Stella Dimoko Shocking Story Narrating How Jealousy Killed A Man,His Mum And 3 Innocent Kids


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Friday, May 01, 2020

Shocking Story Narrating How Jealousy Killed A Man,His Mum And 3 Innocent Kids

Dear Jesus!!!
This story gave me the chills..




  1. What a world. May their Souls continue to Rest in Peace, Amen.

    1. Just yesterday, a woman's boyfriend shot and killed her and her 2sons. The father of the kids is so devastated and kept blaming himself.
      People have been telling him its not his fault, he shares custody with his wife so he was bound to drop off the kids.
      My heart broke for him.
      Police has d yeye boyfriend in custody.

    2. The Bible said, we shall REST in PEACE. U see deaths by mysterious circumstance is not my thing, at all. Onwu Ike.... I no dey trust am at all.

    3. @15:34 Did this happen in California? I saw a similar story yesterday on the news, a man murdered his girlfriend’s two sons out of spite. The poor father of the 2 boys was beyond heartbroken.

  2. Wow😲😲😲😲these nollywood kind of stories are real!

    Three of the man's children drowned just like that! The sins of the father visited on the children.

    1. @Ms. A
      Kindly read this chapter and understand that your last sentence

      Ezekiel 18: 1The word of the Lord came to me: 2“What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel:
      “ ‘The parents eat sour grapes,
      and the children’s teeth are set on edge’?
      3“As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, you will no longer quote this proverb in Israel. 4For everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child—both alike belong to me. The one who sins is the one who will die.

    2. ***the children have to actively denounce the evil of their parents and key into that verse, it is not automatic o.

    3. @14:56
      Yes, that means you read the chapter, but in parts. Read all and understand more.

    4. The children and any child of a cursed parent or generation need to first find Christ, and then know their rights as the children of God and activate those promises meant for the children of God.
      Just as the police can easily manipulate or bully a citizen who doesn't know his/her rights so also the devil can deny you of God's promises if you don't know about them.

    5. 15.32 πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    6. Very powerful 15:32. God bless you.

  3. They say na person wey know you dey kill you.
    I don't trust anybody no matter how close we are.
    Anybody with these spirits, anger, envy, greedy,jealousy and hatred.They can do and undo, no matter who they are to you.

    Bv madam so so gra gra

  4. Very sad tale.
    But please, whoever appeared to that person in the dream wasn't your dad.
    After death comes judgment. Heb. 9:27
    The murderers (Satan and his cohots John 10:10) were just hunting the one they used to murder (your dad's best friend). His family was caught in the crossfire because that was what he signed for when he went to a medium (the powerful juju man).
    People do not know that once they cross the boundary of sanity by going to an agent of Satan, they sell their lives and that of their loved ones to the devils.
    If you read Ezekiel 18, you will also understand why those kids had to die.
    It is a pity that jealousy drives people to such acts.

    1. That barrack boy1 May 2020 at 14:29

      What is *** saying, that the person who appear is not her Dad....lmao

      Only if you know what goes down in the spirit relm,you will be so shock, do you think is about quoting spricture, there is more to Christianity and the gospel of Christ...

    2. @Barrack boy
      If you seek wisdom and solutions to issues of life in any other place that is
      not based on Scriptures; God's Word, what is the difference between you and the
      late dad's best friend? I quoted Scriptures to support my points, why not quote
      "the more to Christianity and the gospel of Christ" that you know.
      We are all here to exchange ideas okay?

    3. That barrack boy is right

    4. @**** 14:09, yes indeed dead people appears. Remember when Saul went to a medium to summoned prophet Samuel who had already died... Samuel did appeared...please let us be guided in our rush to appear know about the cosmic and end up as mockery while at it

    5. @16:40
      That was Samuel's familiar spirit, a spirit of death.
      And don't you see that he took Saul and all his men (who went to that medium with him) the very next day?
      Same medium that this "friend" went to and all his family got consumed by same spirit of death?
      Was it not God who told King Saul to pursue all mediums (agents of Satan) from the land of Israel?
      Study the Scriptures.

    6. Are familiar spirits recorded in the Bible? If so, tell me where

    7. Isaih 8:19, Lev 19:31, 2 Chron 33:6, Deut 8:11 and many other. One thing you will find common is that in most verses of familiar spirit, there are mentions of witchcraft. The case of the witch of endor was also related to a witch. The devil steals, kill and destroy. He is a liar and the father of liars. If you think you are going to a witch and expecting truth, you mistake. The word of God says that after death the spirit returns to God Eccl 12:7.
      the battle field of life starts from the mind. Have you not seen drunk people falling into invisible ditches? If Saul had allowed himself to be convinced of his own destruction, then he will move into it whether it be from God or not. But that was not Samuel, it was an illusion of the Spirit of Samuel the Prophet. So you believe the witch forced the prophet's spirit to appear in a coven when Saul could not hear the voice of God from the prophets? Na witch de force God talk now? smh.

  5. I'm just watching a movie similar to this story right now on African magic Epic..."Family Bomb"..its really an eye opener for those running family business ... who's watching???

    1. I am also watching. Interesting movie.

    2. No light😭😭

  6. Wicked friend, may God continue to protect his children.

  7. Unbelievable 😱😱 the heart of man is desperately wicked indeed

    Reasons why it's not good to confide in people? Cos you don't know their mind at all..only God have been helping us to fight battles from wicked souls

    Some are just jealous of you for no reason at all, you will even see that they do better than you in real sense of life,but still they're so consumed with envy and never wished you well

    Friends have done more harm than good (Stella consider this post)

  8. Nothing surprises me in this life
    My brother was poisoned by my cousin ,unfortunately he didn't survive it, it still hurts so very much like it was yesterday.
    The heart of man is very deep, Jealousy, evil and greed is the major cause of these.

    1. 😱😱😱. So sorry ChocolÑt Noir. Your cousin will get what he/she deserves.

    2. πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™† so sorry for the loss

    3. sorry to hear this dear, may your brother continue to rest in peace

    4. Say what!!!!

      So sorry.

      Na wah ooo..

    5. You say what ?? Your cousin!!!
      Oh dear, so sorry. Where is that evil cousin now? Cousin from hell.

    6. Oh yes
      Things are really happening ,I wish I could share the full story but I'm still in denial 😞 of this particular event,
      You'd be shocked the evil people plot and carry out .

      Thank you guys ❤❤

    7. The Original ShugarGirl1 May 2020 at 22:02

      I pray God heals your heart from the pains.

  9. MehnπŸ˜–πŸ˜–
    The spirit of jealousy is never a good one...
    God have mercy πŸ™

  10. Some family members are on these table,evil souls everywhere

    1. Exactly! My Uncle killed my father because of a house he suffered to build. My uncle was jealous because they didn't allow him to leave in the house with them.
      After my father's death, he started tormenting my Mom. All of a sudden my Mom took Ill and died 4years later.

  11. What a wicked world we live in, 3 innocent kids just paid for the price of their fathers evil act😩

    That was how my own Dad’s best friend then when we were growing up scammed my dad of a huge money because he told my dad he would help him secure a land that was for sale and the money was huge because i remember his wife and 3 elderly daughters with his son who was my friend all came to kneel while crying and pleading with my dad to help secure his release from jail....because the owner of the land found out and got him arrested with fear of him not using his land to dupe more people🀦🏽‍♂️..funny thing was my dad saw him as a brother and would always call him brother then when he used to come to our house to visit and chill and my dad used to give him assistance whenever he needed it.

    I also lost my dad & both his parents(my grandparents) in less than 2 months....when my dad been kidnapped news got to my sick grand pa who was in the hospital then, it affected him so much that he gave up the ghost, later own my dad was confirmed dead and losing both my dad and grand pa took its toll on my grandma and she also passed away😒 was a very sorrowful period for my entire family but with God he saw us all through itπŸ™πŸΎ....They were all buried the same day as well

    1. What a horrible experience 😞.

    2. So sorry for your loss ISAACBABA. It's so difficult losing a loved one. I miss my pops everyday.

    3. Isaac so sorry for your loss. Take heart and may their souls rest in perfect peace, Amen.

    4. Isaac so sorry for your loss. Take heart and may their souls rest in perfect peace, Amen.

    5. So sorry for your loss, Isaac. May God continue to comfort and strengthen you all.

    6. So sorry for your loss Isaac! This was a sad read.

      May God continue to comfort you and your family

    7. So sorry for your loss. Am happy you are doing well. God is in control always.

    8. Waoh Isaac, so sorry you had to go through this.

    9. So sorry for your loss dear.

    10. Thanks a lot guys, i truly appreciate all of your words of comfort to me and my family, God bless you all

    11. Sorry Isaacbaba for your loss...
      A very sad story.

      Thank God for you dear..

    12. Wow! Rest assured they are resting with the Lord.

    13. So sorry Isaac, may their souls continue to rest in peace, amen.

    14. Jeezzzzz!!! So sorry for your loss touching

    15. So heartrending. Sorry for your loss Isaac.

    16. Isaacbaba I cried Read your story, please continue to be comforted and stay strong.

    17. The Original ShugarGirl1 May 2020 at 22:08

      So sorry Isaac

    18. So sorry for your loss,isaac baba

  12. That barrack boy1 May 2020 at 14:26

    Hmmmmmmmm today I was watching an interview on 53extra and bolanle was ask the questions about woman being their own enemies and how they hate on each other, hmmmm intelligent bolanle answered the question by saying

    Hating or jealousy it is not a gender thing but it a human thing be it child/teens/youth and grown up, it just life, and it is what it is

    She also added that men also beef them selves like mad, that the jealousy and hate for men is more wicked than women and how men can kill and destroy when they need each other and how theirs is worse than female, that a man can still hate you and still be friends with you just to kill you slowly but a women won't do that, when women hate, they hate for real without getting close or pretending

    See ehnnn, life have taught me so many lessons ooo, I am only 26 and I can tell you categoryly what I have face in the University because of jealous friend and roommate and we are boys ooo

    One day, I will find time to write all other that to Stella.. for now, we men should be aware cause men are worst when it comes to jealousy than women....the evil men do is unspeakable

    1. this is why I like this blog .
      It is a learning ground where we can take precautions and adjustments.

  13. Chai 'this story is too bad for my emotions. Things dey happen truly.

    May God comfort you and your family Sister!

  14. Heart of a man is desperately wicked, who can know it! God will continue to protect us from evil people.

  15. For those that have best friends, good luck to them. I celebrate and sorrow with my family. Most times, envy sets in without you knowing it.

    A male chef whose boss was so impressed with his work promised to take him to Dubai. This chef told his so called best friend. His friend poisoned him and he died and "tied" his spirit. Worst part is none of the chef's family knows about this so called best friend but have heard of/about him.

    The chef's spirit appears to his family but has refused to talk upon asking him who killed him? Prayers are on going.

    1. 😳😳😳😳😳😳this world!!!@

    2. AhhhπŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™† it's well

    3. 😱😱😨πŸ˜₯

  16. Almighty God, chase evil 😈 friends away from me in Jesus mighty name! Amen!

    Have mercy on me Oh God and rescue me from unfriendly friend in Jesus name! πŸ™

  17. God bless protect your children from unfriendly friends and household enemies

  18. This is heart breaking πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

  19. This is a very sad story...
    Just speechless reading this post.

  20. Same way my father died . My mom and sister killed him because of property. Stella I have to send you my story soon.

    1. You say?Blood of God .people are wicked

    2. God''''re u for real. Things dey happen o.So sorry

  21. No wonder the scripture says the heart of man is desperate desperately wicked. It is indeed wicked.

  22. The world is wicked. My dad's brother killed my dad out of jealousy and to claim his house and few later, her killed my mum too. Now he has sole ownership of my dad's house and he is running a clinic from the house. My brothers refuse to have anything to do with his property for fear of death.

  23. My dad was murdered by his brothers and a voodoo priests (his uncle). They poisoned his drink. His mother (my grandmother) cursed the person that killed him after that they all started dying one after the other. The voodoo priest killed his children and ate his feases before confessing and he later died. My grand mother later died of sadness.

  24. Why kill someone out of jealousy when your not even sure how long you will live for. Chiee now im scared of my uncle i think he killed my mum regarding this property issues 2. God please protect my dad oooo hes all i got now


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