Stella Dimoko Tuesday In House News


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Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Tuesday In House News

 The seond day of Twenny twenny four.hailings......

IN HOUSE MEMO...........
The year don start nd work has resumed for some!
I hope you are not one of those that started the year feeling hopeless? Dont bother stressing yourself cos things will fall into place as the years go by.....
Please try also not to make New year resolutions as they put one under pressure--
Avoid early year drama and toxic people with toxic drama...
Avoid people who call out other people flimsy reasons and avoid disloyal people!!!-

If you have advert to help your business this new year, send in your advert meme and be fast as this is only open for a limited time...
The Stellas Singles Mingle is loading for early February....--



It’s a new year and I am grateful for the last year. The year 2023 was a roller coaster, from becoming pregnant to the birth of my princess and shuffling the new family dynamics. It stretched me in ways I never thought was possible and it also made me realise I am stronger than I imagined .

It’s started a reawakening in me and I am grateful for that, I am more than a mom, and I am making sure I find myself in all of this.

It’s the year 2024 and as much as I don’t do new year resolutions. I am going to be making efforts to be intentional about enjoying this phase of motherhood as much as I can, like I was advised to . 
 It’s not like a mother’s duty ever stops anyway.

To every mom and awaiting mom, cheers to a new year filled with joy and a lot of possibilities. Cheers to every big and small wins the year is going to bring.
 Cheers to the fact that we are alive and well, still standing strong despite all we have been through.
Cheers to us.!!!!!

Well done!.. Your motherhood journey has been inspiring.....



This is for the ones that Doubted you in the Past, 5 years ago, saying they don't Believe you would ever Hold your Own because , you never had a Pot to Piss in, Comparing their kids with you saying what they got when in Reality we all Move in our Own Pace of when we are ready, and Whenever these things happen for us. God  has a Different Season, and time for everybody on this Earth of when it's your time to Shine and to get what you want. 

What their kids and their parents did, don't have nothing to do with you and the next person.
It's never too early, and never too late for anything that you Desire to want in your life when it comes to a Relationship, being a Parent, a Job you Dreamed of, a Nice Big House  and a Career. 
Things happen for each, and every Individual at Different times, because we are all Different.

So for ones that Doubted you, Misjudged you, and underrate you, let them know that, you are Walking up to glorious Door Steps in this 2024, and you're putting Keys  into your door of unlimited breakthrough for it to be opened. Prove them Wrong for sure. And when the next Big Blessing come for you this year 2024, they can all see it and regretted ever pulling you .

There is no such thing as to saying you are too early, or too late for Something. Things happen in your Own time. So Whenever someone Speaks Less of you or Doubts you, all you have to do is Prove them Wrong, and that will make them look Stupid, Period

*side eyes*



  1. Happy New Year to you all!!! our year of NEWNESS AND GREATNESS

  2. This 2024...

    Avoid building anything on a faulty foundation; house, friendship, relationship, marriage even your finances. It will surely fall apart and take you back to zero.

    Take care of your health and body. Drink a lot of water, exercise, look good and smell good. Life is for the living, the dead has nothing to offer.

    If you have any trauma from the past limiting you, try your very best to heal. Seek help if necessary. Talk to someone.

    Don't destroy yourself by yourself because of past mistakes or hurts from the past. Heal and move on.

    Take care of your mental health. Your productivity and growth will be evident for all to see.

    Don't be Lazy and proud at the same time. Hunger go finish you.

    Find something doing no matter how little. God will bless the works of your hands not your idleness.

    Be pretty, slay, be very feminine. It's attractive. Tone down the masculinity. God created man and woman. Not man and man.

    In everything you do. Always put God first. Life is very very spiritual.

    Happy New Year beautiful people.

  3. Replies

    1. Cynthia Iyede2 January 2024 at 13:10
      Na irresponsible man dey throw him wife stuff out, say wetin happen na? Abeggi.

      Cynthia please don’t consider me his an attack because after all i like you personality here but i want you to judge this based on your above comment. Because sometimes people just say things as if everything is black and white is life especially when it concerns MEN.

      Husband and wife had misunderstanding about the man not eating the previous night’s meal because according to him the fried food got burnt and the wife served it like that even without informing him that the meal somehow got burnt.
      He was eating and realized the meal isn’t quite manageable like he thought so he asked the wife:

      Husband: please o, this food…did it get burnt because of lack of enough oil or it just got burnt just like that.

      Wife: there was enough oil.

      Husband: so what happened naw because this food is quite burnt.

      Wife (while on the bed pressing phone): eat the good ones and leave the rest.

      Husband becomes angry because of the lack of concern shown by the wife towards the first good meal he was supposed to have that day being that he had left for business earlier than usual because he needed to help the said wife go waybill somethings earlier that morning. So he had no breakfast till 11pm when he returned due to December traffic.

      He gets up and went to drop the food in the kitchen without saying anything else to the wife and went to bed.

      The next morning the wife got up angry with lot of attitude then asked the man what should happen to the food he left in the kitchen. The man replied her that since she deemed the food eatable by him that she too can eat the food or throw it away.
      The wife who already woke up with trouble brimming through her attitude got more pissed and asked the husband:

      Wife: what kind of rubbish is that thing you said?

      Husband: I’ve told you for more than two years now that you mustn’t use such words simply because of a misunderstanding. I don’t use ‘rubbish’ towards you no matter how angry i get and I’ve always told you to refrain from usually such words in this house as I don’t want it to be a norm the way you said it’s normal between you and your siblings. You can’t be in my house and always use abusive words.

      Wife: oya throw my things out naw, RUBBISH! RUBBISH!! RUUUUUUBISH!!!

      Husband walks to the wardrobe and start packing wife’s stuff to the bed.

      Wife: you think i will beg you? Nonsense… bring them out!!

      Wife picks her things and goes to her single friend’s house as if she had been waiting for an opportunity to.

      It was at that point the husband called my husband ( wife’s brother) to tell him what has happened.

    2. Smh… two angry people. They both would have handled that issue better tho. But y’all should not always ignore the action that leads to a reaction. I lil empathy from the wife about the meal would have prevented all these. Naija isn’t an easy place to make money so a man who has gone out to make ends meet for his family might return stressed out most times. What’s the least a ‘wife’ can do?

    3. Anon seems you're new here. To have brought a husband and wife issue to this place and expect objective takes on it. Lol, you don't know most of the women here. Watch how those who lack regards for their man just like the said 'wife' will find ways to turn this story to something else and even get you roped into it.

    4. Anon, the lady in this story isn't mature and does not have any form of regard for her husband. It's a shame! That's a getto and irresponsible behaviour. All she could have done was to apologize to him and try to avoid such next time, if there is an alternative, she should have presented it which could have saved her all these unnecessary back and forth.

      That said, I think the man shouldn't have packed her things out of the wardrobe even if he's done with the marriage. There are better ways to handle issues like this, I believe you will agree with me on this. Agreed, everything is not black and white.

  4. Brotherly!!!

    When she decides she don't want you in her life in 2024, allow her. When she decides she don't want to talk to you in 2024, allow her.

    Give her the freedom to choose. Don't force matters.

    That new relationship she's busy with, that's her choice. Stop this attitude of feeling entitled to her time, love and attention. If She's dating someone new, you had your chance. You had your time.

    There's nothing new she could give you. Nothing you are missing. Probably she's giving the new boyfriend the same headache she gave you. If you've already been with her, you've seen everything there is to see.

    Move on already!!!!

    © TEEJAY..........✍️

    1. You were making sense until your fourth paragraph. I thought that you were advising your fellows to give the lady a breathing space if she has moved on and that they misused their chance when they had it.

      Well, the reality is that, she may not be giving her new love interest any headache and she is returning the same peaceful energy that she's getting from her new ship.🀷🀷 What she never got from the previous.

    2. Your mates are counting millions o.
      I just say make I remind you

    3. This goes both ways… and you’re entirely right.

    4. Correct @ Teejay. You couldn't have said it better.

    5. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    6. Baba 39 wan form redpillerπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚... Body go tell you

  5. This midday for you and all yours...

    May the God our Help in ages past be your God in all things and at all times in this new year...

    May the hand of the Most High God come through for your help and support throughout this new year and beyond...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed day and a testimony-loaded year, I wish you!!!

  6. Good afternoon beautiful people!πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    Omo, I no even know wetin I eat for this period but I don add weight small. Wahala no too much like this! 😒
    Rice na my favorite but na my big enemy.
    God, abegg oo.😎😎

    1. Enjoy your self jari🀣

    2. The weight gain is expected cos of how we just allowed ourselves to eat every this festive period

  7. Once the rain is over, an umbrella becomes a burden to everyone. This is how the loyalty of many people ends when benefits stop.

    1. Slim, i dey use umbrella for this hot sun be only rainy season.

    2. Abionah, leave him with his copied yeye posts

    3. True talk blacky Happy New year to you.

    4. Good evening beautiful people 😘😘😘

  8. Yaaaaaay!!!!!
    Second IHN in the year 2024 πŸ₯³πŸ₯³.
    How's your day going?

  9. Yes, it's a fresh start, a new beginning for us all. Happy new year to everyone!

  10. Good afternoon blogfams❤πŸ’πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’ŸπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ˜˜

  11. This time last year, we're already on 17th of January 🀨🀨🀨🀨

    *Larry was here*

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    2. We were already*
      Get your tenses right this new year

    3. I think people saying January is too long is all in their head.

    4. @Anonymous, thank you

      *Larry was here*

  12. Una good afternoon house..make I rant small..this is my first time of opening my business for the year immediately I opened my shop one of my Neighbor followed me in to demand for goods on credit..I just told him to please leave my shop this early morning I heard is people coming to tell that he said I am very rude..

    1. Maybe the way you said it,but as a Yoruba woman no one can buy on credit from me on first day of the year o, or even first day of the week not to talk of year.

    2. People saying that might be right depending on how you told him to leave your shop. Did you do it politely or condescending?

      There are better ways of telling him you no longer sell on credit or you don't even sell credit without walking him outrightly. It's rude if you ask me.

      © TEEJAY..........✍️

    3. God abeg oh! No gree for anybody this year oh, I don't care if you're rude or not,that customer is not a nice person cha cha! Credit as first sales in the year? That wickedness

    4. Good thing you told him to leave. His mouth was not heavy when he was asking you for goods on crd. πŸ™„

    5. Teejay the man is used to collecting credit I only told him that I will not start with credit this year..cause it is my first time of opening my shop for the year..

    6. Game mistress I did not sound rude I only told him that I will not start with credit this year to make matter worst he is the first customer that morning..

    7. Even the way you're sounding it here is some how

    8. To me if this actually how you replied him base on what you wrote up there, sorry to say this, you were rude to him. There are other way you can put it to him that won't make him feel bad.
      If you are selling food stuff, who knows maybe he doesn't have any food to eat that was why he came to you. Pls you can still do the needful by apologizing to him that it was just a coincidence that you were moody about something else when he came to you that was the reason for your reaction.

    9. I responded to you according to your comment above where you stated you told him to leave your shop. It's kind of pushing him away.

      I sometimes buy things on credit here but the thing is that, I will make some payment and pay the balance later. In a case I don't have at all to pay, I'm still given what I want cos I'm credit worthy to the sellers. It's not a bragging thing but the truth is that, most sellers know who they're comfortable selling on credit to.

      In all, just like someone up there posted. Apologize to him. He doesn't have today don't mean he won't have tomorrow.

      © TEEJAY..........✍️

  13. Everything written is so inspiring
    For me and other's this will be our best year don't know how God is going to do it but I believe so much in him. Thanks for all the uplifting words. God bless us all Amen πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    1. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

    2. How can you say this will be your best year. You people dont understand what you always write or what? Pls, dont use your mouth to curse yourself.

    3. Happy new year darling πŸ₯³πŸŽˆ

    4. Anon 14:18 Some people just like to follow the jones' thinking it makes them sound woke, without realising the implications of there confessions and how intellectually limiting it is to tow other people's part

  14. Good afternoon everyone.

    Harmattan, what is happening? This heat is too much o. Bring our harmattan biko.

    1. Hmmm πŸ€”πŸ€” I'm afraid we have to battle with the heat! I bath like 6times daily

  15. There’s nothing more powerful than a changed mind. You can change jobs, change relationships, change your looks. The calendar can change, we can go into a new year, but if our thinking is the same, nothing will be different. Why don’t you change your mind? Break out of those ruts that have held you back. Have a new perspective. God is putting an end to what’s restricted you. No more wandering, no more seeing the Promised Land and not experiencing it. You’re about to go into your Promised Land. It’s going to be better than you imagined. You’re going to see houses that you didn’t build, vineyards that you didn’t plant. Promises that you’ve given up on are still going to come to pass. Dreams that seem impossible are still going to happen.

    Joel Osteen

    Motherhood poster the lord is your strength.
    Kisses to your princess

  17. Be humble πŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

    Good afternoon everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  18. Good afternoon blogfam. The holiday has finished, we pray for journey mercy for those that travelled as they return and for more sales, jobs, better jobs for those looking for jobs and a change of job and a better Nigeria so purchasing power will be high.
    May this year be our year of all round blessings.

  19. "For you are dust and unto dust you shall return" pheww

  20. @Motherhood poster, cheers πŸ₯‚ to a beautiful motherhood journey this year, you're doing great πŸ€—.

    @Pinky post, πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

    Sign out meme is the fact, we are nothing but dust.

    Hello everyone, it's a veeeeerrrrrryyy hooooooooot afternoon.

  21. 2/1/2024 thank you Jesus.

    Village network na real war , thank God I'm back t base.

    Happy new year my people of SDK yard,may the year favour us

    1. Happy new year darling πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

      @Osundi Momma ❤️πŸ’– hope you're good? It's been a min ! Holla at us here biko

  22. The Greatest Gif of Life is the Gift of Life itself...

    The Gift of Life has been My Most Cherished Assest in the Year 2023.

    That's Why I'm Thankful so that My Tank will be Full... This 2024

  23. Sign out meme gbamabsolutely

    Good Afternoon blogfam.

  24. Good afternoon Bvs
    my 2024 resolution is too stay live☺live life to the fullest.
    Nothing should ever make me wish for death again in Jesus nameπŸ™
    Back to sleep# holiday is still onπŸ’ƒ#

  25. Very inspiring and insightful write up by Pinky and motherhood poster.
    The sun is so sunny and everywhere is hot

  26. BVs be helping Stella count IHN. First IHN of the year. Second IHN of the year ....Lol

    Please, you guys should advertise beautiful but affordable office wears in Abuja. Thanks.

    Welcome IHNs.

  27. Happy New year once again my beautiful people

  28. Good afternoon everyone πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  29. Some people won't stop making me laugh...Festive period, u dey village fpr your papa house but u were unabke to do TikTok video but now wey u don come back to Ibadan, u dey disturb us with vifeos from hotels.

    Wayre, iya ma je Ori e very soon

  30. Good Afternoon Beautiful People ♥️
    How Una dey?

  31. Good afternoon beautiful people. Happy new year ♥️

    Omo, time to start intermittent fasting because within this one week, I don fat full everywhere. I no even fit carry myself again.

  32. Side eye to inspirational talks.
    How una dey this afternoon?
    Anyway make we dey take style resume normal life again after detty December and new year celebrations

  33. Good afternoon everyone

  34. Good afternoon beautiful people 😍
    Holiday season is gradually coming to an end...
    Awesome God

  35. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog. Enough rest for me today oo. Na better sleep get me today.

  36. My goal for 2024 is to live life by God's standard

  37. Na so these X people take suspend my account of how many years😏😏

    Elon, God will judge you o...*wipes tears*

  38. Onichabor Christopher2 January 2024 at 14:52

    Ihn don land, how go dey go, Ezege this your meme eh eh, it's for both male and female. Pinky, positivism for the year. It's a glorious year, me I will do giveaway this year. Enjoy the rest of your day

    1. Who the cap fits, let him wear it.

      © TEEJAY..........✍️

  39. Happy new year Stella and all bvs.
    Thanks all for making this blog wonderful last year, this year will be better by God's grace.

    SDK , Glam granny, angel KOOF and all other angels, thanks for your contribution to my small flourishing business. I am very grateful for your help, may God Almighty bless you all immensely.
    Have a beautiful year 2024 πŸ₯°

  40. Stella this sign out meme is so on point.
    God bless you for supporting businesses
    Your own no go spoilπŸ™

  41. The Sun is hot that e en with the fan on person still dey feel heat.
    Aaaarrrrrrg !!!

  42. Nice write up pinky!!!!
    Goodafternoon all....

  43. Good afternoon BVs. When picking things over the shelf in supermarkets there is need to properly check names on items before buying. I just opened a pack of shopping somebody did for me last week, only to discover that instead of TITUS sardine I asked the person to buy for me, they unknowingly picked one with the name ESTUS sardine. Funny enough, this ESTUS sardine has the same packaging as TITUS so one can easily mistake them.

  44. Good afternoon beautiful people 😍😍
    Holiday is over.... Work fully starts tomorrow

  45. My problem now is that prayer and fasting begins next week. On most days I eat only once by choice.
    But once fasting is declared, I start eating like a hog. I pray for grace to overcome this year abeg God.

  46. Tell the people that mean something to you that they are special and important, tell them this in 2024. Happy new year everyone 🍾🍸πŸ₯‚πŸ€ΈπŸ’ƒ

  47. Motherhood Corner thank you for an inspiring write-up. Pinky, the message is gotten. Well done

  48. Sign out meme is so on point.
    My in-laws just Dey behave like they own the world. This 2024 God will shock them all. Good afternoon house.


  49. Happy New Year....... Josaria

  50. Good afternoon Sdkers
    It's Sunny Tuesday πŸ˜”
    Sign out meme on point πŸ’―

  51. Yayyy, Stella's Single & Mingles Post, let me start preparing na abukwanum mmadu, am not a spoon, somebody's son must find me bikoπŸ˜’πŸ˜†

  52. Good evening IHN πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—

  53. At the start of the New year, my younger sister who is 9 months pregnant had a still birth. Just so sad about it and a little bit fearful for the rest of the year


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