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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thursday Spontaneous Post - Welcome AUGUST!!!

#newmonth #august #monthofoverflow #monatedasalleswaswitctigkommtunsonnst #monthofbreakthrough #monthofnewbeginning #thursday #allthingsbrightandbeautiful #blessedLord #kingofkngs #waymaker #miracleworker #promisekeeper #lightinalldarkness #augustcamewithanewmotivation #augustcamewithstrengthforyou #augustcameblessed

Dont worry about yesterday or last month.......

Today is a new day,so renew your mind this Morning..
Be positive and start afresh
Good Morning and have a great day ahead.......
Kisses to everyone!!!

PS -I will not be stating this everyday but there will be dedicated posts meant for BBNaija comments so save them and stop littering all the posts with comments from the big brother show...A dedicated post will be coming up right after spontaneous post....Thank you.


  1. Beloved😘, here comes the best month among the rest

    In this new month of August...

    We won't beg to survive

    We won't be jobless

    We will find peace

    We will find true love

    Money will meet money in our hands

    That which our hearts mostly desire will come to us

    Happy new month, it's my birth monthπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ

    August stars, gather here for a selfie

    *Larry was here*

    1. I am so grateful Lord, this year has turned out to be one best out of the many more beautiful years ahead for me. Sometimes we should never be afraid to walk away from unfavorable situations, walking away might just be the miracle you need. Lord I repeat it a million times am grateful cos I know the months and years to come na upward and forward, and better and the very very utmost best of my life. Happy new month BVS

    2. Lemme perch here..
      Hi bvs, please do advise me
      I got a commission on a job I did for someone last money... what can I venture in with 90k, I still have my job!! I’m looking at what I can sell online

    3. Happy birthday in advance to Stella and people born in August.we are so special.

    4. I rep August 13. Team Leo.

    5. Team leo. I rep August 13.
      AUGUST means Ask Until God Unveils Something Tangible.

  2. Good morning house and a happy new month to us all.

    1. Happy new month to everyone

      This month may all of our heart desires and everything good of life happen to us sooner than we expect amen....good health and grace shall follow us all through that our testimonies will never run out but continue to sound like a big lie when we say them AMEN

      in this month of AUGUST I decree and pray that blessings will HUG US all πŸ™πŸ½

  3. Up to you

    It’s up to you. Others can teach you, inspire you, push you forward, help you out, motivate you, encourage you, make introductions, connect you with resources. Yet in the end, you must do the work to create a fulfilling life.

    But that’s not a burden. It’s an opportunity. Because the fulfillment is in the doing, not in the having. Yes, you certainly want to reach your goals. But it’s not really because you want to possess whatever things or situations those goals entail. It’s because you want to be the one who makes it happen.

    So what do you do? How do you start with where you are right now and work your way to your highest vision of what life can be, prosperous and fulfilled?

    Here’s what you do. You do something for love. You do something, not to make money or to raise your position in life or to get more power. You do something to make a difference for a person or a thing or an organization or an idea that you care about. You do it because you know it is the right thing to do.

    Acting out of need keeps you weak. Acting out of love strengthens you.

    There are plenty of challenges in life, plenty of burdens and hardships. Life is not fair. Those who are powerful usually get more power. Those who are weak often suffer unjustly. You can do something about that. You can make a positive difference, for yourself and for others. No, you’re not going to solve all the world’s problems, not going to right all the injustice and abuse. Yet you can help at least one person, probably a few more, and maybe even a whole lot of folks. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do so. You don’t have to have a lot of money or fame. You just have to care, and to do something about what you care about. And you can do that. It comes naturally when you let it.

    So many people these days seem to be wishing, hoping, demanding that other people solve their problems. But it’s an expectation that’s just not going to get them anywhere worthwhile. If you’re ever tempted to adopt that as your expectation, let it go. Let it go, and replace it with the power of responsibility.

    Sure, life is unfair. Sure, it’s difficult to take responsibility for circumstances that are not your fault, not of your own making. But as unfair and difficult as it may be, responsibility is the best course. Because responsibility gives you power over your own life. Responsibility enables you to create value out of any situation.

    1. All this one na story.
      How many ppl do what they love to make money at the end? Are u in this country at all? Leave plenty talk jare

    2. Thank you Niklaus for this reminder.

    3. Nice one Niklaus.


    "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And THEY SHALL TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim 4:2-4).

    "Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, SO DO THESE ALSO RESIST THE TRUTH: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith" (2 Tim 3:8).

    "This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits" (Isaiah 30:9,10).

    Today, we can CLAIM the good promises from the Old Testament, but reject the instructions of righteousness of the Old Testament. Yet Jesus' sacrifice only abolished ceremonial laws of Old Testament, but His grace upholds and enables us fulfill the moral laws of it, as we believe. Jesus says, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil" (Matt 5:17).

    We select the convenient TRUTHS to obey in the Scriptures and reject the not-so-convenient ones. Yet, "All scripture (Old and New Testaments) is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the (wo)man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
    (2 Tim 3:16,17).

    (1) My Father, deliver my life from negative prophecies, in Jesus name!
    (2) I refuse to be a candidate of negative prophecies, in Jesus Name!
    (3) Holy Ghost, break me down and remold me anew, in Jesus name!
    (4) Arrows of end time rebellion against the truth of God's word, die, in Jesus name.
    (5) Dear Lord, have mercy on me, in Jesus name.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    Happy New Month.

  5. Happy new day,happy new month. Good morning.

  6. Happy new month All, July dragged for so long it felt like 52 days wrapped in one month but we thank God for life. May August be better and good to us.

    Also, I had no idea that Glo had a love-hate relationship with the blog. I started using it on Saturday and couldn’t access the blog at all, I had to go back to Airtel this morning. Wondering if data can be transferred to someone else because I have 45GB on my Glo.

    1. Doppel it can be transferred, Oya dial *777# and request for my no.

    2. Hello @Doppelganger;kindly Go to your playstore and download "Touch VPN" OR "Betternet VPN" then open the app and switch to another country like "Canada" etc,then MINIMIZE THE APP so it can be running at the background..

      Open any browser of your choice and you can easily access the blog with GLO..
      You can download "PUFFIN" Browser or "OPERAMINI" or "MICROSOFT EDGE WEB"..

      Hope this helps..


    3. By the way, There are other ways to bypass glo and be able to open the blog, download puffin browser and you can browse SDK with no hassle. I use glo too, forget my first comment , I was joking

    4. Thank you Martins and Zamani, I will try these options.

    5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww see giveaway ooooo. I wish I am using GLO, I for apply asap

    6. Blessed princess, go and meet that lady for giveaway, the lady you adviced to pin her ex baby on her husband... she should reward you, wickedness.

    7. Hehehehehe @09:52 wetin I do na? The did has been done already. So she can use one stone and kill two birds meaning she can save her husband lineage with the child if her husband is truly impotent. Anyways I am sorry if I am wrong.

    8. I had same ish but thanks to Martins who have been advising others with same ish about Puffins browser and voila here I am!

  7. Never let negative words end in the mouth of people who said it to you. When you keep quiet it means you agree with the negative words
    When satan spoke to Jesus to turn stone into bread,Jesus spoke back it continued until it ended in the mouth of Jesus.

    1. My dear very true but still I find myself ignoring
      The one word I hate so much is "my wife".
      Thank God I no longer hear that wordπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„.
      That is one word I Do not keep mute to..

  8. Happy New month Darlings.
    August will be beautiful and memorableπŸ’ƒ

  9. Good morning everyone here..

    Up and grateful to God for life..

    Happy New Month Everyone πŸ’•πŸ’˜πŸ’•πŸ’”πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’“πŸ’šπŸ’ŸπŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’›

    Action Month..Yes ooooo it is a Month of Exploits for all of us...

    New Month
    New Grace
    New blessings
    New favour

    God"s blessings all the way...

  10. I watched THE GHOST AND THE TOUT yesterday, a film by Toyin Abraham and it was surprisingly hilarious.... Totally enjoyed it but they need to stop packing celebs in their movies biko

    Watching ISOKEN again tonight.....

    Hey guys!!!

    1. I feel for the up and coming Nollywood actors oh
      The known ones are now doing waka pass,in their mind they will call it cameos.
      Same thing as Ojukokoro the movie, so many known faces, even the ones that acted just one scene.

    2. Isoken is very interesting, I love the movie, but for the ghost and the tout it looks kind of dry and boring to me

    3. @Sapio, alot of one scenes with lotta actors ooh!! I really feel they should give others a chance

      @Pretty and Dolphin, i really enjoyed it ooh, i laughed, cried at some point(when the ghost came to see his fiance), i also felt Toyin overacted at some point sha but i give it 5/10 in general........ ALAKADA is the worst movie everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


  11. My fiance has been acting funny since last week. We've been trying to get pregnant since June this year and i still see my periods.. angel isn't it too early to start panicking? He is saying no pregnancy no marriage. I plan to go see a gyneacologist today.

    1. Fear these kinds of spouses abeg

    2. Conditional spouse, conditional love.

    3. After you’ve seen the gynecologist, consult your psychiatrist.

    4. please don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself, you will be fine

    5. sluttychic that's savage
      anon our case is similar too mine is a month though, i saw my period too and I'm quite worried too though i know i am fertile cos i had an abortion last year

    6. Chai!...slutty.I like you for this.Nonsense desperado!...Till you become a baby mama,your eyes will clear.I hope he will see a gynae too or you are the only one that can have fertility issue.Girls why????

    7. Lol... Slutty please its early and I am feeling cold here. Anonymous, that isn't love. He needed you maybe just to give him children. Are you even that desperate?

    8. After seeing the gynecologist and everything is okay, quietly break up with him..

    9. See you see a v sad marriage. I pity for u

    10. What manner of human is that?
      You want to marry someone giving you conditions?

    11. My dear, he is your fiance right? Then y are you trying to get pregnant, you see all this corner corner, sister e no dey pay. You can not built a house on a bad foundation and expect it to stand firm. You are not married but you are trying for a baby, he is already acting funny now and I guess in your head if u were pregnant it would be different. No dey play calo calo with your life. You don't know that man, better thank ya God say you no see d belle, fold ur arms and watch him

    12. Yaba left escapee1 August 2019 at 08:52

      Girls reducing themselves to a material possession that requires testing before purchase, even an oven for cake is not tested before purchase, its only loved, admired and trusted.

    13. What if you born one and you no come born again or you loose it after marriage ( we dont pray for such tho) He will treat you as a piece of rag,then impregnant other girls. Its obvious he wants only kids
      not you.Open your eyes before the river will drown you.Jua kwa ajuju oo

    14. As you are going for tests, let your fiance also do fertility tests. By now, you should know it's not only women that have fertility problem, did you read that Chronicle of a few days back?
      Also, be aware that if you get pregnant and get married and anything happens to the pregnancy after marriage or you have a stillbirth, the marriage will become a living hell for you, I have seen this one with my korokoro eyes. The love is based on pregnancy and childbirth, so no child, no love. Have that at the back of your mind as you are putting yourself in bondage because of money. Yes, money, if the guy and his family were broke, you won't comply.

    15. That guy will leave you if anything happens to your pregnancy after marriage, then you will become a second-hand.

    16. Some girls can become very dumb when they hear marriage, abroad and money.
      Hope you will be brave enough to bring your Chronicles here for us to read.

    17. just the way my bf is trying to impregnant me,after sex last night he release inside me and stay on me for close to 7minutes was just looking at him with side eye immedaitely he left my side i qiutely swallowed postinor2.I am in the process of building my life dont need anybody to put my life on a stand still. Desperate men everywer

    18. What strikes me poster anon is, not ur ‘inability’ to get pregnant but you already settling for such conditional love. I do not know you, but u do not deserve to spend the rest of your life with someone whose love is so conditional. Trust me travails are a necessary part of life. What worries me is in those travails where will he be then? With you? Or leaving you to walk alone?.I hope you revonsider this grave decision you will make anon poster. I pray you make the right decision. My cousin has been married to his wife for years now and they have no child. They have had a miscarriage and a stillborn, but one thing remains that is so glaring, its his love for her, the way he shields and protects her. The way he looks at her.The way he keeps repeating ‘us’ in their marriage.The way their situation is always about both of them not just his wife. It stirs so much within me, and I realise this is how it should be. That is why even with so many negative stories out there I know there are still marriages that are working. How can you then settle for such conditional love? How can?? You are chasing solutions alone when it takes 2 to make a baby. Poster u have touched me this morn. I hope you make a decision of going for the life u so deserve. I hope u do not settle. I will be praying for you. Goodluck!

    19. Height of low self esteem

    20. 9:39.
      You are a big mumu oh.
      That postinor2 can destroy your future chances of child birth, you lie there like a wood wen hes pouring inside you, do u have sense at all? Cant you women talk? Youre here calling him desperate, ure also desperate to keep that rubbish relationship.


    21. My dear sisters let me tell you my story.
      When we were planning to marry, my hubby told me that his mum told him to get me pregnant before marriage. He is the first son of his father. He told me that he called her bluff and told her he is not marrying me because of children alone, he loves me and needs me by his side forever that is why he is marrying me.
      As a woman, I was concerned, I bought fertility boosters and kept having it with him raw. Nothing happened for six months.
      I was scared.
      Then came the wedding. You know what?
      I missed my period the following month and this was less than a month after my marriage. I had my baby exactly nine months after marriage. People were whispering that I was already pregnant before marriage, my mum told them to calculate the months.
      To my main point, it's been almost seven years now since I had my baby, another one is not forthcoming and my husband is not bothered. If any of his relative mentions it, he will ask them if they sell Children, he will tell them that he needs money and not more kids.
      Our child is a girl.

      Now, both families are just looking at us, no one is saying anything anymore. I'm worried as a woman but I still hope and believe that God will give us money and another child before it is too late.
      So my dear, imagine if my husband was a mummy's boy or the typical African man.
      Pls ladies, marry a man that loves you for you and not because of any other thing that he can gain from you.

    22. Na wah o!
      visiting gynecologist because of a boyfriend . Who is supposed to be saying "let's wait till after marriage" if not for him. He should go and impregnate another woman nau. Shine your eyes poster.

    23. 9:56 lol i thought i was the only one that noticed. 9:39 too is giving advise. I have learnt to take advise from people with a pinch of salt.
      8:05 I have nothing to say to you because I know you will ignore every thing everyone else has said so good luck

    24. Awwww.courage.I love this. God will soon put a smile on your face.Relax!.God got u

    25. for your life. I wish someone advised me fiance wanted me to get pregnant before wedding, we both went to see a gynea, luckly i got pregnany, the guy denied it (men are unbelieveable), fast forward i gave birth to a bouncing baby girl that looks exaclty like him, then he came begging, wanted to go on with the marriage plans, i refused and kicked him out. The guy gave me a condition if i dont marry him he wont take care of his hell with the idiot. Im a happy single mum. My 10months old gives me sooo much joy. Very smart beautiful baby, shes always happy, hardly cries.

    26. Bv Courage I love reading your marriage stories. May God open doors for you and your husband.
      I pray the girls who read all these replies will recieve sense

    27. Anon 9:39
      Do after all what people have been saying here since two days ago about the dangers of POSTINOR, you are still taking it?
      Why do you want to destroy your womb because of a boyfriend?

    28. Anon 9:39
      So after all what people have been saying here since two days ago about the dangers of POSTINOR, you are still taking it?
      Why do you want to destroy your womb because of a boyfriend?

    29. @teejay πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Anon 8:35 don’t mind her.
      @kamikaze πŸ‘‹πŸΏ
      Anon 11:59 I like you ✌🏿
      The nonsense I have chewed and swallowed in this life eh, at this point, I’ll never lower my standards for any man.
      No matter how much you try to be good to these men, they fuck you up.
      It’s all about me and if you can’t stand it, walk πŸ™„

    30. Anon 10:33
      We might just be wasting our time advising these girls. Look at that one that took Postinor yesterday advising the poster. Imagine! So the poster should also take Postinor or what? Postinor that we have been reading about here since two days ago. From Tuesday SP to rant post to yesterday's SP. This aunty is still taking it. We just waste our time advising these girls

    31. 11:59
      If we advised you back then, would you have listened?
      We have been saying it here on this blog for years now that no lady should accept that condition of getting pregnant before marriage or are you a new bv? Akuko

    32. My previous comment couldn't go through cuz of power failure.But dear Anon...Ask yourself if this is what true selfless love is all about.....WILL HE STAND BY U IN CASES WHERE U ARE TTCing, JOBLESS, BROKE, GOING THROUGH MENTAL DISORDER ,SICK,BARREN , etc...
      Is this how u want to make your bed? Are you sure he will follow through with the marriage plans once u take in?
      Are u close to Menopause n feel this is the golden chance to make conception happen?
      Are you financially capable of training a child/children alone without a man's help? Do the right time to avoid regretful chronciles in future....BEST OF LUCK....

  12. I think something is wrong with my Heart, if someone is sitting beside me they can hear my heart beat. My lecturer asked me if I'm okay yesterday cos my heart is pumping at a very high rate though i don't feel any pain or fatigue but people have been saying it.

    1. Go see a cardiologist in any teaching or general hospital.
      You will need to do an ecg or echocardiogram.
      What is your blood pressure?
      Do not take this lightly please.

    2. Abeg go to hospital...
      Abi na Cele drum you carry for mind?

    3. Please, go see a Cardiologist. The teaching hospital of your University should have a Cardiologist

    4. Can you hear it too?
      Sure it is not your breathing?..does it occur when you are around people( anxiety related)..
      You can check your blood pressure this morning and know your pulse rate.
      Ensure you go to the hospital, so they can do ECG for you
      Its palpitations.Heart issues cant be taking lightly.hope you ain't over weight too

    5. Go see your doctor to ensure all is good

  13. I am not a fan of BBN, the reason I don't comment or even open a post of it, and I would never criticize those who are. Just like you said, comments about it should be dropped in the right post. Not everyone of us feel entertained with stories coming from it.

    1. So that’s ur headache in this new month...
      u too talk sha yen yen yen yen Mtcheew

    2. All I can say to you right now is__ Nawaaa!!!, Na real waaa!! SMH

  14. Grateful Thursday.
    I'm super thankful for all of it.
    The highs, the lows, the blessings, the lessons, the setbacks, the love, everything.
    I am incredibly grateful for this special day in my life, thank you lord for blessing me much more than I deserve πŸ™πŸΏ
    Happy new month!
    God bless you!

  15. Its my birth month πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  16. Goodmorning all.
    My daughter is having extra teeth at the front,we noticed it last week,
    We will be seeing the dentist today.
    I googled it and google said it was hereditary but we have no trace in both families.
    I want if off asap..
    Pls who has experienced such.

    Wisdom teeth they say it is...πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    She will be 6 next month and has not had any temporary teeth off..
    I thought by now all her teeth will be off but for where.

    I will truly need the advice,it's been on my mind for days now.

    1. Hello Tenth,see a dentist. My niece had it when she was 7years,but it was removed... Just go see a dentist dentist and I'm sure,he will know what to do. All the best

    2. Once the teeth comes on fully, the temporary tooth will come off, that is how some kids loose their temporary teeth.
      For some kids, the temporary teeth had to come off completely before new ones can grow.
      When you visit your dentist, you will be given the option of removing the temporary tooth that is behind the new one or you just wait for it to come off on its own.
      Good morning bvs

    3. That's not a problem. My son developed two extra teeth behind. I googled it and they said it's happens in some children. The first temporary teeth fell and the one behind came forward andreplaced it in it's position. Last month the second one fell and same thing happened. You won't even know that any of his teeth fell

    4. so relieved reading these responses.
      Thank u all.
      I am at the hospital now...
      August 20 my baby will be six.
      Baba na you Biko

    5. lol...just saw my dentist yesterday cos of my 4+ girl. she has 3 extra teeth in the lower front row. the front ones have fallen off remaining the back row...the dentist say they will align with the rest of the teeth as she grows older. even if it doesnt align properly she would wear braces to do it...nothing to worry about

  17. Hello August, be good to us all, you hear?

    Lord thank you for your new mercies and graciousness.

    Blessed day to everyone 😘

  18. Good morning beevees. Please is it possible to transfer movies from Netflix on my phone to someone else? How do I do it? Please reply if you know how. Thanks

  19. Happy new month everyone, may this new month bring more blessings to us Amen

  20. Happy new month my people, is Shea butter and coconut oil good for a dark skin lady, I need cream that will make my skin glow.

  21. Good morning all. Happy new month.

  22. please how do they sell waist trainer. I saw 1800 on jumia. do we have seller here. thanks

  23. Good morning all. Happy new month.

  24. Good morning,happy New month.i got the Data. Thanks steΔΊla God bless you.

  25. Happy New Month.
    May Fortune favour me.

  26. Good morning and Happy new month Fam.
    Please what eye drop can one use to brighten the eyes or any natural remedy for it? My eyes are always red I don't know why and I have bulky eyes which is so obvious.. It just looks as if I smoke which I don't..
    Please someone should recommend a good eye drop to clear the redness or a natural remedy for it please.

    1. Definitely not bulky eyes. So you mean you would take an eye drop prescription from here? See you see blindness. God forbid on your behalf.

    2. Visine eye drop will clear the redness

  27. Single lady at 38yrs1 August 2019 at 08:49

    Wonderful month, welcome. Favor me in Jesus name, Amen.

  28. God bless us all in this new month.may we all find a reason to rejoice in Jesus mighty name

  29. It's getting closer.. πŸ™ˆπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    Happy New Month, Queens & Kings.

    1. Latest bride on the way
      Make way πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊

    4. Sound the alarm!! πŸ“£πŸ“£πŸ“£πŸ“£πŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠπŸ”Š

      Hi, Megan. 😚😚😚

    5. Congrats dearieeeee...God bless u both...a 100 kids to u both!πŸ˜‚

    6. I want an invite. I can almost picture you on that day. Congratulations in advance dear,

    7. Let the countdown begin.
      Congrats Perxian πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆπŸΎ

    8. Gosh! Love y'all. Thank you, sweethearts. ❤❤❤
      I see you Kiks. πŸ˜„

      14:09:19, Save the date.

  30. I made a video of my business with vivavideo editing app and it wasn't clear after exporting the video. I was told to pay for HD upload.

    I just wanna ask if it is safe to do that since I was supposed to provide some of my debit card infos...

    O yeah!! Happy new month everybody!!! May that month of August favourite each and every one of us, Amen!

    1. Try another app
      There's one called lomotif
      Check Google play store

    2. Try one of these apps
      Adobe premier rush
      Adobe spark post
      Inshot editor

  31. Good morning and happy new month Stella and Bvs. All our expectations this month will not be cut short.

  32. Happy new month good people πŸ‘«. May we always have good reasons to be thankful.

    I'm filled with gratitude. Thank you πŸ™‡ , my Lord.

  33. Happy new month bvs. Our month of rejoicing.

  34. Happy new month my people,may this month favour us beyond our expectations. It's my birth month,#LeoQueen #August11.. I'm so happyπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

  35. Wow! Pretty girlie, we share the same date and month with sdk herself.We thank God for this month because it's gonna be the best yet. Happy new month guys

  36. Dear August, you will work for me, you will work for my friends, family and blog family, do not forget that you are my month of delivery... Happy New Month my people

  37. I am starting work today!!! When i feel down during my unemployment days, sdk blog always cheered me up. I always found a reason to be grateful. May God settle each and everyone of us this month.

  38. Good morning everyone... How una dey

    The following BVs Should please forward their account numbers to me and also with PROOF that you made the comments in the rant post as someone wants bless you.

    BV Courage
    BV Protege
    BV Ogadinma
    BV Mummy J
    BV Nwaribeaku

    BV Ennie, look out for alert.

    ...Happy New Month Everyone

  39. #monatedasalleswaswitctigkommtunsonnst

    monate dass alles was wichtig kommt und sonst
    A month that everything comes important and otherwise. It is August. Yes. Yes. Yes.
    Happy new month Mrs Korkus and all blog visitors.

    #hashtag readers.πŸ˜…πŸ˜˜

  40. Congratulation 09:45. I pray it brings you more open doors

  41. Pretty girlie you're Stella's birthday mate

    *Larry was here*

  42. Good morning BVs, please my 14months baby just started sucking his lower lips(becoming a habit). How do I stop it? Has anyone been in this situation before? Your advice please


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