Stella Dimoko Giving Your Tithe To The Pastor Or To The Beggar.....


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Monday, November 25, 2019

Giving Your Tithe To The Pastor Or To The Beggar.....

Lets discuss something bugging my mind concerning what to do with our tithes..........

So,let me ask this question.............

Would it make God happier if you give your tithes to the Pastor who has enough or to the poor person who has nothing..........?

Which of these moves will make God happier?.


  1. take it to the storehouse,church...tithe is different from alms or welfare offering

    1. @13:03
      It now in the NT, a spiritual house, not a physical structure;
      1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual
      house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

      Study your Scriptures and not the lies those pastors feed you with.

    2. Matthew 25:…39When did we see You sick or in prison and visit You?’ 40And
      the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’

    3. For those quoting Malachi 3, that place God was talking to the Levites and the Priests and not the Isrealites. Read malachi 2 to understand the Genesis of God's anger concerning the Levites. It's the duty of the Levites to pay tithe to the priests, which they stopped doing because they became greedy which made the priests to become hungry. The Israelite never pay tithe to the priests. They pay it to the Levites, stranger, less priviledged etc, The Levites now pay to the priest as instructed by God. So all these saying pay to church, you are not obeying God's command but your pastors command. Bible quotes Numbers 18: 20-32. Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Deuteronomy 26:11-19, These will clear your doubt.

    4. @Chidimma
      You probably wrote just what the pastors told you. God was talking to the whole nation of Israel, look at it;

      Malachi 3:9 You are under a curse--YOUR WHOLE NATION--because you are robbing me.

      That whole nation is now in the NT -the HOLY NATION 1 Peter 2:5-9 -a spiritual house
      like I quoted above.
      Do well to search the Scriptures more for yourself and do not just rely on what the pastors are telling you.

    5. Anonymous 13:03, God bless you. Stella, you either dont know or you just want others to know, Alms giving to beggars and needy is good but it is different from giving to God as commanded by God.

      Even when the Israelites were in the wilderness, God demanded offering from them and it was right there he commanded them to pay tithe even before entering the promised land.

      Apostle Paul told the Corinthians to give to the storehouse in the proportion of how God blessed them, this is a form of tithe. 1 Cor 16:2.

      So, dont mislead people with giving to the needy and God. By the way, how many Pastors are really rich? We have more poor Pastors than the rich ones. Please dont mislead people

    6. Nothing is this World is sure for certain! The Bible was a collection of men writing of events. U were not there, I was not there, blv works like miracle. For what ever u put ur trust and blf in, begins to work for u!
      If using it for d poor is what suits ur heart, pls do so, if dashing pastor mks u feel better, also do same.

    7. @15:48
      I see you set out to question the authenticity of the Bible?
      That is not the discourse here but on tithing.
      If you do not believe in the authenticity of the bible as God's word,
      you should have no business with this discussion.
      That something "works" does not make it right, does it?
      If one sniffs coke, it works to make one high, that does not make it right okay?
      People do money rituals and get money, it doesn't make it right okay?

    8. Stella. I assume you mean that if you have money to pay your tithe and someone else genuinely needs money what should you do? By all means give the needy without announcing it to anyone. Also dont look forward to a thank you. Just do it and move on. That way you have given to God. In any situation ask yourself what will make God happy?

  2. For me, I did rather give my tithe to someone who's in dire need. Most pastors have more than enough. I no fit dey pour water for cup wey don full...

    1. God didn't say u should take money to d store house but food

    2. Abortionist thank you. Gbam! Gbamm! Gbammest!!

  3. I'd rather give to the poor! It gives me joy seeing me put a smile on someone's face

    1. When did you start caring about the poor shooter?you that insults people that cannot afford "expensive" stuff and broke people.

  4. The ways of God are not the ways of man. The scripture says I should bring my tithes into the storehouse. God's storehouse I know is the Church. That doesn't mean that I don't give to charity. I do but not my tithe. My tithe belongs to the church. It is not my business what the Pastor does with my tithe. He will one day answer to God. I do my part and move on. Tithe is non negotiable for me. It has opened the Storehouse of heaven for me and keeps moving me from Glory to Glory.

    1. Thank you for this comment. This shouldn't be debated at all. Your tithe is different from alms giving. Give to God what is God's and ceasar what is ceaser's...

    2. He didn't say u should give b pastor but d levites. The is no provision for tithe paying in Christianity. It's Jewish

    3. The same scripture said the greatest commandment of all is to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
      Jesus Christ himself said that. Not an apostle or disciple.
      If I have my tithe and I see a poor man, even ifbive already given alms, I'm so helping my brother/sister.
      Cos he or she is the christ I see, likewise I am the Christ that they see.
      Now, if they see me as Christ on earth, will christ give tithe and watch a man die or suffer ? Nope.
      Nope nope.

    4. Most people give tithe because of the gains they were told they would get from it. If there was no gain attached to giving tithes, believe me, it wouldn't be that big a topic today.
      This goes to buttress the fact that most people are just selfish.
      They rather give tithe and gain riches (according to their pastor) than give a riff raff who wouldn't even acknowledge

    5. How is it not your business what the pastor does with it. Do any of you ask for the spirit of discernment when reading your bible at all? Nigeria needs to be washed away seriously. This foolish mentality is what has kept yall enslaved and will keep yall enslaved for the rest of your days. Tueh.

    6. True..i have people around me family, friends and acquaintances who are struggling. I dont give money to church. I help at every opportunity. God is not complex. He is looking at your heart. Try by all means to live a life Christ like.

  5. bring your tithes to the store house

    1. Store house can be charity homes , Church , home for the elderly or any organizations for the needy Etc

    2. If that's it, anon 13:28, then storehouse is my parlour. Right?
      Well, until the Bible or the Holy Spirit explains it to me PERSONALLY, in a different way, the the storehouse is the church. My tithe is for Gods church. I'm not interested in what the pastor does with it.

  6. Tithe is not about giving your 10% to a pastor. Please let's read the word of God. Tithe has several dimensions to it.
    It also instills discipline and trust in the Almighty provider. It helps you put greed and covetousness in check. He also rebuke's the devourer. Do not rub God, the word of God is ye and Amen and nothing will ever change that.
    I don't tithe out of compulsion but love, trust and faith in God. I worship Him with my tithe and I operate on heaven's finances, not the earthly economic system.
    To each their own, let us maintain God's word as the standard, above all, ask Him to give you grace to believe his financial principles.
    Thank you all and God bless.

    1. We live by grace so d curse of the law was destroyed by Jesus. Whether you pay your tithe or not u will be blessed. After all d tithes uve been dashing ur pastor u r not still richer than Dangote or bill gates who r not Christians. This is because God's blessing is sufficient for all

    2. There is no such thing as 'tithing without compulsion'.You'pay' 10% whether it is convenient or not, now that makes it a neccessity, and not obligatory.I am yet to read in the NT, where Christians were instructed by the apostles to' tithe, rather they were encouraged to 'give' not out of neccessity, but willingly and according to what they purpose in their hearts( not 5%, not, 10%,not 20%). However having said that, we should treat our offering or alms- giving as a service to God and must never make it about what we can get from Him when we give.

  7. I've followed my conscience after so much thought on what Jesus said that ''if you do this to the least of your brothers, you've done it to me''
    I've been giving my 10% and more to who needs it and I'm at peace with my conscience cos ''His word also says that if our conscience does not condemn us, we are at peace with God''.

    I've been asking myself how it feels taking my tithe to church that won't give an account of how the money is being spent or used when there are so many people around me in need.

    I may not have much but from the one God has blessed me with, I'm giving to who I know needs it. At all, at all, ne em bad pass.

    God forgive me if I'm wrong.

    1. So the people around you that are "in need" do they come to give account of how the money is being spent or used?

    2. How can you be obeying the greatest commandment of all LOVE, and still think you're wrong.
      I weep

    3. Na u get heaven cos tithe won't guarantee heaven but showing love will. Which is wat Christianity is all about

    4. Swag, Yes. I actually chose a person and it has been good.

      Last, last, na individual race jare.

    5. Very right!!! If we are to follow the bible, remember the bible says our body are his temple and we should keep it holy, I can as well eat my tithes since I'm a temple and its Gods house. Even that same bible say whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me.

      Temple isn't just a building, temple is you and me, Gods temple is that person in need. I wonder why pastor get mad when someone talks about tithes, but are laid back when they molest and commit all sorts using touch not my anointed phrase.

      One thing is for sure judgement day will be lit, I just pray we dont all look back and wish we did things differently.

    6. Hmmmmm *swagu* (In Cynthia's voice)

      Meanwhile try *Swaggie* Cynthia. The other one sounds somehow

      Your way of giving back however is absolutely awesome in my own opinion Cynthia

    7. What you are doing is giving to charity and not tithing.

  8. Whatever makes you sleep well at night.

    But me i drop my tithe at the alter, i don't reason given it to my pastor I'm just doing what the Bible says I should do.. Pay my tithe.. Now I have a pastor who I'm 100% certain is called by God and is guided on what to do with givings as regards tithes and offerings and I know he follows the scriptures to the last letter that's why God is still using him mightly.

    The alter you pay your tithe matters too.. Is God there that's the question you should ask yourself..

    I'm at peace with where I pay my tithe.

  9. Since we have lots of strange stories about people's organs missing after giving to beggars and co, Stella please also throw open the issue of zakat in the Muslim faith, whatever Ifa worshippers give let's discuss that too. Let's also debate that. This tithe or no tithe story is worn out. Freeze has extensively dealt with it.

    1. Ok! Zakat is among the 5 pillars of Islam so it is a religious obligation and it applies to ANY Muslim who meets the criteria for wealth. That criteria is measured with NISAB.
      That NISAB is (87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of look silver) not literarilly having the gold or silver but any wealth that the total amount reaches the gold or silver be it money, shop, farm (any frm of farming) etc. Just any form of wealth. So nisab simply means the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must possess before they become eligible to pay Zakat.
      If you are eligible then the amount of Zakat to be paid must be calculated on the value of his wealth/assets at the end of the (lunar year) 2.5 percent of your total wealth is the zakat you MUST give so individully what mr A will be giving as zakat will not be what Mr B will give. Also zakat is different from tithe in form of recepients because it can only be paid to specific beneficiaries and projects. The Qur'an mentions eight groups of people on who Zakat should be spent:
      1-the poor
      2-the needy
      3-zakat collector
      4-poor and needy who recently converted to Islam
      5-slaves (Zakat can be used to purchase their freedom)
      6 A stranded traveller in need of financial assistance.
      7 A debtor(to pay off his debts)
      8those who are away from home in the path of Allah.
      I hope I make sense small! God! I don't think teaching can ever be my profession.

    2. Well done Ummie 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  10. stop fooling yourself. tithe is meant to be given to God. and if you give to God you do it through the man of God to help build his kingdom i.e activities that will help preach about salvation and get people saved. if your pastor chops the money that is between him and God. God knows you have given to further his work and will bless you to the poor is not the same as tithe. giving to the poor is helping your brother in need which God expects every christian to do as taking care of your fellow human is also loving God cos we are all made in his image...if you dont want to pay tithe that is your prerogative and between you and God. any true christian knows that you must give on this journey. giving to the church and to your fellow human being is a must. if you do not trust your pastor then prayerfully consider where to sow your seed but i believe from my experience and others you cannot be a truly spirit filled christian and not give to work of the gospel (call it tithe or whatever) or give to others in need

    1. God bless you!!! I usually don't like getting involved in this tithe debate.... The Bible is clear on it!!

      Giving to those in need is ALMS GIVING and not TITHE....

    2. I do not think tithing is bad. It’s the jets and stuff the pastors buy that bothers me. Anyway to each his own.

  11. It's erroneous to even think alms giving and tithes are thesame thing. The Bible clearly states where you should take the tithes to.tithes doesn't enrich the pastor as you think.its for the running of church which includes paying church staff salary and welfare.

    1. It amazes me how Christians try to tweak the Bible to suit them. Admittedly, we all read and understand differently, but some things shouldn’t be topic for discussion.

      Look at devil worshippers and the Muslims. The Satanic bible, or Thelema says this, there’s no argument. The Quran says that, they follow to the letter. There is no talk of Old Testament said this and New Testament did not say that. They just obey! With fear and trembling sef.

      Satanists are mandated to pay tithes and huge sums of monies to further their work and they give, no questions asked. Don’t give? Expect to be punished terribly. Why do you think the world is run by them and how do you think they have so much money? It’s because they give!

      But common tithe is what Christians are forming smart and over sabi over; contesting the Bible. God said to do something, why not do it? His ways are not our ways. Just obey.

      God doesn’t need our money but He knows the power of money and wants the Church to have it. The devil who copies God in everything, understands this concept too. That’s why he’s sowing seeds of dissension in the Church on this issue. And we are playing into his hand.

      And so what that you tithe to the Church? How’s that bad? Should your money not be used to further the work of God? Surely there are blessings attached to giving. And last I checked, God is a rewarder. He sees your heart that you’re giving to Him and His work. If one Pastor decides to spend the money stupidly, that’s between him and God. He’ll be rewarded accordingly too!

      Let’s stop this rubbish argument about tithing. It’s embarrassing. Las las we’ll know what’s right and wrong one day. Just don’t subject the Church and God to open shame and disgrace.

    2. You’ve said it all. Tithing is even the least in the hierarchy of giving and they are arguing. What about sowing seeds and sacrificial giving..

  12. Straight to the beggar (stranger);
    Deut. 14:28At the end of three years thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates: 29And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the STRANGER, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come,
    and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest.
    See also Deut. 26:12-15, Matt. 23:23, 25: 31-46, Acts 6:1-6, 1 Tim. 5:2-9

    1. these are the people I give my tithes;
      1. Levites -Anybody that preaches the gospel as his only source of livelihood -especially missionaries
      2. The strangers -Beggars/prisoners/
      3. Orphans/fatherless -Motherless babies homes
      4. Widows -Who are above 60 1 Timothy 5:9 or if a younger widow, build up her capital for business.
      😊😊😊😊😊😊Very happy and fulfilled doing that

    2. God bless you. All those shouting tithe is different from alms..shebi you have seen this. You're told you're the temple of the living God...Give exactly as these 2 commenters above me. That is the right thing. In heaven you will all be shaken when the Lord will remind you that you refused to give a poor person who didn't even have food to eat in the name of my tithe is meant for church. Stony hearted wicked hardened people. Same thing the Pharisees did...they refused to give to their parents rather telling the parents the gift was meant for the temple and Jesus condemned them. Give to the poor around you...its tithe. Read the above scriptures Deu 14:28, Matt 23:23, Acts 6:1-6 etc.

    3. Anon 13.15, God bless you for this truth!
      Here I was thinking and asking myself if I was the only one who had come across this portion of the Bible! I have come to understand that everyone preaches and interprets the Bible the way it best suits them. Even those who tithe to the church/pastor does it not out of love for God, or obedience to him but as some form of business transaction!

      As a matter of fact, even our entire Christianity and worship as Africans is it really an act of love for God or it's because we know we need Him. The environment we are in makes us really need a higher power. We need Him either to help us, to protect us, to defend us, provide for us, elevate us above our peers, solve our problems, to bless us, and many more.

      I am very certain that if most Africans had come to the world through 1st world countries, where the system works and the government is responsible, a lot of us would have been atheists.

      How many of us Africans really serve God purely out of love for Him...

  13. As the spirit leads.

    1. Which "spirit?"
      You even used small letter "s" which shows you aren't talking about
      the Spirit of God.
      Be careful. The Scriptures are there to guide you

    2. Judge calm down, I know u know better than I do.

      U didn't even respond to the subject matter but was busy looking for typographical errors to correct.

      its your type that go to church to edit messages and not listen to them.
      may the Lord help you.

      BTW. I was referring to the Holy Spirit, so thank you for correcting me.

  14. Tithe is the first 10% of your income that should be given to your local church. Even in the ancient times Old Testament, it was originally meant for the priests of the Lord. (Leviticus 27:30-32)

    Giving/Donation is profitable but not to be confused as tithe. Tithes go strictly to your church.

    1. Deuteronomy 26:When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled;

    2. @Perxian have seen Scriptures and run away?

    3. This is what to do when levites are not closeby.
      But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the LORD your God and cannot carry your tithe (because the place where the LORD will choose to put his Name is so far away),
      then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the LORD your God will choose.
      Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice.

    4. 14:58 Run away from what? Calm your titties, it's not a debate.

      14:38 The verse is the poor man's tithe in the OT, mostly crops and cattle are used and account for at the end of the third years to be shared amongst the people mentioned.

      Tithe as we know it is monetary.

    5. @Perxian
      What exactly are you reasoning with?
      Tithes as we know it today is monetary; really?
      You think everyone is a civil servant that earns salary?
      So if I give you a gift of ten cows, you do not know that it
      is worth at least a million Naira?
      Tithe is not by force, it is an obligation that you do or do not.
      You rob God or you don't okay?

    6. 16:03 Dont be silly. You can't sell your cows or you think the cows can't be turned to money? Did i mention salary?

      See tithe as you deem fit but don't come at me like that again.

  15. When you give to the poor, you give to God directly(heavenly reward). But when you give to a priest, you receive the reward(earthly reward) for giving to a priest. So which one is better, giving to God or man? The answer is giving to God. These are the bible quotes for it. Acts 10:1-4, proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 28:27, Matthew 10:42, Matthew 25:36-42.

  16. Abeg, can someone please tell me where Jesus Christ talked about TITHE in the Bible. Christianity is about following Christ. I just want to follow Christ. I have searched and have not found where Jesus Christ talked about Tithing. Maybe my Bible is not correct so can someone tell me where please

    1. Matt 23 vs 23

      "Woe to you, teachers of the law and pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices-mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law- justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practised the latter without *neglecting the former*

      NB "you should have practised the latter without neglecting the former- i.e tithe"

      Now Jesus why urging the teachers of to not only pay tithe but to be just , merciful and faithful.

      Some people are judicious in paying tithe but treat their househelp, relative, drivers, subordinate at work e.t.c like animals-you are a hypocrite.

    2. And the Apostles practiced it;
      Acts 6:1-6, 1 Timothy 5:2-12 as they learnt in Deut. 14:28

    3. Anon 16:05 where did the Apostles talk about "TITHE'in those passages you just wrote.
      Through out the New Testament what you will find is "Free giving" Did you even read the passages you wrote.

    4. @Engraced

      Read Matthew 23:23 Jesus spoke about tithe -"you should not neglect it"
      And what the apostles did was to practice it. They mustn't speak about it
      but practice it. For it is the doers of the word that are justified, not the hearers.

    5. @17:35
      Does your local church have "a list of widows" that they give food to daily?
      If not, you are paying your tithe in the wrong place.So do not complain when the
      blessings are not coming.

  17. I will give my tithe to a beggar or who is in need. Besides, tithes are for levites.

    1. That’s charity, not tithing. Tithing is the first 10% of your increase. It’s to be given at your local church. It’s not about money but in obedience to a command. Tithing is spiritual

  18. Well, I pay my tithe, but not always.
    Most of the time, I give it to the needy. It gives me so much joy and satisfaction to know my tiny help put a smile on someone’s face.
    I am a catholic but i go to other churches sometimes and the way some of these pastors behave is unbelievable.
    They preach what you want to hear, not of the lord’s.

  19. In the Bible, you'd find verses to support either giving it to the poor or to clergy.

    Before the birth of Christ, the practice if tithing had been for the clergy.

    Christ came with a humanistic touch: That is summarised in him telling Pharisees that the Sabbath was made for man...

    On the poor, remember that Christ said "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers(and sisters), that you do unto Me".

    What do I know? I am not God's PA

  20. Who can see the heart of God to know what make HIM "happier". But He has given a commandment on tithe according to Malachi 3:10 "Bring ye all tithe into the store house that there may be meat in my house". It is a COMMANDMENT from God that must be obeyed!
    God truly make HIS promises on tithe happen o. I'm a living witness. Lines keep falling in pleasant places for me. Thank you JESUS.

    1. And you are not still among the top richest people in this country. Even if dem count top ten thousand richest ur name no go still dey DE. God gave so many commandments under d dispensation of d law y na only this tithe own una pastors keep alive.

    2. @ abortionist, don't be deceived, wealth and riches is not in how much you have stacked up in your bank account.

      Do you know how many evil God has delivered this person from? How many devourers He has rebuked for his/ her sake?

      Some people have all the money but don't have the health to enjoy it, they have court cases and all sort they spend the money on.

  21. Like the Bible says, "bring your tithe into the storehouse" I give my tithe to the church not a pastor. My business is between me and God. Whatever the church uses it for is not my business.

    I give alms too and it's not part of my 10%.

    If you attend a church and the pastor says you should give your tithe directly to him/her, please change church.

  22. Personally, tithe is different from almsgiving. I pay my tithe to God and the church. I try to also help those who need help seprately. The book of malachi is explicit about tithing.
    Other persons may have different views tho

  23. The covenant blessings of tithe, i love it..." test me if i will not open the windows of Heaven and pour u blessing u'l not have enough room to contain..." and my favourite part "...and i'l rebuke devourer for your sake"

  24. Who can see the heart of God to know what make HIM "happier". But He has given a commandment on tithe according to Malachi 3:10 "Bring ye all tithe into the store house that there may be meat in my house". It is a COMMANDMENT from God that must be obeyed!
    God truly make HIS promises on tithe happen o. I'm a living witness. Lines keep falling in pleasant places for me. Thank you JESUS.
    Tithe is different from giving to the Needy.

  25. I will give it to a "genuine beggar"

    1. correct.

      Deuteronomy 26:12When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, THE STRANGER, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled;

  26. if giving tithe is a commandment from God then it doesn't matter if the pastor has enough as you wrote up there Stella

    secondly,following the new testament order tithing is more than just one tenth. The apostles asked the people to sell and bring all the proceeds made. Giving to the poor,supporting the work of God are also forms of tithing which if you look at is even more than one tenth

  27. The tithes should be dropped in the offering basket during service in a church you receive blessings from. Malachi 3:6-10. A times because of certain reasons as we are led by the Holy spirit one can share tithes among churches e.g I grew up in Cherubim and Seraphim Church, university because of distance or this was the available place of worship in campus NCCF. Now married and worship with my family Winner's chapel if I still have links with these other ministries or had made a vow unto God and am sure I can be faithful and consistent, I can share my tithes among these three ministries, otherwise since I now worship at Winners my all tithes should go to Winners. If at any time I remember how these other ministries have been a blessing to my life, I can give special offering or do sacrificial seed sowing.
    Pastors are God's store house as well especially if they have a ministry we can pay our tithes there, eg I don't live in Lagos and have never attended house on the rock but I've been tremendously blessed watching Experience online or on dstv if am in Nigeria,now December is my birth month, so personally I may decide to pay my tithes for December in Experience.
    Finally the Bible encouraged us to give to the needy but especially to those of the household of faith Galatians 6:10.
    Thanks for reading

  28. Nigerians claim to be so religious yet they are the most backward and brainwashed people I've ever met. It's just a pity.

  29. Well, from scriptures, tithe, which is a tenth of your earnings is meant to be paid to the house of God (church). It is actually a direct instruction and covenant that you can either choose to obey or not.

    Giving to the poor or needy is a completely different kind of offering that has its own blessings. One is not exclusive of the other. The tither/non tither should give to the poor, always.
    If you give a tenth of your income to the poor, it's no longer 'tithe'. It has become a benevolence offering.

    In all, God loves a cheerful giver. 2Cor9:7

  30. Pay tithe if you want to pay, don't pay if you don't want to, just stop trying to bully others into payment of tithes. God loves a contrite spirit.

  31. It's all depends on the situation. If the church is truly in dire need of financial assistance by all means give it to the church but if your neighbor or stranger comes to you looking for help by all means give it to him or her to solve the problem.

  32. Bring your tithes to the storehouse that there may be meat for my SERVANT.

    The tithe should be paid to the church and not to beggars or those in need.

    If you want to do charity, do so but not with your tithe.

    That you used your school fees to pay for hospital bills does not mean you can present the hospital receipt for clearance at the school bursary. The tuition fee is still unpaid.

    Tithe paying and charity are not the same and can never be exchanged for the other.

  33. Many pastors and their flock about to cry now.

    When God asked Abraham to bring Isaac (Gen 22), He named a specific mountain (Moriah). Meaning there were other mountains in existence. If Abraham had gone to where God didn't specify, he would have been on his own cos the ram was waiting at Moriah - although he didn't see it at first.

    I feel like assumptions and emotions are why people go paying money (from tithe, seed, sacrifice or whatever they want to call it) on what are effectively strange mountains or altars. Any money you put where God didn't send you, you're on your own. Some people are actually trying to buy God when they bring money to pastors.

    You don't release money God has entrusted you with cos someone is using Malachi 3:10 to threaten you & you're too ignorant to read the whole chapter for yourself. If not, you're just an irresponsible steward who will suffer unnecessary loss like Abraham would have if he had offered Isaac on the wrong mountain.

    Personally, I don't actually pay tithe cos I think of myself as someone who doesn't actually have money, but as a person who's holding assets in trust for God. Meaning 10% is not His, but 100%. The implication is that (and this has happened many times) He can ask me to release a specific amount or the whole of something I receive, to a particular place/person/cause and I will, cos my mindset is "The owner of the money said..." It's the way I don't expect my account manager to divert money from my account, just cos they can access my bank account.

    I've been in a situation where God told me to sow money that I wasn't expecting to a particular person in a church I don't attend, two weeks before the money came. When the person contacted me (four days after the money hit my account), they were very apprehensive cos it turned out a sudden need had arisen at the exact time I'd heard God talk about the money coming, and they wanted to explain. I was amused and said, "I don't need to hear any explanation. I've been waiting for you to reach out; take your money, abeg." If I took 10% of that money elsewhere first cos one pastor said whatever, I've not obeyed.

    Sometimes, I'm led AFTER I receive funds where to drop what. Usually, if I feel like giving money and I'm about to put it in a wrong place, I feel a check in my spirit that I've come to recognise. Knowing what I know now, it'll be difficult (if not completely impossible) for any pastor or prophet or person in need to bully or guilt me into giving them even a dime they were not earmarked to receive. Money belongs in specific places, so I don't understand (for instance) people that pay tithe/seed from school fees when it's a set amount. Seriously, o dikwa mma with you? I've heard God tell me once to liquidate 80% of my shares portfolio and drop the entire amount somewhere; turned out they had a need I didn't know about. Even with buying stuff, I ask to be led cos maybe a particular seller has been begging God for a specific amount and in a sense, I'm holding their money.

    Do I always want to give? NO. There have been times when even the "Thank you" the person says is paining me. But 1) it's a bit stupid to disobey the real owner of the money, yet expect Him to meet my own need(s) later. 2) I'm not always sure what I'm triggering or sealing in my own life whenever I give what/when/where He wants. And 3) I don't want to be the reason someone in need will accuse God of lying about promising to provide, cos they don't know what they were promised has already been sent. To prevent ihe rich man vs Lazarus story.

  34. It's not about what you feel or think, but obeying God's instructions.
    He said, We should bring our tithes to the store house (church). That should be enough.
    Why are we always arguing and justifying not doing this?
    Wether you think it's right or not, or there are people that needs it more or not, He said do it this way... it should be enough.

    Even if you think The Pastors are billionares and the poor need it more, why not make another allocation for the poor from your income, while you obey God and do what he said with the tithe.

    He didn't ask you to check, monitor and decide what and how the tithe should be spent. (IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS).
    If the Pastor misappropriates it, he has God to answer to, not you.

    Also, there are different offerings in the bible, one of which is alms. Don't mistake them.

    It battles me how people tend to make lots of argument when it comes to their money going to church, but when prayers are made, they quickly accept it without saying this is meant for the levites or the jews or it's an old testament thing.

    You might be giving to the church, but don't forget it's God you are giving it to. You are only dropping it where He asked you to.

  35. Some of you are ignorant and I weep for that (all brainwashed by some pastors).
    Ok let's take it like this; the Nigeria government said we should come out and vote for our preferred candidate/s on the day of election and leave the rest process to them . Please does our 100% vote counts? In one-two years in the dispensation we begin to ask questions if the government is bad???

    Exactly for in the case of the tithing how would someone said "I PAY MY TITHE AND I DON'T CARE WHAT THE PASTOR DO WITH IT, IT'S BETWEEN HIM AND GOD"??? REALY??? We already know what they do with it so be enlightened.

    1. Some would prefer to pay tithe than help their family in need. So many people have been brainwashed terribly.

  36. Any idiot tgat want to be feeding tge pastors and their families should go ahead. I have never paid anu tithe in more than 20 years and i have never lacked. China, Singapore, Saudi and other nonchristian nations are progressing. Why is an overtly religious nation like a shithole? Nigerians are too emotional than logical, more like babies. If you like tithe from now till thy kingdom come, the poor will always be among us. God will not pick your call. There is something called luck shared equally among christians and not christians. The receivers (pastors) have scammed Nigerians into believing that you must give to receive. Nobody is talking about 1o commandments anymore but tithes which only benefits pastors. To the tithers, i say "good luck". Tithe will not elevate you from poverty. Help your neighbour!

  37. I will never give a dime to any church as tithe. You brainwashed losers believe in tithe but make mockery of muslims for believing in 72 virgins. They are both written in holy books of each sect: bible and koran. Who is to say which is right?

    1. The last time I checked, even Muslims pay their Zakat..

  38. I have never paid tithe in my whole life. Unsurprisingly i am the one supporting my whole family including the ones that give their meagre resources to the church. I dont give them money anymore bc i see that their understanding of money and mindset contribute to their poverty. Your child needs school fees? I pay durectly to the school.

  39. God commanded us to pay tithe very important in which the blessings is attached....He said, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings....It is the commandment from God and we ought to obey without contesting.

    God also spoke about helping the needy (poor). It is very necessary we do both and God who sees your sincere heart will double your blessings.

  40. The way some people twist the word of God to suit their selfish interest is amazing! Is it because God is merciful? If a babalawo tells these people to bring the whole 100% with purple hen without spot with 3 days ultimatum, they will run helter skelter to look for it.

    The question is, out of 100, God asked for 10, why are you people not debating the remaining 90? Why not give the poor,family or whoever from the remaining 90? Is this selfishness, stinginess, or pure lack of reverence for God? It is well.

    Some of us pay our tithe and we keep having more for ourselves and to bless other people. And we will continue to do it.

    Keep your 10% inugo?

  41. When God instructed Moses to speak to the rock, he struct the rock because he was angry. Water came out and the people drank to their satisfaction. The fact that water came out didn't make God happy because Moses didn't carry out the instructions the way it was given to him by God. The fact that you did something and you are satisfied with it doesn't mean that you have pleased God.
    Please my brethren, note that your TITHE is different from alms giving. Giving to the poor is good but that doesn't mean that you should give your TITHE to the poor.
    If you do so, you are going against God's words.
    A word is enough for the wise.

  42. God said, God said. Don't forget that the Bible was written by human beings. God is in your essence. And as the years go by, many kings used their powers to include and exclude some parts they liked or didn't like. Then different versions came up with different interpretations. Can you imagine how Nigerians are shouting God said blablabla like they have the evidence that it was really said by God. Some parts were story as told by the writer on what they witnessed, dreamed or saw. If Bible is whole,
    1. Who created Water and darkness (both existed before creation, read your Genesis)
    2. Whose daughters did Cain and Abel marry? And where did these mysterious ladies come from?

    It appears that in Nigeria, christianity has been reduced to TITHES. What happened to the 10 commandments? Is it because there is nothing financially beneficial to the scammers called pastors that they pushed it to the back of the burner? Top Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic nations are progressing while top christian nation (and their tithe gulping pastors) like Nigeria are hell on earth. Give to God and don't care what pastors do with the money? Listen to yourselves. How much foolish can anyone sound? This is why churches are at the corner of every street in Nigeria bc they are not held accountable to the funds. They are all men of God until they are caught doing one crime or the other. Nigeria is the EVIDENCE that religion does not cure POVERTY.

  43. Ok! Zakat is among the 5 pillars of Islam so it is a religious obligation and it applies to ANY Muslim who meets the criteria for wealth. That criteria is measured with NISAB.
    That NISAB is (87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of look silver) not literarilly having the gold or silver but any wealth that the total amount reaches the gold or silver be it money, shop, farm (any frm of farming) etc. Just any form of wealth. So nisab simply means the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must possess before they become eligible to pay Zakat.
    If you are eligible then the amount of Zakat to be paid must be calculated on the value of his wealth/assets at the end of the (lunar year) 2.5 percent of your total wealth is the zakat you MUST give so individully what mr A will be giving as zakat will not be what Mr B will give. Also zakat is different from tithe in form of recepients because it can only be paid to specific beneficiaries and projects. The Qur'an mentions eight groups of people on who Zakat should be spent:
    1-the poor
    2-the needy
    3-zakat collector
    4-poor and needy who recently converted to Islam
    5-slaves (Zakat can be used to purchase their freedom)
    6 A stranded traveller in need of financial assistance.
    7 A debtor(to pay off his debts)
    8those who are away from home in the path of Allah.
    I hope I make sense small. God! I don't think teaching can ever be my profession.

  44. All i know is that jesus came to liberate us from the bandage of the law that every man gives according to his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver, not all this 10% monthly fixed charge you all are fighting about.


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