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Friday, February 17, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



So as a lady, your colleague/friend's husband asks you to hang out with him (you both have each other's contact and chat once in a while nothing serious) one evening, what exactly would you do? (P.S: you met him through your friend) Stella i beg you to kindly post cos I need responses. Thanks

Why will you want to hang out with your friends husband for crying out loud? Are you so naive not to know or see that he wants to bed you?.....
Get yourself out of that mess cos if he is faster he will her that you are chasing him and mess up your friendship.



Please BVs, this question is particularly for Christians/believers. Is it appropriate to start having s*x with a man I am getting married to in few months time? We've done family introduction already.

Some mind and some dont.....The thing is if you waited so long and the wedding proper is not far away, you can as well wait it out..


  1. @ second poster: please still wait if you can. Introduction no be marriage!

    1. Ok make she dey wait until she end up with a man with erectile dysfunction.yes I was a victim.madam better test to be sure wot u are buying

    2. First poster
      Ask if his wife would be there?
      Then tell him you can’t…
      Not that you can’t… you don’t do such.
      There’s no sugar coating it, maybe he is trying to see if you are of easy virtue…
      Also munch the conversation for reference Incase he try’s to paint you in a negative light

      Push up (original)

  2. I hate this feigned ignorance or pretentious righteousness.

    He is asking you to hang out and you are pretending like you don't know what it means?

    If you want to sleep with your colleague's husband, then go ahead.

    You don't need us to tell you what to tell him, but since you have asked, tell him that his wife should set up the details and let you know where and when it is convenient.


    1. Thank you, the wife should be aware.
      Give honour to whom honour is due.

      Licious babe

    2. Exactly. Poster be pretending as if na today dem born you. Tell him you will tell his wife so all of you can do the hang out together.

      Fan Emmanuel

    3. Poster 1, don't mind that man. Hang out with single guys not married.

      Yam and goat no dey be friend.

    4. You dey mind am. The way I avoid all my friends husband eh, ordinary number I don't even have and I don't care to

  3. Would you be comfortable with your husband going out with his colleagues wife? That’s how you invite trouble. From going out, what next? One thing would lead to another and boom “sex” happens. You should never ever consider such outing. Are you a kid?


    1. Na for clap e dey enter dance .

      Licious babe

  4. Why you and your friend hubby or even boyfriend go dey chat for WhatsApp in the first place..

    Even having is phone number is going too far but let's even excuse it, what are you guys chatting about..

    Some of you like to deceive yourselves and when we tell you the truth, you'll come and tell us it's cos we have a dirty mind and not everyone reason like us..

    Your eye dey to chop him money, him eye dey to chop kpekus..
    You and that chronicle poster best friend of yesterday, wetin differentiate Una na just small..

    I bet your friend don't know you chat up her husband and probably ask him for money too.. I feel say na wetin dey give am mind to ask you for hangout..

    No worry, the game is the game,. Just accept your own in good faith when him self begin lash all your friends

    1. Very simple. Why chat in the first place. As a married person, something's are off limits. Chatting with your colleagues husband? 🤔🤔🤔🤦🤦🚮🚮


    2. Of course, her friend is not aware they chat. Cos I don’t get it. The audacity to ask her out on a date says a whole lot has been going on like sex chatting and all.
      I’m sure she won’t have it if she found out her hubby was doing exactly that.
      She’s a loose married woman.


  5. Poster 1, you should know what his intentions are nau. Please just delete his contact.

  6. The Original ShugarGirl17 February 2023 at 15:12

    Poster1, have you asked yourself why is your friend not going to be in the said hangout??

    Please remove yourself from every messy situation this 2023.

    Poster2, just wit a little more. You go do or inside marriage sotay na you go tire.

  7. Poster one, you asking this question shows u want to get it on with the man you are just looking for who to back u up. Continue.
    Poster 2, do whatever u want. Don’t look for who to blame for leading u astray.

  8. I personally does not enter my friends husband car when she is not in the car. We live in the same environment. Most times the man will see me and ask to drop me to my destination but I will find excuse and give him more or less hanging out with my friends husband. Never.
    Except you don't value relationship. If you do, please run far away from that man

    Poster 2. As a true believer, you are not married till after white wedding. Some denomination do pregnancy test the morning of your wedding day.. When you engage in sex before wedding, have at the back.of your mind that you have a womb that is ready to procrate.

  9. Poster 1. You simply want to sleep with your friends husband. We aren’t stupid.

    1. Thank you. Yet some of us are blaming the man alone.

  10. P1, you either ask him if your friend will be a part of 'this hangout' or you simply tell him straight up, you believe it is unwise/inappropriate to hangout with him in the absence of your friend/his wife.

    It is because P1 has no ulterior motive that's why she is asking the question. Sometimes, things can look seemingly harmless especially when you know your own mind/intentions.

    1. I'm the first chronicle poster. The man in question is my husband and the lady is a spinster who I enjoyed working with some years back so we became a bit closer than just coworkers and for some reasons including our work together, they both have each others contact. I asked this question under a spontaneous post some weeks back and tot it wasn't seen. I'm grateful you posted this Stella.
      I had an unusual dream (about my husband) I told him about which then led to him telling me how he asked this lady to hangout with him to which she obliged without asking about me. I got really mad at him but according to him, he was testing her to know the kind of friend she is so he somehow cancelled that meeting without arousing any suspicion from her.
      Issue is I never could have expected such from the lady cos I see her as responsible and matured enough plus I'm not one to keep friends and the very few I've had for decades are very responsible, respected, hard-working women. I didn't contact her about this and I want to believe she really meant no harm but somethings are just off limits in my opinion no matter what and this has made me seriously review our friendship.
      I just needed to know if I'm just reading meaning to things and overreacting.
      Thanks Stella and BVs


    2. Why is your husband testing her? Did you send him to test her? Was it an agreement between you too that she should be tested? If yes, who are you both testing her for?

      Why did he have to wait for you to tell him the dream before letting you know he went to test her as per the friendship tester that he is? Make it make sense, please!

      You never expected that from the lady what about your husband? You expected that he would go behind your back putting all your friends in test and trial mode while keeping you in the dark, all to what end?

      As you are reviewing your friendship with the lady also review the view you have of your husband.
      How are you even sure they did not meet up and he is trying to make you less suspicious or quickly exonerate himself in case you find out. He may not even believe in your dream but thinks the lady told you things that are making you suspicious so you faked a dream to figure him out hence why he quickly tried to make her look cheap.
      My advice: Keep an eye on your husband.

    3. Your husband is not pure. I hope there is nothing between them already because he would not have told you anything if not for that dream. Test ko test ni

    4. Your husband is one of these shameless married men. I can't even imagine my husband "testing" one of my friends in that manner, for what?
      He may have cheated on you already and you are living in denial, absolving him of all blames. What nonsense!

  11. The kind of questions some of you asked though.

    How can you hang out with your friend's husband? For what exactly? Why?

    Poster 2. You are still single, not married yet.

    1. Why? To discuss money issues. Even if they are not in Nigeria in these times.

  12. Who doesn't know men's antics in the 21st century? Jisike

  13. Poster I
    Pls stay away from your friend's hubby.avoid him as much as you can.
    Poster 2
    S*x can wait till all marriage rites are may not be easy but once your focus are on the word of God then it could be more easier.goodluck dear.

  14. Poster one, typical reason why one should discard friends like you after marriage. Easy duckling. Instead of you to decline that hangout, you are sending chronicle. Can't you see he has no sense?

    1. You guys always blame the man. Is he expected to have more sense than the Poster (a woman) who is private chatting her colleague/friend's husband?

      Are we not dealing with a man and woman of same sense level (co-chatters)?

  15. Poster 1, are you a mumu? Poster 2, continue the waiting, you are almost there, Thank you

  16. Poster one! Hope you haven't deleted his messages? If you haven't, forward the messages to his wife if you don't want to live in regrets.

    Poster two! You have waited till now, which toto come dey scratch you. Wait for your wedding night . On this blog we have read about those who proposed to fuck and run away. We have also read about people like you over the years

    1. Forward the msg to his wife keh, you think she has not been indulging him all this while😂😂

  17. Poster 2: You have waited for this long, kindly wait till you wed.

    No need to rush cos the tin dey even tire person😅

  18. Poster 1 please stay away from that hangout,don't even think about it,my mate mum used to say if you don't want to eat frog,don't bother to smell it,in the process of smelling it,you might mistakenly taste it.

  19. It is not appropriate.
    4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Hebrews 13:4 (NIV)

    1. Nothing in that verse is about premarital sex
      God never said anything about premarital sex in the Old Testament and Jesus didn’t either

      The o lay person who preached something has been interpreted by some as being against premarital sex is Paul. He preached against “fornication” and many scholars say fornication was not premarital sex as interpreted by some now. It was sexual orgies common in those days among the romans

      So ask yourself if Hod is against premarital sex, why didn’t he ever mention it

      That’s for Bible scholars to consider

    2. Anon 16:55, I was thinking that the Bible does not address rapes or pedophilia which are heinous acts of sexual violence, and they happened at every period in the history of the Bible; yet it is concerned with consensual sex matters. There is something missing there, a lie has been told or a verse was deliberately mistranslated.

      I am all for sexual modesty and will support it for those who desires it, but we have to stop believing that every single word in the Bible is truly from God.

    3. I6:55 you are always arguing against fornication on this blog saying Jesus and God did not say this and that but it was Paul that said it.

      Always looking for who to convince you and always trying to pull the wool over your own eyes with your own hands. It is one thing for others to deceive you and it is another for you to deceive yourself.

      You will see biblical verses as clear as day yet still be arguing up and down. I don't know why that verse is so difficult for you to assimilate. Are you a child that something must be spelt out to you in black and white before you can grasp?

      Jesus spoke against adultery in The Bible which is him indirectly telling you that you shouldn't be sleeping with anyone who isn't your husband or wife. Because in adultery the person you are sleeping with is not your husband or wife same way your boyfriend is not your husband(yet) in the eyes of God.
      It is basically self-explanatory at this point. Haba!!!
      abeg abeg o!

      Talking about God not mentioning it so he is not against it(meanwhile, he already did up there) by the way there are a lot of evil things happening in the world right now that God did not out rightly/explicitly mention in the Bible (because he feels you should be able to read between the lines) does that means he likes it?

      Poster, please listen to anon16:06
      Adultery is simply an extension of fornication. As long as the person you are having sex with is not your lawfully wedded partner in the eyes of God you are committing sexual immorality.

    4. 18:22 God does not speak indirectly why would God tell you something indirectly
      Does God look like your mate

    5. Thanks 18:22. Nothing to add at this point.

    6. 18:22 of course God is not my, your or anyone's mate, I know.
      My usage of Indirectly here means( in a way) so please don't take my words literally.

      E.g your mom says don't touch that pot of rice what she is indirectly saying is "don't eat that rice inside the pot" not necessarily "don't touch the pot with your fingers". (Here we all know the mom is not afraid of the child but she just expects the child to use his/her common sense to decipher what she implied) Then you craftily let your younger ones near the pot and they help you dish your food. Then your mom comes back and sees you eating the rice and you tell her you did not go near the pot neither did you touch it as she warned but your younger ones did and they dished you the food.

      But if you still think it unsightly to make use of the word "indirectly" I gladly/humbly exchange it with

      20:12, you are welcome.

    7. 16:55 you are experiencing what psychologists call cognitive dissonance.

      Your behaviour contradicts and clashes
      with your moral beliefs, so you eventually change your beliefs to support their behaviours. That is why you are trying so hard to convince yourself.

    8. God can speak in anyway He chooses. You are not the one to dictate how God will speak.

    9. 22:48 well that’s how y’all keep believing pastors
      They’ll read and add their own and y’all believe them

      Meanwhile revelations says WOE to him that add or subtracts from the word... so who’s the Jesus child between me and you guys

      TELL ME AGAIN why two of most honored women in the Bible did not marry before sex. Esther, Ruth ancestor of Jesus

      Even Old Testament says if you get the girl pregnant, then marry her. That’s it. Nothing about shaming her or nothing

      I don’t write these for you. I’m writing it for those that actually want to know Bible well. Go and read it for yourself

    10. 22:48 I already explained to you why I wrote that and even corrected it to correspondingly but that was the only part you focused on like I am speaking for God. I am not speaking for him, if you are told not to commit adultery because the person is not your spouse then your common sense should tell you not to commit fornication
      because the person is not your spouse, simple! Stop twisting my words And if you are simply trying to say God only spoke about adultery and not fornication so I should not try to make it so then I say to you, read between the lines.

      23:57 thousand got married in the Bible before sex but you only chose to focus on those two to support Your belief. The Bible says Temptation to sin is sure to come, but WOE to the one through whom they come!

      You're asking that they tell you why two of the most honoured women in the Bible had sex before marriage(which isn't true by the way. Ruth married Boaz first and Esther's situation was different because she was taken against her will by the king who is not a follower of God else she would have waited till marriage if the king did not take her.) is like you saying they should tell you why two of the honoured men in the Bible had more than one wives and even concubines in the old testament after God specifically stated one man one wife at the beginning of creation, case in point Abraham and David. It happened in the old testament does that mean it was God's plan and the fact that Jesus came from the descendant of these two men does make it more right? Even Jesus had to later correct that perception and said it is not supposed to be so simply because it was allowed then.

      By the way, I noticed you are trying to say as long as you marry the person later you are not sinning if you sleep with them before marriage, I noticed. you keep using marriage as an excuse for people to fornicate. So are you saying those who fornicated with their exes in the past and did not eventually marry them are sinning? Is that your argument?

      I am not writing these for you either but writing because of those who are already conflicted.

    11. Anon 06:48 I think I understand what anon 23:57 is trying to say. You finally got the point in your last paragraph

      I don't thnk he or she is saying that there is nothing like fornication bt wat he or she is saying is that long as you are marrying the person and everyone one knows you are marrying them then it is okay not to wait to have s*x. it is only fornication if you are not marrying them afterwards. People having casual sex are fornicating but as long as you have plans to be together whether you have it before or after it is fine.

    12. Anon 6.48 is right. Read the first comment made by that anon, That anon made it clear that fornication does not exist in any way or form and premarital sex is not a sin whether you are having casual sex or friends with benefits or a one-night stand it is not a sin to that anon because according to them God did not mention it, So stop trying to make a case for that person at @7.50, That anon was just trying to use marriage as a cop-out. Take commitment and marriage out of it that anon blantantly encourages immorality whether you intend to marry the person or not,

    13. This is not right what if a day to marriage something happened and no marriage unko ,as long as you are not married,any sexual activities is fornication simple whether you want to marry then or chop and clean mouth

    14. All of you calm down.
      Why would there be the talk about fornication when there was nothing like boyfriend or girlfriend in ancient times. People don't date at all sef for there to leave room for fornication they get betrothed in their teens and stay married to that one person but now people date a lot of people from their teenage years they end up not getting married to and they end up with lots of body counts. One thing I know is sex is marriage. The moment you have sex with that personr y you are married in the eyes of God and tied for life that is why you don't have random sex with someone you are not married to. Whether you should sleep with them before orafter marriage. I will say after marriage is the best. Nowadays that a lot of people even broke up a few days before the weeding...people even leave themselves at the altar. You don't know who will be your spouse until after marriage sex is marriage it is only appropriate to sleep with just one person...only the person you want to marry... That is why it is said if you marry another person and divorce your partner you are committing adultery. Because the moment you have sex you are already one in flesh first with your partner even though you marry the other partner except your first partner is dead. This is why sleeping with many partners causes soul ties and other spiritualproblems because you are married to so many people. But since we now have Jesus if we rededicate our life to him shun our past lifestyle and avoid sexual sins and we start to live a holy life we become a new creation and are set free from those ties..
      My two cent✌

    15. 06:48 thou shall not commit adultery is not about the sex. It’s about covetousness taking another’s thing as yours. David amd Solomon slept with multiple women with and without marriage. Solomon had 300 or 700 concubines ie no marriage. God only stepped in when David stole another mans wife and had him killed and when Solomon was turning to the gods of a woman. That’s it. Nothing ever said about his multiple flings

      The other commandment says thou shall not covet your neighbors property

      Don’t just argue. Go study it for yourself

  20. Poster 1, why do you even have his number in the first place? How did that happen? Dey play, you hear🙄

  21. Dear Poster 1, put yourself in your friends shoe, how will you feel if you see or hear that your friend is hanging out with your husband...… Pls listen to the voice of reasoning.

  22. Poster 2 keep yourself till marriage and get to know him more. He can still chop you and run.

  23. poster 1 ask him hope your wife will join us, you can just respond to him that let me discuss with your wife if the date is okay for her.

  24. Your married colleagues husband wants to hang out with you?
    And you say you dinor know what to do?
    Me sef dinor know o.
    Nigerian married men sense no dey ever pass their

    1. @17:18.
      And you left out the Poster who is private chatting her friend/colleague's husband?

      Some of us are expert s at exculpating some women in whatever they do so long a man is involved .

      We always want men to know and act better. Yet we say... when some men claim they are better and superior than women.

  25. A very long time ago, my best friend's husband asked me to hang out with him. First thing I asked was if his wife would be there and he said, can't we hang out without her? I told him, I'd rather die than be seen anywhere alone hanging out with my friend's husband.

    He told me my mind was dirty and that's why I am thinking that way and that he never meant any harm. I'd rather have a dirty mind than ever put myself in that situation.

    I never told her till today. I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

    Poster, that man does not have any pure intention towards you and if you don't have any feelings for the man, you will do well the turn down such invitation.

  26. Poster 1, I believe you alone have answers to your questions. What is your "chatting once in awhile" like. What do you guys talk about? there lies your answer. Otherwise,What if the hang out is harmless? What if he wants to report your friend to you? Or probably ask you help set up a surprise party for his wife? It could be anything. I advise you ask him on phone first.
    Poster 2. Please wait it out. You are almost there.

    1. Indeed! He would have told her first instead of beating around the bush if he had plans for the wife. E get why this poster 1 brought the gist here. She knows what's up. She's sorely tempted. Las las she will do what is in her mind to do.

    2. The poster is the wife

  27. Poster 1…From today henceforth, block that man from all your social media platforms. I repeat block him because the devil knows how to manipulate wavering minds like yours…how much he wan give you that you will now ruin your reputation and friendship? I know you need money and companionship but this one is not meant for you. Avoid him now. Bless you.

    1. Exactly. Blocklist straight up.

  28. Poster 2
    Introduction no be marriage.
    Pls don't give your kpekus yet until every necessary thing is done.

  29. Poster 1, I don't even hang out with my good friends' other friends, so I couldn't even fathom hanging out with a friend's spouse and they are not present. Some lines should never be crossed.

    Poster 2, if you have been holding out for spiritual/religious/moral reasons then please continue to hold out until you are officially married. People who are devout cannot dabble in worldly stuff, they always end up paying a higher price. Stay away from that which you consider a sin. If you want him to show you what it looks like and feel that it can get hard then to assure you are not entering one chance so be it, but you don't go any further. If he is pressuring you to do what you are not comfortable doing, then let him know you do not appreciate being pressured to do what goes against your morals. Nobody should ever be forced into anything sexual. EVER!

    1. Hmmmm..........
      'People who are devout cannot dabble in worldly stuff, they always end up paying a higher price.'
      This is quite profound.........

    2. I’m sorry but many devout ladies are married to erectile dysfunction or gay guys so the talk about consequences from having sex with him na big lie. Be celibate if you want but know that you are taking a chance

    3. Even many non-devout ladies are married to gay men and men with issues down there 20:42.
      Was it not here a woman wrote a chronicle about how her husband could not get it up after marriage and she was confused because this was a man that was always firing before marriage and could last for long?

      In the end, bvs had to tell her he probably used sexual enhancers to lure her into marriage and I think she later found out. Before they had sex while dating he would take those viagra and she did not suspect but when he realised he had already wifed her he saw no reason to pretend anymore.
      A lot of sexually active ladies are dating and engaged to gay men and they don't know either. One came here and said she caught her husband with his so-called best friend and she did not suspect because he gave her no room to suspect while dating an ad after marriage

      So let's not talk like testing before marriage guarantees anything either.

      In all, you don't say because someone went out yesterday and was hit by a bike and was treated at the hospital you won't go outside of your house again or because people broke into the bank and stole a lot of cash you won't keep your money in the bank again.

    4. Please stop with the doom and gloom. True, there are no guarantees in life, so does that mean we just loaf around and do nothing. Anybody can drop dead tomorrow, still doesn't mean we should give up on living.

    5. No You stop with the gloom and doom. take your own advice and stop acting like engaging in sin is the only way to be sure of a perfect life. You can engage in sin and still end up deceived. Making references to gays is a cheap excuse

    6. 07:20 live your life and let others live theirs

  30. Poster one, that go out with him alone without his wife your friend,both of them might be testing you,av gone through that before,I passed the test
    Poster two,as a believer you have to wait........ Josaria

  31. Poster 1: Don't do it. His request doesn't make sense. Don't encourage to build up in secret which can bring you public shame.

    Poster 2: Christians are to wait till after marriage before they engage in sex. Pray for the Grace, discipline and strength to wait till the D-Day.

    1. Be fruitful and multiply . Adam and Eve did not marry first neither did boaz and Ruth and Ruth had a whole book to herself

    2. So you think in those days when morality was not something people joked with ruth won't marry Boaz but go ahead and sleep with him and have a child for him outside wedlock?😂
      I have never seen anyone live in denial like this anon 20:43

      Adam and Eve got married. God joined them together. Kindly read your Bible thoroughly

      Your desperate desire to advocate for premarital sex has beclouded you so badly that you are not carefully reading what you are posting. If you like, argue till the world comes to an end premarital sex is a sin and you living in denial and acting clueless is not fooling anyone let alone God.

    3. Poster 1 avoid that man. you do not need to be told.
      Poster 2 the fact that you need to ask that question shows you know it is not the right time. So please wait till are married.

      20:43 So the mere boyfriends most of you are sleeping with right now has your dad taken your hands and handed it over to them(marriage) the same way God handed Eve over to Adam and brought her to him?

      Ruth chapter 4,13-17 Boaz
      married Ruth. "She became his wife" then Boaz slept with her.

      He slept with her after she became his wife.
      See how it was arranged?

      Boaz married ruth
      She became his wife
      He slept with her.

      At this point and the way you are trying to twist the Bible, it honestly seems like you don't have a bible or you are on an agenda.

    4. Why do you feel the need to misinterpret scripture so you can be justified in your sin? It doesn't work like that. If you want to deceive yourself no problem, but stop trying to drag innocent people to hell by misleading them. If you don't want to believe in God and His Word no one is forcing you, but stop trying to corrupt the Word of God. That is very grievous.

    5. 22:35 I see you skipped Esther. You know she went straight to the bed chamber. Ruth slept on boaz bed before marriage...we won’t assume what happened . Do you let your Christian sisters sleep over

      Oh by the way, you know this sex thing became big in the 70s and started in America. Google it and you’ll see the concerted effort that conservatives in the US made to push the no sex before marriage propaganda

      Stay away from it if you want but don’t allow brainwashing

    6. God didn’t come down and hand Eve over. As you mention Eve, there was no marriage there. He “knew” her and that was that

    7. 22:35

      Ruth 4:13-17
      King James Version
      13 So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her conception, and she bare a son.

      There’s no marriage there. Call him your husband like Boaz did and keep it moving

      Who says you must call pastor

    8. 00:05 I did not skip Esther. stop lying.
      Go back up and see what you wrote up there at 20:43. You only mentioned Ruth so please stop trying to be manipulative. Why would I skip what was not written? Where is the sense in that?

      I hope you know the King did not serve God as the Jews did. so Esther was absolved of the act or was she supposed to fight him? Jacob married his wife before he knew her, Issac did the same and so many others in the Bible but still to you, marriage is not necessary. She slept at Boaz's feet at the field where hundreds of workers also slept and she had sex with him right there?

    9. Nobody said God came down, you did. Why would God come down when heaven was the only abode he intended back then by the way?
      Read what I wrote again.

      You wrote and I quote "There’s no marriage there. Call him your husband as Boaz did and keep it moving"

      So here you are advising poster not to even consider getting married at all because according to you Ruth never married😂
      You can have your premarital sex but stop trying to delude people.

      There are different biblical versions. Read them. Ruth was very married. Thanks.

    10. Ruth could have been but Esther wasn’t. Neither was Eve

      Poster can do what she wants is the bottom line of my story

    11. Hahaga07:01 Esther entered into the competition. The king didn’t force her. She prepared herself and hoped to be picked. And she had good sex with him and then he named her queen

  32. No man can be foolish enough to have the guts to tell me that rubbish sha.
    Na see finish dey cause that nonsense or maybe olojukokoro on your part.

    1. I think it is best not to engage in overfamiliarity when making friends with men. They see every smile and greeting as a green light. There should be a very obvious boundary. He thought she wants him too I guess

    2. Poster 2. The Bible in Hebrew 13:4 says marriage is honourable with the bed undefiled, one of the things that defile marriage is sleeping with a man you are not married to irrespective of whether he has intentions of marrying you or not.Please don't do it

  33. Many devilish children will interpret Bible the way it suits them ,bible is correct we are in the last days ,please wait till you marry and leave these devils saying you should go ahead alone they are children of perdition

    1. Many godly women and men are living without sex and waiting on God to bring a partner while plenty sinners have been enjoying sex since young. Ask yourself if that’s Gods will


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