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Thursday, May 04, 2023

Thursday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #neversaynever #itiswhatitis #throwbackthursday #postiviemindset #dontletthesungodownonyou #yesLord  #waymaker #promiseleeper #lightinthedark #thenameofGodisastrongtower

Good Morning..
Have an awesome day!
Warm hugs


  1. There are days when money will be hitting your account back to back and it will seem like the windows of heaven have opened up to you alone....
    Give thanks to God...
    And then there are days when money will have social distancing with you. Nothing is coming in and deals are not clicking. It will seem as if God has forsaken you....
    Still give thanks to God...
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

    1. That's the spirit....always giving thanks no matter the situation.

    2. In all things, give thanks to God.

    3. Absolutely! God is ever faithful!

    4. In all situations give thanks, thank you Jesus

    5. God is faithful some days are like that..

    6. Very well said.In all situations give thanks.

    7. In all situation, we should give thanks to GodπŸ™πŸ™

    8. In everything, Give Thanks. for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Thanksgiving is deeper than we think. It calls forth and restores

    9. I give thanks. What else can I do? I can't fight God na

  2. Lord! Thank you for a new day. Thank you that your compassion is renewed every morning.
    Great is your faithfulness and your steadfast love.
    Heavenly father if not because of your grace, where would we have been today?
    Righteous Father,as we abide under your shadow for safety and protection, we ask that you keep us safe in Jesus name πŸ™
    Lord let your hand cover us and keep us distanced from the evil intent of our enemies in Jesus name πŸ™.

  3. Arise... be thankful and shine πŸŒžπŸŒŸπŸ’«✨
    Thankful Thursday

  4. Good morning to y'all and πŸ‘‹ do have an amazing day for yourselves.

  5. I found this interesting to share after reading.


    So many Nigerians think that their next of kin is the automatic heir to their account. But the truth is that if your next of kin is not a signatory to your account, and you don’t have a written will to determine that person’s legitimacy, the person will not have access to that money at all. Your bank will have to go through a process called a LEGAL PROBATE. This probate period helps them determine who gets the money in your account.

    This is a very very lengthy and expensive process. Even after the whole process is done, your family will have to forfeit some very reasonable amount of the money for legal fees.

    But if you want to avoid this , simply request for your bank to give you something called a POD form.

    POD stands for PAYABLE ON DEATH. The name of the person you fill in that POD form will determine who will get your money .

    All the person needs to bring is a death certificate to get that money out.
    With a POD form, you will save your family the stress of going through all that lengthy legal process and even loosing some money to the law.

    I just thought I should let you know this.

    1. Good one. Thank you.

    2. Didnt know this, thanks for sharing. Then again if i had access to his online bank i can just transfer to my account or his kids right..

  6. Good morning fam πŸ’œ
    One love ♥️

  7. Cityzens, I'm so happy for you guys. I'm happy my boy Halland is breaking records! Omo ologo! 😊.

    Good morning everyone. Stay blessed.πŸ’•

    1. Remain blessed Cynthi😘

    2. Ekaaroo Sis ❤️

      I know Erling Haaland will break that goal scoring record in a season in EPL with the way he's been firing from all cylinders

    3. More heights in Jesus Name

    4. Thank you thank you thank you Cynthia.

    5. Thank you, Cynthia. History is calling Man City. Guadiola just had his 1000th goal in EPL. We match on.

  8. Good Morning BVs.
    This is a good day to begin to walk in love and forgiveness. Always pray for all .

  9. There's A Divine Purpose For Your Life!!
    Colossians 4:17.


    "How important it is for you to discover your purpose! What joy and peace will flood your heart when you find yourself in the preordained paths in which you were born to walk! God doesn’t just do things; He has a purpose for everything. He has a purpose for the world, and He sure has a purpose for your life. It’s important that you find out God’s purpose for you."

    "If you haven’t discovered that specific purpose, you can today. Be bold to ask the Lord and He’ll tell you."


    Thank you, Father, for revealing to me the specific purpose for which I was created and placed on this earth. I’m a witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, sent from your heavenly Kingdom for the salvation of souls in the earth. My daily passion is to establish the Kingdom of God in the earth and in the hearts of men and thus bring you glory and honour, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Ephesians 1:4-5; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20; Colossians 3:1-2

  10. Today is my day πŸ™
    Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  11. A little boy goes to his father and asks, “Daddy, how was I born?”
    The father answers,
    “Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: 'You've got male!'”🀣

    Good morning everyone,πŸ’ŸπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’–❤πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ˜πŸ’‹

  12. Yeahhh! Today is my dayπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
    Good morning everyone πŸ’•
    Tight Hugs πŸ€—πŸ€—

    1. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    2. Birthday? Happy birthday to you Ada. God bless you always. ❤️

    3. Morning Ada. Yess today is my day .

    4. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ to you Ada, I wish you all your heart desires!

      Mummy Anthony-Clever

    5. Happy birthday Adaluchi.Enjoy God's blessings always

  13. I remembered going for antenatal one day,when everything suddenly turned red for a lady. She was examined by the matron before approval to see the Dr or Gynea. As she was examined,the matron noticed the her foetus heartbeat is gone at 33weeks.She didn't say much,but took her in to see the Gynea.

    Gynea:Madam let me examine you,when last did you feel the kick of your baby or movement.

    Pregnant Woman: It's a week today I felt it,thought he was busy sleeping as I have been busy travelling for my sisters wedding.

    The Gynea was sad and disappointed but still sent her for scan.The result came in with the saddest news and she fainted. The whole hospital was turned into mourning and so many blames.She had to be induced to push out the baby.

    Please,always pay attention to your body and every details.If you feel the kick and heartbeat is reduced, drink cold water if nothing Please run to the hospital. Do not take chances as life is so fleeting.

    My heart goes to every woman who has lost a baby,your rainbow baby will comfort you soonest.♥πŸ’

    Fabulous morning, wishing us all a great day.

    1. So sad a tale, fabulous morning to u too

    2. Amen to your prayer πŸ™. Beautiful morning Fabulous πŸ’š

    3. I pray that God will comfort her and give her a rainbow baby

    4. Mennn! May the Lord see all pregnant mums through and may they rejoice at the end of it all. Amen.

    5. What a sad tales, may God comfort her. Thanks for the advice.

    6. What a sad read! Good morning everyone

    7. This is a really sad story, stress indeed is not a good one for pregnancy. and being carefree while being pregnant is not nice.
      This same sorry would have happened to my friend who was already 40weeks with her third baby she already had( 2 pretty girls )and then baby refuse to make way and was still comfortable inside. I don’t know what touched me while sleeping , I had a thought of that my friend, I picked up my phone πŸ“ž called her that hour and asked her if she was feeling baby’s kick , my people she answered me and said small small that the kick is not like before 😳, I told her and you are quiet 🀐, have you told your husband? She said he knows water has been coming out small small for about a week, so what are you people waiting for? That was when her eyes opened . Madame go to hospital tomorrow morning, I told her you might want to see your gynecologist and he might suggest take the option of CS to save your child and yourself , My dear please don’t refuse , kindly go for it. Don’t wait for your Hebrew talk before you labor in vain. She did as suggested, by noon baby boy was born and was supported with oxygen . She called me later that night to share the good news .

      Mummy Anthony-Clever

    8. Mummy Anthony,you were her guardian angel at that moment. 😍

      May all preggy momma's deliver safely, baby,mother and father alive.πŸ™

  14. Some parents are kind oo,they are the back bone of there female children,even after they are married,one of my female customer mom gave her 500k to surport her business,but her hubby he is not serious at all,he still fucked up ,the guy is lazy and finally the lady left to her parent house, with her two kids,now the guy is begging,he want her back,he started working immediately his wife left. The mom do not surport her marrying the guy before,she was in law school where they met,she left her study bcs of the man.and now the man fucked up,..nah wahh

    1. Some women are stupid. You married a lazy man and yet they will give you money for business, you will carry it and give to your lazy horseband, so that you can remain married to him. Of what use is marriage to a lazy oaf? Where you will be struggling and still feeding him? Leave him and have peace, one less mouth to feed, less clothes to wash, less cleaning, less stress generally.

      The other one in the chronicle of two days ago was saying we advised ladies not to help their boyfriends. We didn't say you should not help your useful, faithful and hardworking boyfriend, that had already planned on marrying you,
      we were referring to lazy goats, the violent ones and community d*cks.
      Recieve sense

    2. Tor

    3. Yeah, this things happen. There are bad husbands and bad wives alike but you see this your story, na lie.
      You know if stella wants to give you money she would, all these your recent lambas are unnecessary.🌝

    4. Anon 10:37 please be nice

    5. 10:37, you should try have some sense. Why would you think Stella gives money based on stories shared in the comment section? Recieve sense abeg

  15. I Affirm that:
    Today will bring me joy.
    Today will will bring me divine healing in every aspect of my life.
    Today will deliver restoration of my past loss.
    Today is a happy day. 😊

    Good morning beautiful people πŸ’œ πŸ’• πŸ’–.

    1. I affirm all things are working for my good
      Today my daily benefits is released
      Today my path crosses with my timeless helpers
      Today I'm marvelously helped by God
      Amen πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    2. So shall it be in Jesus name πŸ™. Good morning Prestigious MamaπŸ’œ

    3. I affirm all too , amen

  16. Good morning everyone
    Have a nice day

  17. Its not over until it's over, the different between TIME and TIDE is the T(if you know you know).

    We all are in the process of learning and every individual must be able to fine tune whatever walks for them.

    Children are adorable but sincerely, they can make u look stupid

  18. Beautiful Thursday morning to everyone. Its going to be alright by the grace of God.

    Have a fabulous day.


    'He has filled them with skill to do all manner of work.' Exodus 35:35 NKJV

    The Bible says God 'has given them all kinds of artistic skills, including the ability to design and embroider with blue, purple, and red wool and to weave fine linen' (Exodus 35:35 CEV).

    When God calls you to do something, he has already placed within you the ability to accomplish it. Satan hopes you never discover that. He wants you to remain trapped in the status quo, believing that the way things are is how they will always be. Not so! When you change your thinking, your life begins to change. 'As he thinks in his heart, so is he' (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). As long as you are content to remain as you are, you will never begin to think creatively. But when you decide you want your life to change for the better, you become teachable and open yourself to becoming creative. Like anything else in life, creativity begins with one idea. Then those ideas multiply! And each creative idea you have increases your ability to become a creative thinker.

    Poet Maya Angelou observed: 'You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. Sadly, too often creativity is smothered rather than nurtured. There has to be a climate in which new ways of thinking, perceiving and questioning are encouraged.' If you cultivate creative thinking, who knows what kind of ideas you will come up with or how far you will go in life. Are you ready to start? Ask your Creator for a creative idea, then step out in faith and act on it.
    Word For Today

    ESSA Atelier

  20. It's another beautiful day. God be praised.
    Good morning great people.

  21. Good morning folks and Stella have a lovely day πŸ™πŸΎ❤️

  22. Good morning everyone 😊😊
    Erling Haaland is a good striker

    1. Good morning Boo πŸ–€πŸ’™

      Erling Haaland be smashing all the records

      The Big Sam is back..Sam Allardyce is Leeds United coach,I'm happy we have played them for this season,if not eh! So difficult winning his side,I remember his days as Bolton,New castle,westham, Sunderland, Blackburn coach 😁😁

    2. Gbam! City is lucky to have him.
      Hello Blackie.

    3. Good morning beautiful queens ❤️❤️
      Have a stress free day ahead 😘

  23. So I saw my 10yr old who is in Jss 1 reading this big novel titled "picture perfect" by Jodi Picoult. I collected it, asked her who gave her, she said it was a girl in her class. This particular girl has older ones in higher institution and senior secondary. She is exposed to all sorts and unfortunately is my daughter's best friend. Going through the novel, I saw that it contained adult contents, sex and all. I warned her not to read such again as it is not age appropriate, the novel is still in my care, she just started it and only read a few pages. I'm planning on taking it to her teacher and telling him to warn this other girl not to give my daughter such a novel again. What do you think?

  24. Dear Kings, when you're dating a girl and you notice she can't submit to you, don't complicate your life the more by getting married to such a girl..

    The disrespect, disregard, shame, insult and pain she'll bring into your life is unimaginable..

    Look at that chronicles of yesterday, do you want to end up with a babe like that.. be honest..

    And submitting shouldn't come only when you have money.. don't fall for all those talks that you have to spend and all first for her to submit, na 419 moves, it's not something you should pay for.. just like you know you should love and protect her without her earning it first, that the way you earn submission by default of being in a relationship with her..


    1. Boss,

      I haven't read chronicle post over a week now. I intentionally did due to the bias and hypocrisy some people exhibits in that column. It's sickening.

      There's nothing that beat a good and intentional woman. I found one during the Presidential election held February. She was among the INEC staff. Ever since then it has been bliss for us. I haven't loved and being this intentional in my entire life like the way I am right now with her.

      This is the kind of woman a man will beg to be her husband. Yes you read me clearly. There are women you will beg to be their husband. .

      Each morning I pray to God to bless and keep her for me. I also pray that God should provide too for our needs.

      Love indeed is a beautiful thing.

    2. Your life is pathetic if this is the only thing that gives you Joy

    3. You are right about that chronicle but what you failed to admit is that 90 percent of BVs comments slammed her with no mercy.

      Abi your statistics only work when u disregard women?

    4. Is it that you breathe, work, eat, sleep , wake up thinking about women? Chai
      May God judge the lady that broke your heart and turned you into this thing that you've become

    5. "Dear Kings...."

      As you can see, I wasn't talking to y'all... As I don commot my hands for Una matter, make Una avoid me, cos if I come back for Una, Una no go like an at all..

      Go and meet Eka to drop takes for you people πŸ™

    6. Dante versus female bvs 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    7. TEEJAY~ {BIG TEE EZEGE}4 May 2023 at 08:55

      I haven't read chronicle post over a week now. I intentionally did due to the bias and hypocrisy some people exhibits in that column. It's sickening.

      There's nothing that beat a good and intentional woman. I found one during the Presidential election held February. She was among the INEC staff. Ever since then it has been bliss for us. I haven't loved and being this intentional in my entire life like the way I am right now with her.

      Teejay learn to be consistent when lying pls, you found a lady during the election and this same you went drooling over some tomatoes seller that you gave us gist about, and how some Never do well was encouraging you to still lash her after she told you she wasn't single,have you forgotten?
      Easy with the lies bikonu

    8. Anon 11:2O,

      You really wished I was lyingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Go back to my comment of last week and you will see all you need to know. I know you will be lazy to search for it but let me brief you a little. I met this woman of mine February at the election but there was no indication of interest. We only chatted and exchanged numbers. I later met the tomatoes sellers few days or week after during the money scarcity saga. I thought it would have worked out betwem us but it didn't work out.

      So during the supplementary election of House of Reperensative held in Port Harcourt last month being April, our path crossed again. Remember, in my gist last week which Dante was urging me to share my story, I did say we have met for a first date and looking forward to a second date.

      I don't need to lie to prove a point. So don't assume. I'm too big for shit or nonsense like some of you do here.

      Yes if you must know, we have had a second and a third date.

      Don't be jealous towards me. Wish me well and rejoice.

    9. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Ezege, like I said the other day, they won't be happy cos nobody dey carry them go date Lol

  25. Stella do me shege banza last night, I did not sleep , kept checking IHN whether she has replied comments and if my own is among. Kept waking up to check till 4:am. She no reply anything 🀣😭. Now my data is crying.
    God punish sapa.
    Stella no post if am not anonymous o. Your E-thugs will not allow me to drink water and drop cup here🀣.

    1. That’s why you came up with that fake husband and wife 500K gist this morning right?
      Plus you know you’d easily gather supportive comments under it since it’s about a ‘fuck up’ man which might then force stellas hand to move in your direction. Lol, some of you have really taken this woman's kindness for foolishness.

    2. Na maturity in response from comments here,naim make me like this blog oohhh...
      But this particular anon,shading and hating on other bvs,spews of hate and bitterness. She needs some E-love.

      Kindly post oh Stella cos you sabi censor posts.

    3. 10:45, I am not the anon up there neither have I seen the 500k gist you said someone posted but I just want to clarify something. If you have been following how Stella picked people in the past few days, she doesn't pick based on the number of replies that a comment gathered, also she doesn't pick only popular bvs, she picks randomly.
      she even picked people that don't tell stories, just , she picked Lady port that doesn't even tell any story, just posting of a fact, one or two lines.

    4. 10:45, you are foolish with that comment of yours. How dare you link my comment with Oki royalty's own? What an insult! Can Oki write like the one I posted? See how you quickly accused me of being the same person as Oki with those her gbagaun filled comments. Your IQ is very low.
      See you analyzing comments because of someone else's giveaway. You are among the giveaway hustlers here and just wants to reduce your fellow competitors in order to increase your chances of being picked.
      Iwish Stella can pick Oki and shame you lots that are hating on her. She posted an innocent story and you came for her because of giveaway

  26. "Anonymous3 May 2023 at 23:54
    Nawa o Supernova, BOO KE..."

    Werey, wetin concern you with another person comment, it's how some of you think you can control someone else comments and thought for me sha.. talk your on Dante UN-BOO.. and leave person (s) wey BOO me..


    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Boss of them All,

      I think you and Super will make a good combination you know. She's one among the intelligent babes here.

    2. Tj stop kissing your fellow man's ass.jeez

    3. See this one..
      That's how they tried to 'break' me and Bv Ceaser by saying the same thing then..
      I agreed I was kissing his ass.. them no come know wetin to talk again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  27. Good morning, exceptional BV's.

    Congratulations 🎊 πŸ‘ πŸ’ πŸ₯³ 🎊 to the Chelsea FC Women, i love their strong and fighting spirit. They are totally in control of their own destiny, super motivated to win the remaining two titles this season.

  28. Bonjour Blogfam! Iam craving that Massa at Hill station junction Jos, Damm! I miss that city! Where can I get Massa to buy in Lagos? I used to buy at the international airport car park some years ago,recently I don't see them again,does anybody know where to buy sweet Massa in lag?

  29. May this morning offer you new hope for life! May you be happy and enjoy every moment of it. Good morning blog fam

  30. Baruch Haba! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LordπŸ™
    Our High Tower
    You make me strong
    My rescuing Knight
    He pulled me out of the ocean of hate!
    Everyday I review the way He works!
    He is too faithful to fail! The circumstances notwithstanding!

  31. Today is my day! Yes, I believe.
    Good morning everyone πŸ˜˜πŸ’œ

    It's a beautiful day the Lord has made,let's go out there and conquer.

    Bvs have a great day ahead 😘
    E go surely be ✌️

  32. Good morning lovely family, hope we all are doing great πŸ˜ƒ

    Congratulations to you Eka Joy on behind of your mum who landed in obodo oyibo, the good Lord who did it for your mum will do it for us and our family. Your husband is a good man, enjoy your mum and send my love to your cutie pie.

    The rain showed me shege last night, I refused to carry my raincoat cos I felt we have not really entered the real raining season but the rain decided to teach me small lesson πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    Loving the weather this morning and pray it remains this way till the day is over. Stay safe great people.

  33. Good morning people of this great family
    Have a blissful day

  34. Good morning everyone
    Our today is blessed


  35. Good morning house
    It's Throwback Thursday

    I remember when we used to eat clod eba and cold soup to school, there was no kerosine or any other means of warming the food. Mum would have left to the farm, dad would be at his security post. They had six kids, mum wanted more, she even miscarried twins. God knows the twins would have seen shege banza pro-max.
    After that, another pregnancy did not come, they even visited the hospital and the doctor told them to go and train the six kids they already had.
    Today, I have two kids, two girls. My friends think something is wrong with us and we can't have more kids due to fertility issues, especially as I have girls. They don't know that we learned from our own stories.
    I see some couples struggling to feed and pay bills but stilling having more kids. Some have four, five, six. Why can't you pity the innocent children and behave like you are in 21st century?

    1. I can relate to this your story. I only want one more child and I'm done. People would be saying that my husband may go behind me and have more kids with another woman, I do tell them that I don't care, that is his own cup of tea. This is why I'm hustling hard so that I won't be left stranded with my kids if any surprise springs up in future.

    2. Nigerians and even Africans generally love plenty kids and they are not ready to change

  36. Good morning sweethearts.. it's raining and a cold weather here...

  37. Today is my dayπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ€ΈπŸ€ΈπŸ€ΈπŸ€ΈπŸ’―πŸ’•πŸ’ž

  38. Good morning beautiful people πŸ’‹

  39. #Fact

    Rabbits enjoy being around people and can usually recognise their owners by sight and sound.

    Good morning bvs

    Ms tee

  40. Surely, TODAY is my DAY.
    A Very Good Lovely Morning to you All.

  41. Top of the morning to everyone.
    Finally we've light after two weeks and the next thing is for them to start distributing bills.
    Do have a blissful day at work/business/farm

    1. Get prepaid meter
      Na wetin fit them be dat

  42. Hello everyone

    Send you all πŸ’• and lightπŸ•―️

  43. We'll be happier if we forgive our parents and stop blaming them for our problems.

  44. Good morning Stella and bvs
    Off to hustle. The sun this morning tie wrapper, I'm pitying my head already πŸ˜†

  45. Me and my daughter were discussing abroad weather, she said abroad is always cold, I told her there is summer, she said their own summer is not as hot as our own heat period. I asked her if she has gone there before, she said from the movies and show she watches, it is not that bad.
    I told her that they will not portray the true hotness of summer in movies and that our very own SDK that has experienced both weathers before usually talks about their summer and how the heat kills some people. She was just looking at me. Later she said "I know we will go there one day and experience it too". I said a big "Amen"

  46. Good morning fam, hope our night was great? We shall never be victims of circumstance in Jesus mighty amen.πŸ™πŸ™Nice day to you all.

  47. Una Good morning o
    Thanks Aivies sharwama for yesterday. They have stopped sending me stupid messages.

  48. Hello bvs and SDK
    Hope you all slept well?
    I had to cook moimoi this morning, woke up 4:30:am so I can meet up with kids school. I'm feeling sleepy but can't sleep now. Money must be made.
    Enjoy your day everyone.

    1. 4:30am? This is the normal time that some people in Lagos leave home for work na 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  49. Good morning bvs, it's a wet morning over here πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  50. Today I decided to air my clothes outside it's raining 😭😭😭😭

  51. Beautiful Day Ahead Blog famZ 😍

  52. Today is already my day, the break is almost over and I have just downloaded a flask of poridge yam.

    Thank you Jesus 😍

  53. Good morning Jewelu and Bvs.


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