Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...




Please BVs, how do you forgive? Please I need advise. 
This horseband beat me all through my pregnancy and the worse is, he beat me on the day I gave birth. It's his child o. And even on the day of the naming, he was beating me inside while people were outside celebrating.

 I'm tired, I asked for a divorce, but my family said God hates divorce. This man irritates me. I feel like poisoning him to de#th or I run away to another state where no one knows me and start my life again. Abi, what do you guys advice, please.

WHAAAAAAT!!!!....He beat you during pregnancy and on the day you gave birth and beat you during the naming ceremony? And your family says God hates divorce? My dear, please dont do anything that will disturb your conscience, run away from him and your family...RUN FAR and cut all of them off!!! WTFFFFF


  1. He beat you during pregnancy and on naming ceremony day and you did not make a scene out of it, you no shout sotey 3rd street to your house go hear, make everyone know how useless he is?

    I think your parents have many children, hence they're less concerned about you. Abeg relocate yourself to another state and stay away from both him and your family.

    *Larry was here*

    1. divorce that man with quickness.

    2. God hates divorce but not the divorcee. God loves you my lady

    3. If I say you should RUN that would be putting it mildly, my dear FLEE.

      Dont sit there and be asking questions, you have common sense please.

    4. Poster, stay there and be asking us question. Are effing kidding me right now? A man beats you while pregnant , on the day of delivery and even after you just delivered and you are telling me your family doesnt want you to divorce him? Is it your family that suffers physical abuse, emotional abuse and mental abuse from this monster? Why are you asking for their opinion when you are the one who knows where the shoe is pinching you? will be to type rest in peace when the inevitable happens if you dont borrow yourself some sense and leave that abusive man before he kills you.

    5. Poster what if you die at the process and still go to hellfire after the hellfire you have been in right here on earth ? Somebody is trying to cut shot your life and you are here saying God hates divorce. Go back and read peoples comments on all the posts on Late Osinachi and you will get the best Godly advice that you need. I don't have time to type

  2. Do not listen to your family, do they share in the beatings he gives you? Have you ever considered your mental health?
    Y’all learn to choose yourselves first. Your husband is an abuser and you don’t know what he’ll hit you with next.
    If you love yourself and kid, wether your family supports your move or not, break up that marriage.
    How can your child tell you her experiences in her marriage and you tell her to endure that God forbids divorce?
    If you were my child, I would come myself and move you out of that house.
    Pack out madam before he kills you. Life is too sweet o.


    1. Slutty your comment reminds me of how my father went to my step sisters hpuse and brought her back home. The husband family beg and beg to no avail. Her husband also beat her up a week after she put to birth. Till my dad died he refused her going back. She even married a new husband.
      Bv Trendy

    2. Poster leave that man and cut ties with your family. go somewhere where no one knows you and start afresh.

    3. Run for your dear life first before thinking of asking for a divorce. Return bride price from afar, because na lunatic you marry. Ewoooo. Sorry about your situation. God will strengthen you as you move o.

    4. Poster
      Your family and husband are useless, block and ignore



      The husband is worthless he is not worth going to jail for



  3. Foolishness has no substitute if you die your family will still be alive better run for your life anyway we don't know what happened because if a man is not an animal on the day of birth he beats you but maybe you have reserved the better part of the story which is what happened to your self better people are good at pretending but nevertheless life is important

    1. So in your head there is a reason somewhere that justifies a woman getting beatings from her horseband. Woman bitter sighted, that you for this comment, radarada oshi

    2. Goke try dey think before you type you hear?
      What the flying F##k warrants beating a pregnant woman constantly ehn? Tell me what that sin could be?
      Poster, you are married to an animal, I won't mince words here, it's your choice to tell yourself the truth, or did you sign a death warrant with your marriage certificate?

  4. Please ruuuuuuunnnnn
    Run oooooo 🏃

    Your family wants to kill you

    1. Please remember the case of Osinachi who is no more with us. The same family that sent her back to that monster are now expecting Nigerians to help them fight that Monster they enabled. Please leave and take the child with you. Open an account with another bank. Withdraw the money CASH and deposit into that new account. DO NKT SO ANY TRANSFER BC THEY WILL USE YOUR TRANSFER AND WITHDRAWAL LOCATIONS TO TRACE YOU. Finally, do not communicate with family members on your phone. Use public phones and not the ones close to you. Bc they will also trace it. When you have stayed long enough to come out of hiding, then you can let family know where you are and talk to them in such a way they will feel guilty and bad for what they subjected you to.

      Make sure you have don enough money pending when you get a job, please.

      In your new environment, lay low and don’t be too overly friendly with anyone. Make them no know you.

      Please be safe. God’s protection 🙏

    2. @21:51
      Mind what you say please! Osinachis family never sent her back to her husband. Rather, She would always leave of her accord even when they asked her not to

    3. Poster

      You may not see guilt or them feeling bad, enablers of evil feeling justified are everywhere

  5. Madam if you love yourself please leave that Braun strawman before he kills you. Have you forgotten about Osinachi and co?

  6. Why complicate matters? It is obvious you can't provide for yourself and to child alone. This one no need poison na. That situation persists because you allow it. You don't need anyones permission to get a divorce.
    However, it appears you prefer you'd rather be called a widow than be called a divorcee. How does being a murderer suit your conscience?
    The solution to your situation is in your hand. Take the bold step not the cowards way out of wanting to kill.

    1. The animal is not worth going to prison for

  7. It's who is alive stays married. You're even asking what to do. Fly and don't look back. In the case of anything, your family will say "God brings and takes" forgetting this can be avoided. Run away and tell your family who wants him can have him. No family watches one of her own gets beaten and encourages the person to stay if not for what they gain from the abusive spouse.

    Expecting your next Chronicle; how you packed away from the house.

    Looks like Osinachi did not teach some of you anything or you guys have refused to learn?

    Don't come asking who is Osinachi.

  8. You know what else God hates, even more than divorce? Wickedness! Murder! That man will off you if you and your family are careful.
    Please don’t let anyone lie to you about the Bible. God that provided a bill of divorce for the Israelites is not a wicked God. He would rather you got a divorce than sty in a relationship like this.

    I repeat, do not let anyone tell you to do what they will not do. Most of the so called Christians that spew this nonsense cannot take what you are experiencing. Heavenly race is easy when life is easy, when life throws some difficult situations at you, you will know that heavenly race is only between you and your God. Take it from someone who has seen it all, I saw this play out with my mother so I always scream from the rooftops whenever I see other women being given this nonsense advice.

  9. This is tiring, there s so much awareness on leaving an abusive partner than die.

    Yet someone still uses the line God hates divorce. Since we want to play thr God card let's go.

    The bible says, Jesus was beaten and killed for our sake so we would not experience being abused by the enemy.

    Your husband is the enemy here who wants you dead. Christ did nopot pay such a hefty price for you to go through life and die cheaply because you don't love yourself.
    Sister run for your life

  10. May God not let your case be like that of Osinachi when it will be too late to leave. You don't even need to ask , you know what is good for your mental health, except you are enjoying the beatings, or you are entirely dependent on him. Tell your parents you are not divorcing , you only want to separate ( Side eye).

    1. Didn't tell any useless family anything, madam leave quietly

      Lock up, they will say all sorts
      Their thrash no concern you

      You will survive and not die
      If my mother could train 4 children and didn't die
      You too will not die

  11. Please don't raise that child in a toxic environment just pack your bags,take your baby and flee

  12. Sister, you don't love yourself? You are still asking questions if you should leave or endure?
    I'm sure he is already pounding you on the bed. Next, na another pregnancy.

  13. You asked how do you forgive
    But I don’t think he’s asking for your forgiveness

  14. Poster you better stay away from that abusive marriage is it until he beat you to death, I pray you shall not die before your time amen run away

  15. Seems ur parents gave birth to too many of you hence, your life is worthless to them or may be your husband is sending enough money to them.

    Aunty, before them paste ur GONE TOO SOON, please run as far as you can because once you die, he will continue his life ooo.

    Your parents will just feel ur absence for few months and that's all. Level go change immediately.

    I hate to see men who beats women,it's so annoying and disgusting

    1. They will not feel any absence, the family is zero

  16. May God save us from poverty because it is the only reason any family will tell their daughter to continue to endure physical abuse from a man in the name of divorce is a bad isn’t even enough for an excuse and this poster should cut herself from such family as they are only thinking about what they will lose if you leave the marriage.

    1. No it’s not
      They don’t want her to “embarrass” them

    2. Would they rather grieve than be embarrassed?

    3. Not embarrass them? Likely.
      Consider also him being a sponSon-in-law.
      Now settled that most chronicles don't tell the full story.
      Who gets beaten on a celebration day an nobody outside hears? No cries? Nobody inside the house to assist and hear?

    4. 16:24 could be a big house oh
      And he knows she won’t cry out because the embarrassment won’t be good either

    5. It's possible,this scenario happened to someone I know.
      She was beaten on her child naming ceremony,infact the guy broke the door to gain access to her room meanwhile everyone was dancing outside.
      She didn't say anything that day to anyone,it was later she opened up.....Thank God she is divorced now.

    6. destructive "men" from the pit of hell

  17. you are lucky to still have your life and tell this story. follow Stella's advice, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

  18. We advice you should stay and die because God loves you dieing in your husband's house through domestic violence.

  19. The convenant of life is greater than the convenant of marriage!Put your life first and separate from this monster.Some left with only the cloth on their back and are doing well for themselves today.If you decide to stay and he kills you,life will go on my dear,RUN!!!

  20. WINNER, YES I AM!10 October 2023 at 16:06

    I don't want you to die. It's just going to be a sudden death (but God forbid) which wasn't planned for if the beating continues. I hope you don't have a high bp yet. What are you still doing there? Is it because you don't have a job to take care of your baby?
    If your enemy dies, life goes on. Life is still going on and Osinachi has long been buried.

  21. The last thing that should be on your mind right now is forgiveness. You should have set up hidden cameras and voice recorders to build your case. You are married to a demon. A demon is not a friend or someone who loves you. Tell someone, your parents, trusted sibling, it must be known to others so if he beats you to death ppl know where to look. Take pictures of the scars and bruises.

    And take your child and go to that far away place. He deserves the same treatment he is doling out. You don’t have brothers or cousins to pay him a visit? You don’t know how to pray for the wrath of God to reach him. He is your enemy, him putting his penis inside of you doesn’t mean he loves you or is a friend. Go watch the JLo movie, Enough. You get to decide when you have had enough.

    1. TELL THEM

  22. Make he no kill you one day o.
    Hmm run run o

  23. Aunty run for your dear life.

  24. This one choke o.. even on naming ceremony day wey people dey around wey you go shout make people hear your voice.


  25. Beating you ! beating you!! .Like your family doesn't know domestic violence is dangerous. Don't wait till he kills you. You already hate him for you to be thinking of poisoning him. Instead of that evil thought, take a break. yes take a break.
    Life matters.

  26. Beating you ! beating you!! .Like your family doesn't know domestic violence is dangerous. Don't wait till he kills you. You already hate him for you to be thinking of poisoning him. Instead of that evil thought, take a break. yes take a break.
    Life matters.

  27. Nne biko run for your dear life
    Run, run run run run runnnnnnnnnm very very very faaaaaaaaaaar away without any contact with your husband and family , life has no duplicate oooooh, I don talk my own

  28. For your mental sake, pls run away from him and from anyone else telling you to remain in an abusive relationship.Marriage is to be enjoyed and not endured.

  29. Two Saturdays ago we got a report that a church member was being rushed to the hospital via ambulance.she died that same day,on Sunday my uncle was lamenting that the woman didn't enjoy her marriage. not only was the husband irresponsible but he was also a wife beater but each time the woman moved out of the house the church would intervene and advice her to move back home.she ended up having high blood pressure and she was just in her 30s,now shes dead
    Madam if you die your husband would marry someone else and your child would be brought up by another person.Make up your mind

  30. Dear poster,
    God hates divorce yes that's his word. Many times or all the time this is taken out of context. Yes he hates it and wishes it was avoidable. In many cases it will be the way to go. Pls. Don't listen to anyone who wants you to be killed before they take you seriously.
    Stay away from people who will judge you especially your family. Move away. Move out
    Your husband has issues with himself. And you are not his saviour. The same way he is a prince is the same way you are a princess.

    Make your plans and move out quietly.
    Don't let anyone convince you otherwise if this is the case as you have written. Your life is important.
    I had to come and put down my suggestion before i read other posts.
    All the best.

  31. When a chronicle starts like this so many things are deliberately left out, only one kind advice is being expected. What will make someone that's not mentally unwell beat a pregnant woman all through nine months and even during the naming ceremony? Ajuju!
    ..and it is his baby, hhmmm. And even your family doesn't see things from your view, so it is online in-laws that will give better advice.
    No matter what happens try to keep safe, be in a place where you are safe and do what will give you and the baby peace.

    1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars10 October 2023 at 21:47

      No matter what she did, come on, on the day of delivery he beats her and on the naming day, even if she annoys him, doesn't he annoy her too? There is no moral justification for beating his wife. He has issues. And needs therapy.

    2. Not therapy. They need to separate. But the point is that there is much more to the story. It is obvious. If she kills the man, how would she care for her child. Let her leave and care for her child as if the man is dead. Why does she want to stay in the marriage and kill herself or the man? That is the BIG missing link in the story.

      If she kills the man, and she is found out, let her not rally the public into protecting her widowhood.

      If the man kills her, her family should not rally the public into fighting for "justice"

      Clearly, she and or her family are benefiting from the marriage beyond expectations. If not what kind of a chronicle is this?

    3. Many of such men are destructive in their anger and don't see women as human beings

      That is a mental problem

  32. Are you waiting for him to kill you? He’s beating you like this and you are asking for advice on how to forgive him??? Am I missing something abi you dey wine me?
    No marriage in heaven oh, awon God hates divorce. So papa will kill mama and end up in jail, what will now happen to the children? Please let me ask oh, how will you feel if your child wants to marry into such a family? Why would you want to put your child through such trauma? Is it not better to be divorced than deceased?

  33. Please leave, God hates divorce but He also hate untimely death, abusive relationship or marriage, assault on spouse and anybody else.

  34. Please flee for your life, pity your baby too

  35. Oh dear.. What kind of family do u come from?

    1. Stupid family, that did not care about the life and happiness of their daughter

  36. Your family no love you o, someone like my mother will say I'm not throwing away my nine months pain and nurture, she will pack you and d baby herself and any day that man near that una place he go gree say you no be chicken , pls run and leave before he will kill you

  37. Beat you while pregnant and the day you gave birth. You must be a super man.

  38. Hmmmmm and the beating won't end soon unless you will be the one to end it by walking away.... Demonic man on a mission.

  39. na me sha...i for don finish dat guy am tey tey...your pikin no suppose grow up to witness this kain thing because e dey cause life-time ptsd/trauma for them in the future.

    1. Why would you stay so long in the marriage in the first place?

      Make we dey sofrey advise.



    I'm very angry right now

  41. My ex beat me as if am aso ofi non of my family did anything, he broke my front tooth. I ran away they took me to court and took my three kids from me the youngest was then 3 yrs old and my family did nothing, I was only 22 yrs old then , I thought I would die. Heard later he beat his wife to death.


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