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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday In House Gists -Is IVF A Sin?

I am sure you know already what the Letters IVF stands for?

In case you don't know IVF is a method of helping a woman to have a baby in which an egg is removed from one of her ovaries, fertilised outside her body, and then replaced in her womb. IVF is an abbreviation for 'in vitro fertilization'.

Do you think IVF is a sin?I heard so and i am wondering how?when?

Please is there a Bible verse that preaches against IVF?...A BV Contacted and said she was thinking about doing IVF but has been having sleepless nights since she found out it is a sin...............A sin how?who labelled it a sin?


  1. IVF a sin???
    Tell a woman who is desperately Ttc
    Will be back for the comments

    1. Sin is sin...
      No matter the condition you find yourself, na sin.

    2. Anon, people like you who call it a sin are still the same people that make life miserable for women who can't get pregnant naturally.

    3. my opinion, IVF is NOT a sin, but the sin is masturbation, and we all know the man had to masturbate for the sperm to be out, thats a sinful act, you cant condemn masturbation & not the required process of IVF simply bcus theres a priceless gift at the end, its similar to drug money or stolen money used in building a church. ITS BAD!!
      Christians will never see a sin as sin as long as it suits them at that point, thats hypocrisy

    4. Yes I agree with you annon 14.51.

      Hope you don't use paracetamol when you have a headache?

      Hope you will refuse to do surgery if the situation warrants it?

      Hope you will never need medicated glasses to improve your vision?

      Hope you will never need medication for any health issue? Cuz if you do, you are a bloody hypocrite.

    5. Masturbation is a sin 😨😨
      What won’t I hear.

    6. People n religious attitude power did d sin come from??

    7. 15:31, there's is no hypocrisy there. Stop comparing your mastubation for pleasure and that for medical purpose.

      In cases I know, the woman does it for the man.

    8. Anon 15:31 Your ignorance needs special deliverance. Masturbation in itself isn't a sin; it's the intention (mindset you enter) before and during the act that makes it a sin or not. The same way eating chicken isn't a sin but if you eat when you're already full or cos you're greedy and just don't want a hungry person to eat, that makes your eating that chicken a sin. But you don't know cos legalism will not allow you see road. People like you are the type who will tell the TTC woman that she hasn't conceived cos "you got a revelation that God is punishing her for a secret sin". It's your type that are preying on desperate women all over Rivers State, helping them to fake pregnancy and steal a baby that they'll claim came from cryptic pregnancy and they gave birth in a church.

    9. The man might not have to masturbate. A condom can be used to collect the sperm during sex I guess. But I heard the sperm must not be conterminated.

    10. Please make una leave that Jehovah's witness dem.

    11. I came late, I know the Catholic church condemns it because they 're pro-life.
      During ivf usually more than one of egg is ferried to increase the chance of success. And some of the fertilized ovum are discarded which they argue is like abortion/killing/murder.
      So if you 're anti abortion then you should be anti IVF.
      This brings us back to the life long argument, when does life begin???
      #ajuju a juo
      #ajuju nese okwu

    12. Who makes these rules?
      Who is the 'assistant Jesus' who came up with these yarns abeg?
      Kedu ife mmadu ama nnúfó bikonu.
      If you do cesarean- you didnt guve birth naturally, so you shouldn't speak up where 'hebrew' women are gathered
      Now Ivf- sin
      Man masturbates & ejaculates for the sole purpose of ivf - Sin.
      Yesterday i read a post on instablog bout a certain foreign man of God wey talk say the reason why gays exist na because pregnant women dey collect the D via anal during pregnancy..
      I mean.. 🤦‍♀️.. The very F**k!
      Pls, if you are considering ivf based on 'one or two'.. Go ahead!
      If your doctor advises you deliver via cesarean.. Pls & pls adhere!
      *love & lights* y'all..

    13. Ivf is not a sin. The only thing is that fertilization takes place outside the womb. How about premature babies who are put in incubators before they are mature enough to live. The incubator also serves as a womb for them. Would you say that's a sin?

    14. IVF is not a sin, masturbation is not a sin. Bad things are bad good things are good depending where you are standing. No one even knows if this God really exists. After all the bible says lieing is a sin so that means all of you are going to hell. Some are even lieing just to prove thier point on this page. Stop this nonsense. Churches abroad are empty but life is good here. Churches in Africa are full but life is a joke, So does that mean that you people cannot put two and two together. You all are stupid and this argument is pointless.

    15. God is real whether you like it or not. Your comment shows you are anti God. Some people can prophesy or tell you exactly what will happen to you in the next couple of months, in a way that you know is not random. From little things like that, you can tell that there's a power at least higher than ours. I have so much experiences to show that God is real but will leave it for another day. For the part of IVF, I don't know if it is a sin; maybe I'll research more on it. God bless you.

  2. I am 40years wit 4 Daughters,my 1st is 15years and the baby of the House is 5years old. Will be planning for an IVF for either a Boy or Twin Boys.
    If it is a Sin,May God help me🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    1. You have 4 kids already o. Anyways, your choice

    2. 4 kids are ok

    3. 14:05 isn't a female a child? Why give yourself unnecessary pressure cos you want a boy?I have two girls and that's it for me.

    4. @14.57 what is ok for you might not be ok for the other. So what you think its stress to 14.05 is not stress but finding what she wants. We can't always want and have the same

    5. Your own is greed and ingratitude and its a sin.

    6. All I have ever asked for is just one, boy or girl, just one.

    7. You still want to carry a pregnancy at 40???? It’s risky you know but it’s your choice.

    8. Mummy Maa, risky how? So once a lady clocks 40 she should rule out carrying a pregnancy? Don't people get pregnant unassisted at 45?

      She wanting a boy is her choice make una leave her alone.

    9. Swag lafresh, I’m not holding her, I’m just speaking from medical perspective. Any pregnancy after 35years is a high risk pregnancy, you can ask your doctor. I did not say anyone above 35 should rule out getting pregnant but in her own case she already has 4 daughters and want to carry pregnancy at that age cos she wants a son.

  3. Hian! How is it a sin? I'm here to learn

  4. It's the way they will say adoption, IUI and surrogacy are sins. Shior! To the concerned BV, pray with your husband and go for your IVF. Don't allow anybody deny you God's answer and make or keep you childless for no reason.

    1. You must be reading your bible updide down.

    2. Anonymous,since you read your bible the right way up,why not explain to the others reading upside down how IVF is a sin so they too can join you and start reading their bibles in Greek.

    3. Dear annon 14:07, neither is sin. Our Lord Jesus Christ also came through a Surrogate Mother. The Blessed Mary was just a "container" in which Christ incubated.

    4. Anon 14:53 I've re-read my comment and all I'll say:

      1) Learn how to read
      2) Learn to detect sarcasm

  5. Honestly u have asked this same question. Is ivf a sin? Is surrogacy a sin? If you decide to do ivf, no one should know unless u reveal it so, keep ur private life private. God help us

    1. Can u keep your sin private from God?

    2. Anno 13:23.. which sin? Man' s WISDOM is indeed FOOLISHNESS before GOD! Please meditate deeply on Luke 1:34. Mary was a Surrogate Mother!! . Yes, The Lord is gracious towards them that put their trust in Him. Praise God, Hallelujah !!!!!

  6. BV who is conflicted plz do not let others dictate to u from their own myopic view. So many women have been blessed this way. To those who keep seeing SIN everywhere continue oooo

  7. NO, it is not. No bi God gives doctors the knowledge and wisdom they use to discover all these assisted way of getting pregnant? I hope the bv that found ivf is sin goes about naked, cos I don't
    think Adam and Eve were created with clothes on them.

    BTW, I'm a practicing Christian.

    1. This argument about you people so called "God" giving knowledge is daft! Because that same God also gave the knowledge for abortion and euthanasia that you bible hugging no morality Nigerians so despise. Please find a better argument.

    2. This is my mindset and the one question I keep asking and haven't gotten an answer to is this, Will Jesus be happy to see his children suffer because of child bearing when there is a solution? Secondly, why do we accept any form of treatment when we are sick even to the extent of doing organ transplant when we all know how such organs are gotten in the first place.

    3. Abeg who give yahoo boys wisdom to take scam people? Sin is sin.

    4. Some people pray to be healed of diseases or ailments. After or during prayers, some are healed supernaturally. Others are led to specific doctors or clinics. God has answered the requesters in both categories.

      Don't play with your life by trying to play God - deciding HOW He will answer you. You see the way five people can pray to God to send their life partner? You may find that one of them will fall sick afterwards and be blaming God cos "You said none of these diseases shall be upon me" - till they end up marrying the doctor that attended to them in the ER. Another one may meet their future spouse at their father's funeral. The third one will meet the husband on Facebook. The fourth one might be in her house, postman delivered her mail to the wrong address, the occupant decides to just be nice and bring it to her and that turns out to be the husband she has been praying to meet. The fifth one will be in church praying and hear the name of his wife in his spirit, and it will turn out that he has her number even if he hasn't seen her for years and they're on different continents.

      The above examples are things that have happened IRL. One happened to me. Two happened to people I know. The other two, I have read about. It's the same God that answered all of us. That's why we don't bind, cast and fight everything that looks like a challenge; some people won't meet their wife unless they go to hospital. And if every woman ignores every man at a funeral, they will ignore their husband and continue praying. You don't choose HOW some answers will arrive. You don't say your sister met her husband on Facebook, so that is the template God must follow. Facebook where people have met strangers that robbed, raped and killed them?

      In the same way, you don't say that just because the answer arrives in a package you were not anticipating, you will throw it away. Some women are just not going to get pregnant without medical help. Some will never be mothers without adoption or surrogates. All of them fall under "I will carry my own children". As long as your intentions are pure and your actions are above board in getting your miracle, stop allowing ignorant people bully you.

  8. Anything that will give me happiness and peace of mind,I’ll gladly do.
    When I get to heaven, let God judge me.

    1. @Slutty🐤🐤🐤🐤
      So if forking another woman's husband will give you "happiness and peace
      of mind..." you will do it and wait to get to heaven, which heaven?
      Ajuju iga aza aza o no run commot inugo?
      Wetin God talk be say, do to others as you will want them to do to you

    2. At least when the woman strimes, she will die peacefully and happily

  9. If its a sin ,im a chronic sinner. Have done it 3x

    1. Please dont mind people that see sin dem sin pass.

      Okpo dem.

  10. IVF is not a sin at all, as I am, I was diagnosed of bilateral Fallopian tubal blockage, hubby was diagnosed of bilateral varicoele too that leads to low sperm count, this is called double wahala, in our case shey Ivf won't be the best option now, we not that rich we just starting our life, we will start saving up for ivf, are there cheap ivffff center in lagos

    1. Goodluck and sticky dust to u.

    2. May the Lord bless you and provide you with the resources to do the needful in Jesus name Amen

    3. Make sure your egg and hubby's sperm are used. Donation makes it a sin.

    4. Donation makes it a sin? U be grade 50 mumu.

  11. Even before I became an atheist, IVF was NEVER a sin. I do personally think it's a tad too extreme when there are children that can be adopted. I do not see the need for IVF until you have tried and failed at adoption. It is just unnecessary to spend all that money engineering an offspring when you could adopt with half of that and be happy. Plus all the hormones pumped into the body for the egg retrieval process are nasty and elevates ones risk of cancer. But people should do you. I have never or desired or wanted children so maybe my perspective is not as informed

    1. You have never desired kids, so stop being a wet blanket, nothing is nasty there.

  12. My sister believes it is not ideal and she is looking for baby oh. I don’t know if she calls it a sin cos her mouth sharp pass razor, but she is of the ideology that the woman is not giving birth by herself abi the woman is not carrying the baby the Hebrew way abi wetin.
    I no de talk go that side again.
    If na sin, may God forgive us because na pikin person de find.

  13. Will be back to read comments.let me get pop corn first

  14. What God calls sexual immorality is explained in the Scriptures: Lev. 18, 1 Cor. 6:18; flee sexual immorality...

    IVF is NOT in this category as the woman did not derive inordinate "sexual pleasure" doing it. One of the signs of the coming of the Lord Jesus is the increase in knowledge;
    And the Scriptures further warns that "one should not submit parts of ones body as instrument for sin but rather as instruments of righteousness..." Romans 6:13
    Making of godly children is righteousness; isn't it? NO SHOOT OFF
    God himself is expecting godly children Malachi 2:15
    We should understand that God is the one that gives godly children; that is children born through the natural way of union of HUMAN male and female
    sex cells. What humanity should run away from is going to mediums/witch doctors or other agents of Satan to
    birth Children. This is how avatars (incarnated devils) are born on earth
    and that grieves God a lot. See Genesis 6.
    A lot of people are carrying these devils in their wombs and a lot of
    those fornicating aghara aghara are doing so with devils and selling their souls to them.
    I don yarn finish...make the (veteran) arrow shooter shoot (my big smooth nyansh)

    1. So Avatars are real?

    2. ANG.
      Is IVF a sin or not? You no talk

    3. Stop using phones, the internet because they are not God and he didn't create them nor were they in the bible. Ode

    4. Chai all these anonymous are you all challenged in your uburu eh?
      Did you check the scriptures I wrote up there👆 and even quoted it
      off by heart?
      And All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge is hidden in Christ ... Col. 2:3
      The Son of God came to save human lives and not to destroy them (not to shoot them off) ...Luke 9:53-55

      Some of you "ghosts" have made it a point of duty to shoot my smooth nyansh even if I 🤐

    5. And woman, if it is a "donor" semen, make sure you are in agreement with your husband
      to do this. and no adultery/fornication

    6. SMH for you ANG! What then do you call "masturbation "? Or is there any other way sperm can be gotten for the IVF? And what of the embryo discarded after the implant? Isn't that snuffing out of human life?

    7. @17:49
      You are in error not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.
      semen can be gotten without masturbation inugo?
      In hospitals during fertility treatment, the couple collect a container;
      (just like the urine sample collecting container) for semen. Alternatively,
      a special female or male condom can be used. All they do is to remove it after
      their regular intercourse, put it in a pack they are given and return it to
      the hospital immediately.
      For your second question, you will also condemn people that use "withdrawal" method
      for child spacing?
      If you do not want those embryos to be discarded, then donate them or freeze them for
      for future use; how about that?
      What God HATES is hands that shed innocent blood ...Prov. 6:16-17
      If that embryo is implanted into the mother's womb, it has acquired blood
      and this happens even before the woman sees her menses, so once a woman misses
      her period and "flushes" it out just like Naija girls do, she had shed innocent
      blood. As long as those embryos are not submitted for sin ... Look at the scriptures I
      quoted in the foregoing:
      Romans 6:13 Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of
      evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you
      were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument
      to do what is right for the glory of God. NLT

      Is the semen/ova not a part of your body?
      In using them to have a baby WITHING THE CONFINES OF MARRIAGE something evil?

      Please beloved, tell me a Scripture, not rules of men inugo?
      They were given a container to bring

  15. IVF is a gift, it is not a sin please.

  16. IVF is not a sin. I don't blame the BV. She's around people that are not exposed. Our society and the kind of people we surround ourselves with matters a lot.

    IVF is not a sin
    Adoption is not a sin
    Surrogacy is not a sin
    CS is not a sin

    God gave the doctors the knowledge and it's for a positive cause. Embrace it if you have the means.

    1. My dear, abeg collect all the kisses wey dey my family.

  17. If you ask me,abeg na who I go ask ?🤷‍♀️

  18. I just hate it when people talk bad about IVF, surrogacy, CS birth, it gets on my nerve. God gave man brain to think of better ways to improve life, all this discoveries and innovation are so beautiful but we "black men" will seat in our ignorance to criticize but won't even add any value to the world.

    How is given hope to a childless woman a sin?
    How is putting smile on someone's face a sin?

    I can't, local woman just can't understand this people.

    Let's put it in another way, since we are talking about science here, let's say a person is sick and needs maybe a surgery to get well.

    Why should the person do the surgery, why not just let the patient die, since it is a sin to look for alternative way to better one's live, after all that should be how things will be, if there was no innovation.

    That's the same way it is with a couple that need IVF, CS e.t.c. The world has change, if you can afford why not, the most important thing is that you are happy.

    People spent years doing all these research to make things easier for us.

  19. Yaba left escapee27 July 2019 at 14:50

    *pulls comfy couch closer & sits*
    Lemme hear from those that confidently say the bible is against masturbation... and IVF is Gods knowledge to man.

    1. Hope you know it's not only through masturbation they can get the sperm? The couple can actually decide to have a quick one but then again show the bible passage to back up your theory

  20. Ivf is NOT a sin, it's another of God's wonder to help women who are unable to conceive naturally to become mothers. God gave doctors the knowledge.

    1. Yaba left escapee27 July 2019 at 14:59

      Well done.

    2. One idiot ☝️☝️there said it's a sin because the sperm came out through masturbation. Humans can be wicked. I can't deal.

  21. Las las, reality trumps religion...
    After the sin, we go to church and dedicate the child and celebrate. Who are we fooling???

  22. IVF isn't a sin.
    Personally, So long it's your eggs, and your husband's sperm... I don't have an issue with it.

    1. ... And if it's non of the above nko? So now makes it a sin? But heart, kidney, lung and liver transplants are not sin abi? Make it make sense biko 😒

  23. Only in naija u hear all these things.....IVF a sin??? Let me come back and read comments

  24. I will like to birth 4 kids at once. I pray God makes financial way for me to achieve this dream. Amen.

    Stella, People don't understand what sin is.

  25. Sin how? Religious illiterates/slaves everywhere.

    Bv pls remain like that, don't commit sin cos your mindset already won't allow it be successful.

    You for give urs Bible quotation.

    1. @Blackey
      Religious illiterates?
      Chai, this woman ooo, you dey carry ya mouth break🤐🤐🤐
      breakable plates okwa ya?

  26. IVF is no sin.

    When God mandated to be fruitful & multiply, he didn't specifically say how (this point is open to objection)...

    IVF is just not traditional reproduction. So knights of tradition will draw their swords...

  27. IVF is not a sin, and will never be a sin period

  28. ivf is a sin until three years later when you will hear breaking news say your husband get 2 children outside.

  29. Everything isn’t always about religion!
    Was there Burger or Sharwamma or slim jeans or Mercedes Benz or G string or vibrator in the bible?

    Africans have totally riddled their minds with religion and pushed science and inventions years backward.

    If you do not ask yourself if brushing your teeth with toothpaste or putting food into the microwave or wearing modern clothes to work then it is totally redundant to ask if IVF is a sin. Goodness gracious!

  30. IVF is not a sin, Nigerians have this backward mentality

  31. Something can only be referred to as a sin when measured against a religious teaching. Culture also determines the acceptance of certain things or not why the civil law determines whether an act is a crime or not. Catholic Church does not support IVF. For Catholics, IVF is a sin. Individual opinions do not matter as they differ a lot. To some people, IVF is helpful, while it is not acceptable by others. What happens to the fertilized eggs that will not be implanted? If they are discarded, technically some people have been killed. Is killing acceptable by Christianity? Evaluate IVF against your religious belief, if your religion says it is a sin, then it is. If not, the choice is yours. If you do not subscribe to any religion, the choice is your. IVF has pros and cons. Adoption following the legal and due process is a better option

    1. Abeg speak for urself oo
      In catholic churche it isnt a sin!

    2. Tess-baby it is. Do your research

  32. Can you please explain how IVF is a sìn, I am sure you don't understand trying to conceive is scary when you are approaching certain age. Please if you have the money go for it and be fulfilled.

  33. I hope people who believe IVF is a sin don't take medicine and undergo any medical procedures too cos they are all sin. Ode people!

  34. IVF might not be a sin for I won't say in all certainty, for God is the only judge. One question I would want to ask this minute is, how are the sperm gotten? Through masturbation? Then masturbation as well wouldn't be classified as a sin either. If you say masturbation is a sin, then using a sinful act or product to contaminate an egg for procreation automatically makes both sinful as well.

    1. Thanks anon. You just echoed my thoughts. To each his own!

    2. If you need to examine yourself at the hospital. Maybe semen analysis, the doctor requires you to bring in semen sample, how do you do that?

  35. Stella IVF is not sin but situation whereby give you options of buying egg and sperm intact without the consent of either party its fraudulent and sin. Some even steal sperm and egg by bringing unsuspecting donors(you drug a man: brother, friend etc or house help and female wards in your care) it is sinful.
    When some people are desperate they go any length these people are drugged many times to harvest sperm and eggs from them
    If someone has innocently and willingly sold their sperm/egg any one can buy from the bank and complete families.
    Again some people don't carry their spouses along I.e someone having fertility issues and goes behind to connive with some fertility centers but some fertility centers are very strict and would only discuss their discoveries in the presence of both spouses and profer solution: if wife has issues or husband they make sure both of God them are aware. Speaking from experience. Will send in chronicles someday.

    1. How do they drug females to collect their eggs? I will like to know

  36. It's no sin. If you are worried the sperm has to be produced through Masturbation, then try withdrawal method.

    1. Is it not withdrawal method that made God kill Judah's son who was married to Tamar? (Genesis 38:9)

    2. No, the real reason God smote Judah’s son(Onar) was the intent behind the withdrawal not the withdrawal in itself. Onar didn’t want to give Tamar his seed as the child would not be legally his.

  37. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,there is none righteous, no not one" Please do IVF and carry your bundle of joy!!! Forget the Pharisees and the Sadducees! They will rather watch the sick remain sick than have Jesus heal the sick on a Sabbath day.

  38. Children conceived through this procedure are children of God and are loved by their parents, as they should be. Like all children, regardless of the circumstances of their conception and birth, they should be loved, cherished and cared for.

    The immorality of conceiving children through IVF can be difficult to understand and accept because the man and woman involved are usually married and trying to overcome a "medical" problem (infertility) in their marriage. Yet the procedure does violence to human dignity and to the marriage act and should be avoided.

    In vitro fertilization brings about new life in a petri dish. Children engendered through IVF are sometimes known as "test tube babies." Several eggs are aspirated from the woman's ovary after she has taken a fertility drug which causes a number of eggs to mature at the same time. Semen is collected from the man, usually through masturbation. The egg and sperm are ultimately joined in a glass dish, where conception takes place and the new life is allowed to develop for several days. In the simplest case, embryos are then transferred to the mother's womb in the hope that one will survive to term.

    Obviously, IVF eliminates the marriage act as the means of achieving pregnancy, instead of helping it achieve this natural end. The new life is not engendered through an act of love between husband and wife, but by a laboratory procedure performed by doctors or technicians. Husband and wife are merely sources for the "raw materials" of egg and sperm, which are later manipulated by a technician to cause the sperm to fertilize the egg. Not infrequently, "donor" eggs or sperm are used. This means that the genetic father or mother of the child could well be someone from outside the marriage.

    In fact, the identity of the "donor," whether of egg or sperm, may never be known, depriving the child of an awareness of his or her own lineage. This can mean a lack of knowledge of health problems or dispositions toward health problems which could be inherited. It could lead to half brothers and sisters marrying one another, because neither knew that the sperm which engendered their lives came from the same "donor."

    But even if the egg and sperm come from husband and wife, serious moral problems arise. Invariably several embryos are brought into existence; only those which show the greatest promise of growing to term are implanted in the womb. The others are simply discarded or used for experiments. This is a terrible offense against human life. While a little baby may ultimately be born because of this procedure, other lives are usually snuffed out in the process.

    Copied from Roman Catholic Church view on IVF

    1. Reading through I already knew it was written by a catholic

    2. Someone needs to tell the writer that not all children born cos the mother got pregnant after engaging in missionary style, were produced in love. And the marriage act (as you so delicately put it) isn't only for procreation.

    3. Thanks for this explanation Anon.

    4. Perfect description of the procedure but it comes from a closed mindset. Don't even get me started!
      The procedure does violence to human dignity and marriage Act? How exactly? Did the couple tell you that they were violated? How exactly did it affect the marriage act? You guys really take the piss on this issue! It's not an act of love? Youdonminit! It's the greatest act of love as far as I'm concerned. A medical breakthrough to help women become mothers is nothing but a gift of love from God.
      Organ donor is nothing to you but you will frown at this? The hypocrisy is smelling from here.
      Please keep away from any TTC couple I beg you in the name of God inugo? Rubbish

  39. I can never forget as a child in the 80s when the first procedure started how the religious groups were protesting saying how scientists are trying to play God, and ivf was unnatural and outside nature. Now it is a lifeline for so many who want to have the experience of being a parent.

    To me a sin is something that causes spiritual harm to someone or to the self. I cannot see ivf as spiritually harming anyone, in fact, it is a great bringer of joy. I hate religion so much sometimes and I understand why Christ was anti religion.

    1. The first IVF baby was in 1979 not the 80's love. I agree with you, its not a sin

    2. That may have been done secretly without public knowledge, and I will not dispute that, but my statement stands. It was sometime in the 80s when it was publicized and at that time it was not even called ivf, it was called test tube babies.

  40. the main reason ivf is considered a sin, is because of the embryos that are created and then discarded. during process of ivf, several embryos are created and the couple choose the one that they want to use - embryos are considered to be living beings and discarding them can be viewed as no different to abortion.
    it is not considered sin cause of masturbation - not all men have to masturbate to collect sperm.
    nothing in the bible about this process of getting pregnant, so in my opinion it is left to your conscience to judge, pray about it and go with the decision that gives you peace.

    1. As you've said this, kindly scroll up and see some posters (or it might be the same one) using masturbation as their basis for their argument that IVF is a sin.

  41. During my marriage course, I was told is a sin. The catchiest said any fertilisation done outside your body is a sin, that the entire process is a sin. My take is do what makes you happy and leave judgement for God.

    1. He said so because catholics don't believe in IVF

    2. That would also make surrogacy a sin cos fertilisation and everything sef is happening outside the body of the person who will be named the mother?

  42. Na wa for some people sha.
    Everything must have a religious twist.
    They should come tell that to people outside Nigeria.

  43. Stella this reminds me
    What about bvs who were picked for the last free IVF two years ago? No success story?
    The first one produced one success story but this last one I haven't heard anything.
    BTW, IVF is not a sin. I'm ttc after having my daughter 6yrs ago, if I can afford it i will do it and get my twin boys

  44. IVF is not a sin.
    Surrogacy is not a sin.
    Adoption is not a sin.
    Donating ones organ or egg or sperm to a fertility clinic is not a sin.

    As for the anonymous chanting upandan that it's a sin, I'll like you to quote the scriptures that makes what I've listed above sins.
    While you are searching for those scriptures, I'll address some of the claims.

    Extraction of sperm for IVF is not only via masturbation I hope you know that, even if it's through other means, the wife is always present and helps stimulate the husband and a sterile cup is given for the sperm. This is not for pleasure because that the last thing on your mind and If you call that masturbation then also classify foreplay under sin.
    Surrogacy... I hope you know that Mary the mother of Jesus was a surrogate? I leave you with that answer.
    The discarded embryo is not a foetus, it's a fertilized egg simple. If you call that a sin then menstruation is also a sin abi? Because even if an egg gets fertilized by the sperm inside the body, a lot of factors will make it not attach to the womb and guess what? It gets expelled at the due time as blood.

    God gave us this knowledge as a gift, the same way he gave us the knowledge of how to treat diseases and what have you. You will pray for a kidney patient to see a donor for a transplant but your closed mindedness will not pray for a couple undergoing IVF to be successful? Tell me what is the difference between the two? The doctor will even tell you that they have done theirs but the mystery of getting the egg to attach and not come down within the 14days window period is up to the Master creator God.
    It's only in Nigeria that stuffs like this is debatable. Tufia!

  45. We are now more religious than the white people who brought religion to us.Religion is the reason why we are still where we are today.If IVF is a sin,kidney transplant is a sin too,blood transfusion is a sin too,using prosthetics is a sin too.My dear sisters in the waiting room,go for IVF or surrogacy if you can afford it.Nigerians are hypocrites.


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