Stella Dimoko Man Commits Suicide Over Stagnant Business And Frustration + Leaves Note Begging Family To Forgive Him..


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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Man Commits Suicide Over Stagnant Business And Frustration + Leaves Note Begging Family To Forgive Him..

A 45 year old married man has decided to end his life after frustration kicked him hard in the balls......He reportedly laughingly told his wife that he wanted to take rat poison.....

She said..........

“It all started on the afternoon of Monday, August, 25, 2020, when he called me from where he was then to ask me what we are going to eat that night.

I told him not to worry, that I had already prepared soup.

After a while he came back and met me washing clothes outside, he stood besde me and began to laugh.

I was like why are you laughing, he was still laughing, then he said to me ‘you did not know what I tried to do today’?

I asked what did you tried to do and he said to me he was going to take rat poison so he could die and I shouted ‘rat poison, for what’?

Then he told me that he was frustrated, people are owing him here and there, his business was not making any headway for 15 years he has been in business.
Nothing to show for it, yet on top of that, people are laying false accusation against him that he did this and did that.”

“He continued and said; ‘today I had bought the poison and holding it in my hand to take I remembered you and my children.

What people will say to you, how they will laugh at you and I and concluding that they have succeeded then I dropped it and walked away and rather decided to hand over everything to God’.

And I agreed with him he took the best of decisions; and told him not to mind people and their mouths.This life is a battle, everybody has problems.
It is not just us; please do not try that again’ and he promised never to do it again.

Then he began to admire me and our children; and I laughed and we continued.”

She said her husband decided to take his life; when she and the kids went to church for service that night.

His body has since been deposited in the morgue.
from 1stnews.


  1. May he find the peace he seeks, Amen.

  2. What a loss!!!
    Life can be extremely hard atimes.

    Some people will still say he's a coward and insult him, until they are faced with the same situation...

    May God comfort the wife and children.

  3. And the devil succeeded. You shouldn't have left him alone after that confession. God will see you through. So pathetic.

    1. You're right. People with such thoughts shouldn't be left alone. Loneliness on its own is a 'killer'.

    2. She shouldn't have left him alone especially that day....

    3. Very true. Once he had gotten to the point of even holding the rat poison once, he should never have been left alone till he got therapy.

  4. Oh dear💔💔💔 and he still went ahead with it? The poor woman didn't know he was serious 😓😓 God will comfort her and the kids

    1. Oh dear... Such a sad story. The poor woman would never have known... She may have even thought that it was a joke 😥

  5. The poor wife and kids. No one can tell what another person is actually going through but I still feel suicide is not an option especially when you have people depending on you like the children. Severally we get to that point where the best way out is to end it but reasons prevail. No matter how heavy the yoke is, it will be broken one day. It might not be when we want it to end but las las, it will end. Say no to suicide.
    RIP sir and may God console the family.

  6. The poor wife! Now his family members will be blaming her!!! Please God, protect and provide for her and her children

  7. This is very said.. People are really going through a lot in life,nobody to help.. This was same thing that happened in street just because the guy couldn't pay for house rent his stupid landlord threw his things outside.. The guy came n met his belongings outside,he just went back hoping he went to call car to carry his things not knowing he went to commitsuicide... May his soul rest in peace

  8. Mehn. This business thing can be frustrating sometimes. No customers, No market. It takes a whole lot to hold on with my little experience.
    May his family find comfort. RIP.

  9. I write from bitter experience.

    Once anybody you know threatens suicide, DO NOT take it as a joke. Please (1) MAKE SURE YOU and those who care about the person KEEP WATCH over the person. (2)SEEK all necessary support from PEOPLE he respect. (3) Seek help from PEOPLE who have wisdom and knowledge in counseling suicidal persons. (4) Join in resolving what the person is suicidal about - in this case, aggressive debt collection could have brought in some money and relief to the man because there are wicked debtors who only pay when they see fire.

    Please pardon my use of capital letters, but anybody who has lost a loved one by suicide would understand.

  10. Stella, your emogi is wrong take it down. Thanks.

    1. Why should she take it down ? To please you or the one that commit sucide ?
      Stupid talk.

    2. What is wrong with this emoji? It depicts the situation or you want a clapping emoji?

    3. I'm not sure you understand that emoji 😏

  11. Na wah ooo..orisirisi..may his soul find rest. May God console the family he left behind

  12. Just frustrated no sales
    Stocked up my shop with goods.
    Still no patronage. All passer by do is to admire my goods.

    I don pray tire.
    Very soon. Shop rent will come quit is not an option self.

    1. 3Amigos Bread @ 6 Okesalu St, Ikotun. 0813851632829 August 2020 at 17:03

      May God open the gates of heaven upon your life and business from this day forward, Amen.

  13. He dhoukd face front, he should be ready if there's judgement.
    It's only a coward that commit sucide, things can change in a matter of seconds for those that believe.

  14. Life's tough in the country right now. God will see us through and bless us with riches soonest. Everyone has a breaking point, if you have not reached it, don't call anyone a coward.

    1. Thank you, sometimes after doing everything you can to succeed without making progress, it takes a strong willed person to resist the temptation of suicide.
      I used to wonder how people think to the point of HBP, but I understood it when I had a nervous breakdown, and experienced depression first time in my life during the lock down. I almost died from the high stress levels, but I'm thankful I used the word of God to encourage myself out of that situation, and daily intake of tumeric also helped.

  15. Rip sir,doing business in Nigeria is very difficult as government over tax business owners and frustrates them. May God console the Family he left behind.

  16. The truth is that alot of people are passing through so much pain and hardship this period and devil is taking advantage of that

  17. People are just frustrated here and there but that is not enough to take your life.
    It is well with the wife and kids.

  18. Rest in peace sir..

    May God console the wife and children...

  19. This actually sounds really sad. I feel for him and hope he finds the peace on the other side that he could not find here.

    The Earth is so freaking rich and provides everything we need, why ppl have to be put through so much struggle. We need to form a new Earth and a new way of governance. This is not it. This old system of things of poverty and struggle for the majority of lives must end!

  20. Chai,this is so sad, I used to tell people that almost everyone on earth is going through one thing or the other but they might not want to show it.things are very hard before and this pandemic is not helping issues at all,God will come through for everyone trusting him for one miracle or the other.

  21. There's something out of place in this story... Please verify with me.... The story has no names or place.... The woman said the husband carried out the act when she and the children went for church service at night... 1) is Church service now allowed at night? 2) is it a Sunday service at night (since services are allowed on Sundays)?
    I need clarity

    1. Hmmmmmm🤔🤔🤔🤔

      My Victory Dance Loading 💃

    2. Some churches have been having night vigil services since.....

  22. Somebori was suicidal and you still left him all alone

  23. I've been thinking of doing same. I lost my job at the start of this COVID-19 and life has hit me and my family so hard. I can't face my children while hungry.

    1. Please please and please don't do it ,take your word back and profess good news in your life and beleive things will change for good.


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