Stella Dimoko Tuesday In House News..


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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tuesday In House News..

 Hailings.....The Weather is so dull,i need some Sunshine and a cup of Latte Macchiato....


BV Justyswyt please check your GO TV,your Angel says she has suscribed for one month for you and this will continue for the next 6 months by Gods grace.................

Anyone else wanna bless anyone with something?Give and it shall be given unto you,good measure pressed down ,shaken together and running over....



So I read yesterday about the lady with the fungal infection on her inner thighs and remembered something. My second daughter 2 months ago had what we call 'Nlacha' in Igbo. I don't know what it's called in English maybe someone might know if u ask in the blog. But it's a fungal infection also and when she had it, I showed it to the nurses at the general hospital where we went for her 9th month immunization...

They said it's a fungal infection that I should use funbact A. I did, it will stop the nlacha which BTW was around her vagina and anus, it was really painful for her wherever her diaper was soiled. The funbact stopped it but when I now stopped applying it, it came back worse after 2 days 

Took her to another medical practitioner who recommended I use Nystatin oral and Skineal cream. I did and like the funbact, it healed it but as soon as I stopped applying it and giving her the drugs, it came again.

I was already tired as I was almost always staying home so I can avoid putting on diaper for her till one day we went out and as I was changing her diaper a friend of mine saw her v and anus area, how red and a bit swollen it was. She said, " your baby has nlacha" and I told her I know and went on to tell her all I have done still to no avail.

She told me those things won't heal it permanently as this stuff was from inside her body not just outside. She told me to get some nchuanwu( scent leaves), pluck and rinse them, put in a pot and add a little water( same level with the leaves) and then put it on fire and allow it to boil. As soon as it starts to boil to bring it down and now allow it over cook. Allow it to cool and give it to my baby as her water for the day. 

I did all these, I put the water in her feeder and that was the water I fed her all through that day and the next. By the next day I didn't see the nlacha again but for the scars and by the next 3 days everything was cleared smooth.

Like I said I only used it for 2 days and it's being 2 months now and she hasn't had it again.

So I don't know if this might help the lady seeing that it's a fungal infection too. She might be buying all these expensive drugs while her treatment might just be lying in her backyard.

Even if it doesn't help her, it might help other new mother's as I know babies suffer from this stuff a lot.

Thanks for writing in...........I hope this helps the Lady of yesterday.....



You get strong mind...
You are not even worried that you cheated and had a baby.....
what if the baby ends up looking like you or her other siblings?what lie would you switch to?I am curious......



Few years ago, I noticed one round patch at the middle of my head. There were hair everywhere, except for that particular spot. I didn't know what it was. The more I make my hair, the more the growth on that particular area is Stunted. So I resolved to making only wigs.

I didn't take any of it too serious until few months ago, when I noticed a very big chunk of my hair gone just like that. I knew I didn't make any tight hair. I became worried. It was as if someone used razor to scrape that particular spot. So I decided to cut the hair. When it started growing again, I noticed the spots where hair was growing unevenly was about 5 different places. 

 I entered Google, searched and searched but nothing came out. Until few days ago.. someone posted the same condition on Facebook, asking if anyone knew what It was, that was when I knew what the whole thing was all about. ALOPECIA AREATA.

it's a condition where your immune system starts attacking your hair follicles, and it might be as a result of serious or severe stress. It doesn't have a cure yet, but there are available treatments on the internet.

First, see a dermatologist. Run a follicle test to see what type it is. Then he/she might give you the necessary treatments. For those that doesn't have the means to see a dermatologist for now, do the following:

1. Onion/Ginger Juice.

Grate both together and extract the juice. Rub on scalp for some minutes, then cover your head with a shower cap. Leave for about 30mins, then wash off.

2. Get vitamin A, B3, E and C. Take them regularly.

3. Do a little exercise.

4. Watch your diet, if possible eat foods that has zinc, iron in them.

PS: Biotin, Minoxidil and peppermint oil helps, but it's strictly on prescription. Do not take unless you're told to do so. (More info can be gotten on Google). 


I don't think these things work oh...otherwise no one will have it...
Anyway just cut down your hair and rock it the way it can even add color sef if you can.....



Good day Stella, hope you had a beautiful day? Sorry for coming into your inbox this night to disturb you oo, I am just happy and I decided to share my happiness with you. 

    I married a very good man and he goes out of his ways to make sure I'm happy and safe. He may not be financially stable at the moment but his heart is worth more than the riches anyone can think of. 

 This evening I was still my shop when it started raining, he was at home working and taking care of our little child.  I became scared 😶because there was so much lightening and thunder. So I sent him a message to tell him I was scared and in less than 3mins, my sweetheart showed up like a prince in  shining armor to rescue his princess. 

The fact that he entered the heavy rain carrying our child with a broken umbrella melted my heart. He brought me his raincoat to wear and what brought tears to my eyes is that he has not even seen my messages.

  We got home and oga is in the kitchen making pepper rice for dinner. 

  Forget money and flashy things, every woman deserves a man that loves and appreciates her, who money help when there is always unrest? I am so getting him a gift tomorrow, I am in love again😍😍😍 Biko, pardon my errors, I am so emotional right now😊😊😊 
   Please join me to pray for him that God will bless him and keep him in good health and open doors of extraordinary blessings upon him.

Congrats........I am sure the night was eventful? *wink*


Safety Measures 

Something terrible happened on my street last week that made me to write this....
A painter working on a two story building fell from the top most floor while painting the outside and broke his head on the fence and died instantly. 

I wondered if maybe he could have survived if he had a helmet on or a sling rope tied to his waist or any form of safety measure required for people painting a high rise building.

So I ask, do people know the safety measure to take at their workplace and how serious do they take it? It takes the sight of a police man or a road safety official for a bike man to grudgingly put on his helmet and his major reason is not even safety, rather he does it to avoid extortion. What he doesn't know is that the helmet will protect him in case of an accident. 

What about the PHCN workers that are meant to know better?

you see them climbing poles without any protective gear, even while disconnecting wires. You did thought that this negligence is only among the uneducated artisans, but you will be surprised at the ignorance of the perceived educated ones.

How many of us put on our seat belts while in the car without being reminded? Prevention they say is better than cure, so in light of this let each and every one of us take our safety and that of our neighbours, employees etc seriously.

 Employers of labour should teach new recruits on the safety measure to take regarding their jobs same goes to artisans and above all where ever we find ourselves let us take precursory measures to avoid bad outcomes should an accident happen.






  1. Let me comment early today on IHN

    Hello Stella and Bvs

    1. *Cleans face*
      Am I truly the first to comment?
      This calls for a celebration

      Barman, bring ten crates of trophy!

    2. Good afternoon courage, i saw your comment on spontaneous post thank you for the shout out. I hope you and your family are good

    3. Woman with a child outside, I think we women are now giving men a run for their money in terms of these things. In those days it was only men who tried this stunt and he would beg for forgiveness, wife will forgive and take in the child.
      I am secretly happy that a woman did this for a change and I will be happier if your husband finds out and blows things up, let other men know that women too can play the game well.

    4. Happy birthday BV Dietician Nezz, God bless your new age with joy, peace, favour and mercy. 🥰😍💐🥳💞🥂🎂

    5. Courage congrats,unfortunately I don't drink beer. Justsweet happy viewing. Loved up Blog visitor,I'm really happy for you.Tears welled up ina me eyez. Continue to enjoy your marriage my dear and God bless your home immensely. Stay safe blog visitors, it is well.


    6. Enjoy and keep praying for your husband .

      God bless the givers.

    7. Welcome Black Slimzy
      Yes we are fine. Thank you. Enjoy yourself.

      Love lace, thanks. I will order Malt too for people like you.

      God bless your home @The loved up woman. That is something I can type. My husband is like that too. He loves and cares for us like mother hen.

      For those that say it's because he is not rich, some men were created that way, mine was once rich and he was still like that.

    8. Welcome Black Slimzy
      Yes we are fine. Thank you. Enjoy yourself.

      Love lace, thanks. I will order Malt too for people like you.

      God bless your home @The loved up woman. That is something I can type. My husband is like that too. He loves and cares for us like mother hen.

      For those that say it's because he is not rich, some men were created that way, mine was once rich and he was still like that.

    9. Woman with child outside
      Mehnn..I'm so happy for ehn. I'm happy dat a woman is doing this.
      We are getting wiser by d day

      This is d sort of thing I can do.

  2. It's Tuesday IHN


    Call me 🤙

  3. Firstlady blessing27 October 2020 at 14:01

    It's ok to have a mentor,a role model or someone you really admire but don't be a FELLOW-MISSED (you wonder what that even me didn't know it until now )
    See,the reason why some people have not gotten to their DESTINY is because they have left the track the HolySpirit have mapped out for them and they are busy following someone else!!!
    You follow minister A while following Pastor B and at the same time following Evangelist C while walking with Apostle D and learning at the feet of Prophet E just tell me why you won't have a DESTINY CRISIS
    You better REPENT,SIT DOWN and let the HolySpirt show you where you belong!

  4. Just so you don't forget:

    Your current situation does not define the rest of your life._aproko_doctor

  5. Wishing you quick recovery Candy. God's healing hand upon you this day. You're in my prayers. Sickness have no power over us. You will be fine and sound again.

    God watch over us all. Amen

    1. Wishing candilicious candy quick recovery,i asked of her today on spontaneous post i have not been seeing her comments lately.

    2. Blacky, congrats on your giveaway this morning. God bless the giver.

    3. Never knew Candy was sick. Here's wishing her a speedy recovery.

    4. Candy never knew you aren't feel
      I wish you quick recovery

    5. Teejay o lolz. He's from KOGI.., in the voice of Minister Chris Ngige, he is from Kogi o.

      Add Miss Aboki to mix, the nonsense go make sebse.

    6. 😲😲 I pray that the lovely Candy be fine soonest

  6. Holla 💋💖

    Be kind..tables turn

    @Ms A💖😍🥰 thanks Momma🤗💕❤️

    God increase you @Justswt and congrats once again

    Ciao 💋💋

    1. Candy darling hope you are good..I wish you quick recovery

    2. Thank you.

      Candy🍬 babe is sick😟. God's healing hands is upon you babe. Please take care of yourself

    3. Oh dear!!!
      My Candycane sans sucre , I wish you perfect health, May God heal you 🙏
      Sending you hugs 🤗 ❤ 💗

    4. Candy darl...praying you speedy recovery darl. May God perfect your health in Jesus name...Amen.Good day 🤗🤗🤗🤗❤

  7. ... you might be too weak to raise the middle finger.😄
    Good afternoon people.

  8. Just tired of everything. But I'm still grateful to God.

  9. These fungus infection can ea really annoying and stubborn.
    My own is only dandruff and I think I have found a cure,cos since I started using skineal on my scalp it has really reduced.
    Hmmm see shokiii
    Goodafternoon people
    Congrats to the madam with the good husband

    1. Wow. Skineal? Lemme go get one. Dandruff is dealing with me aswell.

  10. It's a hot afternoon right here in Kogi and i am feeling pretty good.😉😉 Have y'all heard about the woman in London that said her son got shot at the Lekki tollgate? Hope y'all have seen that a couple of guys came all out to refute or debunk the falsehood promulgated by the woman too? 😂🤣😹 The truth is beginning to come to the fore and i am so here for it.IHN rocks...I pray that those that wanna destroy Nigeria will end up being charred at the end of the day IJN

    1. You share same state with Eesah? It's making sense now.

    2. Soldiers removed the dead bodies
      Have you heard the number of missing persons from that night?

    3. I am most definitely from Kogi even as though i might relocate to Abuja soon but it shouldn't stop me from saying my mind now or should it? I am highly opinionated and it's not about being of a North Central,Nigeria extraction.The whole incidence was exaggerated and y'all can't even deny that absolute fact at this cusp.#Peaceout

    4. Adivincci you're joking right? I don't want to believe this is for real.
      It has to be a joke .

    5. Chocolate Noir I am not joking at all. I mean everything I said.#Peaceout

    6. Advincci, why am I not surprised to hear you're from Kogi? Is Yahaya Bello not your Governor? Like Governor like governed.

  11. Good Afternoon blog visitors❤❤❤❤

    Congratulations Justyswty

    Shoki😭😭I came to the party late✌

    God bless you more Mao Akuh
    God bless you Stella for this 1daful platform❤❤
    God bless all the givers in da house ❤❤.

  12. The adulterous lady is not thinking about what God who created her and gave her a husband will say or do due to her treachery?
    When you begin to reap the "bountiful harvests" of your adulteries, do not shift blame. Even after reading about the repented runs-girl's story, you did not repent? 😮😮

    1. Go and tell the men who started it to repent first.
      Many men have secret children all over the place

    2. some women really have guts.

    3. Anonymous 14:35, it still is not right what she has done. And what the men do also sowing wild oats here and there is not right.

    4. @14:35
      Are you the adulterous lady? The men did not come to sdk's blog to comment (out of guilty conscience and seeking validation for her atrocities), did they?
      If they do, be sure I'd tell them same things. There is no gender war in here. May the Lord Jesus have mercy on your soul.

  13. Replies
    1. Good afternoon Nnukwu Nwanyi. Happy to read you have fully recovered.

  14. Hello neighbours, how una day dey go😁

    Happy birthday to all the celebrants 🎂🎂🎂🎂😘😘😍

    Congratulations all that received alert, Na God win💃💃💃

    God bless Stella and all blog Angels, continue to flourish, amen.

  15. It's very hot and sunny in Lasgidi.

    IHN...una doh o.

    1. Madam your husband will find out, na African man him be.

    2. Then we get divorced if he cannot forgive me. Very simple.

  16. Lucky you,justyswty,May God bless the giver...Amen
    Thanks to all those those proffer solutions to bv's in times of trouble,May God be there for you too..Amen

    That sign out meme is all what we shall end up to be but God should make us grow old. It's the reality of life. When I see coffins,I think about life!

    1. How are you dearie ?
      Hope you're doing good 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    2. Thank you. Amen to your prayers.

  17. People have mind sha. Weldon ma oo to the poster hiding the identity of her child from her husband.

    Poster with the prince charming husband, please enjoy your marriage. And I pray to God to bless him beyond measures🙏🙏

    That painter story broke my heart. I cant begin to fathom why we Africans take these little safety measures for granted. Just imagine how he lost his life. RIP to him.

    To every of us,let's keep being safe. I believe things will get better soon.

  18. Good afternoon everyone
    We need peace mind ya Allah
    This morning while i was in the kitchen preparing breakfast,we heard gunshots down the street and. People running helter skelter
    We later learnt that some hoodlums were snatching commercial okada until soldiers came and pursue them into our neighborhood
    We no longer sleep at night for fear of armed robbers
    Pray for Our beloved country

  19. Hello everyone,
    Welcome IHN
    I got shoki arrrh
    Thanks BV Mao Akuh. 💃💃💃💃
    God bless and replenish you.

  20. Good afternoon everyone
    We need peace mind ya Allah
    This morning while i was in the kitchen preparing breakfast,we heard gunshots down the street and. People running helter skelter
    We later learnt that some hoodlums were snatching commercial okada until soldiers came and pursue them into our neighborhood
    We no longer sleep at night for fear of armed robbers
    Pray for Our beloved country

    1. It is well be safe my dear...Allah will grant you peace with your family

    2. May God protect you and your loved ones. Its unfortunate that things have degenerated to this level.

    3. Stay safe
      Praying for protection for you all .

  21. Stella, there's something I'm loving about you lately. Come close let me whisper to you. Hahahahahaha..... I doubt anyone can guess what it is but if you do and get it right, a special gift for you from me.

  22. The way I blush over love stories ehn, na only God go deliver me.

    MARTINS, pls I need ur help. How do I make my blog Id show when using iPhone pls. I have tried and tried the usual android way to no avail.

    1. Hi @Eka;It's from the browser you are using(safari or soo)..

      Search for Chrome or puffin in your store;then download and sign into


    2. Martins I am using chrome. That's d only browser I'm comfortable with and it still does not work

    3. Okay @Eka;please try out Puffin And see if it can work for you..

      If the issue is about logging in;kindly do a password reset and see if it will work..

      Sorry about the whole wahala..


  23. Good afternoon!
    Poster who is in love AGAIN, may God open doors of extraordinary for you and yours.

    Sign out meme so deep

  24. That poster regarding the baby ish is evil men

    1. I love what she did
      Men need to know that women too can do it

  25. I'm so excited about the news I got today.. I actually went to this office for something else,but Jehovah jireh decided to use the CEO to uplift my life... see ehh my people anything that God cannot do doesn't exist... Thank you Lord.. I'll share my testimony soon💃💃💃💃

    1. I pray that your testimony will be permanent IJN

    2. You don sell land
      Oya bring blog tithe

    3. 3Amigos Bread @ 6 Okesalu St, Ikotun. 0813851632827 October 2020 at 14:46

      Wow, God’s ways are mysterious. Congratulations.

    4. May it be permanent in your life.

    5. Aww... congratulations dear

    6. Congrats dear...may God perfect what He has begun in your life.💃🏽💃🏽🥰

    7. Congratulations. See as I'm happy for you, lol. May the Lord answer me, I also want to share my testimony. He's a wonder working God.

  26. Gas lighting.. who hasn't done it? Lol.

    Madam with mixed baby, you try sha such stress ontop adultery.

  27. @Anonymous you get mind, from your comment you didn't feel guilty of cheating on your husband that's not fair. God bless your husband and continue to sustain your family @That woman her husband treat her like a queen 🤴.

  28. Good day Fam!! Hope y'all are having a great day.
    @Justyswt...congrats dearie 💃🏽❤
    @Queen good to have you back dearie, thank God for proving himself faithful in your life.🥰🤗
    @Dietitian Nezz... Happy 50th to you darl. Pray you many more amazing years in good health.🥰🤭
    @Zaram...good to have you back dearie, thank God for a safe trip🥰🤗
    @NN...may God replenish your energy and perfect all that concerns your health dearie.🥰🤭
    Have a great day people 🥰❤❤

    1. Hey boo,Don't mind Dietitian ok. She was only being funny.

    2. @NN..anytime dearie🤗
      @Tbabe..for real? Lol😂Hope you've been good darl 🤗

    3. Thank you dear. I am 💃💃💃here too.

  29. Lady with the caring husband, thank God and enjoy your man while believing God for the best. Becoming different after he hammers is a possibility but not a certainty. Don't let naysayers spoil your mind, keep doing your part and believing. God bless your home.

    1. Yeah it's only a possibility. But it wouldn't be her case , I beamed all through
      Little things truly matter , God bless her home.

      As for the anon up there please do not fail to keep us updated 🙂 we must see this story to the end no matter how long it takes.

    2. 3Amigos Bread @ 6 Okesalu St, Ikotun. 0813851632827 October 2020 at 14:48

      I love her love story. And yes, not all men change for the worse after they make it. Some become even better and I pray that for the lady.

    3. Thank you so much😍😍

  30. Skin neal n funbactA re not for confirmed fungal infection. It might make it worse sef.

  31. Gangsta signout..Aww it pays to marry a good man who loves you through and through..Good afternoon everyone..Please I need to emphasize again..Nigerian Youths please this is the time to be armed with good information. Please download the nigerian constitution as amended and know your constitution..We cannot create or fight what we dunno....These old cargoes in Government enjoy gaslighting and let us hit them below the belt with our intelligence and brillance..They know they are on borrowed time so they will use every strength to maintain the status quo but let us be smart not to play into their hands..Let us be united and see everyone like their brothers and sisters..

    Again the poor amongst us this is time to educate and reach out to them cause they see us as the enemies and not the evil men in power...We need to let them know that this fight is between us and the evil people in power..Enough of profiling them as hoodlums, useless boys, area boys and hooligans..You are opportuned today becos of personal strength and God but they had to do what they had to do cause they had no choice..If we can bridge this gap we can all speak with one voice without it being hijacked again..One love everyone...

    1. Falz made a suggestion that is very brilliant.
      He said the youths aren't backing down but this time it would be good to be at a designated spot in different states , while this is good and doable im hoping the area boys wouldn't infiltrate the place and cause menace .

      Hello my melanin Queen , you're doing a good job and I appreciate you for this.

    2. To an extent Phoenix,you're right. But i beg to not agree on all that you wrote.These so called thugs,hudlooms and what have you, do they feed through their anus? Cant they see the happenings in the country. Do they need someone else to to tell them that our leaders aren't trying? If things were to be good,would they turn out to be what they are?

      They are just fools.

    3. @Choco Bambam Thanks dear @Tbabe darling my dear this people have been dehumanized and brainwashed to accept that violence is the only way..Poverty and illiteracy has been weaponized in this country..I will not blame them much becos each of us have different strengths..

    4. The wickedness, selfishness and greed on display in recent times NY young people

  32. Stella I dey hail o,my beautiful bvs I salute una o.
    Stella I don't no that gay is also found in animals o,I've chickens I rear,Asin poultry.i noticed a particular male nouiler always trying to mate his fellow male.At first I thought it was a mistake,until I caught it live trying to mate another male..chai I screamed chicken get gay.when I told my hubby he didn't believe me so I said let me bring it here to my everly knowing bvs to confirm if animals too have gay...e go be ✌️.

    1. Yes now..Do you watch wildlife documentaries? I will encourage that you do.It is found in most antelopes which is called the ''stag dance''..Even in ducks infact a gay duck raped another one to death! so sad

    2. Kai Phoenix say what!!!
      Damn why did I read this !! Cries

  33. Who is doing fx farms?are they real?

  34. Hello guys
    Thanks bv Mao for the card..I got one
    Stella..your signout post is on point..luv u ma'am
    Enjoy d rest of the day bvs

  35. Abeg will u call a woman of size 16 with four kids fat?I'm asking for my sister lol

    1. Size 16 is FAT, kids or no kids.
      Why must you allow yourself to get that big? Are you the only one with four kids?

    2. i dont think it is fair to call anyone fat, someone may have excess fat but that is not who she is. As to whether she is a healthy size or weight because she is wearing size 16, depends on her height and body shape. Someone is not fat because they wear size 16. As women get older and have kids they do, they tend to store fat more and their shape changes.

    3. Uk or Us size 16?

    4. Easy oo anon14:56... na question she ask, she no kill person.... lol

  36. Stella you are doing well!

  37. Bv that had a white baby with her white boyfriend while still married with sons to her Nigerian husband, this your plan sounds good. But please no matter what dont abandon your baby girl.
    You have mind sha o. I guess you are rich too, so continue balling, after all our naija men do worse, the fact you are a woman doesn't make it any worse.

    1. Thank you
      Women be beating men to their game. Our mumu don do

  38. hi very one how has been the day
    shoki did not reach me oo😭

  39. Hello my lovely bvs.. welcome ihn
    Ma'am Stella u are doing a great job..God bless u and all the amazing angels on this blog.
    Blog PA thank God for ur healing,bv Amy so good to hear from u..indeed God leaves here in SDK yard.
    Congrats to the giveaway recipients and may God bless and replenish the angels pocket in million folds.
    Happy birthday to those celebrating and may God console those is well with us all.
    E go be ✌️

  40. Good afternoon Blog Fam! Been missing in action 😔 yeah i know. Was mourning my friend ( exactly 2weeks of her death and the massacre at lekki toll gate). Am good now. She has been buried. A big thank you to bv Candy, Tbabe and phoneix. God bless you guys.

    Congratulations to yesterday beneficiaries. God bless the giver. Enjoy the rest of your day people.

    1. May her soul rest in peace..It is well dear

    2. Sorry about your friend dearie...may God console you and hwe family🤗

    3. So so sorry for the loss of your friend, May her gentle soul rest in peace

    4. Good to have you back babe .
      Please stay strong, my condolence to you and her family once again.
      I wish people didn't have to die , death is the worst thing ever.

    5. Sorry dear, may her soul RIP.
      Welcome back

    6. Sorry dear, may her soul RIP.
      Welcome back

  41. The blog visitor doing lovey dovey with her husband. I love love stories. May you grow in love and peace.

    Former blog PA,thank God for your health.
    What else?
    I saw pictures of people stealing toilet seat,blood back,bath tubs,clothes and hanger etc in onetone of these looting videos. How did we get to this point?
    People are looking for food and you break into someone's house to steal toilet seat?
    The most baffling is the one they went to an IDH and stole hospital beds and raided the drug store. I just can't!!!!

    This one is no longer hunger and poverty but a reflection of our decayed morals and character deficit.
    I no fit abeg.

    I heard of a man here that got a loan in millions last month to restock his shop only for these criminal elements to raid the whole place. Is that fair? Jobs no kuku dey before but the small one wey dey person go come make such employees jobless.

    Good afternoon o jare

  42. Ihn has landed.

    Bv with white bv, you get mind sha.

  43. Good afternoon everyone i love today's weather
    God bless the givers on this blog, congratulations to you Justyswyt

  44. Good afternoon everyone
    Welcome IHN

  45. Help me to thank God. I had saved 10.000 euros and used 8000 euros to pay for an advanced course to get my diploma and be able to attend university. Since I had other expenses the remain savings was getting low. I was able to get a regular monthly stream of income and I was relying on it so as not to waste the last savings that I was planning to use for my nursing school next year. I had planned to save 150 every month so as to be able to be able to add to my savings that was at this point about 1200 euros. For weeks I was afraid to check my account balance but today after reading some financial posts on instagram that advised on checking your balance to stay on track of your financial goals, I did. Low and behold I saw an alert of 1800 euros and more from a very good friend that owed me. Now my balance is at 3200 euro and something. Glory be to God. Now by adding 150 euro every month to my savings, once I finish this course and get my diploma, in September I'll be able to enroll into nursing school and with the help of God be able to get my nursing degree without any struggle. God is good. I was almost giving up my dream of becoming a nurse but now I feel like God is showing me that nursing is truly one of my purposes on earth. I'm grateful to God. I'll be back to give my testimony when I get my nursing degree and start working and hopefully by then I'll be able to empower someone that needs it. Have a blessed day.

  46. Stella, your sign out post make lots of sense

  47. Good afternoon house. Stella nwa I notice you've change the time for IHN, Been waiting since 1:00pm. BV with white boyfriend, you're wicked ooooo, and is people like you condemn men that cheat on their wife. May God help you.

    1. Yeah Time has changed so everything is back to how it was Sp now 8am and etc .

  48. All I can say is that some women get mind o... I also wonder what you will say/do when they girl grows up and looks so much like you and questions will start shooting at you from all sides. Abi you think say the child no go ever grow up ni. Keep moving shaa.

    1. Adopted children look like their adoptive parents, google it. U am it shaken at all, dont feel for me.

  49. Good afternoon everyone 😊 😊

  50. I am so overwhelmed with all that's happening. Things are so expensive in the market. God which way ooo. I need a hug and some words of encouragement abeg.

    1. 🤗🤗🤗💋💋💋💋🤗🤗🤗🤗

      All would be well again , I understand that we are going through trying times but I also believe some people are milking the situation.
      I can only pray for more open doors for you 🙏 don't worry life would be good again.

    2. It's only God my dear. No matter what,hes able and faithful to take care of us.. Here's sending you plenty hugs🤗🤗🤗🤗

    3. 🤗🤗🤗this too shall pass and God will show up

  51. Stella, I have sent you a mail. May God bless my angel abundantly. See 💃💃💃💃💃💃here. Stella, thank you for all you do. Your generation is blessed forever.

    Bv queen Amy, so happy you are back commenting. May your healing be permanent in Jesus name amen 🙏.

    Woman with biracial baby, may God give you wisdom to handle this issue.

    My people how una dey?

    1. I'm happy for you ☺ 😊
      Many more wins and open doors .

    2. Amen 🙏 @chocolat Noir. Thanks.

  52. Nigerian ladies have taken the heavy weight title on intercontinental adulteries. I was informed that some ladies travel abroad often to engage in hard currency prostitution. God loves all of you and wants you to repent.

  53. Congratulations to Justyswt.

  54. blog visitor with the amazing hubby, i join you in praying for him that he will have good health, long life and that riches and honor will be in the home the two of you are building! I pray the two of you will grow more in love and care for one another. Thanks for sharing, your lovely testimony.
    I also use the story you have shared as a point of contact for me and all other single blog visitors that we would be and we would receive caring and kind spouses.

    1. Amen. Thanks honey. May all your intentions be accomplished in accordance with God's plan for you in Jesus name... Amen.

  55. Lady with a child, you are not alone.

    My friend's best friend is married but, has a child for another man as her husband works in another state and doesn't come home often. The lockdown really helped her. She gave birth after the lockdown and discouraged the husband to visit. She has delivered and gotten herself in shape and wants to go visit the husband without the child. Some people are stone hearted sha

  56. Congratulations madam may God bless your home. The painter's story made me feel bad, may God protect us.


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