Stella Dimoko Singer HarrySong's Wife Allegedly Leaks Chat Ordering Her To Remove 3rd Pregnancy Because She Will Birth A Girl Again


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Singer HarrySong's Wife Allegedly Leaks Chat Ordering Her To Remove 3rd Pregnancy Because She Will Birth A Girl Again

Controversial singer Harrysong ( who recently got a Job with Delta state government) is in the News again for another controversy involving his marriage.

According to viral Whatsapp chats allegedly leaked by his wife, he allegedly ordered her to remove the 3rd pregnancy she is carrying because he does not want another baby girl after the two they have had...
According to the leaked chats allegedly chatted by Harrysong, he asked his wife to also return the N600k he loaned her to start up a business because she allegedly refusing to cook for his grandmum....

He also allegedly referred to her kinikan as loose and alleged she is not good in bed..
Harrysong has not reacted to the allegations but has put his Instagram page on private because of the influx of trolls to his page attacking him for allegedly asking his wife to abort.....

The drama is just unfolding and more details would come out soon....Close friends of the Singer say he will definitely respond.

Fingers are crossed.

She should never have leaked those chats cos if you look at it you will see that it was leaked from her phone...


  1. Ghen Ghen!
    HarrysongGATE loading...


    2. NN take note, for now, na door, ee never big rch gate.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      @ Stella and 09:14... Noted

    4. Mtchewwwwweeee, Harrysong should take several seats behind jare. No be gender he put, his wife bring out. Nonsense, he should man up, eat good food ,have good stamina and work on his "Y" chromosome to beat the "X" chromosome, he is not even ashamed to fault his wife for a situation that he caused.
      Gender of a baby is the totally dependent on the father. Nonsense

  2. The way he has been misyarning and giving nonsense quotes I knew something was not right...It is well with them

    1. Lol @ misyarning and.........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Na so, when they start capping, know say tori don wor wor


  3. I agree with you Stella
    God abeg oh😳😳

  4. enough popcorn on standby. we are waiting. na after full gist from both parties we go release supreme court judgement

  5. e pain her! Men marrying women wey no get behaviour will continue to learn the painful way. abeg when is the FAQ post ?

    1. You are asking about FAQ post after that rubbish you spilled from your hole? Go and ask Google. Ewu

    2. No, men and women having premarital sex in every relationship they have, wud always have sm1 to compare their spouse wt.

  6. Another drama this same January. It's well with Harry and his wife.

  7. Too much disrespect so the wife will still be in this situationship marriage with a man that said all these , some men ehh I don't know .
    He has not heard of baby selection to get a baby boy, and evwn shanming hwr body parts women are really going through a lot in marriage

    1. Don't mind him, but hope you know baby selection no dey work all the time na God be the master selector, even if it is a girl and you tell Him you want a boy he can turn it to a boy for you if you have faith and of cause you don't have to say pimp to anyone. Just keep your mouth shut and let him do His work, that is master Jesus for you. He looks deep into your heart to know why you are asking Him so far it's not to do peperdem, show off and other factors he counts as sin. He definitely answer

  8. This is not good oo,so early in 2024.
    Just look at all the heavy allegations
    Well,until they respond then we know how far.

  9. Why are marriages having so much trouble these days, God heal them both.

    1. I don't understand all this big big problems I see everyday on the internet.
      It will now be making me feel bad the way I'll be quarreling with my husband over "I told you to feed Andre since 7pm and you're still pressing phone"... And squeeze face and be waiting for apology

    2. Fidel ooooo😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. Mummy Andre ijogbon 😉😉😉

    4. Fidel you are right 😁😂. I always wonder too. Because eh, I dey sometimes give my husband wotowoto but e never reach this level oh

  10. She’s in his house leaking their chat continuously, she no get fear.
    The way the guy has been talking about marriage shows he’s not a committed husband.

    Fan Emmanuel

  11. A lot of nigerian marriages are like this behind closed doors😢. It is sad.

  12. When I was pregnant with my third child we went for scan and it said it was another girl,my third daughter. I was disappointed,my husband told my he was honestly hoping it will be a boy but as we can see this is God's will for us and he have a reason why he gave us 3 girl. He said we should be grateful we can even have kids,some don't even have one,he said we should be grateful we have healthy children and pray for the one coming to be healthy too.
    He said it's God that decides which gender cos mehn we timed sex,had sex on ovulation day,we abstained from sex from day one of my cycle till on the ovulation day but still ended up with a girl.
    He said a lot of things,I cried that day and begged God for forgiveness for being ungrateful and asked him to help me train these girls right.
    Now I look at her and I'm just so grateful to God.

    1. Hold that ur hubby tight. There are only 4 of his type in this full Nigeria.

    2. Congratulations on ur 3rd baby.
      This is just what i wrote down there, at least ur husband was honest enough to tell you that he was hoping it was a boy, most, if not all have that hope in them.
      Thank God u have a kind man. I wish your girls success, in this life.

    3. Awww🤗
      Maybe all this thing is just the feeling of having both genders sha, because this my daughter is sweeting my life. Very cute child, when she's not crying😴... I'm even looking at her face as I'm typing this.

    4. May God bless your baby girl!Let me tell you my own story about my Dad. I dont know what is it with men and baby girls, thank God my dad was different. My mum had 5 girls in and 1 boy our last born. My Dad was always proud of us. He took us out on Saturdays to federal Palace Hotel in Lagos for swimming lessons! Even he takes us to the market to make our hair after church on Sunday and select hair styles with the women in the market and buy us biscuits and minerals while we make our hair. He comes back around 6pm to pick us. He even used to was our clothes my mum will try to stop him but he will not stop.He calls us my girls! My dad I was so proud of him. He didn't live long to enjoy the fruits of his labour. Even when his kinsmen told him to marry another woman to give him boys my dear father refused he stood with my mother and stopped listening to his kinsmen. My dad cut off completely from his relatives in the village because of us up till now i am not close to my dad's people. Dad I miss you everyday. 🙏

    5. Awwwww!!!
      God continue to bless your home and protect your girls.

      Nkiru,so sweet of your dad,to stand up for your mum.
      May him continue to rest in peace.

    6. Jay 4 dem no teach 4. Maybe 2.

    7. Anonymous totally agree...e be like I count one person two times...

    8. God bless your husband 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    9. I have 5 girls and never has my husband said we should abort. He treats his daughters well, I'm short of words sha. It is well with some men.

    10. @Nkiru… chai! Your father is not 2 in Nigeria! I hope that your brother and sons will grow to be upstanding men like him

  13. And i thought this their marriage is a match made in heaven..
    But again why can't these people keep their family issues private? Madam Wife you no try o if na you leak those chats

    1. Don't blame her at all,it's her hormones acting up,imagine a mum of two toddlers also pregnant for another,asked to be taking care of grandma too,plus a wizard husband. It's too much 🤨🤨🤨

    2. Telling a woman within the security of her marriage to end a pregnancy you cooperated to conceive is too grave an insult and danger to keep quiet about.

    3. Terminating pregnancies for flimsy reasons is more common among married couples than you think.

  14. It is well!! Nigeria men esp from the east with male children. Only God will deliver that mentality.

  15. The truth is, most Nigerian men or men of nigerian descent, would always always prefer to have a boy, especially if they have a girl child already, some even prefer to have all boys.

    Forget what they tell you to comfort you, but it is a silent wish for them. It is just the patriarchal nature of the society. Some would give very flimsy reasons like, eventually, a girl would go forth and marry into another family and even change her name, i won’t have anybody to carry forward my name, cos even the kids she has would bear their father’s name, while the boys wud always be mine, they would bear my name till death and even their children will still bear our family name.

    It is sad, but it is what it is.
    In most cases, it has been shown that the girls even come bck and take care of the parents more, but for whr, the dad still silently wishes one of them was a boy, to atleast have someone to do boys’ stuff with, like football and the rest.

    NB: this isn’t purely my opinion, it is based on research, i am writing about women rights in Nigeria under the CEDAW, 1979. Pls if you dnt agree, u can kindly put forth a superior argument, no cusses.

    1. I agree with you jare..Some men will give the impression they are okay with the girls they have while they are seriously hustling for a male child with side chicks and hens...

    2. I’m not sure I’ll blame it entirely on the patriarchal nature of Nigerian society. I have seen numerous American men and even women say they want just boys, or some people want a girl for a particular pregnancy. And you know say e no dey hard those ones to Conor pikin wey dem no want

    3. Actually it’s harder “to comot pikin wey you don’t want” which I assume refers to abortion, in America unless you don’t follow the news on the overturn of Roe V Wade by the Supreme Court which made abortion illegal in many states punishable with serious jail term. Dems are trying to de-criminalize abortion but it’s hard. It is very difficult to get an abortion done in the US even after rape like the 10 year old victim of molestation in Indiana state that became a reference point for Republican vs Democratic political fight even as she suffered; of course they never violated her privacy rights.

      A lot of people travel from state to state to get it even after being raped or molested since the overturn of Roe V Wade. It is best to refrain from ñk m inaccurate and misleading comments as if it were facts.

  16. Marriages means nothing to some people
    Asking her to abort and saying rude things about her body shows he is not a man.

    Who will tell him that he is a determinant of being having girls. With both gender doing great,dunno gender is still a thing.

    He even asked her to return 600k business money he gave her. It is well oo.

    1. I remembered my dad's late childhood friend real life story,he had a beautiful family with three beautiful girls. They were living fine until he started mounting pressure on a male child. He met a woman at the bar and got her pregnant, she moved in and made sure the wife was sent away with her daughters leaving behind the house they built together. Well the woman bore him a son but were constantly fighting.

      One day they were fighting and he slumped and died.A year after the woman moved abroad with her three daughters and doing well.

      The other woman and his son live in his house.

    2. But they will be online dishing out marriage advice.

    3. Who will tell him that maybe its his kini that is actually small not hers

  17. May God come through for some
    Marriages in naija.

  18. Nigeria men and boy child mtchwww

  19. How do you ask your wife to return money????

    1. Is that the only thing you could pick up?

      Wives always ask their husbands to return money, and nobody says its wrong. Is it suddenly bad because it's the man asking for the refund?

    2. Anon it is bad ooo.

    3. It is bad oooh… asking your wife to return money. Chai May God not bring this kind of men to me.

  20. For an Igbo man, after two girls, don't just fall pregnant again like that. Go for gender selection. Were you hoping to birth a girl and then get pregnant again and again while looking for a boy, cos your husband must want one. Not in this economy.

    1. It has nothing to do with tribe.
      Harry isn't even Igbo..

      A close yoruba neighbor did same, he left his first wife who was birthing girls, married another and had 2 more girls..

      I know other Yoruba men that did same..

      Harry isn't Igbo

    2. Una Dey always find Igbo people trouble. Harry songs is not Igbo please, he is one of the Niger delta tribes

  21. My husband added to his bad behaviour after I gave birth to a girl.i left the marriage for at my father's with my 4 children. Already asked them to collect the bride price . umbilical cord not tied him.

    1. Your peace of mind is a priority. Some don't have children at all, some end with bad children.

  22. Don't you think we should stop stereotyping Nigerian men? All of them do not think alike neither do they have the same qualities. I have seven brothers and they all think and act differently. My three daughters mean the world to me. I'm a Nigerian man and I'm gender blind.

    1. Thank you ooooo

    2. The untold truth💯. God bless you, Anon.

      No two individuals act alike. There is something called individual differences. I really don't get why people should be judged based on what their gender or race did. It just doesn't make sense to me.

      My immediate elder brother have two daughters that mean the whole world to him. I don't get the fuss behind this gender of a thing, just pray for a healthy child.

    3. You are one of the good ones. These things are so common, that is why people tend to generalize and hale the few good ones. The society is patriarchal and usually singles out the male child for important rites, such as family recognition, inheritance, decision making etc. So many heartbreaking stories to tell about this but there is no need.

    4. You stereotype ourselves.
      You behave like dogs.
      Your fellow gender will do the dirtiest, vilest, most terrible things to females.
      And instead of house lit to categorically speak put against those things, you prefer to hide Bro code or shift blame as usual or similar nonsense.
      I have more respect for week old cow s.hit under my knockabout slippers than a Nigerian man. Very dir.ty, em.pty bottom barrel basic things.

  23. As if 3 girls are an abomination! if they were all boys would he have asked that the 3rd be aborted? What you can't create , you found it easy to say it should be aborted like chicken! Isn't he the determinant of the sex of the child ? Smh. While some are praying for just one, some are just aborting like one deleting some typed letters. It is well o.

    1. Na wa ooo. When many families are happy with their girl children today.

  24. It is well with ur marriage
    Me dat have two boys... hoping to have a girl with my third pregnancy but miscarried at 6weeks....

    As it is family planning get me...May God protect and bless my kids for me🙏🙏

    1. So sorry about your loss
      God will give you princesses for your trouble 🙏

  25. Replies
    1. I'm sure why I'm not surprised.

    2. I'm sure why I'm not surprised.

  26. Imagine the emotional torture,this woman went through in the hands of this monster. A man that can type or send this kind of message, to the mother of his kids,a pregnant one oooo🤨🤨🤨🤨

  27. How I wish some of my boys can turn to girls I would have been the most happiest woman on earth. My girls zero wahala but my boys that is another story. Am not complaining but I thank God for their life.

    1. They can actually. Be mindful of what you wish.

  28. If a woman finds a man who loves their children irrespective of the gender and train them to any level in life without considering their sex, don't take such men for granted. With the kind of mentality regarding the gender of a child in our society, finding such men is a real blessing.

  29. But it is his sperm that determines the gender of the child, why don’t he fix his sperm then so he gets the gender he wants.

    Obviously he is an abusive spouse, and that woman is in bondage. May we all see the true nature of our intended before we say I Do.

    1. Don't mind them. Ignorant bozos.

  30. God please have mercy
    I wonder who trained these sort of men


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