Stella Dimoko Details Of Rivers State Crisis Resolution


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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Details Of Rivers State Crisis Resolution

This is a list of the resolution reached on Monday December 18, 2023 between FCT Minister Wike and his 'godson' Governoe#r Sim Fubara of Rivers state...

-All matters in court to be withdrawn immediately 

-Impeachment proceedings to be dropped immediately 

-Leadership of RSHA led by Martin Amaewhule to recognize 27 members who resigned from the PDP

 -Remuneration and benefits of all members of RSHA and staff to be reinstated with no more interference with the funding of RSHA by the governor 

-RSHA to choose where to sit and conduct legislative business without interference/hindrance from executive

 -Governor Fubara to represent the state budget to properly constituted RSHA 

-Names of all commissioners who resigned to be resubmitted to the House of assembly for approval 

-No caretaker committee for LG in Rivers state; dissolution of LG administration is null and void
from NTA News on X


  1. The governor accepting this agreement will be so unhealthy of him politically. He will be digging his grave so soon.

    I wish him all the best.

    1. Oh he already signed it. Too bad. Why didn't he request those defectors return to the party. So shameless both the organizers of the peace pact.

  2. These seem more like orders and decrees. Resolutions are about meeting each other half way. But these here seems more like a headmaster (Tinubu) whipping the pupil(Fubara) into line
    But why am I not surprised. The leopard cannot change its spots.
    And typical of the Nigerian judiciary they are already being partisan, what was that sham judgement yesterday by the Abuja FHC?

  3. All I see here is OPPRESSION!


    1. Exactly what it is. Only God knows the threat and intimidation he faced during the so called peace meeting.

      He may have been threatened to surrender. Renumber, he still has a case at the supreme court. They might have even used that against him.

    2. Talk talk talk talk. Were you not at the meeting? Or was your usual connect not there to inform you about the insider information?

  4. What kind of one sided agreement is this?


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