Stella Dimoko Lady Ends It All After Her Boyfriend Reportedly Impregnated Another Lady And Ended Their Relationship


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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Lady Ends It All After Her Boyfriend Reportedly Impregnated Another Lady And Ended Their Relationship

Too many women are ending their lives because of relationships gone sour!... This is very worrisome!

The last tweet of a 24-year-old lady, who committed suicide in Lilongwe, Malawi, has surfaced.

On the day she took her life, Mary had tweeted: "We were good for each other"

The deceased ,a student and entrepreneur identified as Mary Fulu, hung herself on November 2, 2022, after her boyfriend dumped her for another lady.

Spokesperson of Kanengo Police Station, Gresham Ngwira, who confirmed the incident last week, said Mary became depressed after her boyfriend reportedly terminated their relationship.

"The woman had been going to Bwaila Hospital for treatment and counselling. However, this morning she died by suicide. She silently went into the boys quarter and hanged herself," reads part of the police report.

The report adds that officers from Kanengo Police Station together with medical personnel visited the scene where her body was taken away for post-mortem which revealed that death was due to strangulation."

Sources close to her family said the boyfriend identified simply as Neil, from Blantyre, ended their relationship after he impregnated another woman.

Days leading to her death, she also retweeted posts about suicide and depression.

from Mawlif TV on Facebook


  1. The Original ShugarGirl13 November 2022 at 08:40

    Put your trust in no man except God.
    Families should get inclusive in building relationships when it involves the younger generation. Teach them how to speak and act in certain situations. How do we get comfortable treating other people we decided to share our lives with with so much disrespect?
    Worse, we go on with our lives pretending that the person will handle it fine. We are basically polluting/ destroying the moral fabric of our world.
    It all comes right back at us, it a cycle.

    1. I’m sorry not sorry to say this, but it’s a very bad sign for someone to love me to the extent of being able to commit suicide should anything go wrong.
      I hate being the one to bear that kind of burden. That’s not love, that’s obsession.
      Jesus loves us, but after he died the first time to redeem us, I don’t see him dying again because we reject his love.
      Love gives the freedom of choice
      Maybe this analogy doesn’t gel

      But my point remains that emotional maturity and strength and the ability to place yourself and your well being above every relationship is needed.

      If I’m in a relationship with a man who threatens to cut himself anytime we have issues or I want to leave, I will find a way and run away for ever.
      That’s manipulation at its highest.

      You can’t keep me in a relationship under duress.

      Mma Nwachukwu

    2. Suicide is not the solution.

    3. O ma wa ga bayi o! Okunrin o ma lorun o! Mschew!

    4. Thank you Mma Nwachukwu. I am currently in such a situation.Told the person I was engaged to that we are not really compatible and he almost committed suicide last Sunday by taking drug overdose after dropping a message on Whatsapp. On his own, he had told his relatives he would be doing introduction on 5th of January 2023 without discussing with me first. I didn't even know my introduction date has been fixed.I refuse to be manipulated or blackmailed.

    5. @Annonymous, I'm glad you can recognize manipulation for what it is. Some people will tell you that it is deep love. It is not.

    6. Anon 11:41, why did you allow the relationship to reach the level of engagement if you knew you were not really compatible. Pls ppl should stop playing with other people’s emotions, some you see around have gone thru so much in their childhood and life generally, that they are not strong enough mentally.

    7. 11:41, please go back and read slowly and try to comprehend.

    8. 14:01 you are the one who should read slowly and comprehend. Anon 11:41 obviously referenced Mma Nwachukwu (anon 8:57) comment.

    9. Anon11.41 u wld have seen signs, why get engaged to smone u know is unhinged. I was once talkn to a guy who had unstable traits, he had anger issues,wld block me and then unblock, manupulative. This one once made threats of harming himself just to manipulate me...Why did u let dis ur rltshp get to stage of engagement abeg abeg.

  2. People should learn to consider others mental health in relationships. Why string another person along when you have plans with another.

    A friend recently broke down in my office due to this same issue. Her fiancรฉ who recently came to see her parents broke the news of impregnating another woman and informed her he couldn’t go on with their marriage plans. I encouraged her to see the bright side and not consider it a loss as God just saved her from ending up with a randy man as a horseband. Thank God she is bouncing back well.

    1. Seems it's what I wrote too. Just that he told her to just move on that he can't continue. In 3 months time he did his wedding and left my friend. This is someone that they dated for 6yr+. sincerely I pray and wish same is meted out to him.

    2. Thank God that she was honest to confirm in you Yvonne, and glad that she listened to your wise counsel.

      Suicide is never an option.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is this love? I thought they said love is beautiful? If you are in love, you don't hurt yourself, you let go for love sake, not hurt except you just obsessed.

  5. Too many? How many of them? Where is the statistics?

    Aren't men also committing suicide? You so make it sound like hundred women have killed themselves in the post one day

    1. Anon 08:45 Lol men men why una like to compete with women for everything,? Even suicide too?

    2. 09:50, the matter no tire you? Clowns everywhere.

  6. You killed yourself because of man? Too sad..
    Sincerely, men/ ladies should do better..
    We take heartbreak or rejection differently

    Love yourself first
    Love your peace of mind..
    Don’t put your happiness on any human..
    Human being can fail you but GOD cannot!

    Bv Yosola

  7. Chai! This beautiful lady! I'm speechless!

  8. Why are people taking this route,what amebonawork said yesterday is really the thing.No more self love,why so selfish.๐Ÿค”

    I used to read my book of bible story and questions young people ask my Jw cousins gave me as gift back then.These books shapes us and prepare one ahead of things ahead.Family needs to start building up wholesome relationships that will shape the children aright.

  9. Just like that, suicide is not option. Only if she can see future a d what it holds for her. Men are scum and will continue to be. I pity who dey trust now. Just do what makes you happy and live long.

    1. Men are not scum, abeg. Face who serve you breakfast and tell him he is a scum. To generalize no dey tire you?

  10. I am not going to waste my RIP on a lady who killed herself cos of a man when there are people in the hospital battling for their lives and praying to make it. She is ungrateful.
    Now the guy will happily move on with his life.
    She is still the loser at the end of the day.

    1. Phrizzles you nailed it!
      Can you just imagine the pains she selfishly inflicted upon the poor!
      No closure!
      Terrible trend.

  11. These learned culture of both mono-amory and monogamy is simply pointless and causing more harm than good. I have always wondered of what benefit it is to put a social embargo on love really. Who is to tell whom who to love, how many to love, when to love, how to love? Or compel people to love each other in good and bad times, till death do they part, it's these whole rubbish ideologies putting unnecessary strains on how people should love and be loved that's causing the disappointments and deaths. The more the love the better, why should more have one when one can have more. It's ok to love more than one person at a time. It's ok to love in good and not in bad times and vice versa. Societal pressures and limitations are getting too much and too unnecessary and lately with fatal consequences as being seen. Live and let all live.

    1. I disagree with you.


    2. 9.23 does that apply to women too?. Are women allowed to love more than 1 man too?. Of course not!.

      It is only women who have to adjust to sharing their men with others. How will there be true love if you know your partner is with others too. If men are going to be polygamous then women should only marry men with money as that will be their only gain!

    3. @10:25
      There are women who don't put all their eggs in one basket before and during marriage.

      The only difference for men and women is that some societies permit men to officially have more women as wives at same time.

    4. Femilicious...God bless you.

    5. Yes at both semester @ Femilicious. I am the poster and I am a woman. Its a matter of equity and not equality. If you need more love and can get it please go ahead, if you have more love and can give it by all means. Why restrict love my question? Why do have to cope with love from one if its not enough. I am allowed to get 2 jobs more, build 2 houses more, have 2 children or more, buy 2 cars or more but love, no no no its for better for worse. What if I can't do worse meanwhile someone else can? What if ai can't do for richer an meone else can't do for poorer?And the bible with Jesus dying for love no help matter too o. Remove the sentimental biases and think about it. Wh restrict me to love one person if I have love to give more and the could even be my love is too much for one person. Or restrict toe loved by one person if the persons love is not enough for me and I could get more love from more persons. My dear, its love, love o, I dont see anyone trying to restrict hate na.

    6. Anon 9:23, continue following married men and speaking in parables, you will be alright!

    7. 12.28 so you think that any man will accept a polygamous woman. Lailai!. How will he know the children are his if she is loving some other man as well.

      The reason why 1 man and 1 woman is standard is to bring children into a stable consistent home so that they grow into well rounded people
      How will they grow up is mummy and daddy are cavorting around with other people. Focus on one person and carried. If you are tired of the marriage, divorce amicably and co parent in peace.

    8. If we follow God's Word we will be alright. The enemy comes to kill steal and destroy but Jesus came to give abundant life. Going around sleeping with different people, making promises that you cannot keep and maintaining multiple unholy relationships will never bring peace. There will be consequences. There will be casualties. But people mostly refuse to listen until it is too late. Doing the right thing and pleasing God, not yourself, is what will give you peace and build you up. Don't complicate your life. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL other things will be added unto to you. Have a wonderfully blessed week my fellow SDKers.

    9. 13.02 thanks for catching the werey way wan disguise.

    10. @13.02. Stop your stupidity gal. What does being married have to do with anything above. Beyond any paper work, the issue is the expectation of mono amory and monogamy in any setting.

  12. People still de do this Juilet and Romeo matter? How can love kill? It sounds counter intuitive really

  13. She's stupid. So ending her life is the best she can think of. What about her mother, father, siblings, friends, what about hope? ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ™„. The guy will still live.

  14. Mental issues and Depression is real! Good nite angel and may your path be smooth as you sail to the other side.

    1. Of course her path will be smooth in hell....

  15. Sincerely it's worrisome. But it takes the Grace of God for someone who's broken to move on. I wish she never ended her life. God rest your soul sis

  16. When you love someone to the extent that when he or she threatens to leave and you want to kill yourself then there is something fundamentally wrong with you. There is something physiologically wrong with you. Many people have poor feelings and ways of coping with heartbreaks. But to kill yourself hmmmm

  17. I still find it difficult to understand why someone would commit suicide just because a lover (your fellow human being) dump you, do you hate yourself that much?. I can never love anyone more than I love myself. NEVER.

    1. Exactly. Why should I love someone more than I love myself?

      To love a man to the extent of suicide? No, it's not possible.....

  18. This is a very unhealthy kind of love,very dangerous and toxic,I know we all process things differently but why will I hate myself so much as to hurt myself and cause myself pain cos of someone I’m dating. Do I love myself at all? Cos I love myself too much to want to have a scratch or minor injury then how much more to kill myself and go through so much pain before I die cos of someone else. If you are going into a relationship you should prepare your mind for either good or bad,you might be hurt or you might get so much love in return whichever one you see you take it in good fate. They don’t even care about their parents and loved ones and how their actions will ruin them emotionally,very selfish and wicked acts.
    If you are not in a good place mentally or you are depressed you don’t need a relationship cos you might not handle situations that will come up well,what you need is therapy ,counseling and coming out of that horrible state before u go into a relationship. Tired of seeing all these news of people inflicting pain on each other everyday cos of love.

  19. Hmmmmm

  20. What a beautiful lady who is still young. She should have stayed alive for her family, love would have find her.

    Men you guys should stop wasting ladies time in the name of marriage and at the end dump them for another.

  21. Suicide is never an option
    If life don tire you, donate ur organs to people that are fighting for their own
    Life is too precious

  22. May be my heart is made of steel. I have been dumped severally in the past. I have caught my school boyfriend red- handed fu*king my roommate without CD yet crying never crossed my mind talk more of taking my own life . God forbid bad thing.

    1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ truly our heart is made of steel, but, hey I love our kind of heart and person.
      Inukwa wear sack clothes or cry because of boyfriend even if we are altar bound!
      God forbid bad thing!

      I love life and I looooove myself too much to inflict harm to myself bikแป.

    2. You're not alone. I can't give anybody that right to control my sweet heart any how when you're not Jesus....

  23. These peole that commit suicide didn't know what they were doing.

    I implore everyone to hold on to God. It's only God that can sustain you through trials and tribulation even through happy times.
    Let's run to God and hold him tight in Jesus name, amen ๐Ÿ™

  24. This selfishness and ruthlessness that people have in relationships sha. You dont even care about the pains you inflict on another person just as long as you satisfy your own needs.
    How do they feel causing so much pain to another.....Why cant we just be kind to eachother, STOP USING PEOPLE. Some ppl are weak ASF and have a problem coping with heartbreak and deceit. Dont be d reason someone ends it.

    1. God will bless you Bed and Roses for your comment. There are people who DELIBERATELY set out to deceive, use and even destroy other people. If I recall what I went through with my ex I know I survived only by God's grace. After the initial love bombing, which made me think he was a normal person, he went on to treat me very badly. That I would wonder if he even had basic human kindness. The worst part was the fake life and pretence he was showing the world. I could see that a lot of people could not see through to his bullshit because of the false impression he was giving.
      Thank God it is all over *shudders *. He did his best to push me over the edge, but God who sees triumphed.

  25. Dear parents please while trying to raise respectful, obedient and responsible children don't forget to Include self worth/love.

    Remind your young ones daily to take a bold step away from people and things that threatens their sanity and peace "DAILY"

    Assure them that there's always something/someone better in the near future "DAILY"

    Hold parents/Children meeting (PCM)every last Sunday of the month where they can be thought life's values and human good and bad behavior. Etc

    Don't forget to pray with them every morning.

  26. I feel bad that at 24 she could not see beyond Neil. Such a vibrant young woman with so much life to live. She will never know who she could have become or what greatness was buried in her. May her family, friends and loved ones find peace.


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