Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Monday, February 12, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Hi all......
I finally met my finacee's uncle(their eldest son) recently and he cited a lot in the Bible and also talked about true life stories just to counsel us(my finacee and I). He asked a lot of questions (nothing threatening) though.

Before we left, he prayed for us. Whilst praying he kept speaking against spirit husband/wife(countlessly)... Of course I said "Amen" when I'm supposed to.

On Sunday night, I had a dream. In that dream I was carrying a child(a girl ). Although I wasn't happy with the child in the dream.

Back to my fiancee 's uncle; he's a true believer and a member of a popular church. He called my fiancée on Monday to tell me to be very prayerful, although my fiancee refused to divulge what his uncle said to him(my fiancee)

Please guys, is the dream something I should be worried about?

*Na wah oh. you never enter family dem don dey send you prayerful advice..... I hope this doesnt make them say you cant marry him?Well, you should be worried about the dream and about the Uncle already pokenosing into your spiritual life.


  1. It's good to be surrounded by spiritual people. They will carry your matter spiritually and encourage you to be spiritual.
    Whatever the dream mean, is not as important as praying against any negative force in your life or around you.
    It's a call to pray. Hearken

  2. Sometimes you have to be bold and dare life.remove fear.some people are gifted.i know of a lady whatever she says she dreams forget it. It must surely happen.Pray and belive in God.only a fool thinks life is not spiritual.

    1. That uncle has spiritual eyes!
      You have a spiritual husband, pray and ask God to reveal it to you!
      I hope it doesn't attack your husband's finances or kill him

    2. That man prayed that prayer consecutively because he was seeing things and those prayers made them manifest in that dream, I hope u know u already have child/children for the spiritual husband?
      Pray hard dear so it will manifest fully

    3. Spiritual husband is not in the bible. If you believe you have it then you will be afflicted. Just pray for God's guidance, protection and involvement in things concerning your marriage. You don't know the meaning of the Drea so don't interpret it to be spiritual husband issue. All you need to do is to pray and cancel every negative aspect of your dreams. Don't give it any meaning that you are not sure of.

  3. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars12 February 2024 at 15:26

    You should pray when getting married for yourself and your hubby.
    Unfortunately we know only in part and there are loads of things that can play out when you get married. Nothing wrong with praying. And since you said the Uncle is very deep spiritually he was just following the Spirit's leading if i may say.

    You need to pray, that dream is not correct. Pray and cancel anything and everything working against you.. And many times there are spirit wives and husband you may not know or be aware. So nothing wrong with prayer. But you see that dream with you having a child, pray and cancel asap. It's not a good dream. Note
    it reveals a lot and don't take it for granted.

  4. If I were you I would go on a 3-day fast, praying specifically against spirit husband and children. A lot of people are battling what they can't trace in their marriages because they refused to heed to warnings like this.
    Pray against delay in childbearing, hatred from loved ones unprovoked and general disfavour in your marriage. God is a Merciful God, He speaks through people and dreams. May you be find what you seek.

  5. Na wa how the man poke nose now
    He didn’t call her bad names
    Prayed and said be prayerful
    Which one come be him fault na

  6. The uncle may be more or less than what he appears. Be prayerful for your own self and your intended. Please ensure that the uncle does not become the one directing the marriage.

    I am also suggesting that you investigate the family further. I don't know how you can do this discreetly but please see who these ppl are before you tie down yourself with them through marriage and you will have to act fast if the wedding date is fast approaching.

  7. Wow! Stella, I didn't see this coming. Thank you so much for posting 🙏

    Thank you so much! I'll be in the comment section

  8. Poster as far as I'm concerned there is nothing like spirit wife or husband, just be prayerful, keep your body and soul pure.
    When I was single a lot of pastors told me I had spirit husband, for many years I really believed I did, then one day I attended a program & the man of God preached on a topic that talked about us being careful of what we believe. If you believe you have some spirit demon who is ur spouse then so shall it be . Right from that day I stopped believing on such nonsense. Exactly one year later I married I husband and I'm blessed with kids. Meanwhile they told me my spirit husband would never let me get married or have children.
    As for the dream you had, I think you had it due to the things your fiancees uncle told you, most dreams are originated from our thoughts.

    1. I don’t believe it either

    2. @15:58, a million likes for your comment. Nigerians will blame anything but themselves for their shortcomings.

    3. God bless your home richly my sister. You have said it all.

  9. Pray against giving birth to a child with physical disability or serious medical conditions. Your dream is very clear. Kindly take heed to it.

    1. Nothing clear about it
      There are many reasons someone may not be happy with a child

  10. Listen to counsel, be sensitive in the spirit, but don't be fooled.

  11. Explain why you weren't happy with the child.

    Not happy, in terms of the child's look?
    Or the child misbehaved?
    Or you don't want female children? Or the child has challenges or what???

    Or by saying you were carrying a child, you meant a pregnancy?

    I don't think having a child in one's dream is necessarily a bad thing, but you need to clarify the second part.

    1. The pregnancy may reprisent the marriage. A marriage is the birth of a new family.

  12. Do your dreams come to reality
    Usually when you have a bad dream, it’s best to pray and move on
    …unless you’re one of those whose dreams always happen
    Some dreams are just a rejection of your thoughts
    Ask many married and pregnant people they will tell you bad dreams intensified before marriage and while pregnant

    The more important matter for me is do you like the guy. Do you want to marry him. Do you want to have kids with him? Or are you settling and this not satisfied like in the dream

  13. So because you had a dream being pregnant after your uncle's prayers and you think is a spiritual husband.
    All these while how much has the spiritual husband has spent on you?? Nonsense.
    Let go of fear and any form of negativity .

  14. Stella the uncle is not 'pokenosing'!
    you want to enter a family but you are not comfortable with someone praying and asking questions...haba...
    The uncle is doing the needful before the marriage....
    I have been married for more than ten years...i have also been involved in marriage counselling..
    part of problems with marriage is ...a lot of things are not dealt with before marriage.

    1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars12 February 2024 at 17:33

      Thank you.

  15. Poster don't worry please, you are fine. Everything needs prayer; good and bad. If you can get prayer rain by Dr Olukoya of MFM. Its a small prayer booklet that helps with prayer points you might never have thought of and its worded with scriptures you can meditate on in different circumstances, they sell the booklets in Christian bookshops or MFM bookshop. Pray and believe, prayer changes things. Bible study too helps you become better. Don't worry please you will bendine. You can also investigate thier family annonym9usly to know who they really are. Some hire people to go to thier hometown or family house to inquire about them this will also make you know whether they are good people or not.

  16. All I need Rn is heavy pounding on my clit it's just pulsing since

    1. You can get it anywhere

    2. Where are you? I can help.

    3. Pele. Take paracematol as my grandmother used to call it. If you like no Comot your mind from secs Na you go suffer am 🤣. Bye

  17. Tell your uncle politely to stay clear from your fiancee and marriage plans,he is trying to sow seeds of discord in the mind of your fiancee,yes according to him he prayed against spirit husband and wife but the same bible also hammers on discretion,by teaching us christians to be wise as a serpent but at the same time be as gentle as doves,no be everything you see in "the spirit" you say openly,watch out and see if your marriage will scale through,even if you eventually marry your fiancee I husband does not do well financially he will be codely pointing fingers at you on to say your spirit husband is disturbing the marriage,the same bible teaches us that wisdom is profitable to direct,I also pray and see things but my Bible has taught me to be slow to speak and quick to listen.

    1. This! Lack of discretion, very bad for an elderly person who claims to know the lord. He has already sown a seed in her fiancé's heart.

  18. The uncle na confirm guy man. He has used the power of auto suggestion to sow seeds of doubt and discord. This is your cue to carry your bible for yourself, read it and pray fervently to the Lord for yourself and by yourself. There is nothing God cannot reveal to you drectly if you believe and open your heart. And anything he reveals can be prayed for or prayed against. Trust God for yourself.


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