Stella Dimoko Media Personality Ebuka's Wife Cynthia Corrects The Impression That She Is A House Wife...


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Monday, March 15, 2021

Media Personality Ebuka's Wife Cynthia Corrects The Impression That She Is A House Wife...

 Media Personality Ebuka Obi Uchendu's wife Cynthia asked her followers on Instagram impressions they have about her...

She has since deleted this response ......

The assumption and her response do not match...Ain't nothing wrong with being a house wife who works from home.... Ain't even nothing wrong with being a housewife, every Journey no be the same road...Na wah!!!


  1. Every mallam with im kettle.

    1. As a house wife then sitting at home,was earning 200k a month. Now way i dey office,the stress is too much, thinking of going back to my 200k a month without stress biko. Hubby is just laughing at me anyhow now.

    2. Anon 13.39, I’m a housewife earning 500k but I’m bored and I don’t have savings, when I was working I had savings and could plan my money , I’m making conscious effort this year to do better and I’m trying, so help me God.

  2. she has a jewelry line and inherited her mothers investment as an only girl babe is not doing bad

    1. Anon12.34, u know it. Her mother was in charge of her home , with her husband’s consent , if u know what I mean. She had her own investments & boxes of jewelry & much more , all bequeathed to her , as an only girl. Recently her dad gave her one of his hotels in Lagos , as her own share of his investments & some properties too. Ds was while sharing his investments to his children. Take ds to d bank, so which work again she go struggle for.

  3. I found it weird when I read it, But she didn't delete it na. It expired like the other responses.
    Meanwhile I didnt know she was tall. She said shes

    1. She doesnt look it. She looks 5ft6 some times this people can lie sha. What do i know sef!!!

  4. Wahala tie niyรจ cynthia. Ko kaรฑ aiye

  5. There are house wives that work from home. And even if you are not working, you are taking care of the house. It is still work.

  6. Being a housewife working from home has its own advantage, you get time to take care of the home and your kids, especially if you have little kids. #FamilyIsTheFirstPlaceToLearn

  7. Her hubby is doing well.. her father is a billionaire, even if she doesn't work she can't go hungry for life..

  8. don't understand why women especially feel they are insulting you to say you are housewife ..when they person has not knocked on your door asking you for salt ...allow people make their life choices please ..some project their frustration at wake up at 4am on 3rd mainland bridge on someone else ..mind you even housewife wakes up at 5am to get everyone ready ..mind your business is a subject that should be studied compulsory in all secondary schools

  9. People be seeing housewife like it's a curse or something. Most of mothers were housewives( my mum inclusive), she was a housewife till I entered pri.1( I was the last child). Till today, mumsy still believes her being with us at that stage and not leaving us with nannies, maids, et al, helped us on how turned out. Being a housewife is not easy at all, it's also a full time job on it's own. If not, then there wouldn't had be need to have and pay nannies and maids.
    If your household can afford it and u can stay home without mental health being on the line, then by all, be a housewife.

    1. Some people see housewives as lazy people with enough free time to waste. I lost my job last year and am already tired of people asking funny questions.

  10. I don't even understand why they do all this their rubbish question and answer thing, if their "AC" ask them yeye questions Dem go come dey write epistle dey disturb social media

  11. I don't blame the lady. I blame those who carry two left legs dey follow them to
    where they know not. Look at the kindergarten reasoning of a supposed graduate? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

  12. She has a clothing and jewellery business

  13. People readily insult housewives because they think they don't earn or contribute financially to the house. They refuse to understand that some people seldom leave their house so people erroneously assume you don't earn meanwhile some of us are investors in hundreds of millions. Imagine my friend and my maternal uncle who are just managing themselves and always requesting for assistance from me calling me 'Alabodo' jokingly because my husband is wealthy. I just smiled and didn't say anything. People also assume it's my husband that does everything for me because there isn't a viable business on ground. I don't bother explaining because I don't believe I owe them any explanation.
    To be truthful,my husband created an enabling environment to build my investments to what it is today by being very generous regarding housekeeping and bills, that's all. I do my bit too and take very good care of myself and my children from my returns. I'm sponsoring my late sister's daughters in private university and one is preparing to travel abroad for her masters;imagine my brother saying he thought it was my husband who gave me the money. It hurts at times but then there's nothing I can do about it

  14. I am a housewife, I earn over 200k working from home. I even earn more than hubby that goes to work daily. Nothing wrong in being a housewife, just be bringing something to the table and don't be idle

    1. I don't see your comments on investment posts oo. You people should share info na. Nawaooo

    2. Pls help a fellow housewife by sharing your investment ideas.

  15. Being a housewife does not make some women lesser being at all. Housewives actual do more work Cook, clean, wash, school runs, groceries store, play doctor, nurse etc to babies and the big baby etc. If they were to be paid, I don't think a lot of men would be able to afford them. In Lagos, women practically live their lives on the road and for others in the name of 'hard working corporate woman' or whatever title they bear and that is why we now have a dysfunctional society because both partners are fully engaged. It is only when they are idle or leave their homes to the maid(s) to run that I detest it. If I had my way, I won't be caught up in this crazy Lagos life where people leave home before dawn to beat the traffic and get home late after the kids have slept. It is not life at all and I am doing everything possible to take my life back from this '9am-5pm (plus extra hours to show committment blablabla), mbok.

    1. God bless you. It is a modern woke thing to vilify housewives. But it is wrong. If you don't wanna be a housewife good for you, but leave housewives alone.

  16. I am a proud housewife.

    1. Good for you!Never look down on yourself for any reason.

  17. Lazy housewives, you guys should keep consoling yasef

    1. Jealousy jealousy ๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. Judgemental entrepreneur keep it moving. Lol

  18. Beevees and double mouth!!! It is u same pple that abuse women that don't have a source of income because they have chosen to take care of their homes and their husband's income is enough.

  19. A housewife plays many roles which if you were to hire and pay for will be expensive in some parts of the place I live.

    It’s mostly mean in laws that pressure some men. A lot of men prefer they live on an income. In this country where they are more individualistic, many Americans agree for one person to be home till their kids (usually less than 4) all start grade school.

    A house wife is
    1. An unpaid cook, try eating 2 or 3 meals out everyday and watch your finances dwindle
    2. An unpaid sleep mate. Many stingy guys are loyal not for faithfulness but because side chicks cost more than the Iyawo You don’t buy her love at every encounter and she has visibility on what comes in and loves you. She isn’t using you. At least the proverbs 31 woman.
    3. An unpaid cleaner. Here my cleaning lady makes $80 plus $20 tip making $100 for her once a month deep cleaning while we do the daily cleaning and that is time consuming.
    4. An educated housewife is an unpaid tutor and homework helper to the children after being an unpaid round the clock babysitter. Add the tons of money on babysitting here and you will see why it’s sometimes not worth the while to go out & work if your man’s salary can provide a good life for the family. The babysitter teenager trained with electronic babies who knows how to do CPR costs $12/hour and is only available after school & her homework. The live in mamas who used to come and do 6 months stretches back then took $1000/1200 plus living and eating your food on top of acting as if they are your mother in law.
    5. An unpaid therapist. Who does dad and everyone dump their work, school yard trips or issues on? Mom the unpaid therapist
    6. I know an engineer that homeschooled her children till they were ready for college, all turned out well. She saved the family 10 years of property tax. They didn’t have to build or buy in a good expensive school district because she was smart and could solve AP calculus. or handle the home schooling curriculum competently. Homeschooling is not recommended for the “averagely” academically gifted woman.

    Calculate all those savings and you see the opportunity cost and benefits of a stay at home mom. I’m a full time career mom but I admire them as I have to use my days off to do grocery, cook and divide Zs& freeze, help with home work. It was stressful and after a while we hired a tutor at a ridiculous amount per hour to do it. We used a college maths related female student at times to come home as we were both professionals.
    The Yoruba derogatory word “Alabodo” should be anathema in today’s world.

    If your income after deducting daycare, after school “activity bus fees” etc is not worth it, there is no point leaving your kids with anybody you don’t know. You are adding value to society. Few Oyinbo stay at home in my neighborhood don’t care for the kids as much. Some don’t discipline or train their kids and allow them get spoilt but most do not. Those exceptions walk the dog after the bus picks the kids and watch Dr Phil/Oprah show back then while sipping vodka till they become alcoholics, throwing up by the time the kids are almost home, still giving them frozen preservative filled dinners. At least by my cleaning lady’s account of her experiences in many homes she cleans.Those exceptions, the “alabodos” who get a boyfriend to fill their void because their husbands work late.
    To all the stay at home moms, and those of us whose income justified going out to work to help our households & extended families in Naija, I say we are on the same team “help meet” ๐Ÿฅ‚and are blessed by the Lord in Jesus Name. To each couple their own decision. It’s a complicated decision that has to be customized to each home’s needs.


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