Stella Dimoko Big Brother Star Nina Shows Off Leg Tattoo In New Stunning Photo


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Sunday, June 19, 2022

Big Brother Star Nina Shows Off Leg Tattoo In New Stunning Photo

 United States of America based Nina looks differently stunning........ I see a lot of changes!

Do you notice any other changes apart from the Brazilian Nyansh? Stunning!


  1. Breast,Face implants and lift,lips injection ..

    1. Na wa o, is she still married? Her husband is a very unusual Igbo man. I can tell he is very rich, what is his line of business/work?

    2. She is still married.
      I saw increase in her breast size.

  2. Boobs implants..Once you start,no going back.
    She should work on her thighs too,It's too tiny for her hips.

    1. You ppl forget shes a mother now. In biggies house she was barely 22. Even i that didnt do surgery my breast size increased, my whole body,face,hips became fuller when i had my first child at 26 compared to my school days i was so skinny.

    2. There's no breast implant here. She's a mom now and Nina had boobs in the house, she was skinny with boobs.

  3. Wait, is she wearing aluminium bucket as a skirt or what? Maybe it's my eyes

    1. It's called PAIL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Stop giving it big name

  4. I mean stainless bucket pls

    1. Exactly my though oh. I don't understand the skirt or whatever she's wearing

  5. Arhhh!! She was so young and beautiful and now she is blakchina.

  6. In Biggy's house, she was calm and humble, save for her tryst with Miracle, I think she was just a normal regular girl. But then, I have come to understand we do not have to brag about morals until we have the money to fund our temptations. Too much is hidden inside poverty. Nina is a classic example.

    1. Calm because she couldn't express herself properly in English language,know the truth now.
      Nina was an olosho correct runs girl in Imo State University, English was her barrier.

    2. Hmmm, "we do not have to brag about morals until we have the money to fund our temptations". 👌

    3. Mark, your use of words makes me smile 😃
      On point @ Candy

    4. Which innocent? Did you see that girl when she was all dressed up in Biggies house? You will know she tear eye just that she could not express herself amongst the housemates.

    5. True Mark

    6. I really do not understand the correlation between cosmetic surgery and morals. How does body enhancement make one lack morals?

    7. @HRH, 🤣 you read books and letters, while I read people. I wasn't talking about Nina and her body enhancement. I was talking about the people who would judge her. Lol.

    8. Mark learn to use space bar on your keypad to place your thoughts in different paragraphs.

      You read people quite alright,in your single paragraph it reflected a total of what you felt.
      HRH was right.

    9. Anon 13:20, hope you saw where I wrote "BUT THEN"? Learn not to feel like a teacher without lesson notes.

    10. M. M, you read people but failed at reading me. I understand though, I'm hard to read. LOL.

      Going by your post, you not only referred to "those who'll judge Nina", you also judged her when you said "Nina is a classic example".

      So, I ask again, how does her body enhancement procedures affect her present or lack of morals?

    11. You used But and Then together.

      What order of tautology nullifies a valid term?

      Call your English language teacher now,you skipped classes boy.

    12. Lol @HRH, Nina is a classic example of someone you can easily wanna judge. But hey! I hope you have loads of ammo for this bants you wanna engage in. When you try to read my letters, don't take it literally, my messages ain't for the shallow minded. You gat balls?

    13. M.M, maybe you're all that you say you are but this post you made about Nina doesn't depict you as the badass you're painting yourself to be.

      Can you at least take yourself out of the equation and read your post again? This post is as clear as you made it to be, no hidden messages, nothing to decrypt.

      LOL. It's your effortless attempt at thinking so highly of yourself for me.

    14. Anon 16:29, google is your friend. I always warn people before they try to go into bants with me. I'd always rip you apart with words. Winks! But then ain't tautology. Check again my dear! I am Mark Morgan, not your regular dude. I'd make your own English tutor listen to me when I talk.

    15. What's this mark feeling like! The praise and worship your get from some female bvs is getting to your head ba. Oga ju.

    16. Mark same Nina you said is calm and humble,YOU PRAISED HER.
      She was to you just a normal regular girl, YOU PRAISED HER.

      Inside your paragraph you turn around and say BUT THEN.
      You don't know that ladies who tutor others on morals and living holy also go for enhancements (?)

      Accept corrections,this blog is international, people who can help you revive your English are here.

      From the dictionary...
      but then is used to say that although something is true, something else is also true which makes the first thing seem less important.

      Read your comment again.
      You ended by calling her a classic example....

      You nullified your point yourself. When writing such don't include the example you called her.

    17. Lol.. HRH. Hahahahaha.. I love that you have my time today 😂😂. Yes! I'm a god😂. Your definition of high ain't high enough for me!
      Anon 17:43, you should worship too. Lmao.

    18. And you would know my definition of high? You assume alot Mark Morgan. If you're half as smart as I'd like to think, you should be familiar with that popular saying about assumptions.

      I'm bored at this point cos this isn't intellectually engaging enough for me to classify as banter... 😉

    19. Lmaaooo what’s this one feeling like ? Naah the invisibility of the internet gives people a false sense of what they’re absolutely not ! Your first comment about Nina was unequivocal: that she’s a classic example of realizing a persons true self when they’ve money(and you didn’t realize shit , this statement is a popular one all over the internet) . And after you’ve been called out you trying to deflect by saying what ? Dude please! It’s Stella’s blog you’re Mark Morgan and obviously getting in your head , chill . Many have come before you … hiss

    20. Una small small fights dey dey funny and interesting atimes..........😁

  7. She looks so different, I guess change is the only constant

  8. But I won't even lie, this her ensemble is fia!!! Bought body or not, she looks good.

    1. She looks really good. The tattoo looks nice. However, I just don't like to see any "flaw" on a flawless skin. Not a fan of tattoos.

    2. The tatoo looks like temporal ones

  9. Hmmm at our right up@ mark morgan

  10. So so so truth @mark Morgan
    Bv dabrat

  11. What about we that have no hips at all as in so straight but with big big tights, wat work can be done @bv krytiQ Ambi

    1. Appreciate the ones you have and leave the rest. I have big breast that i even hate but my husband love, but have no hips. Never been bothered

    2. Team Jonny Bravo.🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

    3. 🤣🤣🤣 @ anon13:22. Abeg nothing beats being curvy. I no fit shout .

  12. I don't see anything stunning about these pictures.

  13. She is wearing a panel beater's ware as mini?

  14. Beautiful and stylish. Loveet!

  15. Nina look so beautiful. Ego amaka!

  16. Stella abeg , always bring unedited pictures of celebs. I no longer fall for Instagram beauties. The Nina unedited pix I saw is nothing like this. I almost fainted the day I saw it.

  17. Enough editing


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