Stella Dimoko EFCC Reportedly Places Anambra Gov Obiano On Its Watch List...


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Thursday, November 25, 2021

EFCC Reportedly Places Anambra Gov Obiano On Its Watch List...

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has reportedly placed the out-going governor of the state, Chief Willie Obiano, on its watch list ahead of the March 16, 2022 change of government in Anambra State....

In a letter to the Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Immigration Service dated November 15, 2021, the commission requested the service to place the governor on a watch list and inform it anytime he is travelling out of the country from any of the international airports and other points of entry and exit.
It is not clear why the anti-graft agency placed the governor on security watch but sources said the move is an indication that the agency may have been discreetly investigating Obiano and possibly have intelligence that he plans to escape after he hands over power to his successor, Prof Charles Soludo.

from punch


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