Stella Dimoko Church Begins Tithing Refund Programme To Help Out With COVID 19 Hard Times...


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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Church Begins Tithing Refund Programme To Help Out With COVID 19 Hard Times...

Is this how true Christianity should be?


  1. COVID 19 is humbling the world.

    1. Some pastor's go see this n vex

  2. Immediately I saw the headline, I just screamed, this cannot be a Nigerian church and was I right?
    Nigerian mega churches will even collect tithes in advance.

    1. They have branches in Nigeria;I have friends who attend the church..

      But I don't know about that up there..


    2. @Martins
      That they have branches in NIgeria does not make them "a Nigerian church".
      Their headquarters is in Utah in United States.
      Even if that memo there is from the headquarters, Nigerian branches will most
      likely ignore it.

    3. This @anon just like to argue all over the place. They have branches in Nigeria, deal with it. You cannot categorically claim the ones in Nigeria will ignore it, stop running down something simply because it's Nigeria.

    4. @18:32
      Because Nigerians don't give, they only take. Deal with it.

    5. They have lots of branches in Nigeria and my friend goes there. I have always loved how they care for themselves in that church. They ar called Mormons.

    6. As per you know all Nigerians, each and every single one of them πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

    7. as the ominiknowesth that you are.

    8. Nigerians give
      Please and yes there are good Nigerian churches and also genuine pastors out there.
      And it's not cool to generalise .

  3. stellaits fake oh, this i my church, i even blasted the woman who first shared it in our group, please disregard

  4. Ewooooo!!!πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†this church knock me off my feet!
    Truly this is how churches should be especially winners.....pls nobody should come and purge under my comment if you do,i will give u mango

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Mbok, what type of mango??

    2. This is the church I attend, members have been going given foods andothera essential stuff

  5. Pastor Chris will be the last to do this

    Who remember that saga, that year??????

  6. If papa refund tithes even if it is 1k do u know how much that is?imagine people tithing in huderds of thousand, millions hmmmmmm.... Its good this church has humanitarian sympathy and empathy for the poor

  7. I saw something like this on CNN. The church was giving Members money,maybe the thiters i dont know. But better money like $1k.

  8. Stella it's no true please dis regard

  9. The neatness of this Church mks me want to attend, d organized structure and orderliness of some of there member keeps me in awe. R the some kind of Occultism or what?

    1. No we are not...We are Christians and believe in God.

    2. It is church just like it name indicate and I have beem aamember since 2005

    3. and polygamy. among other questionable practices

    4. It’s my church. The polygamy thing doesn’t exist.

    5. I love that church. But I want to know more about it

  10. Not our own churches here. Instead they are quarelling with government to open church since they open market. I can pray at home. Even in keeping up with heb 12:24,25. Online services can be maintained. Thats also meeting together. But you have to go get food. All the millions they have amassed in the past no reach them to chop again.

  11. CAN will not see this one now to emulate.

  12. Don't get too excited. This church up until the 70s or 80s taught openly that the black race was cursed and the offspring of Cain. Many of their adherents still hold this belief, although they no longer teach this openly.

    1. They have some unBiblical doctrines.

  13. This will never happen in Nigeria. Too many greedy pastors ready to run their followers round the bends for their own gain.

  14. I used to have a friend that attends thus church, he's one of their missionary,a fine handsome dude, but I no trust their doctrine,they don use the holy bikbe, but the book of Mormon

    1. That’s not true. There’s the Book of Mormon and there’s also the Bible

  15. If this is true may God bless the pastor, the elders and the entire congregation of that church. This is how is done! BravissimiπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  16. African churches are coming up with apps to collect.

  17. This is so amazing, let other church emulate from this church but nope they will never do that.

  18. Tomorrow someone will come out and tell me that this is not a Christian church, they read the book of Mormon and whatever else they say. Please, what is more Christian than a church that shows love, empathy and is sincere?
    How many churches would come outrightly to say "the church has money" and admit that the church is the actual "storehouse"?
    Little wonder why they're presently the richest church in the world!

    I'm not a member of this church, but God bless the church...

    1. Christianity is not by good works but by believing in Jesus Christ, and then doing the works.

    2. Anon 19.52, believing in Jesus Christ without keeping his commandments? Doing which works by the way?
      Sit there and let your pastors be deceiving you...

    3. Any "church" which doesn't believe in Jesus Christ cannot substitute Him with good works.

      Which works? Open your Bible, you'll see it there.

    4. The church name is called the church of JESUS CHRIST of latter day saint what more do you need to know that we believe in God and His son Jesus Christ.

    5. Anon please, did you read the write up? Don't you think you're contradicting yourself? A church who's name begins with "Church of Jesus Christ" does not believe in Jesus Christ?

      About the works, from the publication up there, that is a "work/show of love" which closely relates to how the early church operated! Whether you accept it or not, it is worthy of emulation. Please do well to show it to your pastor...

  19. Those who didn't pay tithe will regret it

    1. What of those returning tithes to those who pay it to help them? Jesus spoke about those who paid tithes but still ignored the weightier matters like caring for their parents.

  20. The LDS/Mormon church is uber rich sitting on over $100B in investments from tithing, offerings and investment gains... Glad they are doing this to help those that contributed..

  21. Wealthy church (wealthiest church in the US and possibly the world). Currently worth over $100bn.

  22. Mormons are rich & can afford the refund.

    1. The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saint is Rich because we don't pay any preacher. All the leaders of the church are season professionals on their respective field and the respect tithe paid for the growth of the church

  23. This is nice, i hope other churches will emulate them.

  24. That’s nice. I think the denominations that will do something this close are the old generation churches. They will give out food stuffs to the poor and needy amongst them, First, then transcends down to others who reach out for assistance.

  25. Tithe belongs to God! Anyone telling you otherwise I deceiving you. This is why many people don't receive after giving because they see it as a donation in church, some are not giving out of love but for showoffs etc. When you see giving (any kind) as a transaction between you and God that is when u are entitled to receive. Stop DONATING money in church, it's only a waste. Let your giving to God be love motivated and stop acting like he's begging you or as if you are helping your Pastor's career. You can't help God, nobody has the capacity because he own the thousand cattle on a hill.
    How do you see a boyfriend who collects back gifts he gave to his girlfriend just because of a little challenge in the relationship? Let all those who have been donating to the church go back for their money, they'll need it. But those who have been giving to God and the interest of his kingdom should expect their reward, which not only come in cash but also what money can't buy. And yes I've been brainwashed.

  26. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aka Mormon Church .

    I know this church. They have parishes here in Lagos. They aren't everywhere like most churches and the parishes have similar designs, usually bungalow with a pinnacle structure at the centre.

  27. This is the Mormon religion. It’s not a church. Read up on the founder of Mormonism headquartered in Utah, US. Most Christians know that Mormonism which they changed to the current name having Jesus in it is a cult and do not worship in Jesus Name. Believers in Christ please don’t be deceived by the money, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of God’s mouth. These are perilous times!

    1. Will you keep quiet! Be spewing ignorance with confidence πŸ™„

    2. Broomstick, but the anon told no lies. Ex-Mormons who have left the church all say the same.

  28. Poverty is a curse of the law! Don’t let Mormonism fool you! Up till recently they had no black members as one of their core beliefs is that the black race is inferior and under curse. Suddenly they saw the opportunity to expand to Nigeria in the nineties and they started with a beautiful building on Allen Avenue! Don’t let money deceive you! Romney could not get the evangelicals to vote for him against Obama because he is a Mormon. Google the story of the founder of Mormonism. They changed the name not too long ago to deceive many, like the church of Scientology where the leader’s wife has not been seen since 2005. These organizations are very rich but from where and at what cost?


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