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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wednesday Spontaneous Post...

#womancrushwednesday #anotherdaytohustle #youcannotunderstandthehashtagbecauseidontwantyoutounderstand #nobehomework #hehehehehehe #ilovemystcthings #nobetodayyanshfaceback #donotremoveyoureyesandthoughtsfromthepromisekeeperbecauseheisairacleworkerandalightinthedarkness #Godisawesome #truelifetaleshaveliver #catchthiskiss #coward ..

Moin Moin!!!!.......

May your day be a perfect day................

Some of you come to post free adberts here and complain when you think i am rude but you dont know ho treat your customers..............Your hustle should not include you being rude no matter how stressful it is....

Self love is very important....
Self crush rocks...

Remember that your dream is valid,dont give up on yourself if Yesterday was bad...............

Kisses to everyone!!!


  1. I'm crushing on all the beautiful ladies here 😍😍 😍 God continue to bless our hustle.

    Good morning and beautiful day to y'all 😘😘😘 😘

  2. In being kind be careful don't feed every dog you see suffering some of them just needs strength to bite you!

    Good morning to y'all

    1. Someone has been biting me for long even after feeding. I decided to stop feeding to reduce the strength.
      Guess what, I felt bad cos I sqw her holding her stomach like worms were feasting on them. Guess what, I got something for her immediately.

      One thing I just do now is put on clothe made with brass or iron around these people and the rest they say is history. If you try to bite me, na you go hurt yourself las las.

    2. May God always separate us from unfriendly friends..

    3. Hhmmm! Gentle, this is deep. Sometimes we really do not know whom to show empathy. God help us.

    4. Please continue doing good it pays


  3. On my way home yesterday, I saw a very beautiful lady approaching as I walked down the junction to get a taxi home. I have this way of fixing eyes on someone I am just seeing for the first time, their action at that moment may reveal something about them to me. I mastered this act from a friend, who did said, truth are often seen from the eyes and not the heart.

    We both fixed eyes on each other as we approached closely. When we finally passed each other, I turned back to have another view, maybe this time the back view Lol....

    Immediately I turned, she too had turned as well and our eyes met again. Instantly we both smile at that. Mehn  that smile was heavenly. She has a good makeup and scent so good when she walked past me. I almost hit a car parked along the road while looking at her Lol....

    Chaiiii I can't wait to settle down ooh. Let me keep admiring and searching.

    1. Pele oooooooo ...u will still fall inside dirty water with this ur lookuloooku...

    2. Lol @back view.
      What was the front view like 😜

    3. TJ,na only mouth you get,why didn't you shoot your shot? Lol

    4. Hehehe...May God grant you your heart desires

    5. @I AM, that's a terrible mistake I made that yesterday. Maybe that her smile was an invitation.

      Omah, Amen and thanks to your prayer.

      Sluttychic, the baby looks good all rounda.

      Pinky, you aren't nice Lol.

    6. must have been up all night wsitwai for sp...
      Admire well.

    7. Teejay see as you fall my hand... Were you waiting for her to make the first move... This was suppose to be a good news this morning,everyone would have been happy you are finally taken.😬😬😬😬😬

    8. Berra be careful. Nor go jam one pole because of fine babe.

      Yes, she caught my eye
      As we walked on by
      She could see from my face that I was
      Flying high
      And I don't think that I'll see her again
      But we shared a moment that will last 'til the end
      You're beautiful
      You're beautiful
      You're beautiful, it's true
      I saw your face in a crowded place
      And I don't know what to do
      Cause I'll never be with you

    9. Lol @banty... Anon 09:10 you must be good in poetry.

    10. I remb onetime ,I met this hunk inside an airplane, many yrs ago, I was smittened , just one wrong digit, my crush was lost
      I boldly collected his number in hopes to call, tried all d related nos from 1-10 inter changing each , for where! I cried and cried and cried.
      5yrs+ later, I was in a Catholic Church in Lekki and saw a an obituary of this same young man😳😳😳I wasn’t very sure cos I became dizzy, I went to d workers and found someone to ask, was told the guy died of AIDS.
      Teejee God may have saved your life, I have learnt to Never regret or look back!

    11. @Teejay you can go to that exact point and at the exact time to see if you can see her again and if you do please shoot your shot. Good luck

    12. Tee Jah!!!what did her eyes reveal about her Na?

    13. Lol i remember few years ago when I was 18, I went to visit my mom's friend and there I met her inlaw. Guy man was just staring at me and I looked back and smiled which was a green light but he didnt make any move i assumed he was shy. As I was about to leave the woman's house he was still staring but didnt want to ask for my number i presumed he was shy so I just said give me your Facebook or Skype.

    14. 9:10 just typed a verse from James Blunt's 'you're beautiful'.

    15. Lol... Grace, you go like gist ooh. Anon 10:06 are you for real? Na waa ooh.

    16. I just remember the song now @Castle. One of the songs I played those years.

  4. Good morning bvs.
    I got married in September 2016 and not quite long my husband lost his job so we decided to be on contraceptive till he gets another job and for things to pick up so we opted for ‘noristerat’ injection (every 2 months). I started taking the injection since September 2016 and took the last one in October 2017 so we can start trying for a baby but up until now nothing has happened and a lot of people are telling me the injection does not make people conceive on time that I have to wait till like 10 years which is making me scared cos age is not really on my side(late thirties) I only took it to prevent getting pregnant until my husband gets a job. I have gone to see a gynecologist, he asked me to do scan and ovulation profile test all the results showed I’m okay and there’s nothing wrong. The gynecologist told me nothing is wrong that I should be patient. Another gynecologist told me my fertility will be back that the injection is yet to wear out that it will take time.I am scared and feel I am not getting pregnant because of the injection. Please has any bv been in this position before? What can I do to help me get pregnant fast or is there anything I can use to boost my fertility. Please help. Sorry for any typo

    1. I hope your husband has also done his fertility check up. By the way,you shouldn't have done such since age isn't on your side.

    2. Stop worrying . Your system still has the injection in it that is why you are having delay..
      Meanwhile,let your husband check his sperm count. Don't put the blame and pressure on yourself.

    3. Relax and stop stressing madam.

    4. Don be only takes a year for ur fertility to return in some cases due to individual differences,it might be up to two or two and half year.

      contraceptive injection
      If used correctly, the contraceptive injection is more than 99% effective.
      It lasts for 8 or 13 weeks (depending on which injection you have) so you don't have to think about contraception every day or every time you have sex during this period.
      It's very useful for women who find it difficult to remember to take a pill at the same time every day.
      It does require you to remember to have a repeat injection before it expires or becomes ineffective.
      It can be useful for women who can't use contraception that contains oestrogen.
      It's not affected by other medicines.
      Side effects can include weight gain, headaches, mood swings, breast tenderness and irregular bleeding.
      Your periods may become more irregular, heavier, shorter, lighter or stop altogether.
      It can take up to 1 year for your fertility to return to normal after the injection wears off, so it may not be suitable if you want to have a baby in the near future.
      It doesn't protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so you may need to use condoms as well.

    5. You've done scans and tests, how about your husband? Has he done his own fertility tests?

    6. Nne start taking Clomid vitamin E,C and folic acid regularly. I can swear with everything in me that Clomid is the magic product.
      Ask your doctor about it.
      A friend that introduced me to everything I listed above was ttc for 8 years, someone told her about it, she did it and is pregnant with twins right now, I did mine my dear after 2 years, guess what ? I'm also with twins!!!
      Ask your doctor first,mine gave me the ok .
      Remember I was also on contraceptives too . Right now, we're four that tried this and it worked!
      I'm telling you right now. It's 110% effective. You will thank me later (that's if your doctor says you and hubby are fit)

    7. The society we live in,where women believes they are always the one with the problem when it comes to pregnancy.... Divine strength fall on you all.

    8. After my first baby, during the post natal check up, my gynecologist told me we were supposed to discuss family planning methods but seeing that I’m in my 30s already he wouldn’t even say anything.
      I think women in their 30s should be careful with chemical contraceptives because waiting for the effect to wear out when you’re ready to have a baby can be stressful.

    9. I REPEAT,let your husband go for fertility check before any conclusion!

    10. The problem may b ur hubby πŸ–€

    11. Madam,from what i deduced here it's been 1 year and 9 months u stopped taking the contraceptives injection.You husband should go for fertility check..this is one of the steps u should also have taken.He could probably be the problem.
      U are in your late thirties nad u still taking many years left before menoupause? You married late,should hve at least birthed one child n see things turn around for good.One of the reasons women need to be financially balanced before settling u can cater for certain things when he man is down....Goodluck sha

    12. I pray it works out for you, This was my worry when I was on the pill straight after marriage for 3 years. was told that the injection lasts longer in your system. but 2 years for you is quite a while. Please run tests and if you can try not to worry ( easier said than done) and if you can take a SAFE fertility boosting drugs like what Anon 9: 08 recommended

    13. Hey please DON'T EVER TAKE CLOMID WITHOUT BEING PRESCRIBED BY YOUR DOCTOR. It can cause overian cyst.

    14. Please don't let anyone guilt trip you about the contraceptive measures you took. You made a proper decision at the time, because of your circumstances. Now that you have been certified ok medically, it's your husband's turn to check himself. And then you can also take fertility enhancing drugs on the advice of your doctor but you need to kill anxiety for anything to work.

    15. Poster please do NOT use Clomid without your gynae's prescription. Disregard the advise to buy Clomid.
      Like others have mentioned, ensure your husband has a clean bill of health too. If all problems have been ruled out, then you have to play the waiting game, ensure to keep a healthy life style and supplement with folic acid and essential vitamins while at it. You will get pregnant soon.

    16. Fan Emmanuel the I TOO KNOW BUT KNOWS NOTHING, you do not see where the anonymous asked her to ask her doctor first.

    17. I repeat life is so weird, with contraceptive am still pregnant. I should have just kept using d patch instead of pills

    18. Do not take Clomid, I repeat do not take clomid except you are not ovulating. It may complicate issues for you, long term use even causes cervical cancer..

      Take your normal folic acid, load on greens, take water, have plenty sex and pray. Relax and stop worrying.

      If nothing happens after say 1 year, see a gynae and if you can afford it, go for second opinion.

  5. Jeremiah  12:14
    Thus saith the LORD against all MINE EVIL NEIGHBOURS, that touch the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit; Behold, I will pluck them out of their land, and pluck out the house of Judah from among them.


    The Almighty God will EXPOSE and DESTROY every EVIL NEIGHBOURS6 working against you and your household in the matchless NAME of JESUS.


  6. Gracious words are a honeycomb,sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24.

    Six things you don't have to do:
    (1) Don't wait till you are hungry to eat.
    (2) Don't wait till you are thirsty to drink.
    (3) Don't wait till you are sleepy to sleep.
    (4) Don't wait till you feel tired to rest.
    (5) Don't wait till you sick to go for medical check-ups, otherwise,you will only regret later in life.
    (6) Don't wait till you have a problem before you pray to your God!

    Good morning,lovely bv's!

  7. Invest your attention

    Every time you view a web page, your attention is being auctioned to the highest bidder. The display ads you see are targeted to you, based on your browsing history, the things you’ve searched for online, and the products you’ve purchased in the past. And advertisers are willing to pay the website owner when you view the ads or click on them. Something similar happens when you’re watching television and the program cuts to a commercial. Some company, marketing some product or service, paid a lot of money for a few seconds of your attention. Your attention is so valuable that lots of people are willing to pay for it, and do so every day.

    Are you treating your attention with the respect it deserves? The direction in which you focus your attention from moment to moment has a major impact on the way your life unfolds. By taking intentional control of your attention, by wisely investing that attention, you can create great quantities of positive value in your life and in your world.

    But it can be a confusing, crowded, complicated world out there. It’s all too easy for your attention to be hijacked by shiny spectacles or drained away by trivialities. You are perfectly capable of focusing your attention on the meaningful, significant, value-creating aspects of life. However, you have to make a conscious choice to do so.

  8. Good morning..

    Am I the only person that wakes up in the morning, prays, next thing na to go check my bank account balanceπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ smile, then start the day with that joy of gradual fulfilment..πŸ€—πŸ€—

  9. Good morning people. Smile while you still have teeth. πŸ˜‚
    Have a blessed day everyone
    Kisses right back Stella

  10. What a time to be alive..

    Grateful everyday for every breath that I breathe. God has not forsaken me and I shall rejoice at his appointed time.Hallelujah

    God, bless my day.

  11. Grace Grace, God's Grace
    Grace that will pardon and cleanse within
    Grace Grace, God's Grace
    Grace that is greater than all our sins.

  12. Good morning lovelies 😘😘😘😘

    If you judge a fish by its inability to climb a tree,it will spend its entire life believing it's stupid.Stop judging or comparing your kids and don't let other people's metric of success define theirs.

  13. Ladybug, where are you? Abi you Don pop...
    Congratulations mama pickin

  14. Issa cold weather here...

    Up and grateful to God for life...
    Father,Lord please put a sweet and delicious lovely smiles and laughter in my face and mouth before the end of July...
    Help me Lord..

  15. There is always a way which seems right to a man but the end thereof is destruction. The end does not justify the means.

    May we all have a blessed day today.

  16. Good morning lovelies 😍🀩
    This is the day that the Lord has made.

    1. We shall rejoice and be glad in it.

  17. Goodmorn to y'all! can someone help me out here as a young guy starting life what can of business can I use 500k to establish for now? make I no squander this money already

    1. Sit, get a pen and paper and write out what you like- what you are good at.

      I might tell you to go into farming , sell accessories or start importing and those might not be your line.

      Ask yourself what your plan for the future are.
      Will you wish to continue or set it aside.
      Will you like to get more degrees. Hence you need to know if you will be going for online or on ground business. Your absence can bring down the biz in no time if care is not taken.

      BUILD WHAT WILL OUTLIVE YOU. Invest in what will make an impact to you and your generation. Look for a need people lack and help to fill that void.

    2. 1. Car wash

  18. Good morning beautiful people.. May our today be blessed.

  19. moin to you too Stella.

    good morning beautiful people do have a beautiful and productive day

  20. Good morning SDK and dearest Bvs, I really appreciate all the good wishes and kind words, may the good lord meet you all at the point of your need in Jesus name, amen. Sorry it's coming this time, momma duties haff started ohh, we breast feededy from 11pm to almost 3am, I don see fire, my breasts are on fire, I dey cry as I dey breast feed, any solution pls, it isn't funny I swear.
    Thanks once again beautiful people.

    1. Awwwwww....Please enjoy every bit of momhood

    2. Baby is hungry. Please, give her formula at night before she sleeps. If you feed every three to four hours, breastfeed at night like if you fed her formula at 9pm, breastfeed at 1am. Then give her a bottle at 5am. Good luck and congratulations once again.

    3. Congratulations... awww!sorry about that, I think it will get better with time. Kisses to lil cutie 😘

    4. The pain will wear off with time. Pele. And congratulations again.

    5. Continue breastfeeding ooo,the pain will wear off. If you don't have reasons to buy baby food,don't . Even,its written on NAN or any baby food that breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months (except you are a working mum anyway) of life. Congrats and enjoy the bonding and eye contacts through breastfeeding!

    6. Awwww first mum i am sorry you will have to endure that pain till like 1month. You can only clean your nipples with olive oil. It has been decades but that head drumming pain ., i can still remember how i cried. Try using an expressing machine. My daughter did and her nipples healed. You have totally sold your sleep to the most beautiful set of Lil cute eyes. I need to kiss a baby now.

    7. Maybe your baby isn't latching properly. You could watch videos on how to breast feed, to get the technique right. The pain should wear off in days, you could take paracetamol tablets. Don't give formula except you don't want to do exclusive. Try to sleep during the day, when your baby is sleeping. With time, your baby will sleep for longer hours at a stretch at night.

    8. Pele Emjay. Do you use breast pads? Thoroughly Soak cotton wool with your breast milk and place on your nipples. The result is magical. You can Express and pour some on your nipples then cover with the breast pad to prevent seeping. I discovered this when I swore breastfeeding was over with the fire on my nipples.

      Your baby should suck every 2/3 hours for 15-30 minutes. Prolonged sucking is an indication that she is not getting enough and you may need to supplement with formula if your production of milk is not enough. Well done!

    9. i really don't know your location @EMJAY, natural, healthy, probotics yoghurt will help you produce more breast milk, i have clients who have testified to this. its what i sell and yes! stella have posted my advert on the blog. if you are interested, kindly buzz/reach out to stella for my details. Thank you.

    10. I know that pain,you can also tub Vaseline on it,it eases the pain. Pele,with time it'll wear out.congrats Momma!

    11. Pls buy a nipple cream @ a good pharmacy ASAP. Not vaseline. The nipple cream is safe for the baby to mk contact n will help your nipples heal. Congrats & God bless ur baby

    12. Congratulations again Emjay, your baby isn't latching well for you to breastfeed her that long. Eat well, take plenty water and take ogi. It helps alot. As for your nipples, if you can get adin dudu the sore will heal up within 3days. Always clean your nipples before breastfeeding and once you are done, apply it. It worked for me

  21. Stella good morning, alot of people have made good sales from the free adverts you do for them. I bought goods worth over #400,000 from one of them here recently and like you said it ended with rudeness and manner less approach despite how I tried my best to make sure we got the stuffs from the person and no one else. Something *pls now understand me * would have solved ended up being the end of the road because of approach. Anyway it is part of life. No regrets.

    1. BB good morning, dropping name isn't necessary dear; in the person's head maybe s/he was right but you see in this life, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. Let those who have ear hear.

    2. Stella has spoilt her BVs with free advert. Real business people value and appreciate the platform and the opportunity.

  22. Thank you Lord because it will end in praise. Pleasant morning to everyone.

  23. So many advice from bvs..,.have a great day y'all

  24. Good morning all😘😘

  25. Just want to thank God for all that he has done for me.. 8years ago, I couldn't eat, poor, homeless and hopeless.. But God gave me a miracle that sounded like a lie.. I now employ and pay people, have a car, a good business,a good house.. All those who rejected are now worshipping me and begging me for money.. They now respect me in my family.. My God continue to bless me and the works of my hand... No matter what you are going through, please don't give up, the God that did it for me will do it for you.. If you hear my full story, you will praise God on my behalf, I was rejected by all, but now they all want me, never give up...

  26. Good morning everyone.
    Malaria and typhoid showed me pepper but here we are....

    Grateful for the gift of life.

  27. good morning issue is with the way people bash others for stating their opinion..especially MsA...wetin happen, make una free this woman now if u re a single mum and she doesn't like it jump and pass her comment plz..let her speak her mind..she cant be licking una feet, una dey feed her?its really annoying abeg lets all be matured..thanks.


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