Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Boredom Eliminating Post



  1. I don’t believe in it and I don’t make anyone. I enter the new year as I am and just live the new year. New year resolutions no concern me at all. I think it may end up putting unnecessary pressure on one if the months keep flying by and u haven’t achieved that thing

    1. Exactly, let me just live the year as it comes jare, my prayers is that God should lead me to the right part.

  2. I don’t believe in it
    Never did change must come from within and you don’t have to wait for a new year to be able to make progress

  3. I do believe in it before, not anymore. I live the days of the new year as it comes. The word of God says it's not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of the Lord that sheweth mercy. I only do my part not to be indolent.

  4. I never keep it, so no need making it.


  5. No, I don't. Reason is that I may make those resolutions and end up not keeping to them. To me, it makes no sense.

  6. I used to believe in it but not anymore. I've learnt to live my life one day at a time. No pressure.

  7. I used to but not anymore. I don't keep to it so there's no point

    All I do is make a conscious effort on what I want and don't want, trust in God to help me and it has been working. Besides, I can make changes at anytime in the year and it works. The year doesn't need to end to make positive changes in my life

  8. Oh yes, i believe new year resolution, any plan made at the beginning of time will yield results at the end of time, if you believe in time and seasons thou. This year I will seek God and I will loose weight i will keep to that daily and see how far by this time next year.

  9. When I was much younger,untill reality set inπŸ˜…

  10. I believe in it and it works whenever I make a New Year Resolution.

  11. Hey Ste.
    How yu doin?

    Initially I wasn't holding up to resolutions but in recent times I follow intoto.πŸ˜‚

    This year I'll first of all;
    Get real close to Almighty God.
    Been close but this year will be different.I need to be extremely thankful.

    Reach out to 5 old school mates for every gadamn school I've attended since I was born except preschool.
    Got no school diary or reliable photos for that age range.

    Be "less stubborn"πŸ˜‚πŸ™Š
    Don't want anybody reporting me to anybody.I read the post about keeping your marriage between you and hubby alone,no 3rd party. Hahaha.Oriegwu.
    Mine has 16th party ni o including grandmas.😒

    Less time on the internet,been intentional about browsing time,this year? Brainstorming with some needs,Amma kio kip busy.

    Brb. Sorry for the analysis.
    Got to keep tabs on many posts.

  12. With Almighty everything's are possible.

  13. No I don't. It's usually broken b4 the first month ends

  14. I believe New Year Resolutions can only work if you are disciplined and determined

    You resolve not to go back to your drinking habits but before the second week of the new year gets past, you see yourself dancing back to your old lifestyle.

    How the h*ll do you expect a new year resolution to work for you

    We all have our old habits we need and must drop and i think a new year resolution is just the right stimulus for that.

  15. No cos I don't keep them and I end up feeling so bad

  16. I will rather make plans than resolution

  17. I believe in resolutions, but it mustn't be at the beginning of the year. Anytime I see a change is needed in any area of my life, I make up my mind to be and do better.


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