Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


Saturday, June 05, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..



Does juju actually work?. Someone please be honest. Have you seen juju in action?

I feel all is not well with me. I have been a good girl. Got married. Remained a good girl. Hubby left me after 5 years due to infertility. We went to different hospitals and nothing was found wrong with me. 

He remarried and his new wife conceived immediately, Its been 4 years since he left. All that come around me are men who need s#x and nothing serious. I put all my energy in my work. Improved myself professionally. My over all boss needed s#x and could not get it from me. All he did was to recommend me for retrenchment.

 This is someone that can get s#x easily because of his position and pocket. Why must l be added to your fleet? Never had a query. Never been found wanting in my job of over 15 years. All l got was a retrenchment letter. 

I cried as if I will die. Oh God not again. You have not given me a replacement for the husband that left and this job that is my only source of comfort is gone too. 

I am beginning to think this is not ordinary. Who did l offend?. Blood of Jesus Christ please speak for me. Let me see the hand of God at work in my life. Do not allow the enemy win. Amen. Sorry for ranting.

*You were sacked because you refused to sleep with your Boss? Your ex left because you could not conceive? Oh dear, stop feeling so bad.
When God wants to give you something better than what you have, he takes away the one you have.. Don't worry you hear? Something better is coming...

Does Juju exist?.... We have read peoples stories of juju in action havent we? 


  1. Yes there is juju but the efficacy of some jazz is usually short and little things deactivates them,thats all I have to say

    1. Not all jazz is short lived, let that sink.
      who no go no know

    2. "who no go no know" - please, I don't understand this statement.

      Is it, *who know go know* or *who no know, go know* ?

    3. It simply means seeing is believing

    4. I used to doubt about juju until I tasted the bitter pill. I wish I can write and send pictures. I'm alive today because of the grace of God.

    5. It’s who no go no know, if you haven’t been there you won’t know

  2. Juju exists daadaa. But God is greater than any juju or the person behind d juju. Jesus will come through for you. Don't throw in the towel just yet. Hugs

    1. To the best of my findings, it does not work. But I know we all possess certain level of energy that can help us bring something to be. I also believe there are certain things you would do or put yourself in a certain state of mind that makes you porous and easily attract negative things like wickedness, accidents and causes.

      At the end of the day, your life and the happenings inbetween are in your hands. Read books. Try "Power of Positive Thinking". Try "The Secret" by Rhonda Bryne and you will see for yourself that all that has been happening to you, your attracting a husband who wouldn't stay with you, your childlessness, your boss's hate and your sack...all were in your hands and you attracted them all.

      I say this because I used my own life to experiment it and I now know and understand how to handle things to get the results I desire.

  3. Don’t let nobody deceive u, JAZZ DEY, I have confirmed personally time and time again.
    There is good and there is evil
    There is Jesus and there is devil
    The supernatural controls the physical
    There is JUJU nobody can convince me otherwise.
    My people perish for lack of knowledge, your knowing that life is spiritual is the first step to your liberation and living a fulfilled life

  4. Oh God this womam is hurting plz bring joy and peace into her life. Restore to her all the years that the locust have eaten! Poster it is well with you. Plz be strong💕

  5. Girl, I quite empathize with you.
    I passed through a similar thing; not the infertility but resigning from my plum job because I refused him sex and
    slapped him and raised an alarm for attempting a rape.
    I knew I could not work there anymore. I was a little bit less mature then but I quit. When I gave him the quit letter he was shocked.
    I stayed one year at home living on my savings and praying/fasting. I was always in a church or retreat center praying/meditating on my Scriptures.
    A lot of pleasant things followed in my life; got a new job better than the previous, horned my natural talent (from which I am reaping from today, I no longer work in my trained field), met and married an amazing man that is after Jesus' heart.
    Do I regret leaving that job? NO
    Am I happier in life and better fulfilled? Yes.
    Kudos for not giving him fornication like he wished. Kudos for not worshipping the devil like he wanted.
    Jesus is watching this faithfulness and will reward you for it. Seek him and him only. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    1. Anon 15:13 your testimony encouraged me, am not the poster, but i certainly believe God will reward Poster soon too in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen

  6. Take job in the Bible as someone that should help your faith gtow..Don't give up on God.. sometimes,I feel like giving up too but I still hold on tight.. Relationships never favour me and I said feel I haven't met the right one, neighbors say I'm supposed to be married and I still don't give a damn about whatever they say,when once you think too much it will affect everything you do.. I'm very happy.. many people in my work place are single for no reason.. we encourage each other, especially my close friends at work.. I discovered a collracol of mine is 40, yet single but very beautiful.. I usually say a little prayer for her while hoping I also get a good man too.. stay strong

    1. *grow *still feel *colleague " I didn't look twice before posting,hence, mistakes

  7. Pls wipe ur tears and smile,inugo.I was in similar position years back. My hubby left when I became the almighty pregnant, yes, but I kept my faith in God. Pls resist the urge to go to various prayers houses and any suspicious places. It worsens the matter, but I can recommend mfm, go to the main mfm, as I no too trust all of them. Dunamis is another place but the HQ is my recommendation, the Tuesday Healing and Deliverance Service. Also, u can pray at home, read the Bible and keep quoting the scriptures. Mind who u sleep wit or take money from. Calmly check ur self, the Holy Spirit wil direct u to ur source of problem and how to get out from it. That's what can make ur sun shine again. It is well.

  8. My dear am so sorry for all the ills that befell you, please don't loose hope. God is taking you to a better place okay. Juju works but I don't believe that is the issue on your case, please don't believe that juju is working on you because you are what you believe.
    Pray every midnight night and pour your heart out to God.
    Study and meditate on the word.
    You can go and do a transvaginal scan and ask them to check your uterus for uterine synachea( I hope I got the spelling right) it's uterine scars which could be gotten from abortions (am not saying you did) it could be gotten from use of contraceptive device inserted, in the case of you experiencing a miscarriage that ended up with an asherman syndrome, you could also be a cause is after treatment. Uterine scars have caused a lot of women to be infertile and unfortunately I don't see much gynaecologist making that diagnosis and treating women with the condition except for fertility Drs. So in case you have it go for treatment specifically for it but do that in a fertility clinic to avoid being scammed by any other Dr.
    Once the scars are melted you will be ready for the next man that will marry you. As for your job , God will take you to a better height and put your former boss to shame. Once you believe that juju is at work, prophetic churches that do mind reading will open office for you in that line of thought and demons will keep in that bus stop for a long time, so don't fall for that thought please. All the best.

  9. Nothing is wrong with you. God will answer you, be positive.

    1. Yeah poster. You are going to be okay. Just keep on trusting God and pray always.

  10. Poster please read Joel 2:25-32. Everything will be alright I promise, pray and have faith. At the moment, find things that make you happy and do them.

  11. I pray God comforts you poster and gives you a double portion of all you have lost. Its normal to feel sad but pick yourself up and keep moving on..keep praying and at His time God will show up.
    Sending hugs🤗🤗🤗🤗. Much love ❤❤❤

  12. Kpeleee.. 15yrs in a company. Nawa oo
    Just keep praying, the best is yet to come and with all of the issues you are going through, it means you will smile very soon

  13. God will comfort you and take away your pains.There's always a reason why things happen. Seek God's favour and get more spiritual.Get to know God personally not moving from religious houses to another .Ehugs dearie...

  14. Dear Poster,

    Juju does exist. However, the power of God who you have cried out too supercedes the efficacy of any juju. The juju designer and the juju user were both created by God and in a millisecond, he can cause the air they breathe to cease and they'll drop dead. He can cause the one under the influence of juju to receive deliverance and restoration.

    I recommend you go on a retreat, it can be in your house or any place you know you can concentrate. You need to ask God some soul searching questions to find out the root of your situation. This is what I did when I was experiencing compounding negative issues during a phase of my life. I wept and asked the Holy Spirit for answers, all I wanted to know was the reason for my situation. God is so merciful that he will not let you grope in the dark. Poster, in that moment, the Holy Spirit revealed the people behind the problem and how I got myself into my situation. I realized that I also had a part to play in it because I enabled the juju to work by the words of my mouth. I don't want to go into details but let me give you an example of how it works. They may decide that for the juju to be effective, you must become angry or sin in some kind of way, so the demon behind the juju can enforce it. According to the Bible, a causeless curse cannot stand, thus juju activators and witches always try to find something to latch on to in people's lives (curses/evil covenants/errors) to cause harm.
    When the Holy Spirit explains to you the root of the situation, He'll also give you the solution and that solution may not be logical to you but do it. In my case, I was told to use my words to reverse what was done since I used my words to activate it. I was then told to forgive them in my heart i.e. let go of any bitterness against them. Guess what? I got my testimonies and everything that was done against me backfired.

    Poster, you will be fine.

    1. 👌

    2. This right here was also revealed to me by the HolySpirit. It works all the time and can be replicated.

    3. I can totally relate. Beautiful writing. I am just waiting on my testimonies to start coming through. It's going to be a lot of them ����

  15. Just be positive poster,,God will come through for you soon...

  16. Poster, magnify the power and mercy of God above all your problems. God is above any juju (voodoo).

    Good people suffer bad situations but through STEADFAST FAITH and Patience they inherit the promises. Heb 6v12

    Remember how Job suffered so much, loosing everything - wealth, children, friends even to the point of his health.

    Many of the Bible heroes suffered many bad things because the devil hates people who live uprightly.
    Most of them suffered for many years but counted it all joy KNOWING GOD WILL NEVER FAIL THEM!

  17. Stay strong poster. The good Lord will suprise you.

  18. Come here🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    There is always light at the end of the tunnel

  19. Yes oh juju works but all boils down to what you believe in. Have you try IVF to see if you have block tubes, if a woman cannot fall pregnant there must be something wrong either they are checking the wrong directions or something doesn't seems right.

    Have you try another partner since your ex husband left you, don't be too sure that you are the main problem, your ex could be the reason. I have seen cases that the man can not father a child but the new wife will get pregnant from other man and put it on the man who they know is desperate for a child. Please stop being hard on yourself and still do a check on yourself to see what could be stopping you from taking in.

    For your boss don't worry God will deal with him soon. I pray you get a better job that is far better than the one you lost. Stay strong cos love will find you soonest.

  20. Dear poster, God will show up for you. My family is a living testimony.

  21. Who is to say that the baby your ex's wife gave birth to is his?
    You mentioned being checked at the hospital, and nothing was found to be wrong. Why wasn't your ex husband checked too?
    It is not on this same SDK that we have read many women confess to giving pregnancies to men that aren't the fathers...but the most responsible, out of the plenty guys they were dating/sleeping with! Seeing as your ex was desperate to be a dad, it's very easy to pin a pregnancy on him.

  22. Do you have any proof you were sacked because of sex? If yes, then go to court.
    If no, call out your boss on all social media platforms. Surly, you're not the only one.
    Lastly, when all seems lost, it's only a sign that greater things are close by

  23. Poster,pls continue to pray and don't give up, God will show up for you and he'll restore double of all you've lost.
    Stay strong 🤗🤗🤗🤗

  24. My sister 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 God will surprise you soon

  25. There used to be a very unattractive guy who really didn't have money or any accomplishments to speak of, but he used to only get the cream of the top girls and my aunt was convinced he was using

  26. Is there not a Labour board that works to protect the rights of the workers that you can open up a case with? There has to be labour laws in Nigeria that protect workers against sexual harassments. There has to be an NGO you can go to and speak with a free lawyer to see if you have a case should the labour board not be a worthwhile option. You really don't have to take it sitting down, you have options to fight back against the unfair dismissal. Who to tell if your willingness to bring forth a legal case will not cause other victims to open up and help to build your case. Go seek out the law and get your severance if they are holding it back.

    There is something that nobody wants to talk about because it is a tricky subject matter. But not every couple is compatible for procreation. We talk about compatibility a lot with regards to other things, but sometimes for whatever reasons a couple just cannot make life together, or the children they make together have various health problems, then they go with someone else and everything works out fine. If you and your ex were not compatible biologically there is nothing for you to lose sleep about, we have no power to change our biological makeup. Just send him and his new family positive thoughts and energies, and truly mean it. What is meant for you will find, and you too will also know the joys of motherhood. Every time you think evil or is full of contempt for him and his new life it is you who will end up suffering. I know this first hand. The laws of the universe are completely unbiased, you MUST follow them no matter what wrongs have been done to you because it will only return to you what you give out. And going to church and serving God as you believe is not enough, you must live that every second and every day of life.

  27. Poster, hang in there ok? God will come through for you. Trials of life will come, but I believe strongly, you will laugh last.
    P.s: Have you heard of NSPPD? Pls try and join. God still answers prayers.

    E-hugs to you.

  28. Poster, with the little I have seen in this life, I will advise you check the attitude of your parents. Some of us are offspring of really wicked people and evil doers. If you are always experiencing downfall at the point of breakthrough, look inwards, what is your heart like, are you filled with evil and negative minds towards other? Check your background, which is mostly the foundation of many people's problem in life. If you examine all these, you will surely get the answer.

  29. Dear poster,I am going to be brief,I hope you understand me.
    Sometimes we could be going through the kind of affliction from God,how? In the book of Jeremiah,it said"in affliction I called my people". See my dear,some afflictions and battle are from God to draw your attention. Sometimes we have the seed of godliness without knowing God himself,please dear,find a Bible believing church,give your life to Christ,get busy with knowing Jesus Christ and his words and with serving God. Just one year of total surrender to God,you will see indeed God's greatness. God bless you.

  30. When you feel all have failed that is when God is preparing something BIG! BETTER!! When its seems coming late TRUST GOD, He never ever fails.

    Take time to fellowship with HOLY SPIRIT always. He's our Comforter and will definitely comfort you, restore and recover all.

    Be positive always! Be rest assure that your long awaiting miracle is around the corner. Join P9 Community to start your own Business.

    1. God bless you all for all your prayers,words of encouragement and and advice. My soul is lifted. God bless you Stella. Your joy will be full.

      Please @Gbado. What is p9 community. I am emotionally down and need something to distract my mind. I am interested in the business. Please how can l join. God bless you.

  31. my dear ju ju is real please see a man of God before it situation gets out of hand .this could be spiritual u can contact this very strong man of God try him and thank me later this is his number +234 703 333 9504

  32. The stage is set for you to encounter God and the power of praying from the depths of your soul. Call on Him to step into your situation, with a total surrender and He will stretch His powerful hand to lift you up. Remember Joseph who was sold to slavery out of Jealousy and later a prisoner because he would not defile his body, how did it turn out? Remember Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth who were called barren but later had children that were worth ten sons... Call on God with all your heart and confess your sins and helplessness before Him and see if He will not harken to your supplication.


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