Stella Dimoko Thursday Morning Spontaneous Post


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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday Morning Spontaneous Post

#kustanotherbeautifulthursday #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #awesomeGOD


Are you still sleep reading the Blog or fully awake at work?
Have a great day and ya all with Chronicles send them in.......



  1. You asked a girl out, she refused. Next thing, you're telling the entire neighborhood that you already slept with her and she is useless. Meanwhile,she has NEVER given you a handshake, talk less of hug, not to even talk of seeing her underwear sef..
    Bro, this year, stop that rubbish! Just because you applied to UNILAG and you didn't get admitted, doesn't mean you should start calling UNILAG a bad school. 🙄
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

    1. Yeye boys syndrome. 🙄

      Well said, bro.

    2. hmmmnnn... una good morning oooooooooo

    3. Low self-esteemed boys' style

    4. I have one mumu like this as a friend presently. I stopped him from visiting me last week.

      He almost put me in trouble

    5. Lol. When my cousins tried to gain admission into Yaba Tech and they failed, their mum started yabbing the school. No be that small Yaba Tech wey just round. She was referring to the sports arena. Laff wan kee me. Her children later entered unilag to study Yoruba language. The boy say so far na unilag e dey, him dey alright.

    6. Hmmmmmm🙄na their way be that low life of some men-boys

    7. Na Children behavior be that.

    8. Today shall be good, can I hear you say it......................

    9. they will call you a simp.
      when I was in sch there was this popular guy that asked me out, I turned him down because I'm the opposite of him, never serious with studies and party all round, that's his type. finally he gave up and resorted to bullying. he stays in the sch hostel and each time I'm passing he and his friends will start singing ABCD...till they get to I and they will keep repeating it and laughing, because I was very slim back then. it made me stop taking that route and resorted to a longer one.
      80% of men are so emotionally immature and don't take rejection well

  2. Jesus Christ - The Profile Of God!!
    John 14:9.


    "The Bible tells us that Jesus is the image (icon) of the invisible God (2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 1:15)."

    "That means He’s the resemblance and visual representation of God, the profile of God. If you want to know what God looks like, Jesus is the profile; He has all the characteristics, descriptions and attributes of Deity."

    "When you see Jesus, you won’t need to look for the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the perfect appearance and replica of the Godhead. He’s the expression of God’s glory, honour and majesty. Blessed be His Name forever!"


    Dear Father, I’m in awe of your glory, honour and majesty as revealed in Jesus Christ—the “print copy” of your divine essence—the clear and unmistakable representation of your character and nature. Lord Jesus, you’re the beauty of divinity and the perfect expression of the Father’s person. I worship and adore you forever. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Colossians 1:12-19; Hebrews 1:1-3; John 10:30-38

  3. SDK Psychologist11 January 2024 at 08:00




    Body language refers to the non-verbal communication cues expressed through physical behavior, gestures, facial expressions, and posture. It plays a crucial role in conveying information, emotions, and intentions without the use of words.
    Body language encompasses various types of non-verbal cues that convey information, emotions, and intentions. Here are different types of body language:

    1.) Facial Expressions: Our faces are incredibly expressive. Smiles, frowns, raised eyebrows, squints and other facial movements convey a wide range of emotions and reactions.

    2.) Gestures: Hand movements, nods, pointing, or other gestures complement verbal communication and add emphasis or clarity to messages.

    3.) Posture: How we sit or stand communicates our level of confidence, attentiveness, and openness. An upright and open posture often signifies confidence and engagement.

    4.) Eye Contact: The duration and intensity of eye contact can convey interest, sincerity, or authority. Lack of eye contact might signal discomfort or avoidance.

    5.) Proximity: The physical distance between individuals, known as personal space, communicates intimacy, comfort, or potential threat.

    6.) Touch: Physical contact, such as handshakes, hugs, or pats on the back, can convey warmth, connection, or support.

    7.) Voice Tone and Pitch: While primarily auditory, the tone, pitch, and intonation of our voice contribute to non-verbal communication, conveying emotions and attitudes.

    8.) Facial Microexpressions: These are brief, involuntary facial expressions that reveal underlying emotions. They are often fleeting but can provide insights into true feelings.

    9.) Postural Echoing: Similar to mirroring, it involves adopting a similar posture as the person you're interacting with, creating a sense of alignment.

    10.) Emblems: Non-verbal symbols or gestures that have specific meanings within a particular culture or group (e.g., a thumbs-up for approval).

    11.) Mirroring: Subtly imitating another person's body language can create a sense of rapport and connection.

    12.) Adapters: Unconscious movements, like playing with hair or tapping fingers, can indicate nervousness, boredom, or discomfort.

    13.) Appearance: Clothing, grooming, and overall presentation contribute to non-verbal communication.

    14.) Silence: Pauses and silence can convey contemplation, agreement, or discomfort.

    Understanding these types of body language cues is valuable for interpreting social situations accurately and improving communication skills. Keep in mind that cultural differences may influence the interpretation of certain non-verbal cues.

  4. Never loose hope because even the smallest amount of light can get you through the darkest days.

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we rested well? May our expectations not be cut short as we hope for the best. I wish us a great day ahead. Stay safe.

  5. Good morning everyone
    Nice day ahead.


    'You are free under God's favour and mercy.' Romans 6:14 TLB

    If you want to grow roses, you must declare war on weeds; otherwise, they will run amok in your garden. In other words, you must beware of weeds! There is a spiritual parallel at work here, and it's this: unless you deal decisively with sin, it will take over your life.
    The apostle Paul explains it beautifully: 'Your old evil desires were nailed to the cross with him; that part of you that loves to sin was crushed and fatally wounded, so that your sin-loving body is no longer under sin's control, no longer needs to be a slave to sin; for when you are deadened to sin you are freed from all its allure and its power over you. And since your old sin-loving nature "died" with Christ, we know that you will share his new life. Christ rose from the dead and will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him... now he lives forever in unbroken fellowship with God. So look upon your old sin nature as dead and unresponsive to sin, and instead be alive to God... Do not let sin control your puny body any longer... Do not let any part of your bodies become tools of wickedness, to be used for sinning; but give yourselves completely to God - every part of you - for you are back from death and you want to be tools in the hands of God, to be used for his good purposes. Sin need never again be your master... you are free under God's favour and mercy' (Romans 6:6-14 TLB).
    So, the word for today is - say no to sin!
    Word For Today

    1. Thank you Jesus for washing away my sins🙌🙌
      Essa babe 😘💕 God bless you.

    2. And the Bible says: shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbids

      Thanks for sharing Nneoma 💖💜💜

    3. And the Bible says: shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbids

      Thanks for sharing Nneoma 💖💜💜


    Too many people brags with their sin in ignorance, out of disregard which is disobedience to his word, or out of hurt.

    The ignorant ones are those who don't know Jesus, because they were not preached to, their parents did not bring them up in the ways of the lord. They grew up in sin, and they are living in sin, so they see it as a norm.

    The disobedient ones are those that know the truth yet shut their ears, heart and conscience because they derive pleasure from it. The lifestyle favours them and if they leave it, they feel that they will suffer.

    The hurt are those that know God, served him but along the line something terrible or hurtful happened and they felt betrayed by God they now lost faith and decided to damn all consequences and begin to swim in the ocean of sin

    There are also the people pleasers who will follow the lost to brag about sin in other to appear trendy because all forms of sin is trendy and woke. They brag in the presence of their friends and go on their knees in their closet to beg God for mercy for the rubbish bragging they did, because they know the truth, but they are ashamed to live in that truth. They are ashamed of christ and christainity doctrines.

    No matter the group you fall into, i beg you this day, STOP BRAGGING WITH YOUR SIN.

    Sin is sweet, brings pleasure but the end is everlasting pain. While righteousness is dull, looks tough, but the end is everlasting Joy.

    You brag and loud your sins out of ignorance of what will happen when you die in that.
    If only you will accept the truth and know this day that this sin you are proud of will make you regret heavily tomorrow.
    I want to lovingly and boldly tell you today, that what is keeping you is the mercy and love of God. The trumpet should have sounded, but God wants to save as many as will be willing to turn away from sin. He is giving us so much chance to see if we can realize our wrong.

    The mercy of God is so vast, but we are taking advantage of him, his love will not be thers forever. Grab it now before it runs dry.
    Get rooted in christ now because that terrible day is coming when trees that has no roots will fall and perish.

    That boring christainity you are running away from is your visa to eternal life.
    Let me tell you something. There is always what to endure, before you arrive at what to enjoy.

    The same way we suffer, endure all forms of hardship failures and dissapointments yet kept pushing, till we got to the stage where things began to
    Turn around and get better, equally applies to christainity. Endure and wait on the lord. What your honesty and dignity cannot get you is not for you.
    Resist the urge to cut corners and stick with God.

    Sin is being Celebrated wordwide, and righteousness is beginning to get hushed and sneered at, many are openly accepting wordliness as the new modernisation of christainity. God never changes, remember he is the ancient of days. He cannot update his record book of sin and righteousness because of you and i. Stop getting decieved.
    You know the truth, stand by it and uphold it.

    When people are celebrating and bragging with there sin, stop your heart from getting seduced by their dirty wealth and Fame.

    Join not the crowd lest you shall go down the pit with them.

    Let he that have ears listen.

    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  8. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord, Who never comes late show up for you early enough to silence every roaring situation and calm every turbulence in your life...

    May you receive the grace to rise above every storm coming your way today...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed and fulfilling day, I wish you!!!

  9. Good morning everyone....
    Trust y'all had a great night😊

  10. Good morning 🌄
    Sleeping me?
    I am already at work since 7:30am. Oluwa bless our hustle ✌️
    Have a great day 🎈

  11. It's a beautiful morning here
    I've opened my shop for today's business
    May God bless our hustles today, Amen.

  12. Good morning everyone 💞💝🥰🥰

  13. If you know that you are going to be in public, please don't eat or chew garlic, na beg I dey beg ooo🥺.

    Good morning neighbors ✌️

    1. Add roasted groundnuts to it. Very annoying something. 🙄

      Hello Obioma. ❣️

    2. Moin moin and okpa too. They will belch and the stench will take over the whole place. Disgusting! 🤮

    3. Chai miss Aboki don kuku scatter the table kpatakpata 😂😂😂😂😂

    4. That garlic is the worst out of all them..

  14. Treating people right is better than posting Bible verses everyday that you don't even practice.

  15. I'm still on my way to work and feeling sleepy too cos I've been awake so early as usual. The traffic caused by the third mainland bridge's maintenance is tiring. We go dey alright.

    I greet you all this cool morning. God bless your day. 💕

    1. Have a great day Cynthi 😘

    2. Me, I took office work home to complete on my laptop. Both laptop and file slept with me on the bed. I no even open them. I don arrange myself for office like good girl now, make oga come meet me.

    3. Third mainland wahala ehnnnn 😔

  16. An old man was eating in a truck stop when three rough-looking bikers walked in. As they passed the old man, the first biker pushed his cigarette into the old man's pie, then laughed and took a seat at the counter. The second biker picked up the old man's milk and spit into it. The third biker turned over the old man's plate before joining the others at the counter.
    Without saying a word to the laughing bikers, the old man put his money down, got up, and left the diner. One of the bikers said to the waitress, "Not much of a man, was he?"
    The waitress replied," Not much of a truck driver either. He just backed his big rig over three motorcycles!"
    Good morning everyone💗💖💝💜❤💙💕💞💟😘😍

    1. Sweet 🤣🤣🤣🤣


  17. The year is still fresh, you can still rewrite whatever you think you have written wrongly. Change your attitude towards some things.

    Do not allow negative words from negative people affect you. Move on steadily and pray for grace to over take.

    Love you all.
    Dante how far?
    Mystic, how is Abi?
    Ali B, Ina mata?
    Teejay, kedu Kodi?
    Module, bawo ni?
    Ibadan agent, how is you ma?
    Arike, hope you goof?
    Glam Granny, have a blessed day.
    Brianna, how is everything with you?
    Eka joy, hope you are good over there?
    Martinz, how that side ?

    1. I dey o my brother, how are you and our beautiful iyawo?
      God bless you bro.

    2. Hi Pink. Mata da Yara, duk suna nan lafiya.
      My regards to your family bro. Have an amazing day!

  18. Good morning beautiful people 😘😘

  19. Good morning beautiful people
    Currently watching Bluey on Disney Junior, come and join me, it is a very interesting movie. The actor is very intelligent 🤣

    1. See as I just de look you 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Bluey?
      Bv Honey you are not serious

  20. Sometimes last year,I wrote about being worried and couldn't reach my dear friend who has been battling with stage 3 cancer. I got the saddest news yesterday that she succumbed to the deadly cancer despite making great progress and hoping for a better tomorrow. Alot was spent on chemo but Dr F with a good heart didn't beat cervical cancer. She left a daughter and her caring hubby behind 😢😢

    I am beyond heartbroken, Dr F my dear friend, you are free from all pains of the world. May God console and comfort your loved ones and daughter and may you rest in peace. 😢🕊

    1. RIP to her.

      Accept my sympathy

    2. Chai! May her soul rest in peace.

    3. So sad💔
      Take heart fab momma 🤗

    4. E'eeyah! May her soul rest in peace.

    5. RIP to your friend. I’m sorry.


    6. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

    7. So sorry,May her soul rest in peace.

    8. Ehya so sorry dear 🤗🤗 may her soul rest in peace.

    9. My condolences dear
      May her soul rest in peace

    10. So sad 😔,rest in peace Dr 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    11. May her Soul Rest in peace 🕊️

    12. So sorry,May the Lord comfort the family and May her soul rest in peace.


    13. My condolences 😔
      God rest her soul and comfort her family

    14. My condolences 😔
      God rest her soul and comfort her family

    15. I don't understand this cancer thing. I was going through Karibi Fubara"s insta yesterday and saw he made progress at some point only to later die. I don't get it

      May her soul rest in peace

      Shooter Gyal

    16. May her soul rest in peace

    17. So sorry for your loss, accept my sympathy

    18. Chai 😭
      May her soul rest in peace 🙏

    19. May her soul rest in peace and keep resting in the bosom of the Lord where you will feel no pains but spread your wings and fly

    20. May her soul rest in peace.
      My condolences, dear.🙏

    21. So sorry.
      May her soul rest in peace. Amen

    22. I remember that post of yours. So sad. May her soul RIP. May God grant comfort to you and her entire family. 💔

    23. Accept my condolences, May her soul rest in peace.

    24. So sorry dear. Accept my condolences

    25. Thanks so much my people for the kind words. It is well.

    26. So sorry about that. 🤗🤗🤗

    27. So sorry. May God rest her soul and comfort her loved ones. Amen.

  21. goodmorning stella, i am sleep reading the blog😩
    Have a blessed day everyone!

  22. Beautiful Morning Everyone 💕💞💖💝❤🥰

    Today issa blessed day 🙏 🙌 ✨ for us all.

  23. Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts . So think happy and be positive.
    Good morning everyone 🎉🎉

  24. Good morning beautiful people 💋

    She and her mum always come to spend their holidays at her mum's sister's house. On the 8th of January, very early in the morning, her mum came calling me. She said "I'm looking for my daughter, she didn't sleep at home last night". I was surprised but not shocked. I mean she's a teenager and you know how stubborn they can be. My mind already told me she either followed her friends to a party or she went to see a man. I told her to go home and calm her nerves, she was already tensed. She went home and began to wail. She kept crying and praying while I went on with my normal business.

    An hour later her mum came to look for me at the office, she came to tell me that her daughter was back, but there's a problem. ''What's that?'' I asked her. She said her daughter when asked where she slept, told them that she went out that night to buy something at the store, when 3 guys approached her and started talking to her. She refused to oblige until one of them touched her right shoulder and that was all she could remember. She said she woke up in front of a store, with blood all o er her body. Meaning she was... yeah you guessed right and got deflowered. She sought for help from a passerby who helped her find her way. Upon hearing all these, I was gobsmacked. I didn't know what to say at that moment but I had a strong feeling she was being economical with the truth.

    She asked that I recommend medications for her daughter. I told her first and foremost, she has to take a contraceptive, followed by antiretroviral drugs then antibiotics injections. I told her this because she vehemently refused to take her to the hospital for thorough check up, although I knew that RVS and pregnancy could not be detected at that very early stage.

    At dusk, the story would change. It turned out that She wasn't hypnotized as she claimed. Infact, she slept in that compound but in a different house. She went into a guy's house and slept there. The guy has been asking her out ever since she came back from boarding school, they've been talking and a night to the day she was supposed to go back to school, they decided to have fun before she leaves. They made everything up, the guy told her what to say and they even used a fake bl00d to stain her body. I don't know where this girl ordered her audacity from, she's not even up to 18. A neighbor saw her coming out from the guy's house in the morning, so she came to spill to her mum. Her mum and her aunt started questioning her but she refused to say the truth, until they told her someone saw her come out that morning. That was when she admitted the truth.

    I was very angry, not at the girl but at the be@st that was so cruel to sleep with an underaged. Where's our humanity? Why make advances at an underaged at the first place? I don't know the guy, I haven't met him before but I was ready to involve the police at that point. This was happening on the 9th of January. I went to see her mum and told her my plans. To my utmost surprise, she said she didn't want to involve the police. Why? she said her daughter was at fault, she lied of being a virgin and that the police would ask if she was r@ped by the guy, that they would also ask if anyone forced her to go sleep over at the guy's house.
    Well she didn't lie but I made her understand that it didn't matter if it happened with her consent, as long as she's a minor, then he has to face the Law. I also told her that one could go to jail in the US for chatting with a minor. She said she knows but unfortunately we're not over there and that our system doesn't work.

    My hands were tied at this point so I let her be. They threatened the guy so he had to call his uncle, who came and begged on his behalf and also paid her back the money she spent on her daughter's medications.

    1. Hmmm God abeg. May God give our kids sense o. And us wisdom to raise them. Na wa

    2. Bad children be dragging their parents legs out side.

    3. You have done your best. It is painful but there’s nothing you can do.
      Only God knows where they got blood from.


    4. What a story! It's possible that the girl has been doing such thing in school. This may not be her first time. May God help our children so that they don't bring us shame.

    5. Mhen,it's not easy raising teenagers especially girls at this time.
      Every parents should try and be their children's best friend,may be things will be better.


    6. We have to find a way to anonymously report the matter to the police close to you and leave them to take it from there..
      They'll be very interested because of the money they aim to get from it, which is also more punishment for the fool. Cos honestly, the police are not interested in convicting a criminal, it's the money the aim to get from the case that motivates them, and this kind of matter is one they like cos the guy would be desperate to pay, and if he doesn't, the police would angrily make sure he suffers for his crime by taking the case to court, which is another good one.

      I said anonymously because you see the security forces in this country, them be pant, they can out you to the guy and his family after collecting money that you were the one who reported the matter thereby putting you at risk.

      I have said it countless times here, avoid underage girls, LEAVE THEM THE FVCK ALONE! It's one thing if they lie about their real age, it's another thing when you know their real age but still decide to be stupid because of nack.. na pvssy you never fvck before? With all the different types of pvssy scattered all over the world na him you won destroy your life for one.. anything is allowed to cause your death as a man but a woman causing your death makes you a big fool..

      If the girl was 18 and above, I won't even blame the guy at all, cos it's the babe that choose to be stupid and dumb, but with an undergraduate, you have no defence, everything you do with them is a set up.. Run From Them for your own good..

      I hope this guy gets arrested..

    7. Hmmm
      Nigeria my country.. Unfortunately the mum is right, this country will not support her because even many of them in the government marry underage girls..

    8. That is statutory rape because he slept with a minor..You guys should report that good for nothing idiot to the police..Her mom should not solely blame her daughter and fight for her..Why blame the victim instead of the animal in human skin...

  25. Good morning SDK and BVs. Tremendous Thursday. Not sleepy at all,I wake up 4.30am,every week day. To prepare the kids for school. Can't wait for the last two kids to finish secondary school too.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    1. Good morning blogbrity 🧡

    2. Weldone my beloved. It's not easy to be a mother. Our labour of love over them will not be in vain.

    3. Amen Morayo,Fidel my love 😍

  26. Good morning everyone 😍😍😍

    Don't chase.
    Don't obsess.
    Don't stress.
    Just relax and trust the timing.
    Trust the process.
    Trust in yourself.
    Be magnetic.

    Y'all have a great day ahead 😘🤗😘

  27. Sleeping ke. At the shop already. I pray for more sales and a productive day

  28. Good morning my people
    I'm just here thinking of how some people feed , I mean large families. The lowest of the garri's is 700 per Congo, note that this Congo is 10 milk cups. Some families need more than 10 milk cups to make eba that will go round for one meal. Semovita is 1100 for 1kg. This 1kg is not enough for some large families to make a meal.
    Let's not talk about soup today.
    God is out muscle 💪

    1. Indeed God is our supplier ooo. It is well!


    2. My dear I don't want to get bp by thinking about the high cost of foodstuffs in this country, let God take the wheel kawai.

    3. This new regime came to kill the poor masses with hunger and starvation.

    4. Jehovah jireh will sustain us all.

  29. Sleep still dey catch me sha o but man must wak. I'm at my hustle spot

  30. Sleep ke? I am awake and at the bank right now. After bank nah today’s hustle will follow.

    Have a blessed day people.

  31. Sick 🤢 currently at the hospital. Quick recovery to me and all those sick.

  32. Good morning my lovely blogfam 😘
    Jewelu,I'm fully awake o, trying to clean up my poulty in preparation for new birds. Easther is in March.

    Bvs have a great day ahead ❤️
    E go surely be ✌️

  33. Goodmorning Stella.
    Goodmorning Beevees
    Day 11.
    Thank God

  34. Good morning Stella and blog fam

  35. I am here in bed, had my spiced almond milk and waiting for sleep. Gotta go to school later and off work today. A 3 or 4 day work week is enough for me. My heart goes out to anyone working 7 days a week.

    Stay safe those of you on your commutes. May you reach your destination safely and return home safely.

  36. Good morning bvs
    My uncle just got to know that the boy his wife and her family members are calling their last born his is wife son that she gave birth to in secondary school.they been married for 13years with 3children.

    1. What a sad thing to do,why the lie? Your uncle should try and forgive her. She didn't do well at all 😔😔😔

    2. This is very common,in some cases the child wouldn't even know the real mom till he/she becomes an adult.
      I am sure It's part of keeping your secrets to the grave that caused this.
      Hoping your uncle forgives her because this is a betrayal of trust.


  37. The lord is my strength 🙏
    Good morning everyone 🥰🥰

  38. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Don't argue with people who want to misunderstand you - Starve them with silence.

    1. I like this 👍👍
      Good morning my lover girl 💕

  39. My neighbour's daughter has breast cancer. She had a lump on each of her breasts. She quickly removed one but wasted time in removing the other. It deteriorated so much that she had to cut off the breast.

    When she went for check up before the surgery, she was told about chemotherapy and its consequences. She quickly rushed her boyfriend and God gave have a baby boy who turned 2 years in 2023.

    Post surgery, she has been on painkillers apart from her normal drugs and chemo. She can hardly do anything for herself. She is doing her best and with prayers we hope she stays longer to take care of her son and aged mum.

    My people, please take your health seriously this year and beyond. May God help us.

  40. Today, the Lord Almighty will make you the centre of attractions for every wonderful things He created.

    That door that seems closed now shall be opened for you today. God will not allow your helpers to rest until they all locate you and deliver your blessings to you.

    God will cause you to take the right decisions and succeed by them. God will re-arrange every broken piece of your life into a vessel of super honour. Tough as things may be now, you will laugh with evidence of testimonies in Jesus Name.

    Good morning and have a beautiful day. Happy Thursday

    1. God bless you Empress. I just said these declaration after you for me and my family. I know God will perfect it on Jesus name. Amen

  41. Everything na management now o😞.
    At work and no Power. We are yet to put on the Lister too. kai God abeg, cos the weather hot !

    Beautiful day ahead 💓

  42. Good morning beautiful people.

    Inside village market.
    I pray today's sun go show small mercy.😎😎😎

  43. Wishing everyone a great day

  44. I prayed may good Lord show His mercy on everyone on this blog.


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