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Wednesday, October 13, 2021



Today is free gist day, the normal in house news will return tomorrow.

The free advert post is coming up in 30minutes, get your adverts ready for the comment section.

Those who sent in their advert memes are featured in the main post.

Enjoy the rest of the day!


  1. Divine Health Confessions!!

    I carry the divine presence of God in me. The life of God is in me and Christ in me is the hope of glory! He’s in my spirit, soul, and body. I enjoy God’s perfection in my health, peace, and joy. Praise God! The glory of the Word is seen all over me!

    1. Good pm to y'all on here..#VentWednesday,#WackyWednesday

    2. A grateful heart here Lord... Thank God for everything..


  2. Breakthrough is coming, don’t lose hope!_iamtyhicks.

    1. Miss Fluffy, with the way you share encouraging God's messages I don't expect to see 'use condom', I expect to see 'abstainance is key'

    2. To abstain is the best @Buxomebony but she was trying to let those who cannot abstain understand that, they can still protect themselves.

      Just like when preaching to sinners to stop smoking, your words will never make them stop instantly but when talking to them, u can at least tell them to reduce the intake gradually and they will be able to come over it

    3. Whether you use condoms or concrete, it is still fornication. The guilt, the pains won't go away.
      Abstinence is the way forward, Christ is the way to eternal life.

    4. Noted @anonymous.Thanks@Mc pinky(Dgreat).

  3. Rainy afternoon here in Phc.

    1. Sunny afternoon here in Lagos.

    2. Abeg send rain come Lagos
      The sun fit roast corn

    3. Lol,I don't want the rain in Lagos@Merryment,make e fall for only your street.

    4. Jammed me inside market. Me and my son on my back. I almost cried

  4. Tanx to Martins and all who responded t my question in SP.

    Will try the warm water suggested.

    Enjoy the rest of the day people

  5. Beautiful afternoon to everyone. It's raining presently from this side.

    Thanks to Phoenix, Teacher NK, Waju and Black slimzy for the words of encouragement and hugs on SP this morning, I appreciate.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  6. Correct talk Stella. Until the bring you down before they will realize their mistake that will never be reverse

  7. Sign out meme is the TRUTH! Stella keep these quotes coming..Makes one create one's inner peace...

    Our likes and preferences may change from time to time and it's okay not to know what you like sometimes..But always define and know what you don't like first...

    Beautiful afternoon everyone....IJ PH how are you babes; Perxian may your ink never dry, keep those write ups coming every Wednesday ... Izombie people in IMO please what am I hearing flying around?

    1. Thank you, beautiful Phoenix.

      Memo to Anon on SP : I don’t know why as a supposed Christian, you choose to lie to suit your narrative. You said and I quote “ Be honest, you are not open. The last time you took serious offence to the objective challenges that were brought up to what you wrote about Deborah”.

      Pls BVs, that post is still up. If Martins could help me out with the link so that everyone can go read where I “took serious offence” . I remember my response to be light hearted and even typing this “let’s agree to disagree”.

      Every woman whose story isn’t complete in the bible, I source for her from lost books and if I get uniform accounts, I add to my post. The bible isn’t just the 1,600 pages accounted for.

    2. Hi perx..
      Below is a question one asked there, I'll definitely make some research on it, notwithstanding, I won't mind if you can give me a reply.

      "Wait a sec, Ruth and Orpah were likely in the same age group.

      Ruth gave birth to Obed who became the father of Jesse, the father of King David. That's like 3 generations.

      How could Orpah have given birth to the same Goliath that fought David 3 generations down the road????"

    3. Wait a sec, Ruth and Orpah were likely in the same age group.

      Ruth gave birth to Obed who became the father of Jesse, the father of King David. That's like 3 generations.

      How could Orpah have given birth to the same Goliath that fought David 3 generations down the road????

    4. And yes, I do know there are "lost/forgotten" books that aren't included in the Bible. As a Christian, I have no business with such books.

    5. Perxian, please be clear when you write to state that the Bible is not your main source. You can't be sharing heresy and claiming it implicitly as from the Bible.

    6. Perxian, your words this morning: "You must not know that there are lost/forgotten books that didn’t make it to the Bible. They are not hidden, source for them and update your read."

      Do those condescending words sound like that of a person open to discussion?

      See, I applaud what you are trying to do in bringing Bible characters to life, but consistently sharing things NOT in the Bible is worrisome. We will be held to account for this. Deut 4:2 and Revelations 22:18 make it clear that we are not to add or remove from God's Word. Please let's be guided.

    7. Stella please let me ask my question here. In case Perxian did not see it.Thanks.

      Perxian, I don't understand this. Please explain.

      If she bore the giant, goliath due to the rape on her way home by the soldiers, why is it that Goliath other brothers too after the rape were Giants despite Oprah gotten pregnant by a man different to Goliath's father who was also said to be a giant.

      Considering she would have given birth to the others sons some years later after that ordeal so they obviously had different fathers right?

      It was said Goliath came from the lineage of giants in gath and he was their descendant So if Goliath brothers's had different fathers since she did not give birth to them all at once they must be from a different lineage, right? Why were they also giants since they had different fathers?

      Second question, Orpah returned to moab where she lived with Naomi and her son together with Ruth but why was all her sons which was Goliath and his brothers known to come from gath/philistine?

    8. Dante

      In the early days, people lived for hundreds of years so it’s very possible for Goliath (being a giant) to live to see so many generation. Remember that the same Goliath fought Saul’s army and defeated them way before David was born. He has been fighting and defeating nations for years which is the reason no solider would agree to face him to battle until David. This was supposed to be cos God has already ordained it.

      I gave the account of how she was said to be raped by 100s of soldiers. She was identified as the mother of Goliath from that and subsequently, the mother of the 4 giants warriors of Gath. These men and their special features/powers were the recompense for departing from Naomi. Found this from the lost book of Ruth Rabbah 2:9.




      Anonymous 23 September 2021 at 09:29
      Perx, I'm not sure why Stella didn't post my replies yesterday. All the many different versions on biblehub state Deborah as the wife of Lapidoth. Just want to encourage you to reconfirm that part of the writeup.
      Perxian 23 September 2021 at 09:59
      Good morning.
      I didn’t just pull that out of my ass. Before I write anything, I have done thorough research on it and I’m not cleared or convinced that she was married but let’s agree to disagree.
      Anonymous 23 September 2021 at 10:20
      Good morning. In that case, which Bible version exactly says she is a "woman of Lapidoth"?
      I don't believe personal research should ever trump what is clearly stated in the Bible.
      Anonymous 23 September 2021 at 10:44
      judges 4:4 in the bible says she was lapidoth wife. open your Bible and read. Yet you still say you aren't convinced but you are convinced a woman named Deborah exists in the Bible and she led the isrealites to war but the part where it was clearly written she had a husband you rejected that one despite that you saw it in the same bible. Quit the nit-picking and go the nine yards when you write.
      I am not the anon above but I have noticed that whenever you write about those biblical characters you try to make them fit whatever narrative that suits you or the one you are trying to paint. It is never about the characters but your perception and opinion of them. oh yes! sometimes you pull some false ideas from the clouds just to cushion your post to give it that effect. it would have been fine if it was just on secular matters you do this but when it has to do with the Bible please, be succinct as explicit as possible.
      you have done thorough research? from where, which articles or books? The Bible is a complete book and any other research you do out of it is invalid and baseless.
      Meanwhile, stop being passive aggressive when contrary truths are made.
      Good Morning.

    12. 16:01 In actuality, she remained with the men and procreated there so yes, you are right on Goliath being from the lineage of Gath as well as his brothers. What I do not know for sure is if they had the same birth father as another verse from Ruth Rabbah said that “in her was mixed with a 100 men from 100 nations” BUT them being giants were solely on Orpah’s curse on her exegesis.

      Your second question means she only returned after her liaison with these men after she procreated with them.

    13. ***Remember that the same Goliath fought Saul’s army and defeated them way before David was born. 

      BUT this is not true!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ Goliath never defeated Saul's army anywhere in the Bible.

    14. These "lost" books are not a part of the Bible. I just hope people take note of this before reading and accepting hook, line and sinker.

      Every book that the Lord intended to be in Scripture is there. While there are many legends and rumors of lost books of Scripture, the books were not lost but rejected. They can't be used as a source for genuine Bible study.

    15. so she stayed with them for many years and had all her children with them then later left when old probably. which meant they kidnapped and imprisoned her after taking her with them to their country for many years or maybe she never returned to moab and lived with them as their concubine.

    16. Haa na wa oh make una get open mind..There are various bibles and versions of stories...Make una dey calm down...Whenever someone comes up with something, una must attack the person and what he or she is doing...If you don't like her story, please write your own...How can you state with all authority that other sources are not genuine...Perxian abeg carry go...Keep writing

    17. I find hard to believe that Bvs with ID go anon,but with I just saw,I now understand why people always say post with your ID,this one is really shocking to me.

    18. 16:57 I wanted to say it too but I am just being careful not to be termed a hater. I like her also and I don't want her stressed but still I can not just fold my hand and be looking while she confuses everyone and herself. I just wish she knows the Bible is enough information that she needs.

      see ehn, Goliath was known for being a skillful warrior coupled with the height that was enough to scare anyone. Remember the Bible made a reference to his height and how huge he was to tell you how bold any man would be to approach him. Saul not wanting to fight with him had nothing to do with the defeat he experienced in goliath's hand or the fact that he was a great fighter. After all Goliath had never fought with the isrealites before. Saul just lacked faith in God.

      He never fought with the Israelite or saul be it for a year or two years before that time David killed homes alone many years. They never met except for that first time david killed him in a single combat.

      The fact he was a skillful warrior had nothing to do with old age because David would have been a greater fighter or even better like Goliath too if while growing up instead of training to be a shepherd, David had gone on intense training or engaged in lots of battle like goliath. experience does not mean Goliath was way older to be his father or great grandfather. I doubted he existed long before then to be his father's mater or grandfather because that was the first and only time he was mentioned and that is strange and sad looking at the way you are trying to paint him as a warrior. IF he had many battles prior There are supposed to be a lot of references to him prior to that battle with david but none exists.

      Experienced Goliath engaging in battles with inexperienced david does not mean Goliath was way older he probably started being battle- ready veryyyy early after all he had the gigantic body as a motivation and an added advantage compared to his agemates who would have started late.

    19. Gee! Can’t even read the genuine ones engaging me with all these dart ๐ŸŽฏ comments looking to puncture me. See all of you next Wednesday, come with your daggers. LOL!

    20. Phoenix: "There are various bibles and versions of stories"

      Different Bible versions have the similar narratives of the SAME stories. Please take note of Deut 4:2 and Revelations 22:18.

      You have a good intention but you can't be turning the Bible upside down and expect people not to point this out. This isn't about throwing darts at you.

  8. Stop seeking for validation just be yourself and do your things sooner or later it will pay off .
    Good afternoon bvs.

    1. Please what does it mean to be pregnant I. The dream ... I have seen it up to three times

    2. Anonymous13 October 2021 at 15:38...good thing is coming your way..if i will advise you, please be prayful dis period and run away from sexual sin,, i say run away from sexual sin...

      can also represent anxiety about starting another life and the responsibility that comes with it...

  9. Happy no bra day ladies...allow your boobs breath๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

    1. The boooby too big to be allowed,wetin person go do,e must remain inside boooby cage.

    2. @Nedi...๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚, wahala for who get big bobby ooo

    3. You too like bad thing...haha

    4. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ,big 'wahalur' in BBnaija Angels voice.

    5. Honestly I was out today and just wish I could do away with the bra. I kuku no know the one wey dey pain me for chest. As I couldn't take it anymore, I had to unbuckle the bra and left it like that. I'm still out, when it's getting dark I will definitely remove it make I see road

  10. It's a beautiful day here. Hope you all are having a great day ๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. Network be disturbing since morning. Raining here in ph. Cold afternoon everyone.

  12. Beautiful sunny afternoon to y'all ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜

  13. My children said a teacher told them during moral talk to stop wearing good clothes and bum short while running errands around their neighbourhood to avoid being possessed by evil spirit..Come and see the plenty questions they were asking about evil spirit. I still don't understand what the teacher smoked

    Good afternoon everyone

    1. Don't mind the teachers. They cannot come out straight and tell them that bumshorts are only suitable within the compound and are not supposed to be worn around their neighborhood because of paedophiles. They cannot come out straight and do sex education and the rest with the kids. I would advice you to come out straight with your kids and tell them the true reason. As for the "good clothes", I don't understand that part. Good clothes bawo?

    2. Mercy NAWA for your people, teachers don suffer for una hands. If she come out straight now and talk na wahala too.

    3. The teacher is indirectly saving your kids from peadophils. It is up to you the parents to elaborate on that. Shouldn’t be so hard naaaaa. For me, it’s not safe for a child and teenager to wear bum shorts and mini skirts outside of their compound? How about leggings or three quarter shorts.

  14. Come on top...or should i come on top?

  15. Good afternoon blog fam❤️
    A guy I know from my parents came looking for me, although he has been calling me since for a hook up.i eventually responded and we had a date at his family house,the guy has practically told them about me.This guy asked me to marry him o!.
    I was shocked when he went further to say that I LL give out my son, ,that h's family must not know I have child!.
    Because of marriage I go denounce my son tufiakwa!!

    He's rich but that statement made me to run time will soon not hungry

    1. I'm glad you ran , wicked does he expect you to denounce your own flesh and blood? Kai

    2. the guy is living by the rules of his sister please don't make that big mistake because of money...the right man will locate you

    3. Abeg delete him straight!! Very wicked person...Neglect a child because of what!! Don't worry dear a better person is coming

    4. are pretty please don't marry for less......just be patience..invite me on the D-day when the right man comes...

  16. *Sometimes your husband may come back home late and give you one reason you cannot find in any book,*
    *Let love and trust prevail.*
    *Imagine Jonah coming back after 3 days of absence, no phone call, no message, nothing,* *only to tell his wife he was swallowed by a fish and vomited after 3 days* ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ - *just imagine how that sounded.*
    *The wife will feel like breaking his head.*⛏⛏
    *"Swallowed by fish, really?*
    *Are you talking to a baby?*
    *What an insult, lying to me as if I don't have any brains? Which fish,* *mackerel or tilapia"?*
    *Even if Jonah reported the issue to a pastor, the pastor will call him aside and say brother Jonah, why not pray against lying spirits.*๐Ÿ˜Š
    *Neighbors will shout "ahh madam, you don't understand, the fish is another woman".*
    *But between you and I,*
    *Jonah was telling the truth*

    *To Every Wife and Husband out there...TRUST IS POWERFUL!*๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘
    *It is a necessary tool for sustaining all relationships.*

    *Have a trustful life mostly the women in the house.*


    1. This is so nice. Keep it coming Lilyangel. I always look forward to your comments.

    2. Same here, that's the only copy/paste comment I don't scroll past. Tha ks Lilyangel.

    3. Awww thank you @Jechix and Anon 16:12

  17. Hello ihn ๐Ÿ˜˜.
    Good afternoon my lovely bvs.
    Good afternoon jewelu star woman.
    Good afternoon all the amazing angels on this blog.

    So good to be here today.. still on the matter.

    It's a free stylee ihn ๐Ÿ˜˜
    Bvs hope ur day is going well.

    Hello Phoenix,hello sweet Jewelu choc Noir ๐Ÿ˜˜.
    E go surely be ✌️.

  18. Another set of people who needs parkaged curse na Nurses cuz the way they attend to patient at times is just annoying.


  19. I just want to thank you Lord...

  20. lHN is here.. Good Day All❤️

  21. The signout post for me. God bless you Stella.

  22. Very hot afternoon here in lagos, hello beautiful people

  23. The weather is really hot! Well out clothes can dry at least

  24. Raining heavily, stuck at the office.

    Started one of my numerous weightloss journey again๐Ÿ™ˆ

    Seeing progress,I am hoping I stick with it.

  25. my day was hectic. spend it in school


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