Stella Dimoko Anambra State Gov. Soludo Launches Regenerative Agricultural Policy As He Flags-off 2022 Farming Season


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Friday, June 17, 2022

Anambra State Gov. Soludo Launches Regenerative Agricultural Policy As He Flags-off 2022 Farming Season

The Executive Governor of Anambra State, Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo CFR earlier today, launched a regenerative agricultural policy and oil palm revolution of his administration geared towards the growth of the state's agricultural economy and insurance of staple food sufficiency in the state.

The governor introduced the novel agricultural policy at the events of the ceremony marking the flag-off of the 2022 Farming Season in Anambra State, held at Dr Alex Ekwueme Square in Awka.

According to the Governor, the old Eastern Nigeria was developed and built from the proceeds of the region's agricultural economy, particularly the oil palm economy, which was hitherto abandoned when crude oil was discovered in the nation.

The governor stated that his administration is fully committed to the reenactment of the palm revolution and organic agriculture since the country can no longer be serviced by the crude oil economy.

In addition, Prof. Soludo maintained that aside the palm revolution, that his administration is equally championing the start of the coconut farming in the state in a bid to generate more income for the state. He asserted that his administration runs an open policy and is ever ready to partner with communities, schools, religious bodies and individuals who are passionate in going into palm and coconut farming. He maintained that his vision in the introduction of the regenerative agricultural policy in the state is to position the state to earn foreign exchange through the exportation of the palm and coconut produce to other countries in near future.

Speaking also at the event which was themed, "Empowering Women and Youth Through Regenerative Agriculture for Sustainable Development', the state Commissioner for Agriculture, Dr Foster Ihejiofor, dwelled on the governor's blueprint and commitment to agricultural revolution in the state, as well as the general well-being of Ndi Anambra.

The honourable commissioner stressed that to drive home the new agricultural policy, the state ministry of agriculture has inaugurated a "SAT Team, (Sustainable Agriculture Task Team) to map out and domesticate best indigenous farming practices for Ndi Anambra, particularly the farmers, stressing that the implementation of the policy will reduce the cost of farm inputs to the barest minimum, which will invariably ensure the reduction of the cost of staple food items in the state. He maintained that his ministry will work with Anambra farmers, to drive home the governor's vision in the new regenerative agricultural policy.

The event which was held at Dr. Alex Ekwueme Square in Awka had in attendance the Speaker of the Anambra State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Uche Victor Okafor; the Deputy Speaker of the Anambra State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Paschal Agbodike; the Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Solo Chukwulobelu; the Chief of Staff to the governor, Hon. Ernest Ezeajughi.
Others are the Traditional Rulers, Town Unions Presidents, Market Leaders, the Clergy and Members of Farmers Association from across the State.


  1. They should just announce and put arrangements.
    No need for fanfare.
    The funds spent on this gathering will be enough to empower one person.

  2. Good move..I hope Fulani herdsmen won't invade their farms. Pls also provide security for the farmers and their crops.

    1. He's working on security as well .
      Soludo has solutions. Twale Gov


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