Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Sunday, February 05, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Hmmm, this life sef. I don’t know again jare. 

So as a single girl, I was very judgmental of people that had multiple abortions. I always said any pregnancy after the first one is no longer a mistake especially for singles. 

I guess God wanted to humble me because not only did I abort once, but did it three more times!

 I pleaded for forgiveness from God and always begged Him to give the kids to Ttc and more deserving couples at the time.

 I’m a first born daughter, the model child in every sense of the word. So, I couldn’t imagine embarrassing my parents and setting a bad example for my younger sisters. We are all girls. 

I didn’t want anything that’ll make anybody mock my parents. After the fourth one, I had to give myself brain and went to get the copper IUD. It is non hormonal and 99.9% safe. 

God being so kind, I got married and took out the family planning and got pregnant immediately! 

I welcomed my baby a few months back. I thank Him everyday for His blessings and keep wondering what I have done to deserve this. In all this, I have never stopped praying for TTC ( GTC ) moms. I know some of them got married as virgins and it honestly breaks my heart for them. 

I’ll never stop praying and interceding for them, I kind of see it as my punishment for killing those babies. I was really young and stupid. I guess the point of my epistle is that young girls should please be wise! 

We should also tone it down on judging people too. #Bigsigh
 Also, I have never told a soul about this. It keeps haunting me to tell someone but I know this is between me and God till I die. Typing this now is like therapy for me. .......

WOOW Four terminations is a lot ....
Women have plenty skeletons yeah? just keep your cupboard closed or dust it out when no one is watching....
It is between you and God so no need telling anyone close to you...
God bless


  1. Who am I to judge you. Thank God you have repented. But learn to keep your mouth sealed and never tell your partner.

    1. Stop telling people to tone it down how they judge, people preach against fornication everyday, why don’t you all listen, you go ahead and do as you please then when kasala burst you remember “judge not” (dear poster this is not directed at you but I am just speaking in general)

      Now you had those abortions not because of society or anything like that because you were selfish and wanted to act holy to your parents, because you could have simply avoided sex all together… you even went ahead to get family planning because you wanted more of that sex…

      All I am saying is do not tell people how to react even if they judge you.
      I am so happy to God for you and your little one. Congratulations.

      Push up (original)

    2. Dear poster been there done that, I have a baby now and I wonder why God see me fit for the blessing. God is faithful, able and Just to forgive us all our sins.
      Dear lord come through for those seeking for children and keep our children safe Amen

    3. Push up I love you. Poster you went ahead to have 3 more abortions? I will judge you o, thank God for God becauseee

    4. I have said this before, most people that have fertility issues are probably not even those that have aborted before. Ofcourse, there are not statistics to prove this but I strongly believe this.

    5. Like! push up e no tire you
      They will silence you when you try to preach against fornication and make you feel like a bad person for trying to tell them the bitter truth when they now experience the negative effect and you still try to remind them they will still try to silence you the second time screaming 'don't judge'. The truth simply irks them.
      Even though I thank God for your life I would still advise anyone having sex with ruthless abandon and engaging in fornication right now to read your story and not take God's mercy for granted.

    6. Eka u are so right. My friend in uni did 8 abortions. U heard me right 8. She even did one the month of her wedding which I abused her for and now she is the mother to 3 handsome boys that came with no delay. Meanwhile our most gentle friend who waited to do the do until after marriage waited almost 12 years to have her first. The whole thing weakened all of us.

  2. It's between you and the one who created you. Poster, you are such an amazing person and I pray things continue to go smoothly for you.

  3. Thank you for sharing, poster, and congratulations on the birth of your child even after four abortions. May God remember every woman ttc.

  4. God did not decide to humble you, please. Stop patronizing God. You went ahead and had premarital sex, Simple. You disobeyed and fornicated after all the abortions instead of you to be celibate you went and got IUD so you can continue.
    Thank God you had your baby just dont like the fact that you made it look like God pushed you to fornicate and abort just to chastised you. People should learn to admit their faults and that is a proof of godly repentance.

    1. 🙄🙄🙄 Judge and jury over here.

    2. Even me am wondering how did God decide to humble her? Like how? She did everything out of her own freewill abeg She humbled

      Poster thank God for her life and congrats on your baby.

    3. Nothing judge and jury about this anon. Its the whole truth.

    4. Like she just could not do without having raw sex and she had to resort to using IUD a single lady never been married going that far just to engage in premarital sex.

    5. Oh please young adults in their late teens and early 20s read this blog and the next thing they will start thinking is, getting IUD is the way to go instead of having self-control.
      I was hoping she was going to advise celibacy but the next thing she advertised was an IUD talking about it being safe and all of that. come on! For an unmarried single lady, why did she go down the route of family planning? What was pursuing her? and from the tone of her writing she saw nothing wrong with it. She didn't even talk about using protection against sexually transmitted diseases or being abstinent.

      Yes, In situations like this we just want to keep the jolly good feeling and not ruffle feathers but this is a good opportunity to advise girls to lock up. Even if you have your kids and God being merciful as always shows you mercy. Do you want to go through the guilt that those who had walked that path went through? Thank God you gave birth. The stress you would have gone through from your in-laws or husband if you ttced is it worth all the enjoyment of premarital sex? You are lucky but not everyone is. My cousin did the same as you later she resorted to popping pills because she did not want to abort anymore now she has been trying to conceive for years and we are still praying to God on her behalf I know he will answer her as he did for you. I am hopeful for her but you do not want to know the stress she has gone through.
      God did not humble the poster she humbled herself while trying to present herself to her parent as a chaste lady and looking down on ladies who aborted meanwhile she was no saint from those ladies. Who knows she must have also looked down on baby mamas while fornicating.

      Everyone is happy she gave birth and we all wish her well on the arrival of her bundle of joy but the truth needs to be told.

  5. Poster Thank God for you. Our God is a very merciful God. Don’t beat up yourself anymore God is greater than your conscience. Once he forgives he forgives and forgets.

    Continue to intercede for the women, it may just be a calling for you to always stand in the gap for them.
    Congratulations on your new baby

  6. You couldn't control yourself that was why you did family planning when you were single? You should have learnt to control yourself.

    Anyway, thank God for your life.

  7. A friend said to me that if as a single lady you've never had a mistake of pregnancy means you're not complete as a woman like how? She told me to check myself maybe something is wrong with me. I dont believe it sha but sometimes I just wonder about it, cos she keeps saying an active sexual woman ought to have at least one mistake well, me I am not active, been 2years now.

    1. People say stoopid ish to comfort themselves
      Even make men feel bad if no woman has brought them pregnancy

    2. Don’t better listen to words from the devil, cus that’s all it is, you’d soon go ahead to test yourself instead of trusting God
      People speak rubbish forgetting that a women with a 28 day circle only has about 7days to take in the whole circle.

      Push up (original)

    3. Anon 15:19..i don't know if what she said is true but I remember my first boyfriend once asked me why haven't I told him I was pregnant for once. I remember telling him to come and marry me and pregnancy will come. Though, I was trying as much as I could to be careful cos I could not stand abortion.
      It's been 10years of TTC and I have never been pregnant, I am just so tired and begging God to show me and my family mercy.
      I have and will never judge anyone who has aborted. GOD has a way of doing his things.

      It is well.
      By God's grace, all TTC mothers will testify.

  8. I dont like to judge,but I am an advocate to practising safe sex. Apart from unwanted pregnancy,it protects from sexually transmitted diseases.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Why do we make a big deal out of abortions? Practically every single lady out there has done one. It isn't worth worrying about. That you had or did not have an abortion doesn't make you a good or bad person. It just shows that you are a woman with poor decision making skills. In this age and time with diseases everywhere, why are you still having unprotected sex?

    1. "practically every lady out there has done one" it's a blatant lie from the pit of hell to keep young people making the same mistakes this lady has made and has regretted on this page.
      A foetus whether fully formed or still some blood is seen by God has a baby. Why terminate a baby's life when he didn't ask to be made?
      God's ways are mysterious. I never had abortion nor even sleep around but I'm TTC.
      God's mercies are sure. His ways are not our ways.
      Let's not take God for granted.

    2. I never had an abortion as a single lady please,and I'm married now with my own baby...Easy with the assumptions and generalisations please...

    3. More like « Practically every single lady in your household »

    4. I have NEVER EVER had an abortion please don't lump us all together, speak for rhe women you know.

    5. Dear uncle and aunty, I haven’t done one, I know many other females who haven’t, I also know people who have but don’t sit in your house and speak for others… Haba

      Push up (original)

    6. I have never had an abortion
      Stop the false generalisations

    7. You people need to start checking the ladies around you and the ones in your household, it's either you're meeting your type or you choose not to see the good side of ladies out there.
      How people generalize abortion, getting laid by married men, always hungry kinda girls and the urgent 2k gang is worrisome.
      Elijah thought he was the only prophet yet to defile but God was shocked by the number that has never knelt to Baal.
      Not everyone is living anyhow as the media project it and it's time we started sharing the other side to help the young girls out there.


    8. *God shocked him


    9. @Yvonne, thank you. All the ladies in his household have done abortions. People will just wake up and be making rubbish generalisation. Some of you think that, it's everyone out there that is as morally loose as you and those around you.
      I have never and will never have an abortion. So, help me God.

  11. Me I sha wish I hadn’t aborted I’ll probably be a grandma now

  12. Poster...I am happy that God has shown you mercy. My story is similar to yours. I wasn't a bad girl,just didn't want to disgrace myself and my family when I got pregnant for my boyfriend
    back then. Plus I felt it would be wicked to bring a child I could cater for into this world to suffer when I couldn't even cater for myself. I ended up having 3 abortions and broke it up with that boyfriend. I was very careful not to ever get pregnant till I got married. I have prayed for mercy but I guess God is still punishing me cos it's been 6 years now and still trying to have a child for my husband. I will keep praying for God's mercies cos I really ,really am sorry I had to terminate those pregnancies.

    1. Go and check maybe there's a blockage somewhere by different hospitals

    2. My darling, God is gracious, merciful and kind. It's not because of your abortions you haven't conceived. Don't let the devil keep guilt tripping. God has forgiven and forgotten.

      My darling, many married as born again virgins. Served God from single years and still are, still ttcing..

      Check for medical reasons for both you and husband. If none, stay praising. At His appointed time, they will come

    3. Wow. Baby dust to you. May not necessarily be God punishing you, something may have been damaged in there during the procedure. Don’t give up keep going for tests and treatments. Your breakthrough is just around the corner.

    4. Better tell your husband your sins before it is too late

    5. Have you and your husband gone to the hospital for comprehensive check ups?
      For all its worth, the problem might not even be from you.
      God is merciful and gracious and has forgiven your sins, move past it.

    6. In ur situation, please don’t tell ur husband oh, pls don’t. Except u are ready to see wheeen

    7. The devil keeps lying to you because as long as you have asked with a contrite heart, our Lord Jesus has forgiven you. You have a clean slate in Christ. Please see a doctor to run other tests, not just on you but on your husband as well.
      May your prayers be answered

      Push up (original)

    8. Nobody can punish you more than yourself, not even God. Your own mind is the greatest punisher. Even ppl who God has set free and 100% forgiven still cannot forgive themselves. A contrite heart is ALWAYS forgiven.

      However, if you are still in bondage over those abortions. One day meditate on the occurence of each pregnancy, speak to the spirit of each child that was to come through you. Let them know why you couldn't be their mother then, tell them you love them and thank them for having choosing you at that time to enter the physical realm. Tell them though you couldn't be their mother, that you will do everything to help the motherless children and give true love to all children you come in contact with whether your own or not. Then send them to the love of God whose love is from everlasting to everlasting, say a deep prayer of forgiveness and contrition, do not speak anything about your fertility issues. In all of this be honest and speak from the core of your soul and set yourself free. Break the chains of the past. If you do this right you will feel a great out pouring of love coursing through you. Then you should feel a desire for a deep long sleep, this will be the sleep of spiritual healing. When you wake up all the pain of the past will be gone. Get up and do not look behind you again, hence you turn to a pillar of salt.

  13. Poster it's just like you and me are the same.
    I'm from an all girls family, I'm 2nd, and my mom always boast of how her girls are the best.
    I started having sex in my 2nd year in university. I got pregnant for my 2nd bf twice, I hated myself for making same mistake, and this same mistake repeated itself twice, making it 4 abortions.
    I spent all my years begging God for forgiveness, I felt guilt to the point I opened up to one of my sisters, she helped me and encouraged me into believing God already forgiven me.
    That was how I locked the cookie jar completely cos it was as though contraceptive pills didn't work in my body.
    Finally I'm getting married this in March and sometimes I keep wondering how my married life will be, how I'm going to try for a baby immediately and I'm thanking God and praying children surround my table 🙏 .
    Young girls please meet a doctor to discuss contraceptives if you are sexually active. Cos pregnancy doesn't announce its coming.
    I know someone who aborted 6 times,and the last one she had issues that almost claimed her life.

  14. I feel guilty always when ever I think of how I ever aborted twice. I don't if its cos of that things aren't working well with me. May God have mercy upon me. AMEN.

  15. Congratulations on the birth of your baby.
    He is a merciful God...

  16. Oh gracious and merciful God. Your ways are far fathoming.

    Look upon us with your grace, goodness and mercy, and grant all seeking for this priceless gift of motherhood in Jesus name. AMEN

  17. Oh gracious and merciful God. Your ways are far fathoming.

    Look upon us with your grace, goodness and mercy, and grant all seeking for this priceless gift of motherhood in Jesus name. AMEN

  18. Honestly, as a young girl I also made a lot of crazzzzy mistakes. I had no one to direct me cos my mom died when I was 6 months old, my dad was always busy so he can take care of us. I was a free bird, I made too many bad choices. But in my early 20's I gave my life to Christ. My hubby came along the line, I had to tell him everything about my past, even the two abortions I had. Till now he has not used it against me, and we have 3 kids in 6 years. I feel like I dont deserve the life I have now but grace found me.

    1. God continue to bless your home.

  19. This life no just balance at all

  20. Hi poster. Thank God for your story. I know u have heard a thousand times that God has forgiven u but the guilt keeps eating you. To help with your guilt adopt a baby or babies in future it will really help you heal better

  21. Thank God for you. May God bless every woman trying to conceive, Amen.

  22. Aborting a foetus is so wrong but when the deed has been done, you forgive yourself of the hurt and move on even though the guilt most times never go away.

    When you judge others, you don't define them. You define yourself.

    There are things you can never fix anymore in life. You just make peace with it and move on.

  23. Hmmmmmm God please have mercy on us for we have sinned and have fallen short of your glory.

  24. Poster you have zero self control, after the first abortion you kept having sex, after the second abortion you kept continue having sex, after the third Time the same thing, the fourth the same thing WTH. Your body count go be like 378. Omo sorry to say your husband married to a used woman.

    1. Oh! Please keep quiet! Sometimes, settle down and reason like a human being before typing

  25. Wordly people will always keep deceiving themselves abortion is not the issues fornication is the issue and if it is pastors issue now all of you will be opening your dirty mouth but now that is your sins finding you out ,no body should judge you abi,no sins goes unpunished unless you give your life to Jesus and confess and forsake but if your punishment has not come doesn't me you have escaped it,and to you who have started doing family planning even as singles hell fire is waiting for you except you repent or get married if you can't lock your kpekus gensing is for the married

  26. This world is full of sign and wonders. A woman with multiple abotions can get pregnant on first try and some who married as virgins must wait decades to get just one. Favour is not own by no one and a truly contrite heart can receive mercy abundantly. Prodigal children are treated no differently than those who never left the flock. The 11th hour ppl still will reap the same rewards those who were there from the beginning get.

    Nobody can conquer this life. Poster, continued blessing to you and your family.

  27. Some of us no even abort, boyfriend we no see not to talk of husband. This life no balance jare.

  28. I will never judge or mock anyone with their present situation cos I don't know what happened to them. I am not a saint but God kept me alive.

  29. Lost my cousin to abortion 💔💔

  30. What is the intention of this chronicle?
    It feels like a devil's deception in form of an advice...

    So instead of speaking against fornication and unsafe sex, you decided to advertise the way out, "to go into family planning" as a single person wow.

    You always went further to say us that you got pregnant immediately, which in essence means "fear not".

    And now you are praying for TTC moms most of which are virgins lol lol lol.
    In conclusion we should stop being judgmental not "always pray for self control". Devil you are a LIAR!

  31. To the Oga that is generalising that all women have had an abortion, I am a woman. I have never had an abortion.

    My decision came in secondary school. If anyone in my set reads this, they will know. Our priest Fr. Oriekie came to teach and show us what abortion was. He brought a big TV and video player to our boarding school hall. And showed us in real life how abortion is done: how the cervix is forced open, how a pointed object is used to stab the foetus. In other cases, the foetus is also chopped up and divided so that it can come out of the womb. Mehn! I resolved that this will not be my life: I will not put myself in the position to have a child killed this way.

    Did that stop me from having fertility issues, no. I still did nonetheless. But I thank God for giving me my babies. They did not come when I planned or how I planned but They are a blessing to me and I am grateful each day for them. There are some women who do not even have one.

    What I have come to realise is that everyone has their own path in this life. Some people get pregnancy very easily, others do not. Some are in the middle of this spectrum. Also hormones, nutrition and environment plays a major part in fertility. Then, there is the God factor: what is God’s plan for you in this life? Ultimately a personal relationship with God is what will reveal to you what plans God has for you. Stay away from sin and God will draw near to you.


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