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Friday, May 26, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Good day Madam Stella and fellow bvs. Pls what can i do in the situation i found myself; abeg help me analyse am.

Where i work, my former boss so hated me and she so manipulated other people against me. she gossiped me round the whole department to the extent that 70% of the staff hate me. the amebo against me is too much. my shoe koi koi sound is annoying them. They deny me the benefits other staff enjoy apart from salary. things went so rough for me.

The reason for the hatred from my direct boss is because I'm hard working, efficient, relevant, punctual and regular at work.. So instead of motivating me, she turned it to envy and created an alliance against me. (maybe this women to women envy to each other).

A colleague from another department told me I'm naturally to be envied. I didn't believe her cos I've not heard of such before. I now agree with her because when i got posted to another department, my now boss also started envying me. All the work in the department, she gives me to do and I always made sure i did them without complaining and I put her name as if she did them. Some of my co-workers can stand and won't do even a 3 line memo in a month; i was doing everything.

When I noticed her behaviour towards me, i flashed back to what a colleague had earlier on told me about being naturally envied. this my new boss went to report me to the Admin that I'm a bad girl. so many people believed her. Finally i was posted back to my former department because of my relevance, by this time, my former boss with some of her '"disciples" were already kicked out of the department. so, I'm back to the former department cos God has vindicated me.

This hatred towards me has made me gone to different churches for prayers and deliverances. I even visited a prophet and prophetess for their prayers (both are in different churches). they all prayed and saw nothing wrong with me spiritually.

Pls has anyone here experienced such a thing or knows somebody who has gone through similar situation? pls what did they do and what's the solution out of this kind of thing. Thank you.

This happens to a lot of is also how it works with me but the thing is that you do nothing and let God fight for you cos he always does... Just stay out of their way to that they dont hurt you physically and watch GOD fight for you....
Nah ''jealousness' LOL


  1. Don't look for issues, where there is none.

    1. Are you are Christian? If yes speak to the Holy Spirit. Go to the bible and YouTube find teaching a on the Holy Spirit, His fruit, His nature.

      Please activate a true, honesty prayer life with the help of the Holy Spirit. Lean on Him.

  2. lol sorry to laugh but this is life
    It’s not peculiar to you
    You’re very lucky the prophets didn’t lie to you and tell you that you need cleansing
    But because of what someone said to you, you’ll probably continue looking for solutions. We prefer to believe bad words than good
    All of us are subject to envy. It’s not unique to anyone
    Free yourself
    And well done for being a great worker

    1. Gosh! What kind of yeye, infantile people full that your organization. Yuck I hate toxic environment. Why would you go for deliverance when it is the envious ones that should be seeking deliverance.. Jealousy is an evil spirit. Come on! Keep your head up high and carry yourself well....

      Start looking for better organizations that need your type of soft skills and positive mindset. Stop allowing people to project their twisted and silly thoughts about you, then you start acting on it.. Keep praying, be confident and keep doing your job however be wise as serpent.

  3. I’ve learnt to smile to everyone. Make a time table for chit chatting with different staff. Including going going to my bosses office to offer one thing or the other. It has greatly reduced that issue for me. I’ll be honest with you, your bosses just want you to come to their office and gossip about one or two staff to them. I’m sure it’s your colleagues that’s been feeding your bosses with lies. It’s what it is. Join them or learn to manage them. Never ignore them

    1. Please, disregard this advise, don't stoop yourself so low to gossiping. They're intimidated by you. Periodt

    2. It is a workplace for goodness sake. Not a restaurant or gossip arena. Do your job and take your ass home! You don't need to be friends with anyone to get along with work

    3. Anon 15.07 you just nailed it because it's what they like doing and once you're not part of it they'll gang up against you. Pls poster please do follow them to gossip

    4. GOD fights for such people who do not stoop to do evil, me that I was directly told by the madam to come if I have any issues and warned to conform to the clique on ground because I smile , greet and go my way. I refuse to come gossip, kiss arse, do eye service and bow to the female idol/queen
      They tried to frustrate me , I refused to be frustrated then various queries then a panel was set up working from an already agreed judgement on kangaroo empty charges then suspension. They thought I would finally come crawling to beg then fit in
      They underestimated the Almighty Creator , I resigned and now all combined are not doing as well as myself. They are all still there, stagnant and frustrated They will all reap trying to remove food from someone's mouth

    5. Poster I will tell u something. I think u have a problem. I have met people like u who feel everyone is envious of them or out to get them. They also feel they do all things perfect. Stop looking for issues where there are none. Stop reading meaning into peoples actions. 2 Madams cannot report u for doing wrong without u doing wrong. Stop attributing spiritual causes to things u are doing urself. I know u won’t listen to this but it’s my take.

    6. 17:52 Same here. They did everything to frustrate me. My direct boss was a very cunning, sly fellow who was the king of micro aggressions, passive aggressiveness etc. He successfully coopted his partner and various heads of departments on their hate filled spree.
      'Unfortunately', I dont know how to kiss ass,do eyeservice or beg for bread.
      Never have, NEVER WILL.
      Set up one stupid panel on a very silly pretext, suspended for one month with no pay for defending myself against a vendor. On the last day of suspension, I sent in my resignation letter.
      I never stay in an environment where people will attempt to rubbish me, especially when my hands and heart are clean.
      I hope those people who were eagerly fighting for my suspension will carry their positions to Heaven but before they do, Karma MUST visit each one of them here.🙂
      That's the eternal law of sowing of reaping.
      Poster, keep displaying excellence, be honest in all your doings, it will not only set you apart, it will set you ahead.

      PS: I am in an incredible company now and I can only give thanks to God.

  4. It does happen only to you, I think once you have everything going on for you and there is very high future prospect with you, its human nature for the envy and pull down syndrrome to set in.

    I know it is tiring, just do you.

    1. please its only african nature not human nature cos thats the main reason Africa is still in darkness. wickedness is follow come for them. They simply jealous and very intimidated

    2. Big SORRY @ 16:28.
      It is not an African thing. It occurs everywhere in the world.

      "Jealousy", "envy", "bad manners or behaviour" are English words. Almost all languages in the word have words depicting or describing them.

      If poster's co-workers are jealous, envious or bad mannered it is not because they are Africans. It is because the are humans like Caucasians, Asians, Latino, Arabs, etc.

      Africans should stop the self-deprecation.

    3. Something like this once happened to me, during consecration of the Holy Eucharist, I do present it to God and the reverse was the case.

  5. Work place warfare.
    They are threatened you might replace them in the nearest future.

    Just keep being your best and prayerful

    1. Their threathened low self esteem and inferiority complex
      Crab mentality
      They are possesed or manipulated

    2. Their threathened low self esteem and inferiority complex
      Crab mentality
      They are possesed or manipulated

  6. Poster can't you ask for a transfer to another location? Confide in the HR team and tell them what is happening to you. This jealousy is too much for you, they can harm you. Always make sure you stay on your lane, mind your business. Avoid interfering with their job. Please do not do anything to them so that whatever they plan or do to you will go back to sender.

    1. Never ever leave your food or drink where they can have access . Pray over your work area , pray against evil collaboration and networking

    2. Poster please watch this preaching on youtube by Apostle Selman, this grace called favour. It is powerful, then always pray for favour always

  7. So sorry about your experiences. I'll also advice that you check you do some soul searching too.
    It might be that you may come off as rude or bossy to your colleagues, hence the dislike. Do you do eye service? Are you flirtatious with the male staff? Are you a team player? Do you backbite people? Do you snitch on your colleagues? etc. etc.

    All in all, just be prayerful and be extremely cautious.

    1. Anon u are the first person saying what’s on my mind. Such people feel they are right meanwhile they are doing things wrong. See her rushing to prophets so u can tell what kind of person she is. Poster search urself well. Everyone cannot be against u just cos u are so great.

  8. Just like you said you’re focused and efficient at your job so keep doing what you do, in addition your prayer point regularly should be that God will cloth you with the garment of favour. When you have favour.

  9. If they come to you with eye service,give them same energy..

    If they come with realness,give sake energy..

    Don’t be the odd one,or too uptight when you have different people working with you in same environment..

    If you see them dey gist;laugh with them and don’t say pimmm or gossip anyone;just the listening ear and laughter machine..
    Nobody should be able to quote you anytime or anywhere..

    If everyone says Mr A is good;agree..
    If they say Mr B is Bad,agree as well..

    Join the clique;play the game..that’s office politics

    Bring out your character when you are with your family,become a chameleon when it comes to the politics..

    Don’t backbite anyone;just laugh and “Yimu” to their back when they bring gist to you..

    Don’t take anyone too personal;no one is your friend there..everybody wan collect salary and get promoted;loosen up and learn how to fake smiles..


    1. Martins you are very correct. How I wish I understood office politics those days, I won't have suffered the way I did. I was been real and honest, not knowing that people were after what will benefit them and owes no one no loyalty. Two-facedness is the name of the game.

    2. I don't agree that you join any clique.You can keep doing your job and keep your head held high...Yes office politics dey, but she should just be on her lane, meet up with her KPIS and take record of all your achievement. You will be surprised that when she starts to laugh, they will twist it.. Just do you, poster

    3. Haa Martins Fake smiles ke! There is no need for that abeg. Stay true to you rather than putting up appearance. To hell with how you think of me, I will always be respectful and courteous to my colleagues but you don't have to play their game. Not necessary

    4. Poster silently do online courses, avoid taking personal calls in their presence
      Mind your business

  10. You better stop roaming around from one prophet to another, before they steal your virtue or change it to something worse. Do you think it's everyone that calls the Name Of The Lord that is a true prophet??? Your case is not special, people naturally envy what they can't have or won't be.

    1.) Keep a pure conscience and wish everyone the highest good, especially those fighting you. Hold your peace and let God fight for you.
    2.) Be very prayerful. Let Psalms 91 and Isaiah 54:14-17 be on your lips 24/7. Memorise and personalise them.
    3.) Always declare over your life: "You Are Blessed And Highly Favoured By God And You Find Favour With God And Man".
    It is well with you.

  11. The Bible says life I not fair, but God helps those who follow his words.

    There is envy by other people

    There is attitude by us towards other people.

    There is work place ethics. Government work has its rules. Private entrepreneur enterprises have their rules. Private public companies have their rules.

    Review your attitude and relational capacities / methods

    Learn the rules applicable to your work place.

    Change as necessary.

    Renew your mind with the word of God and relevant books.

    The Bible says wisdom is profitable to direct.


  12. Jealousness at its peak
    Just keep being you without caring about what others think basically

  13. My dear poster, this is not peculiar to you alone, every diligent, hardworking staff goes through this. There’s nothing wrong with you though it hurts to be unjustly treated but keep doing your job well and remain prayerful. God the all knowing and all seeing will elevate you at his own good time. Cheers.

  14. Keep being you and be prayerful. There’s a grace upon your life that people around you can see and that’s why they are envious.

    There is nothing spiritually wrong with you. Keep your hands clean and the Lord will fight for you.

  15. Poster, there's something like "mark of hatred" ask deliverance Ministers. I was plaqued with this for years until 2months ago I went for prayers in my church. I'm an Mfm member.
    So,in the course of prayers, the pastor leading me through the prayers asked me to add this prayer topic to my midnight prayer and I should say it for 1hour between 12-3am and I should call everything I don't like in my life and ask "the blood of Jesus locate them and destroy them."
    Barely one week into the prayers, people that stopped talking to me started talking to me. A family friend that stopped talking to me since 2019 without any reason saw me and called me,she said,"when I saw you , something in her told her to speak to me"
    Anyone under witchcraft attack can use this prayer topic to get deliverance.

    1. E.g. arrow of disappointment let the blood of Jesus locate and destroy it 👈.correct ?

    2. Yes. The blood of Jesus, locate and destroy arrows of disappointment, failure, backwardness etc. Blood of Jesus, locate and destroy anywhere they kept my name, image. Locate and destroy altars, shrines coven receiving blood sacrifice for my sake. Locate and destroy arrows of sickness and infirmity fired against me. Locate and destroy arrows from the north, south, East and the west. Locate and destroy crossroad sacrifice,where they're burning incense and candles for my sake. Locate and destroy whether they did on eke,orie,afor,nkwor market day.

  16. Please stop expecting everyone to can't please them all.
    Continue to be who you really are and leave all to the one who created and gave you life.Him alone will fight for you.

    1. True. Certainly, not all hate Poster. Only the wicked.

  17. Is witchcraft mark on you for attack anywhere you go, because of the glory you carry! Is only when I am away from Nigeria that it is neutralized completely! Even inside church here, that’s how the witches be coming to look for you inside church! I thought I was being paranoid, until in more 3 occasions in separate churches where, I got up from places where I sat in church and next thing the people started manifesting! One particular case the man started barking like a dog, on his fours after, I rebuked him, not to rest his hands on my chair in church! I even changed Mfm churches, until I got one Mfm that the Pastor’s foundation is solid. I have had to mind my business, the man actually saw the mark on my forehead and God used him! Even abroad, I had to stay away from blacks! It was white people that always favored me. Those pastors did not see it, because most Nigeria pastors are not spiritual, so don’t understand! Immense yourself in things of God and prayers and mind your business. These people that disturb you, don’t even know what they are doing! They are tools for demons, who reside inside them who have recognized your glorious nature. It is well!!! If is not well managed, it keeps you in perpetual warfare. Most times , I do online services and abroad,I stay away from black churches!!! God help us! I am not saying, that we don’t have white witches , but the witchcraft activities in black people is overly high.

  18. Poster, pls be very careful with your colleagues. You don't need to make friends with them. Just treat them right and face your front...l know what l'm passing through in my place of work. Don't quarrel with them, thank God my boss knows me very well and appreciate my imput since l joined the company, Na wisdom l dey take follow them, most times they will complain that l'm too strict and secretive simply becos l don't want them to know much about me,..l just dey my lane, atimes l gist with the male staff, those ones respect me and l give them the same energy. l'm just scared of people this days. Some people are ready to hurt you, even when you are honest with them.

    1. You get sense, wicked people have no reason to be wicked, they are just wicked.

  19. Poster search yourself. You are the problem. From the way you are praising yourself I can tell. Only you and everyone is against you? No nah. You have a problem.

  20. Set awon Olofo to binu Ologo.

  21. Well there are two ways to look at this.
    First it could be a bad mark placed on you. One was placed on me too but with prayers it was cleared.

    Second you may be hardworking but have a bad character/attitude. I am dating who complains that almost everybody hates but the truth is she has a terrible attitude

  22. Had it been am working in an office, I would have said I wrote this but mine is school. Poster am experiencing more than you but my happiness is that my pupils loves me dearly.

  23. This has been my cross since I was born. Learn to live with it dear. Never deviate from the real you and God. I have seen fought my battles .


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