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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Spontaneous Sunday Post...

#anewday #anewpush #newhustleideaseverywhere #churchisinsideofyou #ilovemylife #bambinos #foodie #nothingspoil #beingamotheristhetoughestbuteasiestjobever

Morning oh....................

When a child is not feeling fine,it is the Mother who also gets sick.......
One of my Bambinos threw up several times yesterday and because i had to attend to him,I am torn between throwing up or whatever....The feeling is there but it aint coming out.....Hmmm,a mother's life eh!!!....(Throwing up means vomitting for those who do not

Shout out to aal Mothers and mothers to be n the house,...Shout out also to all the men who play the roles of Mothers in the lives of their Children...

One love to you all oh.....


  1. So I decided to watch big brother yesterday, Diane's gown 😂😂 and the babe no send,l think l like her sha, she's pretty decent. Mercy's ass tough😀,she thinks it's her selling point but the surgeon no try at all, she and princess are in the same whatsapp group.
    Jeff is cuuuteeeee 😍!.I ❤ them cute whether fair or dark.
    Una morning morning. 🏃

    1. Lots of 😍 to your boys, he'll be fine.

    2. So Mercy's ass is fake?I didn't even know, see me thinking it was real, but how do you people even know how to tell a fake ass from a real one tho, I can't different that shit, good for them sha

    3. Good morning bvs,I thank the Almighty God for the gift of life, today I am plus one,I know is you oh God thank you Lord.

    4. Happy womb escape to you Annabel. LLNP. Enjoy your day

    5. Happy birthday Annabel

    6. Happy birthday Annabel

    7. Stella,I hope your son gets well soon.

      Happy Birthday Annabel.

  2. No matter what pain you've been through,tears will dry,broken hearts will heal, and somewhere, a person who truly cares is waiting for you!
    God's healing upon your son,Stella.
    Good morning and happy Sunday!

  3. Good morning family. Healing to your Bambino stella.

    Preparing for church.

    1. Stella sorry about your son's health. Speedy recovery I wish him


    Why do we console ourselves when we lose an important opportunity capable of changing the course of our lives for the better with negative  thoughts and statements ,  is it a way of dealing with the grief of such loss and finding closure or making ourselves feel we are better off without what was missed? 

    The one who went for service year a year after her mates comforts herself with thoughts that I would have probably died in an autocrash  if I served with them, another  young man who lost a good woman because of his erratic and overtly critical  behaviour feels better when he thinks that no man can financially take care of her as he did. Worse still, a vibrant young man who missed a golden chance to study abroad due to youthful exuberance and lack of focus is consoled when he reasons he could have been killed in a racist attack or wrongfully accused and imprisoned. 

    Do people only die through automobile accidents? Last time I checked,  some ladies still got better husbands than their exes in all ramifications  most especially  financially  and so many have gone ahead to do great things for themselves after getting a degree from a prestigious college abroad. 

    I do not criticize anyone for their ways of finding healing from events that evoke pain,  but I still insist that towing the path of truth about the  roles we played  in our failures is a faster way to heal.  

    Some even go ahead to think God allowed the loss for a purpose.  This line of thinking is not justifiable unless we did all we can and it still didn't work,  the God who provided  the opportunity is still able to make it a success and preserve our lives.   It's better to do a self-assessment and fix the loopholes , remain optimistic and grab any opportunity that comes out way for career advancement and character improvement. 

    1. Mtcheeeeeeewwww!!!

    2. True talj

    3. There are some wildernesses a person cannot avoid, no matter how many right things they do. In fact, some you enter BECAUSE you did the right thing! There's a young lady reading this, who went to bed hungry last night BECAUSE she refused to do runs. There's an aspiring, talented actress who will miss out on a role because she refused to sleep with the director. And guess what - nothing will happen to the director and the actress he replaces her with (yet). Cos contrary to what some of what your dead churches tell you, God will not always drop what you're looking for as soon as you refuse to do the wrong thing. It's not every "If I perish, I perish" that's followed by a king extending his sceptre and asking what you want.

      Sometimes, God keeps you in the wilderness to preserve your life, like He did to Elijah - that's fact, not you trying to console yourself when you see others die. But sometimes He does it to see what you will do. When David refused to kill Saul despite the prodding of his men, you think he didn't know the implication? He was anointed but as long as Saul was alive, David couldn't sit on the throne. He didn't do anything bad to Saul. He didn't even ask to be anointed; he was on his own, taking care of sheep when they sent for him. When he had the opportunity, David served Saul with his whole heart. Yet, Saul was busy chasing him around. Not killing Saul meant David had to wait five more years before being crowned! Did God tell him anything when he cut off a portion of Saul's robe? It's the same way a TTC woman reading this will continue to have periods till the end of this year and God will behave as if He's not hearing. Your mad in-laws will insult you & God will do as if He's not seeing. And you KNOW that if you follow your diabolical friend to her prophet, go to a baby factory, cheat on your husband - you'll be a mother, bring that baby to church for dedication and nobody will know. But God is watching you to see and show you what you will do cos what you do is what shows where your heart really lies. It's easy to say you trust God and will not compromise, but truth is you really don't know.

      I was told two years ago that my husband would die if I didn't do some rituals. I won't lie, I was tempted. I love my husband but I couldn't do it and ironically, that saved my husband's life. But before I was faced with that decision, everything I thought I would do was mere theory.

      This is what they don't tell you and why we have many weak Christians. Jesus Christ, the Son of God was driven into the wilderness just before His ministry began. Is it sin that sent Him there? (Luke 4) You cannot pray, fast, warfare, sow a seed, reason or strategise your way out of some things. What do you think "valley of the shadow of death" means? The strength to endure is called GRACE.

    4. As many as are led by the Spirit of GOD
      They are the sons of GOD

      GOD hold us by the hand and leas us

      So many believe in everything and everybody except GOD

      Yet HE is true
      Na I'm sure pass

    5. Is Marrying another better than Ex only about Finance? Should people now kill themselves because of what they missed? You see this life earn is a complicated. To the end it is life and death. We have seen missed opportunity meant for good in a lot of cases. So don't also tow the line of what you assumptions are. Live you life when you die you die.

    6. Good points @twins squared.
      Our generation has this 'i dont care' mentality or (the one thag annoys me most) 'if its meant for me it will come by itself'. I feel people need to refelect on their actions, take responsibility and decide to do better. I think sometimes its good to bite one's finger and rummage in the fact that one's stupidity, carelessness, lack of focus, bad habits, impatience, forgetfulness, big mouth, made you miss out on a good opportunity or a great person. Albeit, not for long.

      It will amaze you how many young people today do not want to be accountable for their actions. We keep making excuses for things not done properly or life-changing opportunities lost. And over time what does that amount to?? 🤷🏽‍♀️

    7. Anon 09:07
      What will I give you for this message you just typed?
      Thank you so much. God bless you

  5. Sorry about your son's health Stellz. God's healing on him&you. Kudos to all mothers. Good morning and have a beautiful Sunday bvs.

  6. Good morning and happy Sunday 😘😘😘😘

    Please I need procedures of making correct Kunu.Thanks

    1. Good morning olori, let me ask google 😂.

    2. Stellz, sorry about one of the Bambino's
      May God heal him..... Eku itoju 😘😘😘

  7. Good morning and happy Sunday everyone. Stella so sorry. God will heal him completely.

  8. A Happy and a beautiful sunday to you all.

    Stella, I know that feeling, especially when your kid(s) hardly get sick. I pray healing upon you cutie.

    This over 40° weather is making me change my mind this morning.. I brought out my very well pressed flowered jumpsuit, only to wake up to another day of heatwave.
    So, I have settled for a beautiful silk jacquard flared skirt and a top. Thank God the church ⛪ is air-conditioned.

    People should learn to do their own part in protecting and keeping our planet 🌏 safe. God is still smiling at us.

  9. "Please dont dare calling her to warn her cos i dont think it would end well if you do....Sometimes have best friends the opposite gender and it has nothing to do with s#x or dating....Madam cool down and stop snooping!...mscheeeew!!!"

    A married man shouldn't be best friends with another married woman. No matter how 21st Century compliant we pretend to be, there are certain facts that time does not alter. I will never tolerate my wife being best friends with another man. We need to learn to accept that friendships don't last forever. There's always a timeline. No matter how close I am to a woman, the moment she marries, I step back. No amount of friendship I had with her will make me compromise this. The married woman asking and receiving "Christmas" money from someone's husband will not hesitate to accede to his request for copulation as compensation in the future. We need to come to terms with the notion that nothing in this world is really free. There are always motives - albeit hidden. Madam American married woman, you really need to be suspicious, though calling her will only make you appear razz. Find a more pragmatic way of putting an end to the rendezvous.
    Lastly, Stella, you need an editor or whatever you'd rather call them. Your blog has come of age. Your grammatical blunders are becoming an epidemic.

    1. You wrote with brain today. Thank you Jesus

    2. Ceaser took his medicine today 💋. Stella listen to him.

    3. Caesar why do you wait till the next morning to reply? Why not comment immediately under the post

    4. Stella, you dont need any yeye editor, whether the blunders are coming from her old laptop or na follow-come something, do we really care?
      Editor means more time wastage before a she posts, thats unecessary, if you cant read through the blunders, go to another blog where its perfectly written.

    5. Stella hire me,I write and edit well.

    6. leave it so to become an epidemic,i am not ashamed to make mistakes and i will not take an editor,if i make a mistake i will go back to correct......

      You had to make a long post that made sense and end it with me needing an editor...thanks for the advice......

    7. Did Ceaser REALLY write that? No bashing, no insults, no abuses, no! Things are getting better o.😂😁

    8. stella i support ceaser,if as a human you get to the point where no one can advice you or talk to you then is wrong can never know it all,only a fool will say he doesn't want to learn again pls dont appear so. i understand you trying to appear strong but learn to take advice from people,we love you thats why we always come here to comment
      stella i am no a$# licker. pls you can't know it all ,your blog is being read by high IQ and intellects,professors etc people learn from here..take corrections.. i hope you post this

    9. i have posted it,now drop it....thank you for the advice,it is good that u dont lick ass but i wonder why u had to add that...whatever...just move on!!!

    10. Sunday effect on Caeser! haq haq haq haq haq haq haq!!


    11. I honestly laugh when people correct others. Like can't you see it's a mistake or do you think the person is oblivious of the right word to use? It could be auto-correct, typo errors or due to not proofreading before sending it in. Sometimes it could be diversions. like! there is no day I am sending a post in that I am not always doing one thing or the other. Be it eating, watching a movie...just name it! I am always multitasking, how much more Stella who takes this as a job, coupled with her other responsibilities.

      Most people who send in impeccable and immaculate posts must have gone over it for the umpteenth time before sending it in. It doesn't mean their writings are naturally spotless.

      Even you, Ceaser must have gone through that like a million times before sending, not everyone has a false image of perfection to project.

      P.S. Concerning Your comment on yesterday'chronicle...I'll second that.

    12. Stella pls take correction calmly. It's not everything you have to give clapback. They are right. Thank them and move on instead of being combative. We love you and we love this blog.

    13. Yaba left escapee28 July 2019 at 10:27

      Editor for what?
      Stella, dont even contemplate the possibility of getting one.
      How many yrs have u maintained this blog without an editor, you dont need one pls.... you think a blogs longevity is based on impeccable grammer? Thats bullshit!!
      Dont you see mama put at one yeye corner gathering customers even more than 5star restaurants?? Abeg if you dont like the ryhthm, dont dance... shift.

    14. Recherche what is funny about correcting others? So nobody should correct or be corrected?

      Stella, I don't know why you flared up like this. Maybe your little one's ailment is taking a toll on you. Stop panicking. Because you see those your reactions up there, they are excessive and do not fit the presumed offence. Ceasar has written truly provocative, misogynistic things before today (I didn't even know he was capable of making sense or writing without abuse) but you've enabled those terrible comments before today and not replied. Today, he said you need an editor and you came for him. As you did the next person who took time to explain why it's not the most terrible advice in the world. Why? Fact of the matter is that more recently your blog posts have been looking one kind. A few errors or typos are not the end of the world, people make mistakes. But this is different because it's actually noticeable and constant. It's your blog, yes but we're used to you doing better, ma'am. This is probably going to annoy you but that is the main difference between your blog and that of Ms Ikeji! Try not to allow your emotions and praise singers set you up.

    15. How can you all say Stella doesn't need an editor?So long as this blog is growing,hiring an editor is the natural progression of things.For the sake of the brand growth.This blog has moved from 'mom-and-pop, for this next level,what do you want this brand to project? Constant errors give the impression of sloppiness and inattention to details - tags that don't represent the brand well. Please Stella,get an editor.

      It is basically like people using stylists when they become celebrities.

    16. YLE, in as much as the so called mama put in one yeye corner has more customers, u think dey dont aspire to be a five star reataurant? Are u now comparing Stellas blog to a mama put? All they are advising is how she can be better

    17. recherche is not a funny matter ooo. It may be funny to you because you truly know what to write but most here need corrections. 11:17 And You had to compare her blog with that of ms ikeji out of all other bloggers you could have used so as to spite her or what?am sure this is the reason she doesn't appreciate you guys correcting her since it's never done out of love.smh

    18. Very insightful and mature replies. Me likey 😮😘😙
      I don't understand these my latest emoji. I hope one of them means,'kiss'

    19. Alternative Facts28 July 2019 at 13:25

      So now that they are married, you think they’ll start doing what they didn’t do even when they were single and free?

    20. Alternative fact. How did you know they didn't do anything before marriage ehn? that was how my friend told me about a potential suitor who wanted a serious relationship with her. Only for her to say he has a bestie but the lady is engaged sha. At first, I was like no wahala na. But I told her to ask questions she came back and said she can not date him again. I asked why and she said he confessed to once kissing that his bestie but it was only once and it did not repeat itself. Bestie ko bestie nii mtshewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  10. Stella lots of hugs to your Bambino.
    My heart breaks when my son falls ill. I sincerely wish i can be sick for him to be well. A mother's love ❤

    1. My 2nd daughter was ill sone weeks back & i can't count ghe number of crazy thoughts that came to my head. Me wey be sey i no dey skip work, i took some days off! Stella, speedy recovery to your bambino.

    2. thanks to you both.....................big wet kisses!!!

    3. Healing to your baby. He be fine, just take him to see the doctor

  11. My question is these Winners people that pay transport to OTA for church service every Sunday, will they be removing the transport fare from their tithe or they will be paying complete tithe notwithstanding?

    1. Girrrrllllll😆 I actually thought about this for a minute and I'm interested in the answer too 😂

    2. Its not your business or did anyone complain to you?

    3. @Blessed Princess: e be like sey u dey read my mind. Just this mng, my neighbors left again at 4:45 (as usual) &hubby & I were just wondering why they all have to converge in ONE PLACE for Sunday service. Anyways, every mallam has his own pot. That's why i just love RCCG.

    4. I saw them this early morning entering bus at one bus stop as usual. I don't like the fact that they pay for the trip though, I think the stress of going there and coming back alone is enough if you ask me.

    5. They pay??? thought it was free ooooh!!


    6. Not only that its risky. Alot of them have been involved in accident. Going on a journey every time is a big risk. May God please keep them safe.

  12. @Mummy Maa, you said yesterday on ihn gist that if a lady is over 35 years and get pregnant , the pregnancy will be high risk pregnancy. Then my question is this, if this is true, won't science be putting ladies under pressure to marry before 30 years so as to finish making babies before 35?

    1. Mummy Máa is actually right. Getting pregnant and Giving birth at 35yrs and upward can be considered high risk pregnancy in many women in that age range. But, that doesn't mean women from that age can get pregnant and still give birth to healthy babies.
      A forty year old woman can be healthier than twenty five years old woman. She will get pregnant through natural means, carry her healthy baby and still deliver her baby through natural delivery.

      Most times, it all has to do with how healthy the woman or her man is.
      The high risks still remain.

    2. That’s why Yoruba will say...Ile Obinrin kin pe su
      I hope I got it right, but I don’t believe in such nonsense.
      I’ve lost two friends below 27 at childbirth
      My mom said our generation are more fragile tho, Mom started having us at 35 and had our last baby at 42, was her shortest labor sef.
      Sometimes the mind conditions/limits us

    3. Every pregnancy comes with a risk, oh! Even if you're 25. Fgs you're growing at least one whole human being inside you.

  13. Me just woke up horny.. imagine ooo on Sunday Morning.
    Devil get thee behind me abeg abeg abeg

    1. This isn't wrong nau, except if you're single. Me i mark register this mng sha before hubby go church🙈🙈🙈. I cannot coman kee mysef

    2. Even if she's single, being Horny is normal nah, abi? it's now when you act on it that is the problem


    3. I'm a young man ooo and single

    4. Stella love. Your pikin nor well? it is well with your baby joor.
      nor worry i go join pray for your baby but make i first pursue this conji wey catch me this morning.
      to make am worst heavy rain come dey fall for Lagos.. kai walahi this devil is a lair!!!

  14. Good people,please help me on how to get my
    confidence back, I'm the very shy time & i feel
    so shy/or i don't even know again if its afraid
    that even when I'm walking i do fidget
    sometimes thinking that people are looking &
    probably talking about me,it's even affecting in
    my class that my heart will be very heavy if a
    lecturer is randomly asking questions in class,I
    don't really like this about me & I want to
    change for the better,I also feel I'm too old to
    be in the class were so many of them are in
    their 20's while I'm 30. thanks.

    1. What has age got to do with school?
      Focus on your studies and forget the 20 something year olds. You all can’t be same age now.
      I think it’s panic attack you are experiencing 💁🏿‍♂️ not sure.
      Did something happen sometime ago to make you feel this way?
      Have you always been this way?
      First, stop being a first for no just reason.
      Secondly, tell yourself you are beautiful and you don’t care if people are talking about you or not.
      Thirdly, you have to mingle with people, go out often. I hope it helps ✌🏿

    2. I am going to sound harsh. Get over yourself. You are not that important. No one is looking at you and talking about you. If there are, so what? You have every right to be in class regardless of age. I know someone who went back to study at nearly 60. Life is for living. Please stop wasting yours on caring about what people think. Being shy or reserved is not a crime or a sin. It is your nature. It should not stop you from achieving.

    3. My dear, I saw your reply under my comment late but I also saw that one good anonymous gave a good answer to you.

      You are not too old to be in any class. (I am the oldest in my class at the moment and I am also one of the best in what I do)

      Learn to speak out loud to yourself looking at the mirror. When you dress, carry yourself with some class and walk as if no one is watching you. You can start by doing that at the comfort of your home in front of a mirror.

      My dear, do not let anyone talk down on you. Learn to talk back at people (not aggressively or being insultive)
      Be yourself and try to make new friends both within your age range and outside your age range.

      Hugs darling 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    4. You should remind yourself of why you went back to school in the first place. And try to prepare ahead of classes, knowing that you can attempt any question will boost your confidence.Nothing is more nerve wracking than sitting in an interactive lecture with no idea.

    5. Read yesterday's sp. You got some responses there.

  15. @Miss Aboki I saw your comment where you said you were not feeling fine, hope you are better now.

  16. Good morning BVs, please where can I get quality lingerie and bra in Portharcourt, I am new to the city, thanks

  17. Crazyhornywife28 July 2019 at 09:01

    Hi Stella, I hope your son feels better.
    Sent you a mail yesterday but guess it went straight to spam.

    1. I replied your mail dear and been waiting for your reply oh......this my SPAM don suffer for una

    2. Lol Stella my mum heard me telling my husband to check his SPAM. The next thing she asked. Is the SPERM WATERY?

    3. Hahahahahahahahaha @Aunty amebo

    4. Quick recovery to your bambino Stella.
      @ Aunty Amebo 😂 😂

  18. Awwww Stella. Speedy recovery to your boy.... God bless mothers... Happy Sunday sdkers

  19. Goodmorning everyone happy Sunday.

  20. Happy new week guys. This week is gonna be great and glorious. Amen!

  21. May Blessings, more blessings be ours today and always...
    Sorry about your baby ma'am SDK,i dread when the kids are sick,itthrows off all balance!
    I got a new phone and we are FULLY back to work.....happy Sunday to you and yours!!

  22. When She says, “I have nothing to wear.” (She means, she has nothing new.)

    When He says, “I have nothing to wear.” (He means, he has nothing clean.)

    1. true for 'she', i dunno about 'he'

  23. I'm just pissed off right now. The useless man that fingered and raped his one month daughter(as at the time it happened) has been granted bail two days ago and his foolish wife is saying she's no longer going forth with the case, just imagine the rubbish. That child needs to be taken from that woman cause she's definitely not fit to be a mother and her case re-filed. That beast has to pay

    1. I still find it hard to believe that one month old story. Like a month old baby?

    2. Yes @courage 30 day old baby.

    3. All the zoos nationwide need to check which animals went missing

      Person wen dem suppose castrate sharp sharp


    4. Foolish women not understanding that a real mother is courageous and a warrior

      Not these wet noodle handed ,dickmatised impostors roaming around with congealed sperm in place of brain

      Not doing again?

      Does these people know what it means to a .other?
      Do they they understand that justice is not a favour?

      I can't deal

      Paedophiles are the dregs of sewers and gutters everywhere

      Pigs are honourable compared to them

      Worms(in fact it is an insult to worms)

      the devil is indeed busy

      Father do not allow him work in our lives in Jesus name, Amen

    5. So sad. what is really going on?

  24. Healing to your bambino stellalicious.up and thankful

  25. Good Morning everyone 😍🤩
    Stella,sorry about your Bambino.
    I so so hate it when children are sick too,my son fell sick few weeks ago and I was just scared ,paranoid and all.Thank God he's fine now.

    Grateful for the gift of life.

  26. Good morning dear Stella, kudos to all mothers it is not easy to be a mother. Sorry for your son's health he will get better. Give him fish or chicken pepper soup to take,it is well. Stella you will make a good mother ooo! U no dey take your children play ooo. Happy Sunday to everyone!

  27. Sorry about your son's health.
    Speedy recovery to your boy..God bless mothers

  28. Stella, your son will be fine and my kisses toto him

    Happy Sunday to everyone!

  29. Happy Sunday people
    I'm on my way to church. Lateness oo
    Yesterday's school party left me drained, I managed to wake up late.

  30. Divine healing locate your son fast fast in Jesus name.
    Speedy recovery to your son..

    Kisses 😗😗😗😗😗

    Happy sunday blog visitors..

  31. It is well with your baby Stella. Well done.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

  32. Than you all for your contributions,now let us move on from this...I DONT NEED AN EDITOR,if i make mistakes,i will go back to correct them,i really dont care about anyones impression of me and my my mistakes lies my strength.......i think differently and i have no apolgies...please accpet and move on...face other topics...thanks

    1. Remember you wrote early this week your system's keypad is acting up and need a new one. Till the new one comes, we read you. Folks are formidable advisers but won't apply same when in need.

    2. Kisses to you mami xo

  33. So I went back to read yesterday's in house gist about IVF, so educative

  34. Stella., Strength and healing to your Bambino and other sick babes. May we have a blessed week ahead. Cheerio!

  35. Good evening everyone
    Stella, healing to your bambino


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