Stella Dimoko Senate Confirms Bawa As EFCC Chairman


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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Senate Confirms Bawa As EFCC Chairman

On Wednesday, the Nigerian Senate confirmed Abdulrasheed Bawa as chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFFC.

*Looks for Magu in the crowd*


  1. Isn't this guy corrupt too? Abeg, I am tired

  2. Off course they confirmed him, will they not do so before?

  3. We craved for a chance for the youths to take over - He is 40,probably single or a young father. So let's give him a chance and see if he will be courageous enough to rock the boats, arrests, and indicts thiefs old enough to be his dad.

  4. We craved for a chance for the youths to take over - He is 40,probably single or a young father. So let's give him a chance and see if he will be courageous enough to rock the boats, arrests, and indicts thieves old enough to be his dad.

  5. Rubber stamp senate, no proper challenge to the executive, Saraki would have been the perfect senate leader again but the rush to be president destroyed his carreer, now we only have rubber stamp senate approving lopsided appointment without challenge nonsense and ingredients

  6. Every security chief na from the North. Bubu, well done oo

  7. Those senators doesn't have a choice, they do whatever Bubu wants. Hope putting this young man there will not be an avenue for them to override him and steal more.

  8. Our senators are all stupid not ready to challenge anything anyway it’s scratch my back and I scratch yours. This new guy has a query to answer for corruption. Laws were changed in his favour and he’s Malamis cousin so they know that he can be controlled. I finally gave up on Nigeria. When the sacked service chiefs were confirmed despite incompetency.

  9. If Buhari would nominate late Abacha for any post,this useless 9th Assembly will clear him and call him a national hero.


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