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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Hello bvs, i am a 24yr old female currently serving in imo state. Just to share a bit of my background, i am the first of four kids born to middle class civil servants. 

Just as it is with most families, my parents already expect me to help out in training my younger ones. They have stated it out clearly but they keep saying it indirectly. 

Personally, I have always dreamt of training my younger ones, I wish to take my parents for vacation abroad as they have suffered hard to see me up to this level. Point blank, I want to be very rich through legal means. 

This is the point of my chronicle, my parents want me to get a regular Federal job after my NYSC, but I wish to go through the Entrepreneurship route. In my extended family, every graduate looks for a job after graduation, there has not been anyone who went through the entrepreneurship path, in fact I only got to know it was possible for a graduate to run a business in my 300level through the ENS course.

 I learnt fashion designing before my youth service and I just opened my studio and employed my first tailor and the business is growing steadily, but my mum keeps on insisting one cannot earn well and buy a car with fashion designing. I am not a fan of Federal office jobs because I believe it won't be able to bring out my full potential but I am scared of saying no to it to avoid "I told you so" from my mum.

 I don't know any rich businessman personally so I have no mentor or friends/family I can meet for business advise. Hence I decided to use this forum: these are questions:

1. Is it really possible for one to get very rich by running a business in Nigeria without doing anything illegal?

2. Can a service oriented business like fashion designing make one become rich after 5years or is only buying and selling that can do it?

3. At the end of my service year, I ought to have saved 500,000 naira, which of the following businesses would be profitable to delve into:

a. Selling Ankara and laces in wholesale
b. Been a distributor of an FMCG or any company
c. Having a garment Factory that can produce ready to wear in a large scale

4. What kind of online business can I do as a Youth Corps member?

5. How can I get a business mentor?

6. I need recommendations on a kind of business I can invest in that can yield 1m per month after 5-6years.

My strengths are: I am hardworking, very truthful and honest and I am a good marketer, my weakness: I procrastinate a lot. Please I have come to understand that information is all it takes to have that life changing opportunity, i would love experienced bvs to advise me on what to do with my chosen career path..thanks.


  1. While people like me are looking for that federal government job.Lucky you

    1. POSTER.. Your business can earn you even more..

      You will surely grow and be wealthy with your mindset.

      Just be on the look out, DonT worry too much ehn. πŸ€—πŸ€—

      I worry too oo when things are hot, but I'm trying to live each day as it comes.

      And to the Ankara Business, I think its very very cool..

      #500k can set you up very very well.

      You know in tailoring you will need some materials definitely; lining, zip, gum stay, lace, Ankara etc.

      So its better to get them in stock, with that money, it will be enough, over enough self.

      That way you can sell and same time make cloths for your clients.. Its like double blessing 😁😁😁

      You will surely make it oo.. Pray hard and work hard.

      About your parents, it will amaze them how eventually you will turnout in the next couple of years..

      For the Ankara, if interested, Holla meπŸ’•

    2. in this life,if you want to becomee very rich and independent I suggest you go into won't only be creating something for your selve but you might be also be creating wealth for your unborn children.
      it is a good thing that you love business atleast that will also help you in the long run,because sometimes business might be going rough and not as planned but your passion will always push you to continue until you achieve your aim.
      you just have to be passionate about what ever you want to do in life.don't let anybody make your decision for you.

    3. and what you guys don't know about business is that there is no limit to the kind of wealth you can achieve when doing business...
      the richest people in the world right now never worked for governments....they built a name by themselves through business, either through small scale or large scale business.

    4. you love fashion designing,go for it!
      right now it might not be as lucrative as you want it to be but in the long run you will enjoy the benefits of being your own boss and doing your thing.

    5. If you can go into distribution, it will pay. Example: minerals, table water, beverages and cigarettes.

    6. Thanks a lot mans not right for your advise

    7. Poster I agree with all ola said oohh

    8. Honey, I am presently doing the two, you can get a gov job that doesn't require much of your time, and combine with your business.
      You don't need to stop your business to apply for the job, keep working and applying.
      In the end the government job is for safety.
      Whatever you do keep your business private, cus you are not officially supposed to do the two.

    9. I agree with push up. You can work at a government job if it's available of course and you can continue with your business. Most times the job might not be time consuming, depending on the sector. And you said you employed a stylist,you can employ more if need be.
      Someone once said government job can only give you your daily bread but with a business you will have an investment.

  2. You are very focus, a goal getter SNF business minded. Follow your entreprenerial heart. You can do both fg and still be an entrepreneur too. I wish you all the best.

    1. Bee bumble it is "goal getter".
      See you wrongly correcting someone in CAPS

    2. It's "go getter" and not "goal getter"

    3. Please follow Miss Ess's advise.You can be working with the FG and also be a business woman.Do both together.

    4. "Go getter" "Goal getter", both words are correct. Check your dictionary or google for these words to understand better.

  3. If you want to be honest in business, then you must have Christ. You did not state your spiritual identity. If you don't, the frustrations you will face is not due to your lack of skills but due to power tussle in the negative supernatural.
    Follow the principles of Christ as taught in the Scriptures and you will be good to go. There are bad and good times in business and what you do during the "bad times" is what makes you stand out.











    2. Oh please!
      If you don't have any advice for the poster,don't type anything at all!!!

    3. You have said it all. Thank you

    4. Well said, Anon.

  4. You have your studio with a tailor working there already.
    You can equally get a federal job and still run that business.

    1. The number one character trait and skill of a civil servant and tailor is procrastination which you confess to have so u are good to go. Carry on!

  5. If you go into business with this mind set of “getting rich” you will work yourself into emotional and mental stress. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to have dreams and goals set with timelines but you need to know that in business there are days where everything would go well and times when you’d only be experiencing losses either because your workers are taking from you or customers are not just paying up for job done.

    There’s nothing wrong with civil service, it is flexible as far as I know and you’d have time to do your business on this side. Don’t see the job as something you don’t want to do because you want to be a “madam”. Working would also open you up to how things happen on the other side of the wall, you could also grow your customer base. As for training your siblings, don’t kill yourself trying to do it. 1m per month? Haq haq haq you don’t know what’s going on my dear, it’s possible but like everything else it takes time and you don’t have to do anything illegal. Finish service, get a job (it doesn’t have to be civil service) and do your fashion thing from home to save on cost of rental and other running expenses. I have colleagues who are into fashion designing and trust me our job is hectic but they do it anyway. Don’t look for the easy way out because it doesn’t pay and not sustainable. Also your parents should stop pressuring you unnecessarily, it’s unfair to put such burden on kids who didn’t ask to be born.

    1. POSTER.. Your business can earn you even more..

      You will surely grow and be wealthy with your mindset.

      Just be on the look out, DonT worry too much ehn. πŸ€—πŸ€—

      I worry too oo when things are hot, but I'm trying to live each day as it comes.

      And to the Ankara Business, I think its very very cool..

      #500k can set you up very very well.

      You know in tailoring you will need some materials definitely; lining, zip, gum stay, lace, Ankara etc.

      So its better to get them in stock, with that money, it will be enough, over enough self.

      That way you can sell and same time make cloths for your clients.. Its like double blessing 😁😁😁

      You will surely make it oo.. Pray hard and work hard.

      About your parents, it will amaze them how eventually you will turnout in the next couple of years..

    2. Another great comment. Poster, hope you are reading?

    3. African parents and wickedness plus entitlement mentality. They think they have done u a favour when they bring u into this world. So u train your younger ones, and who trains your future children? Why bring kids into this wild, if u can't take care of them? Give birth to one child, if it is just a child u Can train...

    4. World..sorry

  6. Big dreams! Trust me, u can do both, but if u don't want d job, give my name to your mother. πŸ€—

  7. Refreshing chronicle.

    1. I tell you, not every damn time man matter.

    2. You can combine both business and working for the federal government,you only need to know how to plan yourself.
      Don't go into business expecting to be a millionaire,take your time.
      Get a job and do a business along side. IMO.

  8. You can combine the two, some federal workers have side businesses(i know few). Follow your ♥.

  9. Just tell your mum you e applied for FG job. Apply and continue your business. Do you think fg jobs are easy to get? Haq haq haq haqhaq.
    Btw, Google mai atafo, April by kunbi, just to mention a few. Check out their success stories.
    Also, be careful of mentors oo.
    Let nobody scam you.
    Never ever give anybody money to invest for you ooo.

    1. Which one be this haq haq haq you and Doppel just typed? Auto-correct, abi Na new slang?

    2. Beloved.. Haq haq haq haq.

      Eventuarry Idonberiv it..😁😁

    3. Great advice on the mentors and investing by proxy.

  10. You can do both. I wish you all the best.

  11. I will be reading and following comments on this.
    I'm in same predicament.
    I'm done with service
    Currently Running a business while job hunting, it hasn't been easy but God grace has been sufficient .

  12. your parents are the typical Nigerian parents who tell their children to go to school,earn good grades and look for employment ( especially government job). I understand you perfectly as i too dont really have a thing for government, i rather go the entreprenuership route.

    Your first question, it is extra possibly to do business in Nigeria and become very rich

    it depends on the level of fashion design you want to go into,it brings in a lot of money if you actually know what you are doing

  13. Follow your heart. With what you wrote up there, I believe you have what it takes to excel in the path you choose. I pray you get all the necessary advice you need to succeed.
    Keep pushing forward and stay focused.

  14. Your mum is right ,here in Abuja u will even see a federal government worker using his or her car to carry passengers to work and making money, multiple sources of income is not a bad idea, u can do both, best of luck

  15. These questions are what you need to ask God. You can do all the right things and still fail. Or you will think you're a success yet be miserable. It's not only when someone sells her body that God will be displeased with her. There are people who were doing perfectly legitimate jobs and businesses, that God interrupted and sent in a different direction.

    1. Something to think about

    2. Nigerian and all these fallacies and stupid beliefs. Can you people leave God alone for a moment? Do you think God come down and talk to you? You people will be reading bible yet don't get a shit about what the bible says. God does not talk to people and stop taking everything to God and waiting for your own brain to talk to you by the end of the day. God has given you a brain and knows what you will become in life till you die, and if you believe he is Omniscience then you must believe that he gave you a brain and the spirit of discerning to know your right from your left. All you need is to use your common sense, think, study what you want to go to,make a plan and go for it! Many millionaire today are atheists, they did not wait for a voice from any or dream from any God to reveal what is already there. No wonder Africa is poor, we are where we are because everything is religious rather than cognitive resonance. What is your brain for? I hate ignorant sentimental religious people, gosh!

    3. Y’all watch Chioma Jesus talk about how she had to let go of her mama put biz to follow and work for God.
      It’s on Nathaniel Basseys Instagram page.

    4. God is actually talking to her through the comments here. He also has given her the gift of a brain and common sense to sift through these comments and use the best ones. She wants to use her god-given talents to pursue a business. And stated she does not want any illegal activity. Your comment seems to come from a fear-filled mind. And while it is necessary to plan for the unforseen, it is more important to have love, power and a sound mind.

    5. Anon 17:24 You're making a whole lot of sense. These people are just bunch of jokers. China is excelling and sending people to space but they don't believe in your God. They never wait for one voice from the sky to tell them what to do.
      African has a big problem, they want to go to heaven instead of making the earth their heaven.

  16. Poster you can do both,I am a mother of three,work with the govt,my job is demanding but i plan,I do some side hustle .I sell kiddies Snickers,I bake cupcakes and package snacks and nuts for events and I do an online beauty business that I get paid once a month.So if you see federal govt work collect and do but make sure you have an honest person as a manager.If you want an online business that you want to do as a corper,reply under my comment.I will give you my number so that we discuss more.

  17. You can handle both, all the best

  18. I won't talk plenty, I will just direct you to someone who I know that has made it in tailoring. Just check for "Ugomdi Ogbonna" on facebook. I don't know him personally, but he has shared his success story on facebook and his journey in cloth making. It inspires me and reminds me that self employment is the way out of poverty and averageness.

  19. Is getting the federal govt job guaranteed or they are just hoping you get one??
    If they have a sure link to getting a govt job,then go for it. Its flexible so you can combine it with your business. However I have not seen anyone who became wealthy by being a civil servant alone o,except there's an additional income. There's nothing wrong with having multiple sources of income.

  20. You can do both. There is nothing wrong in having a side hustle. Get the federal government job and have someone reliable to manage the other business for you during the week. By weekend you take over. It's more like spreading your eggs in two baskets and also spreading your chances of becoming richer within a few time.

  21. All you ladies with this entitlement spirit of he doesnt give me money, he cant pay my bills, am so so age I need to get marry you see your mate working towards making cash and achieving her dreams while some of you are there crying for husband.

    1. Tell them. Quite refreshing chronicle for a 24yr old. Such a focused young lady.

    2. Thank you. Once you show interest interest in them, you're automatically owing them money and you should be taking care of them and make them your business.

  22. There are days you would need money to fund your if you get a federal employment go for it.

  23. Have you gotten the federal govt job? For me if you can do both please do it, having an office experience will help a great deal, you'll have potential client in the person of your colleagues, you'll hear first hand from them what customers want in terms of services, and you can learn one or two things about how organisations are run. There are lots of soft skills you'd learn that you ordinarily wont even think its important. Do both at least for a few years and see how things turn out

  24. I was once in your shoes. Infact I detest government work a lot and I say this to anyone who cares to listen that the job will make my bran die. But today after working for a year with the state government I thank God everyday for accepting the job. Salary isn't much but it is something plus you can always meet people that will help your business at work. I met a very amazing person who is into my type of business and is just a level 8 officer like me. He already has his own house at alagbado just to tell you how well he is doing for himself. My dear you can do both and depending on your type of job you can always employ people to do the annoying part. You can do both very well like I do.


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