanent clouds hovering above which gives way to clearer thinking and pleasant vibes. I know sometimes bad or unfavorable things just happen but most times, we just need the external happiness to be able to navigate things successfully. I know what I’m saying because I’m still dealing with stuff too. Also, if there are bv’s in the house with job opportunities should please reach out to Stella and try to link poster up. She does need help/ a stepping stone/ push etc to get her out of this mental space. If there are also any psychologists/ psychotherapists in the house, can you kindly volunteer to speak to poster free of charge to help her? Because I know it would be rather daft on me to suggest to poster to see someone when she doesn’t even have a job that pays well to start with. God bless you all as you help........ Just Me

    5. I believe you read my last few sentences 'If she is exempt'. I didnt crucify her. I am neither a saint nor Pharisee. Poster keep praying God will answer your prayers

  2. After the rain, comes sunshine...
    Tho it may tarry,must surely come to pass.
    Those who sow in tears, will reap in joy.
    Keep trusting God cos tomorrow will be greater!
    Never give up!!!!!

    1. Babe calm down...nothing wrong with you. Pull yourself together and after each prayer, hold your head up high in confidence like a princess who just spoke to her father who can do all things.

      About the sex in the dream, your at 34 and have been celibate for a few years so the urge will play out in ur subconsciousness. Thats natural.

      About your business, haba keep putting in your best and add things to yours to give you an edge over your competitors e.g. good customer services and don't be envious of your friend shoes business is yeilding. When you pray for your business, pray and thank God for the success of your friends business too.

      Who told you having younger admirers is a bad thing? You are the one limiting yourself. Age is just a number. Just secure your happiness.

      You have never ever been favoured?! You are a LIER! I have to set you on an assignment on strange lady I met years ago challenged me with; lock yourself up for one full day and try all you can to remember things God has done for you. You said you are beautiful and have the height and curves others and dying on plastic surgery tables to acquire, abi? You have friends you brainstorm on business opportunities abi? Thank God for them.

      You DO NOT NEED DELIVERANCE. What you need is GRATITUDE!


    2. Poster please take this advice. There was a point in my life where I complained and was almost depressed because things weren't going as planned. I thought God has forgotten me or probably hates me. After attending a seminar where the preacher dwelt so much on gratitude, I felt bad and asked God for mercy. I changed my line of prayer from ASKING HIM to THANKING HIM. I began to thank him for every little thing that happens. Honestly, the growth process had been amazing. All those things I cry and sweat about, just started coming on their own. I may not have it all but I believe that God has greater plans for me. My dear, wipe your tears. From your write up, I didn't see where you mentioned that you lived all your life on a hospital bed. That, you should be grateful for. Suicide is not an option. Don't give up. Develop a personal and deeper relationship with God. Study the Bible, give him hosanna praise every midnight and watch things turn around for you. E-hugs

    3. These two people spoke the truth poster.. I thank Jesus even for the shoes I have on my feet...thank Jesus and He will do more!! I even thank Jesus for the job I know He is going to give me,that's how loyal He is to me!! Jesus never fails poster!

    4. Sapphire and blog crush, thanks for your comments. The mind is our most Powerful tool. You said it all.

  3. I was having pity on you till I got to the last paragraph, you want to commit suicide?
    So you think after committing suicide you will now rest, who told you that you will rest? Who gave you the guarantee that there will be rest for you?
    Every body the road are not finding it easy too, we all have our own story but decides not to let it weigh us down.
    It's only cowards that commit suicide and transfer the pain to the family and love ones.
    Better keep fighting and keep praying, no one has a perfect life, forget what you see on social media

    But if you insist on going that way, you have your creator to deal with.
    Good luck.

  4. Dont be too hard on yourself, life is not that difficult...
    And this self pity is actually the worst thing to be doing now...
    I used to think like U, even some days of recent, but i have learnt to brush it off, because if i allow my mind believe it, then the Universe takes it in...
    Profess positive things into your life and work towards it with GREAT faith, U know the type that seems almost impossible, yea? Try that this time and see if there wont be a change.

  5. God have mercy on her. He will come through for you at the appointed time. Please don't lose hope. He will. Amen

  6. I find it hard to believe that this isn't a cooked up story. Anyways,may God meet you at your point of need in His own time. Keep faith and believe.

  7. Pls I need the contact of the poster if she doesn't mind....I stay in abuja....I feel ur pain, but I assure you , u will come out victortious. ...don't go d way of D traditionalist...reach out to me pls....I also stay in abuja

  8. Your brother who is a traditionalist knows what is wrong with you, you better don't go and meet him. Locate a good church.

    1. Poster I'm inviting you to Dunamis church airport road on Sunday by 9am.its our blessing Sunday, the blessing is stronger than any curse or manipulations of the devil. Don't give up on God

  9. I am sorry about your predicament but I don't understand why people see tradition as demonic.
    Come on!
    All powers in heaven and on earth belongs to God and I see no reason why you shouldn't listen to your big brother!
    People get their solution from pastor,alfa,babalawo and various places so don't stop trying.
    If you commit suicide then you are a coward.Please dont do it!You will bounce back,just do the needful.
    Good luck.

  10. Feel like crying while reading your story.. life isn’t fair to some people

    1. I tell you. Could be so cruel, strange and frustrating at the same time. I used to hit hard on people who committed suicide until I saw life's brutality, then I understand that not everyone in this life has the WILL power to absorb challenges and difficulties.

  11. My dear, it is well. You have to continue praying. God will pick your call one day and turn your life around. Stop this crying (I know it is not easy) it only make the devil laugh and happy.

  12. Thank God you're in Abuja. I've seen worse cases settled by God through one man of God in Kubwa. Even I and my family have been delivered from affliction and today, to the glory of God, my life is a beautiful testimoney. Please, find your way to GodSpring Assembly. popularly called glass Church. It is located at Arab Road, Kubwa. The deliverance and Counselling service is every wednesday from 8am. The Pastor is humble and kind and you won't be charged a dime. God's blessings are free. Please don't be deceived by anyone who asks you for money to pray for you. I look forward to reading your testimony of your deliverance. May the Lord make it easy for you

  13. If you want solution, why did you go to a traditionalist? Well if you are ready to seek God, I will suggest the books that taught me the principles in the word of God through which Jesus solved mine. Mine wasn't just sex in the dreams. It seemed physical because I could see crusts of semen on my thighs. I will still be conscious and having orgasms. Have things ever moved in your room and you know someone was there doing it and they will laugh horribly at your fear? I got to know where my problems came from and it was from sexual immorality. Having sex with someone who have had sex with a lesbian or one who is bisexual
    or just fornicating is a trigger. Fornication is like a chain reaction and one day, either you or your partner will veer off and do it and the unthinkable enters.
    Let me list the books; check them on
    amazon online.
    *Jentezen franklin -Biblical fasting
    Sin in the House -a revelation of the blood covenant (purple cover)
    *Kimberly Daniels - Clean House strong House/other warfare books
    *Beauty for ashes

    Dear, this is not a "deliverance and run off to live your own life" kind of matter. When I tried deliverance attendance in churches, I noticed that the pastors were making overtures and I stopped. It was so bad that I could see their crouches bulging while praying for me and so on.
    I was on a daily fast when I began reading these books. I began to apply the biblical principles I learned immediately and I was free after some weeks. I did not stop fasting as I still do it often.

    1. Your advise is succinct and commendable.

    2. Later they would say lesbianism, bisexuality just like every other sin, isn't sin. How can sin be your sexuality😳 When you do all these you have opened the pathways for demons to visit.

    3. Dear poster, I beg you to please take the advice above. I have been there and I can tell you now that nothing and I mean absolutely nothing can shake my faith now. I’m not claiming to be Job In the Bible but I cant even begin to tell you what my experience did for me. The devil pushed me to God. If I start to talk, Stella would close her blog and run away.
      But Do you know what I now do when I am having things rough, I scream thank you Jesus. Just Incase the devil has developed pronlems in one ear so I scream loud enough so he can hear me.
      Do you know who you are? Do you know who your father is? He is God. He is God. HE IS GOD.
      Go to the Bible and read on the wonderful works of God through His servants. Then you’d have an idea Who He is. Then you’d stop crying and feeling defeated. That is what I did and it changed my life forever.
      I am perpetually grateful because I know Who my Father is. I stopped worrying instead I just remind Him of His Word and Promises and thank Him for fulfilling it because He never lies.
      I wish you could be my friend so we can walk through this together but I commit you into God’s hands.
      God be with you.

    4. Anon 15:26 if you really want to help why not hightlight the things you learnt and followed from the book? Each time you're doing this. It's not everybody that has the money to buy from amazon. I have checked for this books in Lagos here they don't have them. For one to order from amazon N10k must have been spent on just one book.

    5. @18:21
      Please can you write Stella those things / stories so that we all can learn?
      I wish I can write them, but it is like writing the entire New Testament! If I haven't given out my books, I would have sent them to Stella to give her. I had looked for them in Some Nigerian cities. It is a pity that in our time, sex toy shops are everywhere, porn shops are everywhere but the books that can prepare us for eternal life isn't
      found; why? Because people are looking for the things of this world. People are feeding on sin and more sin.
      Poster, if you stay in Enugu, check Ogui Road -around Gtb, there is a Christian bookstore (upstairs just by Mobil gas station) there. I can't remember the name now. I left Nigeria some years ago and I don't know much about the city now.
      Above all, do not give up on studying your bible and fasting. The Holy Spirit can teach you and the entrance of his word gives light. It is this light that drives away darkness.

  14. Poster I feel for you reading your story. Only those born with silver spoon and has it going smoothly for them won't understand what you are going through. Trust me, I know what you are going through and share your pains. I will advice, you take things easy and don't put much pressure on yourself. Keep faith alive and hope for the better. Maybe someday you will look back at today and smile when things turn around.

    Please, do not contemplate suicide in whatever you think. Finally, marriage isn't for everyone as not everyone will be favoured to be wife before they leave this earth. Try and establish yourself first and if marriage isn't forth coming, you can go with the option of having a child.

  15. It will be well. You have prayed, believed and now start PRAISING!!! God bless you dear.

  16. Dear poster, pls don't contemplate suicide. Don't stop praying God will make manifest his power in your life. If possible stop praying just sing praises and say our Lord's prayer. May God deliver you. You can use psalm 40, 68,140.

  17. I am 36 year old very much single lady.I won't dwell much on your single status but the truth is if you can't be happy as a single woman,getting married will not solve it oo! Ask the truthful matured married women.As regards your financial status,have you tried being an entrepreneur? There are many biz you can start with 10k in your location if you are not ashamed of it. Look for a place where you can sell cooked noodles and egg or food cart,Fruit,vegetables,fried yam and Akara,in between beg for people who can teach you fashion designing for free and learn on weekend. My dear if you get married without sorting yourself out financially,you will die in the marriage multiple times.

    1. You are right. Poster admitted that her education is half complete. Poster try and complete your degree. Set aside at least 5 hours per day to read and come out top of your class. You may meet someone who can fix you into local government, state or federal civil service afterwards. While you are in school, do a trade that will make students patronize you like hairdressing. Even tailoring. From there you can start getting close to one of the young graduate assistants or assistant lecturers who are just starting life. There are some post graduate students too that are single. The fact that you are a top student will increase your value. Please if you see a responsible and mature 30 year old, don't chase him away.

      Getting into a routine activity like attending classes, learning a new skill or exercise has been scientifically proven to treat depression. If you were a Muslim, I would have given you parts of the Quran to read into your drinking water. 100% effective to stop those weird dreams.
      Please, try and take care of yourself. Make up, wear something nice and go for a photoshoot in an affordable studio.

  18. Kindly go to a bible believing church, as you reside in Abuja while not try Dunamis international gospel Centre and you will be saved.

  19. Go to nearest mfm this Saturday.
    there is power must change hand 8am.ur case dey learn where mine is but God rescues me.

  20. All will be well4 July 2019 at 15:40

    @poster: I don't even know who I pity more. If it's you oh or me oh, I don't know.
    Can't start typing now. No strength for that. But, all I know is,someday,soon, the tide will turn for the best.

  21. Madam. You have cried and prayed enough. Once you have done all you can, you just stand. Nobody is 'doing' you. You are alive, beautiful and you have good health. Let that be your starting point. Stop going from place to place. Focus on God all the way. He is still God even if he doesn't answer our prayers. I may seem harsh but I suspect people can smell the desperation from you a mile off. I was once in your shoes and I had already picked a date to kill myself but the thought of going to hell on top of all my suffer stopped me. This is what I did. I stopped desperate prayer. I simply asked God to bless me or kill me. Most importantly, I focussed on one thing, my business. I remember a friend rubbishing the business because I went out of my way to deliver a few goods worth almost nothing to a client. Little did I know that God was preparing me for something much better. You mention you started something before your friend and she is doing well. Analyse what she is doing better than you. Who is she targeting? Is she friendlier? Is she bolder in asking for a sale? Does she get over the disappointment of a non sale quicker than you? Find what you are good at, I mean really good at, then package it well and sell. You are getting to interview stage which is great. Always ask for feedback no matter how good you think you were and keep striving. May I also say that your written English is rather poor. Please take lessons and improve yourself. Husband will come in his own time. It is not a sin to be over 30 and unmarried. Believe me you don't want to be in an abusive marriage. I wish you all the best and remember God is still on the throne.

  22. My dear you need to relax. I also got married quite late at the age of 37. I did deliverance o, attended every singles programme,went to prayer city, even white garment church,no where I didn't go.
    Until I just made up my mind, I'm not going anywhere again. To be honest I didn't even attend church every Sunday again. I just relaxed my mind and stop thinking about marriage. Believing it will happen one day.
    And I met my husband. The day i set my eyes on him. He had not even approached me and I told my friend, i just met my husband. This man is everything you will want in a man. Extremely handsome,good character,good job, and he loves me like his life depends on it. Even with my age,i was not desperate and didn't marry anyhow man.
    Poster concentrate on getting a good job, relax your mind. A good man will come. Don't follow anyone to any traditionalist pls, they are all scam.

    1. My sister ,God bless you for this. I am actually 38yrs and single, no relationship for 5yrs now even after all my seed sowing, dry fastings, cry just name it. I was depressed at some point last year that i started taking anti depressants. I was hopeless all becos i felt someone was doing me not to get married. This year i have made up my mind to be happy, praise God and let him do his will in my life.

    2. Correct chic. When you see him, you will know him and he will know you immediately. So true. The thing is, society makes it difficult for single ladies hence they opt for anything just to please the same society that...

  23. This brought tears to my eyes. I can relate. I believe your problem is Both marine powers, join spiritual husband, .....and maybe a little bit from a close person doing you strong thing, like that your traditionalist uncle. Pls don't go to him.

    Now I will tell you what me I did when I had similar issues In my life, I am now married, after conquering and at least life is fair to me now.
    I am a catholic and I had to fight with EVERY Christian tool in my disposal to conquer. I don't want to stress myself typing after over-feeding on beans and pap. If you are interested reply here, and I will write out my 31 days battle journey for you here.

    That bastard agent having sex with you during sleep is what is causing you all this nonsense.

    1. Pls I am interested

    2. Kindly write, i am interested.

  24. You sound like the fasting is just to get solution to your problem. You have to give your life to Christ, study and understand His word. Your destiny is in your hands.

    Please don't visit that tradionalist. Your problem will worsen

  25. Attend MFM for their deliverance session and make sure you go alone, you can also join redeemed Christian church of God for their yearly fasting next year and am sure God will answer your prayers. Please don't commit suicide cos it's not the answer and I believe God is taking you to greater heights, it's just a matter of time. O was once in your shoes, nothing was working until I decided to go to God in prayers although things are still rough at the moment but God himself revealed who is behind my problems, someone close to me is manipulating me to be in One place as in someone I never expected, this person is my confidant. I have been engaged twice but didn't work out, am now a worker in church and I have faith that God will visit me soon because the Bible says the plan of God for us is not of evil but if good to bring us to an expexted end. Don't go to that traditionalist for their solution is temporal but God's solution is permanent. It is well with you and besides join a living church and work for God wholeheartedly and see him wipe away your tears. By the way, am 40 years old.

  26. My sister,God's timing is the best,He has a time table for each and every of our and ask for the grace to wait patiently for him to answer your prayers and not go the world's way .No gift comes free from the devil

  27. Please don't allow this world to defeat you by contemplating suicide. Leave all these Pentecostals and native doctors go to orthodox church where you will pray to God without any one seeing confusing vision for you. Marriage is not the solution. I got married had a son before the man died. Believe me I am more happy now without any man. Any time I lack money, I will just pray and remind God that he is all I have. He has never failed me.

  28. Add praises to your prayers. We all have one or two things we are seeking from God that has not yet manifested. It is well

  29. Don't give up about Life. Celebrate your Life, begin to give God Thanksgiving for sending your rightful husband. Take Note: 2019 Your year of Multiple celebrations

  30. Don't give your brother any money, I feel he knows something (if not have a hand)about your predicament. Don't give up. God is always right on time. Wait on the Lord

  31. Jesus Christ is the Answer Not Suicide...
    Don't give up dear,Go still answers prayer 24/7.
    He wil not see you and change

    Go now with only praises,praise Him for hours and God will manifest..
    He inhabit in the praises of His people..
    God never jokes with praise
    God always comes down when one praises Him.Sodear try Praises...
    It is well.

    God bless you and fix it for you now and beyond in Jesus name. Amen

  32. You need a change of environment. Are you able to relocate to some other place? Every city and country carries its own energy and sometimes you just cannot mesh with it and that is why you do not prosper there. You move somewhere else and before you know it everything is moving forward for you. This is why some ppl swear on astrology. If you have been living somewhere for 30yrs and you have nothing to show for it, then that is not the place for you. Travel around and feel how you react to certain places, if you just love a place and can't explain why you just love that town, then move to that place because your spirit is at peace there and you will prosper there.

    1. Some need to change environment to find their mate.

  33. Poster please go and do Dominion City Academy (DCA) and Encounter program in any Dominion City church close to you. You will be amazed how your life will take a positive turnaround. More importantly, Keep Hope Alive!

  34. Change your mindset. Look around you and see worst cases than yours. Shebi you are healthy and even have data? My dear, God is too much in your life. You can even speak and write well, you are not mad on d street? You are blessed. Ontoo of that, you are beautiful and tall? God is faithful.
    The only thing wrong with you, is you. Why chasing and casting what isn't there, isn't that an invitation to welcoming them?
    And don't you know God dosent answer the prayer of doubt and unbelief? After your 'long hours of prayers,' you see the supposed problem you just prayed about and you start crying?
    Sign of doubt and unbelieve.

    Start by changing your mindset and your confession. What you believe is what the devil keep receiving you with.
    Then, believe absolutely you have been saved, delivered and set free. Stay believing.
    That 20k you want to give someone, as soon as you get it, go buy items to sell. You don't need a shop. Keep by a busy road side or visits homes and shops with them. Gradually, your story will change.

  35. Dearie,
    Relax and be more fervent the in prayers, that you are going through all these do not mean God is not doing anything about you. God is equipping you spiritually for the greater task that ahead of you. Here is personal experience- several years back I was caught the in the middle of what is worse than your present predicament, I was at home for almost ten years ere I went back to school, I was almost the oldest in the class meanwhile, some of those I impersonated WAEC for, graduated and started working before I went back to school, as if that was not enough, immediately after graduation great opportunities to work with big organizations started coming my way but at the point of receiving employment letter, there was this dream that I usually had and that automatically end the whole show. The very one that was the eye opener was when I was the only one invited for oral interview in central Bank of Nigeria in Ibadan out of over twelve thousand that sat for the exam. Few months later I had the same dream and also lost the job, then I realized their a very giant problem and began to pray and fast. Somehow, God started revealing to me so many hidden secrets about my life, sometimes às laid after breaking a three-day marathon fasting a very young and beautiful lady will come and make love to me in the dream, I would wake up and start another marathon right away. Start living a holy life thereafter begin to ask for holy ghost fire baptism. The moment this holy ghost comes upon you it begins to magnetize good things.

    1. Anon 17:08 please kindly elaborate on the advise what explained is happening to me. I have lost my job 3 times and it's always after having a particular dream. Honestly I'm tired I don't even know what to do again.

  36. Dear Poster. Forgive me but you are feeling entitled. God does not owe you anything, unless you are His servant. 3/4 of your chronicle is full of complains. Please look around you, and you will see the number of people that you are better than. Visit hospitals, HIV/AIDs clinics, Orthopedic and Beautiful people that are HIV+ or maimed. Yet they are not complaining as much as you.

    You wish to die,don't you know that life is a gift. Please cherish yours!

    There's a video on YouTube by Joyce Meyer: A Thankful Attitude. please watch it.

    Each and everyday, count your blessings and name them one by one. Start from the day you were born.

    Finally, God loves you. He's concerned about you. It is time for you to stop begging God and start praising Him.

    God bless you.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Darling, you need to change your mindset. You have to stop believing that you are cursed or a failure. If you fast and pray throughout the 365 days in a year but you still see yourself as the old you because things seem the same, you've succeeded in going on a 1 year hunger strike. You need to renew your mind.

    Whatever sins you may have committed, as long as you've confessed and asked God for forgiveness and you have truly repented, those sins no longer exist in God's eyes. It's usually our human vindictiveness or the trick of the devil that makes us feel we can't be easily forgiven or we have to keep suffering for one mistake or the other. True, we must make restitution or reap whatever we've sown, but it's usually minimal with God's forgiveness. Sweetheart, the reason you are suffering could just be that you have been applying the wrong principles to your challenges.

    With the mindset you have, if you are called for a job interview, instead of having positive thoughts, the temptation will be for you to believe something bad will happen or you will not get the job because that is what usually happens. Coincidentally, we attract what we fear, so history keeps repeating itself. My darling, you really need a mind reset and start seeing yourself as a winner and a child of grace. So what if a 20 year old was bold enough to ask you out? What about those ladies who haven't been asked out at all? You saw it as an insult, I saw it as flattering. All sorts of men/boys can ask a lady out, she determines whom she says "yes" to. Not everything that happens to you has to be perceived as negative.

    Sweetheart, I know life can throw curve balls but if you are as Christian as you claim, you should know nothing good can come out of seeking help from Egypt. How can you even consider traditional intervention? It makes me wonder how strong your faith in God is. Be grateful for the life you have and don't compare how far you've come with other people, as tempting as it may be. We all have our different journeys with different times and seasons. The change will begin with changing how you see yourself and your situation. Stop running from pillar to post before you run into the hands of predators. The change has to come from within. I wish you the very best.
    e-hugs and kisses.

  39. Dear Poster, nothing is wrong with you. the devil has no special interest I you; he's mad at everyone. let me introduce you to the holy spirit, who is a fried in time of need. Ask him into your heart and grow in fellowship with him ( he honors all invitation). Feed your mind with the right things (align your thoughts with God's words, read Christian literature, sermons- pls not condemning ones). stop focusing on your challenges. Stop begging God, He is not angry with you. Have a relaxed spirit and enjoy each day cuz it holds something beautiful for us all. Trust me the lines would fall in pleasant place but not at your timing. NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU. Minister, graciousness to your self with pleasant thoughts. When you win the battle over your mind, you've won it all. You age isn't important cuz some of us a vessels of mercy.

  40. It’s a phase and it will surely pass... stay strong

  41. Dear Poster, Don't give up pls, your deliverance starts by changing your mindset , against all odds let your mind emit positivity, there is nothing too difficult for God to do, Just read his word and trust him, listen to messages and avoid allowing your mind be idle, God bless you

  42. dear poster, there is hope, kindly contact, you will testify in Jesus Name.

  43. Poster please dont loose hope. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. You are at the verge of getting all the good things that God has purposed for you. Just make yourself happy. Stop asking and start praising God for what He will do. Surely there's an end to every problem and answer to every question.Gpd is ever merciful no matter what you've done.Just praise and worship Him. I know it's difficult but hold back your tears and give Him paise. It will end in praise.

  44. Poster listen carefully to conquer this battle u have to conquer your mind and to conquer ur mind u have to have scriptures. You quote "whoever the son of man has set free is free indeed" John 8:36 " I overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of my testimony" rev 12:11. It will shock u but I m sure each time u get this attack u r usually afraid before they even happen which tells u as faith is a weapon for Christians, fear is a green light for the enemy to attack. U have to literally quote scriptures as u go each day whether u feel good after or not. I hope this helps. Lastly "none shall lack her mate " isaiah 34:16 quote this scripture and others and gain freedom from any accusation cos all your sins are already forgiven.Take cr dear

  45. If you are tired of life me feels that the only way out is to commit suicide my sister hell fire is waiting for you where the suffering is worst than here. You think if you commit suicide your problem will be over you lie?

    There are certain things that one cannot explain,you need to give is chance and time. Is possible your time is loading for a miracle, I will advise you to avoid some friends, try to relocate from your present location to somewhere else. Some times what is happening to us maybe friends,the environment we stay and family members. Learn to keep things within you till it has come to the physical. For example when applying for job, business, keep it to yourself, attend your interview when you have started work like up to three months you can then tell few people not in details just I have something little doing and full stop.

    Stop posting things about you, you are desperate to find love, focus God and developing yourself, stop looking down on anyone. You must not date or sleep with those little boys,you don't have to tell them your age, be friendly their uncle may be the right person for you. I know when they approach you na insult you go dish out, aunty 34 years life is not that hard, can't you find something to make you happy apart from love,sex, marriage, small small boy blah blah, give God some time and see wonders. Never you follow our brother's advise it will add to your problem.

    Try talking to your parents, grand parents, find out history about your family, forefathers, you may find out secret that will help you. Tell Holy Spirit to show you the right way, the main problem and what to do. I feel you have not done your homework well. God is never too late sister, trust in goodluck

  46. My dear poster. Pls cheer up. In everything give thnaks. God will surprise u soonest. After my husband's burial in 2017, I went for leg surgery and as iI type this i have not walked. Yet i have nt contemplated suicide. Wipe ur tears, God is preparing the best man for u as compenSation for the tear & waiting. Peace!

  47. Stay strong dear God will give you a testimony that sounds like a lie. Suicide is never an option.

  48. What if you don’t have any bad luck but because you think you have bad luck. When you met new people or go for interviews your insecurities and lack of confidence displays it. You might not see it but other people see it and that’s why they don’t pick you.

    I have traveled around Africa and I think Nigeria is the only country that teaches people that their predicament is caused by their actions. We serve a living God. It doesn’t matter what did you did as long as you ask for forgiveness he will forgive you. z You didn’t do anything wrong just focus on the positive and build your self up mentally, spiritually, and physically. When you do that, you will attract the right man and find the right job. Don’t give up! Read a lot and do a lot of research. Empower yourself, empower yourself, empower yourself and count your blessings!

  49. Poster, people have said a lot. Repent for even thinking about going to bow to the devil because of life's situations. Go back to God, humble yourself, have an attitude of thankfulness...Job with all his troubles said "if he will slay me, I will yet serve him. Thanksgiving and worship should be your default mode not because you want to receive but because you are God's creation. You owe him that.
    Study God's word like there's no tomorrow. Sometimes when you're about to gospel worship songs till morning. audio bible and play all through the night till morning. Let them play while into your subconscious even while you're sleeping. It will influence your dreams and the word will go into your subconscious. Be consistent. Download anybook app from playstore and get the book"he came to set the captives free". Its free.
    My dear...genuinely give your life to Christ and mean business with him. From other sins..its not just fornication. Envy, jealousy, strive, anger, quarrels. Stop comparing yourself to others. Live at your own pace. Relax. May the God of peace preserve your body, spirit and soul, sanctify you and keep you blameless till his coming. Remember the blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow. Be patient he will come and bless you.

    This is from the Lord.. Say to the weary one, Your God will surely come..he will come and save you. Jesus loves you deeply.

  50. Dear poster,when the foundation is broken what can the righteous do.
    You see, your forefathers have sinned and you are left to suffer for it. You are not paying for your sins but for the wickedness of your ancestors. The good news is that you can be free because Jesus died for us, but you must understand that the kingdom of God sufferth violence and the violence taketh it by force.
    What to do;you must love God because it is the only way to free your self from the generational bondage. And then you must take your freedom by force. The idols of your father's house, married you by force and makes love to you at will in order to bring you misfortune,but you must divorce them by force.
    Don't go for one week deliverance in MFM,go for at least 4weeks,hit them bumper to bumper until they surrender.
    Buy also this book "the cry of the idol of my father's house".
    You will understand better.

  51. I want you to know dat every problem has an expiry date.just be praising God. Keep trying never give up no matter what

    1. Dear Poster,

      There's nothing wrong with you. All you need is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (start praying in tongues). When the Holy Spirit takes over you, these demonic manifestations will cease! You need to listen to "THE IMPACT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE HUMAN BODY" and "SOUNDCODE AND THE SPIRIT" by Pst Chris Oyakhilome. The great man of God also has audio prayer clips -with which you could pray along with. Infact, just go on YouTube and download his messages. I'm not a member of Christ Embassy but the word of God from the man of God has changed (and is still changing) my life for the better

  52. Poster pls, go out have fun, met new friends, change your clique, attend parties, look for a service organization like LIONS CLUB OR ROTARY CLUB join them attend all their functions @ district & multiple district level trust me you will met people that matters, it will change your mindset trust me I was like you till I join lionism, today I hardly go to church self, rather I used that time to help the poor & needy,my life, reasoning, circle of friends & contact changed, lionism made me understand that when you serve you gain in folds, as am typing am in Milan attending lions club international conventions, me daughter of a poor woman, my der forget these church drama, you can go there once in a while listen to what they have to say, but pray to God in your quiet time, use most of your time to network & met people, girl be happy Biko, marriage is not by force but happiness is by force & take it, how I wish you are in Lagos, I would have inducted you into my club

  53. First of all, cut off from your family members. They are the cause/source of the problems plaguing you. Every man's problem is from his family. I don't care if you believe me. But it is an indisputable fact and I have biblical backing. "A man's foes shall be they of his own household". Matt. 10:36

    Secondly, stop crying. The Holy Spirit doesn't dwell in a sad environment. The Bible says where He is found, there is fullness of joy. God knows your problem, you don't need to cry. Matt. 6:33

    Thirdly, start doing midnight praise. Praise God from 12 - 3 am every day. Even if you decide to fast, make 90 percent of your prayer time worship. Sing hymns, tell him of his great power and his faithfulness. Remind him of greater things he has done before.

    Fourthly, start giving. Everyday. In church. To beggars. Don't say you don't have. Give from the little you have. Make it DAILY!!!

    Fifthly, start serving God by preaching and winning souls. Take your converts to a Bible believing church. (I recommend Winners Chapel or Salvation Ministry) and worship there yourself.

    Lastly read the Word of God like crazy and build your faith. Believe strongly in him. Discover how he speaks to you so that anytime you have questions, you ask him and he'll answer. Don't tell people anything about you or your plans. Let them materialize before them. When the blessings come, have at least three sources of income.

    Finally, your mind is the greatest weapon you have. NEVER think negative or immoral thoughts. When the thoughts come, just cover your heart with the blood of Jesus.

    With all these, God who visited me, will surely visit you.

  54. Hold unto God...He hears prayers....He never fails.

  55. I'm sure many here have given you practical advice that can help you. My advice is this - As for the spiritual side, you only need one person - JESUS! Don't start by visiting churches and pastors you are not being led to by God's spirit. Ask the Lord Jesus to cleanse you and fill you with His love through and through. Then YOU with your own MOUTH must begin to re-establish His Lordship over your life using His WORD (scriptures). The Holy Spirit will then begin to guide you in all things. Everything you have written up there I have gone through in varying degree but ever since I came to know Christ and His words and promises to me, my life has been transformed in small and great ways. Renew your mind with God's word child of God. Speak His promises over your life, accept what He says about you as your reality. Refuse to accept the voice of the enemy often expressed in words of self-pity. Refuse to listen to the voice of your circumstances or your past, they will only hold you back and hold you down. God's word uplifts you and favours you, heals you and protects you, provides for you and protects you. These are the benefits of children of God and you must start seeing yourself as one and declaring it. The devil will only deceive and steal from people who don't know their values and possessions in Christ. He will constantly get you to agree with him that you are a failure in life and guess what, this agreement is what you will see in your life. I have so much to write but I'll stop here for now. JESUS is LORD! Begin to declare it to every seen and unseen force in your life starting today. Believe it, declare it and act it! The forces will have no choice but to bend for |He is Lord over everything. I'll end with this, God the father freely gave you His son Jesus, if He did this, what else won't He (give) do for you? These are not my words but God's own very words in Romans 8:32. It's left for you to do your own part. Cheers

  56. THERE IS CERTAINLY A SPIRIT HUSBAND SOMEWHERE. I have heard of similar stories and how God gave them their deliverance and their testimony will open your mouth wide. Seek godly counsel and pursue a person relationship with God. Check youtube for testimonies on how God personally delivered people from spirit husband. You don't need a prophet.

  57. Attend a bible believing church and go for deliverance,also get involved with a personal deliverance by studying your Bible,praying,you may add fast if necessary.

  58. Hold unto God.


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